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Originally Posted by Prashad:
Originally Posted by ksazma:
Originally Posted by Prashad:

Hi Gilbakka as long as it is physiotherapy that you had and not psychotheraphy then Me and you is still close like Curry Catfish and Rice during Sunday lunch.  

People does eat curry catfish with rice during a Sunday lunch? My recollection is that curry catfish was eaten with roti and curry gilbakka (not curry bookman ) went with rice. My recollection was that Sunday lunch was mostly soup.

Like Ksazma working at the Sugar Estate Bossman House.  He a drink soap on Sunday.

Bai, I lived all my GY life in GT. Don't know anything about sugar estate life.

Originally Posted by ksazma:
Originally Posted by seignet:
Originally Posted by Villagebelle:

Oh my.....Sorry to hear about your illness Gilbakka.


Wishing you speedy recovery and God's Blessings.


(does make one wonder about others who have disappeared from GNI.)



When I leave, I hope Leslie notices it and sey, "Lionel gone."

I don't think Leslie will ever spell say as "sey" though.  The man did say that he prefer when you were chasing down hookers in Naples.

Memory reflect on those days.


Gilbakka/Bookman...I am sorry to hear of your health challenges....I wish you a full and speedy recovery....I have two friends in NJ with similar health issues....they both were treated at the local Kessler Institute in West Orange, NJ....One has fully recovered except he is not permitted to drive....the other is still battling with the challenges of not lose hope ....


Originally Posted by chameli:
Originally Posted by Gilbakka:


To my friends who are really curious about "who is Gilbakka," I don't mind declaring here and now that he previously posted under the nickname "Bookman."

Hope IGH is reading....

Nice to meet you again Bookie/ Gilli

Chami, I have some free time now and decided to read GNI. 
I am very shocked to read this about Bookman.

I did not hear from him since 2011...

Bookman you know how to contact me...

Continue your therapy and all the best for you health...

How's the kindle going?

Indeed : "The Kite Runner" that I will always remember:Zendagi migzara (Life goes on).



Originally Posted by Gilbakka:

Chief sahib, how are you?

IGH and Churchill, many thanks for your encouraging words. Both of you are two great souls I was privileged to meet in 1971 and 2010 respectively.

LOL! Bookman(you will always be that to me) 1971 - wow that's a very long time ago.
When I read your post this morning this poem can to mind:

Around the Corner ~ By Henson Towne


Around the corner I have a friend

In this great city that has no end.

Yet the days go by and weeks rush on,

And before I know it, a year is gone.

And I never see my old friend's face,

For life is a swift and terrible race.

He knows I like him just as well

As in the days when I rang his bell,

And he rang mine.

We were younger then,

And now we are busy, tired men.

Tired of playing a foolish game,

Tired of trying to make a name.

"Tomorrow" I say "I will call on Jim."

"Just to show that I'm thinking of him."

But tomorrow comes and tomorrow goes,

And distance between us grows and grows.

Around the corner!-yet miles away,

"Here's a telegram sir-"

"Jim died today."

And that's what we get and deserve in the end.

Around the corner, a vanished friend.

Have a PEACEFUL night, my friend.

Originally Posted by Churchill:

Gilbakka/Bookman...I am sorry to hear of your health challenges....I wish you a full and speedy recovery....I have two friends in NJ with similar health issues....they both were treated at the local Kessler Institute in West Orange, NJ....One has fully recovered except he is not permitted to drive....the other is still battling with the challenges of not lose hope ....


You see what you did Churchill you put me in suspense  I now want to know what the real health issue was.

Originally Posted by Gilbakka:

Prashad, too much raw fish/sushi not good.

IGH, that's a great poem you've posted. Thanks!!

Cain, thanks for answering Prashad. Iknow you read carefully, with a fine-teeth comb.


I encountered a few fellow in my time who suffered strokes. Some laid down and played but two guys decided to fight. The went to the gym and therapy religiously and endured to some semblance of their former self. All is not lost, there is hope. 

Originally Posted by cain:
Originally Posted by Wally:

Hang in there Bookman.  I myself have been experiencing blood pressure issues recently due to my love of junk food and pop.

Oi Wally, I hope that head you got in your pic isn't the real ting banna, hehe

Cain, I just got dumped recently so maybe my ex thinks my head is like that. Too big for my own good. 


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