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This is a tragic mistake for Ramjattan and Nagamootoo. It demonstrates why the PPP will again win another election. 


Don't get too excited Comrade low breeds they will still remain a minority government.



I believe the coming together of the AFC and APNU is the best option for the Guyanese people at this point in time. However, it is clear the leadership of the AFC does not want it - This is why I have resigned from the AFC and will work with APNU, which I believe can still defeat the PPP even in the absence of a coalition.

I would like to clarify, however, that I bear absolutely no ill-will to the AFC and do wish them all the best. I also concede that even were the coalition issue properly discussed and widely ventilated (without the influence of the leadership against it), there is at least an equal chance of it being voted against. Indeed, there are valid reasons not to enter into a coalition which I must respect. Though, I personally weigh those reasons less heavily and believe there is more to gain from a coalition.

I will not be bashing the AFC and will still defend it from to time if I believe a particular attack is unwarranted.

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Originally Posted by HM_Redux:

This is a tragic mistake for Ramjattan and Nagamootoo. It demonstrates why the PPP will again win another election. 

I notice Gerhard is Crystal clear....

he did not Join PNC....(Congrats Gerhard)

he feels APNU is the best option

for the Guyanese people at this point in time.

(His feelings .....and anyone has the right to express their feelings)


Bryan Benn Snr's photo.

 And we see

APNU is fully Supporting AFC's position

on the Motion of No Confidence....



Don't get too excited Comrade low breeds they will still remain a minority government.


And this is hurting dem Darpok....



I believe the coming together of the AFC and APNU is the best option for the Guyanese people at this point in time. However, it is clear the leadership of the AFC does not want it - This is why I have resigned from the AFC and will work with APNU, which I believe can still defeat the PPP even in the absence of a coalition.

(Apnu do no agree with Gerhard....that is why they agree to meet with and work with AFC.)

I would like to clarify, however, that I bear absolutely no ill-will to the AFC and do wish them all the best. I also concede that even were the coalition issue properly discussed and widely ventilated (without the influence of the leadership against it), there is at least an equal chance of it being voted against. Indeed, there are valid reasons not to enter into a coalition which I must respect. Though, I personally weigh those reasons less heavily and believe there is more to gain from a coalition.

I will not be bashing the AFC and will still defend it from to time if I believe a particular attack is unwarranted.

(Gerhard is a Principled fella.....Good Luck My Friend.)


Originally Posted by HM_Redux:

Gilly Gerhard has not joined APNU as far as I know he has not joined any other political party he has just been forced out of the AFC by Ramjattan and Nagamootooo. Gerhard took a different position than Ramjattan, Moses and others in the AFC Leadership.......and he choose to resign from AFC to concentrate more on his Choice of the way forward.

Gerhard said it clear unlike de other chap .....he is not joining PNC fun Nothing.


Originally Posted by Gilbakka:

Gilbakka respects Gerhard's decision to join APNU. Gerhard is a fine gentleman, respectful of everyone including opponents. I wish him well.

Gilbakka remains with the AFC. While Gerhard's resignation is regrettable, it will not impact adversely on the AFC.

The AFC triggered an MONC instead of LGE.  I don't think that any thing will be gained by the AFC joining APNU, given that they lack a base, beyond people's dissatisfaction with the major parties.  But I also don't see that it makes sense for the AFC to run ahead with initiatives like MONC because Nagamootoo has unresolved emotional issues because he was rejected by the PPP leadership.


The priority has to be in changing the system of governance in Guyana, and this begins with LGE as part of a process of developing leadership at the grass roots level.  They should have cooperated with APNU in forcing LGE than engaging in MONC, which will be a waste of time when all it will produce is another minority PPP gov't.

Originally Posted by caribny:
Originally Posted by Gilbakka:

Gilbakka respects Gerhard's decision to join APNU. Gerhard is a fine gentleman, respectful of everyone including opponents. I wish him well.

Gilbakka remains with the AFC. While Gerhard's resignation is regrettable, it will not impact adversely on the AFC.

The AFC triggered an MONC instead of LGE.  I don't think that any thing will be gained by the AFC joining APNU, given that they lack a base, beyond people's dissatisfaction with the major parties.  But I also don't see that it makes sense for the AFC to run ahead with initiatives like MONC because Nagamootoo has unresolved emotional issues because he was rejected by the PPP leadership.


The priority has to be in changing the system of governance in Guyana, and this begins with LGE as part of a process of developing leadership at the grass roots level.  They should have cooperated with APNU in forcing LGE than engaging in MONC, which will be a waste of time when all it will produce is another minority PPP gov't.


Originally Posted by caribny:
Originally Posted by Gilbakka:

Gilbakka respects Gerhard's decision to join APNU. Gerhard is a fine gentleman, respectful of everyone including opponents. I wish him well.

Gilbakka remains with the AFC. While Gerhard's resignation is regrettable, it will not impact adversely on the AFC.

The AFC triggered an MONC instead of LGE.  I don't think that any thing will be gained by the AFC joining APNU, given that they lack a base, beyond people's dissatisfaction with the major parties.  But I also don't see that it makes sense for the AFC to run ahead with initiatives like MONC because Nagamootoo has unresolved emotional issues because he was rejected by the PPP leadership.


The priority has to be in changing the system of governance in Guyana, and this begins with LGE as part of a process of developing leadership at the grass roots level.  They should have cooperated with APNU in forcing LGE than engaging in MONC, which will be a waste of time when all it will produce is another minority PPP gov't.

caribny, how many ways does the PPP have to demonstrate to u and the 'hate AFC' cohort that they have no intention to hold LGE that they will (effectively) lose


and, guess what, y'all have NO WAY to make them do so!


the no confidence motion is the single thing that is concentrating the minds of the PPP jefes . . . simply because it is coercive


why do i have to belabor the obvious to otherwise intelligent people ?



Originally Posted by redux:
Originally Posted by caribny:
Originally Posted by Gilbakka:

Gilbakka respects Gerhard's decision to join APNU. Gerhard is a fine gentleman, respectful of everyone including opponents. I wish him well.

Gilbakka remains with the AFC. While Gerhard's resignation is regrettable, it will not impact adversely on the AFC.

The AFC triggered an MONC instead of LGE.  I don't think that any thing will be gained by the AFC joining APNU, given that they lack a base, beyond people's dissatisfaction with the major parties.  But I also don't see that it makes sense for the AFC to run ahead with initiatives like MONC because Nagamootoo has unresolved emotional issues because he was rejected by the PPP leadership.


The priority has to be in changing the system of governance in Guyana, and this begins with LGE as part of a process of developing leadership at the grass roots level.  They should have cooperated with APNU in forcing LGE than engaging in MONC, which will be a waste of time when all it will produce is another minority PPP gov't.

caribny, how many ways does the PPP have to demonstrate to u and the 'hate AFC' cohort that they have no intention to hold LGE that they will (effectively) lose


and, guess what, y'all have NO WAY to make them do so!


the no confidence motion is the single thing that is concentrating the minds of the PPP jefes . . . simply because it is coercive


why do i have to belabor the obvious to otherwise intelligent people ?



The introduction of that no-confidence motion in July was a game changer to two years of gridlock and more years of undemocratic PPP hauteur.


Carib J..... tek off dem Blinders and change yuh Shoes, pants & Bukta....I understand yuh does be hurt whe yuh hear how PNC thief and Rig Elections...but is that a lie....."Da is bem record Bhai"

"J" is APNU the same as PNC .....

or WPA clean them up lil bit?


Bryan Benn Snr's photo.

 And we see

APNU is fully Supporting AFC's position

on the Motion of No Confidence....




Originally Posted by redux:
Originally Posted by caribny:
Originally Posted by Gilbakka:

Gilbakka respects Gerhard's decision to join APNU. Gerhard is a fine gentleman, respectful of everyone including opponents. I wish him well.

Gilbakka remains with the AFC. While Gerhard's resignation is regrettable, it will not impact adversely on the AFC.

The AFC triggered an MONC instead of LGE.  I don't think that any thing will be gained by the AFC joining APNU, given that they lack a base, beyond people's dissatisfaction with the major parties.  But I also don't see that it makes sense for the AFC to run ahead with initiatives like MONC because Nagamootoo has unresolved emotional issues because he was rejected by the PPP leadership.


The priority has to be in changing the system of governance in Guyana, and this begins with LGE as part of a process of developing leadership at the grass roots level.  They should have cooperated with APNU in forcing LGE than engaging in MONC, which will be a waste of time when all it will produce is another minority PPP gov't.

caribny, how many ways does the PPP have to demonstrate to u and the 'hate AFC' cohort that they have no intention to hold LGE that they will (effectively) lose


and, guess what, y'all have NO WAY to make them do so!


the no confidence motion is the single thing that is concentrating the minds of the PPP jefes . . . simply because it is coercive


why do i have to belabor the obvious to otherwise intelligent people ?



What is smh?


This is no surprise to me. It was just a matter of time for GR. I saw GR alongside Benschop on the front line of Linden and Agricola riots. GR set up people to bust Majeed Hoosein head. GR was trespassing in people's personal property. GR is responsible for brainwashing the sugar workers and tell them about AFC's "NO action plan". I wish him well over at the PNC. I have to say he maintained a great record for the AFC. GR daddy must be turning in his grave of what his son turns out to be. 


to GR...

Originally Posted by Cobra:

This is no surprise to me. It was just a matter of time for GR. I saw GR alongside Benschop on the front line of Linden and Agricola riots. GR set up people to bust Majeed Hoosein head. GR was trespassing in people's personal property. GR is responsible for brainwashing the sugar workers and tell them about AFC's "NO action plan". I wish him well over at the PNC. I have to say he maintained a great record for the AFC. GR daddy must be turning in his grave of what his son turns out to be. 


to GR...

why would his father be turning in his grave?

Originally Posted by Cobra:

This is no surprise to me. It was just a matter of time for GR. I saw GR alongside Benschop on the front line of Linden and Agricola riots. GR set up people to bust Majeed Hoosein head. GR was trespassing in people's personal property. GR is responsible for brainwashing the sugar workers and tell them about AFC's "NO action plan". I wish him well over at the PNC. I have to say he maintained a great record for the AFC. GR daddy must be turning in his grave of what his son turns out to be. 


to GR...

Low breed Serpent, your parents probably are thinking at this very moment we should have aborted this fellow.

Originally Posted by HM_Redux:
Originally Posted by Cobra:

This is no surprise to me. It was just a matter of time for GR. I saw GR alongside Benschop on the front line of Linden and Agricola riots. GR set up people to bust Majeed Hoosein head. GR was trespassing in people's personal property. GR is responsible for brainwashing the sugar workers and tell them about AFC's "NO action plan". I wish him well over at the PNC. I have to say he maintained a great record for the AFC. GR daddy must be turning in his grave of what his son turns out to be. 


to GR...

Low breed Serpent, your parents probably are thinking at this very moment we should have aborted this fellow.

You're straying from the topic. Get back on track. I know you love to get into people's personal affairs, but I wouldn't give you the pleasure.

Originally Posted by Cobra:
Originally Posted by HM_Redux:
Originally Posted by Cobra:

This is no surprise to me. It was just a matter of time for GR. I saw GR alongside Benschop on the front line of Linden and Agricola riots. GR set up people to bust Majeed Hoosein head. GR was trespassing in people's personal property. GR is responsible for brainwashing the sugar workers and tell them about AFC's "NO action plan". I wish him well over at the PNC. I have to say he maintained a great record for the AFC. GR daddy must be turning in his grave of what his son turns out to be. 


to GR...

Low breed Serpent, your parents probably are thinking at this very moment we should have aborted this fellow.

You're straying from the topic. Get back on track. I know you love to get into people's personal affairs, but I wouldn't give you the pleasure.

Slippery Low breed I am not the one who brought someone else's father into the conversation. You are nothing more than a low breed shunt.

Originally Posted by Cobra:
Originally Posted by HM_Redux:
Originally Posted by Cobra:

This is no surprise to me. It was just a matter of time for GR. I saw GR alongside Benschop on the front line of Linden and Agricola riots. GR set up people to bust Majeed Hoosein head. GR was trespassing in people's personal property. GR is responsible for brainwashing the sugar workers and tell them about AFC's "NO action plan". I wish him well over at the PNC. I have to say he maintained a great record for the AFC. GR daddy must be turning in his grave of what his son turns out to be. 


to GR...

Low breed Serpent, your parents probably are thinking at this very moment we should have aborted this fellow.

You're straying from the topic. Get back on track. I know you love to get into people's personal affairs, but I wouldn't give you the pleasure.

Cobra, You want Lessons on making Scud


Originally Posted by Asha:
Originally Posted by Cobra:

This is no surprise to me. It was just a matter of time for GR. I saw GR alongside Benschop on the front line of Linden and Agricola riots. GR set up people to bust Majeed Hoosein head. GR was trespassing in people's personal property. GR is responsible for brainwashing the sugar workers and tell them about AFC's "NO action plan". I wish him well over at the PNC. I have to say he maintained a great record for the AFC. GR daddy must be turning in his grave of what his son turns out to be. 


to GR...

why would his father be turning in his grave?


Why yuh cant answer Asha's Question?

Originally Posted by Nehru:
Originally Posted by TI:

Yu mean the man gone over to the PNC?  Hehehe.

actually I still believe the AFC will join up with the PNC one day. The WPA did it already. 

WPA did it DESPITE the PNC killed one of the most beloved Leader of Guyana.  People sell souls other sells body parts and things to move up.

Wah yuh talking bout PPP kill Sash Sawh one of their own and wipe out the man family. You talking about WPA? ask Bob Persaud Sat brother in law he will give you the full details.


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