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Prashad posted:
kp posted:

Gill is a coalition Mole, every so often he puts out a controversial statement to stir the pot, then on another day  he sits on the fence to play Mr Nice Guy. All the PPP "have Been" are disgruntled and bitter, they will never see any good in the PPP, like wise they can't see the evil of the PNC.Sad to say, it's more like one got fired from a job, will NEVER have kind words of that company, never.

Gillbaka was never fired he quit before Janet had a chance to fire him although he still has her gift set that she gave him for his wedding.

He must not have liked the wedding gift as he is very bitter up to this day.

Bibi Haniffa
kp posted:

Gill is a coalition Mole, every so often he puts out a controversial statement to stir the pot, then on another day  he sits on the fence to play Mr Nice Guy. All the PPP "have Been" are disgruntled and bitter, they will never see any good in the PPP, like wise they can't see the evil of the PNC.Sad to say, it's more like one got fired from a job, will NEVER have kind words of that company, never.

There is no good in the PPP because good does not live there. They have ran it our of every nook and cranny and the only thing that remains is the stain of the incorrigibly  corrupt.


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