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yuji22 posted:
Django posted:

You found it, now tell where is the INCITEMENT.

It is a very clear call to war by a senior government official. This is an incitement including threats to BJ and Guyanese. PNC has to stop these violent incitement !

Stop your shyte DJ ! It is a call for WAR !

LMFAO!!! OMG, look at this lil bramin antiman shitting in he pants at a bunch of drunk BLACK WOMEN dancing and chanting. This after all months of HE talking fat about "bussing balls" and being "fearless". Months of Baseman lauding phantom gangs and Dave (who is he own uncle) talking fat about Brama. Now some fat, drunk black women send alyuh scurrying fuh cover. LMAO.

Suh let me get this straight. A bunch of drunk black women dancing to Bob Marley's "war" song is now incitement to violence? Mind yuh, the word "war" is used in terms of a close competition of parties in ALL de regions! The entire context of what they were singing is in reference to a close fight and victory in the elections in every region.

"Jagdeo we comin'" is now incitement? "We gon beat yuh" in reference to elections in the regions is now "incitement to violence".

Alyuh is a bunch of real WEAK, antimen!

ronan posted:

yugee beyond "fool" bai

is typical antiman behavior by the boat brahmin

a squeal for attention

nah tek he on

MONTHS (that I've been here) of Yuji, Dave, Baseman, et al bragging about their "phantoms", de bramanananananannaanaaa man mouthing off about "Jagdeo gon buss they balls" (referring to black man). And other examples. Yet none of that was seen as an "incitement to violence" on an internet forum.

but now the shrill screaming of a boat bramin antiman bawling from canada about "violence" when he promotes it against black people daily. Fking unreal!


She should still come out and explain exactly what iggy said....if that is what she meant.

Reminds me of back in the early 70's we heard the saying.."tings gon change heads gon roll" well things did change but no heads rolled....until during BJ's tenure.


Bad optics and a poor judgment on the part of these women for sure, but an "incitement to violence"? You gotta be kidding me. I've seen worse from Indians posting here who suggest genocide against blacks in Guyana is the solution. Come in "uncle" Dave.

Iguana posted:

Bad optics and a poor judgment on the part of these women for sure, but an "incitement to violence"? You gotta be kidding me. I've seen worse from Indians posting here who suggest genocide against blacks in Guyana is the solution. Come in "uncle" Dave.

Provide proof. Me nah believe dem salipenta kine ah peeple. Dem dangerus too.

Iguana posted:

Bad optics and a poor judgment on the part of these women for sure, but an "incitement to violence"? You gotta be kidding me. I've seen worse from Indians posting here who suggest genocide against blacks in Guyana is the solution. Come in "uncle" Dave.

Agreed !!!

Hey...hey... also the worshiping of their brothers GADRAJ, ROGER and the exterminating team.

Last edited by Django
Django posted:
yuji22 posted:

PNC was calling for war at Congress Place. Looks as if PNC plans to unleash post election violence but BJ will buss their balls if they try any such nonsense. 

Prove it !!!

Why you took down the video?   It was embarrassing for all you PNC diehards

cain posted:

She should still come out and explain exactly what iggy said....if that is what she meant.

Reminds me of back in the early 70's we heard the saying.."tings gon change heads gon roll" well things did change but no heads rolled....until during BJ's tenure.

like i said on the closed thread

wan after party set of half-drunk WOMEN ad libbing to Bob Marley's "War"

here is a summary:

"No House to House, No Election

Don't play with the APNU-AFC

Jagdeo we coming

We gonna beat you

War in Region 7

War in Region 6

War in Region 10 [etc]

War we ready"

now, any time you videotape drunk people carrying on . . . the "optics" are not going to be good

but, given that the 'laws' of COMMON SENSE have not yet? been repealed, what exactly does "she" have to explain?

and, no "MINISTER" was singing about War . . . sorry Freedom House

Last edited by Former Member
Django posted:
Iguana posted:

Bad optics and a poor judgment on the part of these women for sure, but an "incitement to violence"? You gotta be kidding me. I've seen worse from Indians posting here who suggest genocide against blacks in Guyana is the solution. Come in "uncle" Dave.

Hey...hey... also the worshiping of their brothers GADRAJ, ROGER and the exterminating team.

For a while there I thought the PNC summoned Ronan/Redux/ Salipenta and a couple more aliases to Congress Place for consultations. After the consultations, he/they are back.

Baseman posted:
Django posted:
yuji22 posted:

PNC was calling for war at Congress Place. Looks as if PNC plans to unleash post election violence but BJ will buss their balls if they try any such nonsense. 

Prove it !!!

Why you took down the video?   It was embarrassing for all you PNC diehards

No video taken down, it's out there. FB user posted it.

ronan posted:
cain posted:

She should still come out and explain exactly what iggy said....if that is what she meant.

Reminds me of back in the early 70's we heard the saying.."tings gon change heads gon roll" well things did change but no heads rolled....until during BJ's tenure.

like i said on the closed thread

wan after party set of half-drunk WOMEN ad libbing to Bob Marley's "War"

here is a summary:

"No House to House, No Election

Don't play with the APNU-AFC

Jagdeo we coming

We gonna beat you

War in Region 7

War in Region 6

War in Region 10 [etc]

War we ready"

now, anytime you videotape drunk people carrying on . . . the "optics" are not going to be good

but, given that the 'laws' of COMMON SENSE have not yet? been repealed, what exactly does "she" have to explain?

and, no "MINISTER" was singing about War . . . sorry Freedom House

Party financed and advised by the PNC goons.

yuji22 posted:
Django posted:

You found it, now tell where is the INCITEMENT.

It is a very clear call to war by a senior government official. This is an incitement including threats to BJ and Guyanese. PNC has to stop these violent incitement !

Stop your shyte DJ ! It is a call for WAR !

PNC calls for war across Guyana at Congress Place ! This includes the beating up of innocent citizens !

Approved by the PNC !

Typical PNC bullyism.  BJ and Shuman needs to cooperate and confront these terrorists incitement!

ronan posted:
cain posted:

She should still come out and explain exactly what iggy said....if that is what she meant.

Reminds me of back in the early 70's we heard the saying.."tings gon change heads gon roll" well things did change but no heads rolled....until during BJ's tenure.

like i said on the closed thread

wan after party set of half-drunk WOMEN ad libbing to Bob Marley's "War"

here is a summary:

"No House to House, No Election

Don't play with the APNU-AFC

Jagdeo we coming

We gonna beat you

War in Region 7

War in Region 6

War in Region 10 [etc]

War we ready"

now, any time you videotape drunk people carrying on . . . the "optics" are not going to be good

but, given that the 'laws' of COMMON SENSE have not yet? been repealed, what exactly does "she" have to explain?

and, no "MINISTER" was singing about War . . . sorry Freedom House

And Fineman and his Buxton FFs were drunk!!

Baseman posted:
yuji22 posted:
Django posted:

You found it, now tell where is the INCITEMENT.

It is a very clear call to war by a senior government official. This is an incitement including threats to BJ and Guyanese. PNC has to stop these violent incitement !

Stop your shyte DJ ! It is a call for WAR !

PNC calls for war across Guyana at Congress Place ! This includes the beating up of innocent citizens !

Approved by the PNC !

Typical PNC bullyism.  BJ and Shuman needs to cooperate and confront these terrorists incitement!

This is clearly a PNC terror call. They have a history of election violence !

Baseman posted:

Typical PNC bullyism.  BJ and Shuman needs to cooperate and confront these terrorists incitement!

you crawl back here with abstract, grinning klownism, now that you are exposed as a racist provocateur and dribbling LIAR!

uh huh

Baseman posted:
ronan posted:
cain posted:

She should still come out and explain exactly what iggy said....if that is what she meant.

Reminds me of back in the early 70's we heard the saying.."tings gon change heads gon roll" well things did change but no heads rolled....until during BJ's tenure.

like i said on the closed thread

wan after party set of half-drunk WOMEN ad libbing to Bob Marley's "War"

here is a summary:

"No House to House, No Election

Don't play with the APNU-AFC

Jagdeo we coming

We gonna beat you

War in Region 7

War in Region 6

War in Region 10 [etc]

War we ready"

now, any time you videotape drunk people carrying on . . . the "optics" are not going to be good

but, given that the 'laws' of COMMON SENSE have not yet? been repealed, what exactly does "she" have to explain?

and, no "MINISTER" was singing about War . . . sorry Freedom House

And Fineman and his Buxton FFs were drunk!!

Less than 30% of the population holding over 70% of the country's population in fear. It's a clear picture of what is happening in Guyana. Worse than ISIS. When Guyanese blacks talk about war, they mean moe fiah.

Last edited by Former Member
Baseman posted:

And Fineman and his Buxton FFs were drunk!!

yeah, poor Sash Sawh

Roger Khan didn't like he, and Bharrat had to staaan easy in a carna when the real president gave orders to out he light

uh huh

Last edited by Former Member

Oh the whimpering! A few black women dancing is a "pnc terror call". LMFAO!!!!! BTW....has anyone seen Drugb? I hope this video of black women didn't inspire someone in his home to go nuts on him and sending him hiding under the bed!

ronan posted:
Baseman posted:

And Fineman and his Buxton FFs were drunk!!

yeah, poor Sash Sawh

Roger Khan didn't like he

It's a good thing Gajraj and RK protected the people from Fineman PNC mayhem.

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