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@Former Member posted:

I have some friends who know Gilly. He was a loyal PPP guy, ditched them for AFC, was remorseful, worked hard for PPP while sitting in Canada, so he is ecstatic for PPP to sit on the throne again.    

Correct! Which reminds me of a question I wanted to ask Gilly but dont recall doing so, here goes.

Sir Gilly, I understand like many of us you were let down by the AFC so you went back with the PPP but as a staunch PPP member why did you toss em to the curb to back the AFC?  Doan be shy now.

@VishMahabir posted:

He must be excited about sanctions

Vish, your observations are in order. In the absence of my very devoted PPP/C comrade DAVE, I consider it my duty to take up the slack. This is an unprecedented and shattering moment in Guyana's political history. There is universal agreement that the PPP/C won the March 2 general and regional elections. No lover of parliamentary democracy can afford to sit passively while a small group of APNU+AFC losers tenaciously place obstacles in the way of a GECOM declaration that reflects accurately the will of the majority of voters. Severely incapacitated as I am, I shall not shirk from any task to spotlight Granger's sanctimonious skulduggery in this Forum. My only regret is that I cannot post photos as Dave did. Thanks to Sachin and Mitwah for helping with the links.

@cain posted:

Correct! Which reminds me of a question I wanted to ask Gilly but dont recall doing so, here goes.

Sir Gilly, I understand like many of us you were let down by the AFC so you went back with the PPP but as a staunch PPP member why did you toss em to the curb to back the AFC?  Doan be shy now.

I made a big mistake, plain and simple. As erring humans, we do foolishness sometimes. I recognized my foolishness just two months after the 2015 elections.

Even in those early days Granger's deceit and untrustworthy nature were manifested vis a vis his manifesto. It so happened that thousands of APNU+AFC supporters realized they got shafted and vowed to give back the shaft to the Coalition on March 2 this year. They kept their vow. They redeemed themselves with honour by voting PPP/C.

Living in Canada I couldn't vote. The least I can do is to insist that their votes count, not written off as Mingo, Lowenfield etc tried to do.

@Former Member posted:

I made a big mistake, plain and simple. As erring humans, we do foolishness sometimes. I recognized my foolishness just two months after the 2015 elections.

Even in those early days Granger's deceit and untrustworthy nature were manifested vis a vis his manifesto. It so happened that thousands of APNU+AFC supporters realized they got shafted and vowed to give back the shaft to the Coalition on March 2 this year. They kept their vow. They redeemed themselves with honour by voting PPP/C.

Living in Canada I couldn't vote. The least I can do is to insist that their votes count, not written off as Mingo, Lowenfield etc tried to do.

This bring back lots of memories of Jalil. We made the same mistake. We realized our mistakes when they voted themselves that big raise for doing absolutely nothing. 

Gilly, best wishes for a speedy recovery. 


@Former Member posted:

I made a big mistake, plain and simple. As erring humans, we do foolishness sometimes. I recognized my foolishness just two months after the 2015 elections.

Sorry Gilly, the question as to "why did you kick the PPP to the curb" was not answered, you would not just back another party mistakingly, something(s) must have made you do so, as I said, doan be shy let's hear it.

This question goes for all who made the same "mistake"

@cain posted:

Sorry Gilly, the question as to "why did you kick the PPP to the curb" was not answered, you would not just back another party mistakingly, something(s) must have made you do so, as I said, doan be shy let's hear it.

This question goes for all who made the same "mistake"

Gilly was once a top PPP Spin Doctor. De man try to bowl a googly by you but he don't know that you're a seasoned batsman and you handle spin very well. 

@cain posted:

Sorry Gilly, the question as to "why did you kick the PPP to the curb" was not answered, you would not just back another party mistakingly, something(s) must have made you do so, as I said, doan be shy let's hear it.

This question goes for all who made the same "mistake"

dem were bad and still bad. when I examine the roster, educated ppl abound but not one Guyanese. speaking about the ppp. all ah dem is blackman and kulies with own personal interests. Dem ppl here will never tell yuh dat. It is an ethnic ting, especially dese days.

Granger pushing dem to tink. I am not a fan, but reality is reality.

@Former Member posted:

But you and Ms Putin cussing PPP daily. 

The soup is boiling, soon to be served. The line will be very long, some may settle for cook-up rice.

Family think alike, just like Rumjaat, they agreed that the PPP won and is time to jump ship.

I see you guys attacking poor Gilly, he is on the Right side of democracy, he went to the Buffet and sample the goodies, now he is back to the favorite staple, PPP.

 In Guyana politics, you either for or against one of the two major party, at this juncture all evidence shows that the PNC is a RACIST, dirty thieving party. PPP is no saint, but far less evil and will serve the people at best, records shows the good record.

@cain posted:

Sorry Gilly, the question as to "why did you kick the PPP to the curb" was not answered, you would not just back another party mistakingly, something(s) must have made you do so, as I said, doan be shy let's hear it.

This question goes for all who made the same "mistake"

Mr Cain, I already answered "why" to my PPP/C comrades. I owe no answer to ANTI-PPP/C people.

@kp posted:

The soup is boiling, soon to be served. The line will be very long, some may settle for cook-up rice.

Family think alike, just like Rumjaat, they agreed that the PPP won and is time to jump ship.

I see you guys attacking poor Gilly, he is on the Right side of democracy, he went to the Buffet and sample the goodies, now he is back to the favorite staple, PPP.

 In Guyana politics, you either for or against one of the two major party, at this juncture all evidence shows that the PNC is a RACIST, dirty thieving party. PPP is no saint, but far less evil and will serve the people at best, records shows the good record.

For an Ex Kabaka Police, not bad. Holding out for your fried rice and malt eh.

@Mitwah posted:

For an Ex Kabaka Police, not bad. Holding out for your fried rice and malt eh.

 PPP is the only political party I ever been a member in Guyana. The best fried rice and malt I enjoyed was at your house, say thanks to the cook. Let me know when you are not home and don't hide and peep like the last time.

 Impotent Prick!!

@kp posted:

 PPP is the only political party I ever been a member in Guyana. The best fried rice and malt I enjoyed was at your house, say thanks to the cook. Let me know when you are not home and don't hide and peep like the last time.

 Impotent Prick!!

Do not post any messages that are obscene, vulgar, sexually-orientated, racist, hateful, threatening, or that otherwise violate any laws. Do not post any messages that harass, insult (name calling), belittle, threaten or mock other members.  Personal attacks are not permitted. Do not use sweeping generalizations and plural pronouns to cloak personal attacks

@Former Member posted:

Mr Cain, I already answered "why" to my PPP/C comrades. I owe no answer to ANTI-PPP/C people.

Gilbaka's behaviour regarding the PPP is akin to an abused woman returning to her abusive husband.  The PPP he left has not changed--it has gotten worse with the selection of Irfaan Ali , an academic cheat and allround  crook, as presidential candidate.  

@Totaram posted:

Gilbaka's behaviour regarding the PPP is akin to an abused woman returning to her abusive husband.  The PPP he left has not changed--it has gotten worse with the selection of Irfaan Ali , an academic cheat and allround  crook, as presidential candidate.  

Role model for supporters to cheat as an acceptable behavior .They were encouraged to vote without ID by signing affidavits in their strong holds .These are the folks preaching Democracy and the will of the people.

May the forces help Guyana-PPP/C wants to rule for eternity !!!

Last edited by Django
@Totaram posted:

Gilbaka's behaviour regarding the PPP is akin to an abused woman returning to her abusive husband.  

That's your opinion to which you are entitled. I won't tell you what your behavior towards APNU+AFC is akin to. As a rule I strive to discuss ideas rather than other Forum members' real or perceived character traits.

@seignet posted:

dem were bad and still bad. when I examine the roster, educated ppl abound but not one Guyanese. speaking about the ppp. all ah dem is blackman and kulies with own personal interests. Dem ppl here will never tell yuh dat. It is an ethnic ting, especially dese days.

Granger pushing dem to tink. I am not a fan, but reality is reality.

Too bad others do not see it the same way, like you I care not for either but fighting to remove a creep to yet install another creep seems a waste of time.


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