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Jagdeo flays Granger for `dictatorial tendencies’

-at Albion rally

January 13 2020


Part of the gathering at yesterday’s PPP rally at Albion.

Part of the gathering at yesterday PPP/C rally at Albion

General Secretary of the PPP, Bharrat Jagdeo yesterday flayed President David Granger for dictatorial tendencies  and going against the constitution as he launched scathing attacks against the governing APNU+AFC coalition in front of thousands of supporters at an Albion, Berbice rally.

He said that persons of every race have a right to prosperity and the PPP/C “is the only party that can deliver this for all of our people and because of that we will not only win power on March 2, we will stay in power for another 20, 30, 40 years in the future.”

General and regional elections are slated for March 2, 2020, a critical time in Guyana’s history as the country becomes an oil producer and is poised to earn billions of dollars which will be managed by the next government.

Part of the crowd

Veerasammy Ramayya in the crowd yesterday

PPP/C Presidential candidate Irfaan Ali speaking yesterday

Stressing that their message is a unified one, Jagdeo pointed to the party’s lists of candidates saying they are bringing persons from different races into the PPP/C. He said that his party has one message for all of Guyana which can be delivered in any part of the country, even as he accused the APNU+AFC of racism.

Jagdeo himself has been accused similarly and in 2015 faced a private criminal charge after he was accused of racial incitement. The High Court later threw out the charge.

Jagdeo, a former presi-dent and now opposition leader, levelled many attacks at Granger, labeling him the weakest leader ever in Guyana’s history. “He doesn’t make decisions, he doesn’t even read the documents he has… After so much depends on oil and gas and he says he never read the contract. He wants to go to sleep at 8 o clock in the night; presidents can’t sleep at 8 o clock in the night, they have work to do, you can’t just be cutting ribbons and open arches and landing with helicopter, you have to roll up your sleeve and work. That’s the only way this country will make progress,” Jagdeo said.

He then asked the crowd, “Do we want another low energy presi-dent in this country” and they responded, “No” following which Jagdeo hailed the PPP/C presi-dential candidate Irfaan Ali saying that despite his size, he has a tonne of energy. “That’s what we need, we don’t need a president who is aloof. Even his own supporters he will not stop to take a picture with them, he is coming around now because of elections,” Jagdeo said in reference to Granger.

Out of touch

Jagdeo also declared that Guyana cannot have a president who says that “crime has not increased in this country” and accused Granger of being out of touch. “And there is nothing decent about a man who openly defies the rule of law no matter how often you kneel in church,” he added.

He also charged that Granger harbours dictatorial tendencies. “We saw it in his appointment of the Chair of GECOM, in his refusal to accept the no-confidence motion and trust me, if he wins again, he has already signalled what he will do with the Constitution to set himself up,” Jagdeo said.

The opposition leader pleaded with supporters to be vigilant and vote. “You have to come out in large numbers not only today but on elections day,” he said emphasising that they have to ensure that the PPP/C gains an over-whelming victory so there would be no challenge to the results.

At yesterday’s rally, supporters of the PPP/C came out in their thousands at Albion Road. Persons were packed from the stage to the head of the Albion road and on every corner, bridge and dam. According to reports, a number of persons were bussed there from different parts of the country.

Meanwhile, Prime Minister Moses Nagamootoo and the APNU+AFC’s prime ministerial candidate Khemraj Ramjattan –  both former longstanding members of the PPP – also came under attack from Jagdeo.

The former president also contended that the APNU+AFC administration was repressive, undemocratic and had espoused anti-development policies. “We knew we would have seen a decline in living standards in this country because they believe in consumption, spending not building up,” he stated.

Jagdeo also highlighted the presence of former AFC Executive Member Veerasammy Ramayya. According to him, Ramayya has “seen the light too” and is with the PPP because he saw the suffering inflicted on sugar workers in Berbice by the government. He also said that miners as well as persons within the forestry and agriculture sectors lost their jobs due to the assault by the government. “They just destroyed the lives of so many people without a care, without a conscience. They did it because they simply do not know how to administer a country,” he contended.

According to Jagdeo, his party can speak on discrimination because they have never practiced it. “Our platform, the campaign message and the message of our party from its formation has been about one party for all the people of Guyana,” he said.

Notwithstanding Jagdeo’s claim, in government, the PPP/C had also faced charges of discrimination.

Jagdeo further claimed that he has seen hunger return to Guyanese and he told the gathering that they have the power to correct that.

He also took a jab at the “deteriorating healthcare and education” sectors, while stating that crime is on the rise and that all the sectors are in trouble. “What is it that they have to offer,” Jagdeo asked the crowd of supporters as they listened eagerly to him.

He said that when a party is campaigning for a second term they would highlight their record but the APNU+AFC campaign is only about “Jagdeo, Irfaan Ali and the PPP.”

“They have nothing to talk about the progress that they made because there was none and they cannot talk about future plans because they have none too,” he said.

Speaking directly to the sugar workers, the opposition leader said the governing coalition, before being elected to government, promised a 20% increase but instead closed estates. Calling the APNU+AFC an untrustworthy government, he questioned the audacity of the government’s message after destroying “so many families”.

Meanwhile, Ali spoke about the creation of employment within the region and the country. He emphasised the need to invest and improve every sector so that Guyanese can benefit. He was the last speaker and by this time, the crowd had thinned.

“One of the most important things that we must address is the creation of jobs… to ensure that our people here and all across Guyana has access to jobs. Jobs that pays well, jobs that can sustain your families, jobs that can increase the welfare of communities,” he said.

He pledged that his focus on employment creation would not only be in the restoration of jobs in the agriculture sector but new jobs and opportunities in every single sector.

He also told those gathered that they would focus heavily on ICT and also create services as a spinoff from the oil and gas sector so that Berbicians can benefit directly from employment created. “Those jobs will be supported by investment in infrastructure, by the reversal of taxes, the creation and expansion of new markets for agriculture products, the diversification of agriculture, easier access to financing, low cost financing, ensuring that we reduce the input that farmers are paying so that farming will become more profitable for you,” he said.

According to Ali, the deep water harbour in the region would be connected to a “free zone that will bring new types of opportunities in the service sector.”

He said these are the types of jobs that will increase wealth and disposable income in homes and communities so that persons can be able to spend more in the economy to the benefit of businesses, the region and the country.

Stabilization fund

In terms of rice, Ali said they are not only talking about the reversal of rates and taxes, but will also initiate plans for a rice price stabilization fund. “We are talking about plans to open up new markets, we are talking about extension services, we are talking about improvement in yield, so that yield can improve, productivity can improve, price can reduce and profitability for the rice farmers will increase,” he said.

Saying that the APNU+AFC government had said that rice is private business and not government business when confronted about issues within the industry, Ali said, “We say rice is important for the economy and rice is the government business, rice is the people’s business and your government is going to ensure we support this sector.”

“Agriculture has an important part to play and we are going to ensure that we invest to ensure we grow agriculture and increase production and not only foods sustainability for Guyana but for the rest of the CARICOM region,” he said.

Ali also spoke about lending support to agribusinesses as a spinoff from the oil and gas sector and said this has to be linked to the University of Guyana, Tain Campus “so that you will produce skilled graduates that will function in this economy.”

He also stressed that his government would support the livestock, cattle rearing and fisheries industries. “We are going to invest until we meet international standards and certification so we can access new markets and wider markets across the globe.”

Ali also spoke about investing in an institute for hospitality management, biodiversity centre, school for environmental services and to expand the university which, by the end of five years, would be free. He also told those gathered that a government led by him will work on a pathway to have student loans written off at the university.

“These are the real things that will bring real development, great, real opportunities and advance real progress in this beautiful country of Guyana,” he said.

Replies sorted oldest to newest

Jagdeo flays Granger for `dictatorial tendencies’


Can the statement be applicable to the speaker  ? an individual who wants to be Party Leader for life , envisioning his party will rule Guyana for eternity. Democracy of the Red at work.

Last edited by Django

If that’s what it takes so my birth country never goes back to the dark day and Guyanese can have a Better Life under a PPPC government, then so be it . 

May the forces help Guyana-PPP/C wants to rule for eternity !!!... Django 

Django posted:

Jagdeo flays Granger for `dictatorial tendencies’


Can the statement be applicable to the speaker  ? an individual who wants to be Party Leader for life , envisioning his party will rule Guyana for eternity. Democracy of the Red at work.

When  did Jagdeo ever say he will be party leader for life? 


Django it is a fact you are full of Hate, spite and resentment for Dr Jagdeo... one of the speakers said the following below.. do you dispute it.

Mahadeo noted that it was under the Bharrat Jagdeo Administration that more than 1000 doctors were trained and placed in the health sector to provide specialist service to the people of Guyana.
“We never had that many before. Doctors used to visit the bedridden in their communities. Doctors used to visit the elderly at their homes and take the medications to them. The Berbice Regional Health Authority which started on the Jagdeo Administration used to supply pampers, bedpans, wheelchairs and walkers for the incapacitated. There used to be special elderly clinics; all of this under the PPP,” the former BRHA Head stated
He added that the BRHA had been providing services for the elderly and the Granger Administration not only took away those services but also removed the subsidies on electricity and water, and then added VAT to electricity, water and even medical supplies.
Speaking about the Nationals Ophthalmology Hospital, Dr Mahadeo noted that 550 cataract surgeries were done there annually under the PPP Administration. However, in 2017 and 2018 there were zero cataract surgeries at the Port Mourant facility.


Granger did miss a great opportunity to do wonderful things for Guyanese. So did Forbes as well. Cheddie also missed the opportunity, twice. There is so much needs to be done, thanks to the PNC, they make it very obvious to the PPP. Hope they pick up the ball and run with it.

Django posted:

Jagdeo flays Granger for `dictatorial tendencies’


Can the statement be applicable to the speaker  ? an individual who wants to be Party Leader for life , envisioning his party will rule Guyana for eternity. Democracy of the Red at work.

Jagdeo is not the leader of tge PPP. He is the General Secretary.  Also. Forty years is not regarded as eternity.

But, I get what you are trying to say. I thought it was unwise for him to say so. However, if I understand what they are saying, they intend to rule in such a way that a majority of Guyanese will, over the years, support them.

it is good that you inadvertently gave the PPP/c some advertising, though that was not your intention.  

Only time will tell. 


Let the people determine who rules. Neither party has a clear ethnic advantage, so let the polls do the talking.

Lifetime president was only Forbes.  This need to be prevented from recurring.

Prince posted:

Are all the people showed for the rally going to vote PPP? How many of them are registered? How many of them will be no show on election day? 

You should have done a poll.

Zed posted:
Django posted:

Jagdeo flays Granger for `dictatorial tendencies’


Can the statement be applicable to the speaker  ? an individual who wants to be Party Leader for life , envisioning his party will rule Guyana for eternity. Democracy of the Red at work.

Jagdeo is not the leader of tge PPP. He is the General Secretary.

Who is leader ? help me out !!!

 Also. Forty years is not regarded as eternity.

Can you imagine one government in power for 40 yrs in a country, sounds like eternity .

But, I get what you are trying to say. I thought it was unwise for him to say so.

However, if I understand what they are saying, they intend to rule in such a way that a majority of Guyanese will, over the years, support them.

That will be a miracle if the majority of Guyanese support the party .

it is good that you inadvertently gave the PPP/c some advertising, though that was not your intention. 

So what was the Albion Rally ,thread about ?

Only time will tell. 

Responses to your post.

Prince posted:

Are all the people showed for the rally going to vote PPP? How many of them are registered? How many of them will be no show on election day? 

Why do you care about the PPP and coolies? You should ask questions about the negroes and your PNC creating havoc around coolies. You should worry about the PNC and their refusal to give up power and being honest with the people. You should worry about all the mass thefts by ministers of the dictatorial Mugabe style administration. You should worry about the contracts signed and paid for and drugs and services that were not delivered. This is called legalized thievery. HOW ABOUT YOU ASKING GRANGER ABOUT THESE, PRINCESS?



PPP/C wants to rule for eternity.

Look who refused to give up power on NCM. Look who is on rigging spree. Look at what party and race are bullies and being violent. It's not the PPP.


Django posted:
Zed posted:
Django posted:

Jagdeo flays Granger for `dictatorial tendencies’


Can the statement be applicable to the speaker  ? an individual who wants to be Party Leader for life , envisioning his party will rule Guyana for eternity. Democracy of the Red at work.

Jagdeo is not the leader of tge PPP. He is the General Secretary.

Who is leader ? help me out !!!

 Also. Forty years is not regarded as eternity.

Can you imagine one government in power for 40 yrs in a country, sounds like eternity .

But, I get what you are trying to say. I thought it was unwise for him to say so.

However, if I understand what they are saying, they intend to rule in such a way that a majority of Guyanese will, over the years, support them.

That will be a miracle if the majority of Guyanese support the party .

it is good that you inadvertently gave the PPP/c some advertising, though that was not your intention. 

So what was the Albion Rally ,thread about ?

Only time will tell. 

Responses to your post.


Bai if you don't think a majority of the people support the party, why is the PNC afraid to go give up power and face the voters? I am not saying they will surely get 50%+ of the votes, I am saying they will get the majority compared with the other parties unless Granger and the PNC motherF'kers rig and murder as they are experts at this in Guyana.


Jagdeo's statement that the next PPP/C government will last up to 40 years must not be interpreted literally. Politicians get carried away during elections campaigns. But Jagdeo is correct in asserting that Granger has dictatorial tendencies. His various actions regarding the choice of a GECOM chairman and his thwarting of Charrandass Persaud's NCV constitutional procedures showed undoubtedly Granger's dictatorial tendencies.

Gilbakka posted:

Jagdeo's statement that the next PPP/C government will last up to 40 years must not be interpreted literally. Politicians get carried away during elections campaigns. But Jagdeo is correct in asserting that Granger has dictatorial tendencies. His various actions regarding the choice of a GECOM chairman and his thwarting of Charrandass Persaud's NCV constitutional procedures showed undoubtedly Granger's dictatorial tendencies.

Gilly, I am so happy to see you back on GNI. I know not all is well, but you are well enough to share your thoughts with us. May God bless and keep you with us for a long time.

Dave posted:

Django it is a fact you are full of Hate, spite and resentment for Dr Jagdeo... one of the speakers said the following below.. do you dispute it.

Mahadeo noted that it was under the Bharrat Jagdeo Administration that more than 1000 doctors were trained and placed in the health sector to provide specialist service to the people of Guyana.
“We never had that many before. Doctors used to visit the bedridden in their communities. Doctors used to visit the elderly at their homes and take the medications to them. The Berbice Regional Health Authority which started on the Jagdeo Administration used to supply pampers, bedpans, wheelchairs and walkers for the incapacitated. There used to be special elderly clinics; all of this under the PPP,” the former BRHA Head stated
He added that the BRHA had been providing services for the elderly and the Granger Administration not only took away those services but also removed the subsidies on electricity and water, and then added VAT to electricity, water and even medical supplies.
Speaking about the Nationals Ophthalmology Hospital, Dr Mahadeo noted that 550 cataract surgeries were done there annually under the PPP Administration. However, in 2017 and 2018 there were zero cataract surgeries at the Port Mourant facility.

How come yall didnt let Ramaya speak???

VishMahabir posted:
Dave posted:

Django it is a fact you are full of Hate, spite and resentment for Dr Jagdeo... one of the speakers said the following below.. do you dispute it.

Mahadeo noted that it was under the Bharrat Jagdeo Administration that more than 1000 doctors were trained and placed in the health sector to provide specialist service to the people of Guyana.
“We never had that many before. Doctors used to visit the bedridden in their communities. Doctors used to visit the elderly at their homes and take the medications to them. The Berbice Regional Health Authority which started on the Jagdeo Administration used to supply pampers, bedpans, wheelchairs and walkers for the incapacitated. There used to be special elderly clinics; all of this under the PPP,” the former BRHA Head stated
He added that the BRHA had been providing services for the elderly and the Granger Administration not only took away those services but also removed the subsidies on electricity and water, and then added VAT to electricity, water and even medical supplies.
Speaking about the Nationals Ophthalmology Hospital, Dr Mahadeo noted that 550 cataract surgeries were done there annually under the PPP Administration. However, in 2017 and 2018 there were zero cataract surgeries at the Port Mourant facility.

How come yall didnt let Ramaya speak???

You must be a black person with an Indo name. Mockery or you want to be an Indian?

seignet posted:
VishMahabir posted:
Dave posted:

Django it is a fact you are full of Hate, spite and resentment for Dr Jagdeo... one of the speakers said the following below.. do you dispute it.

Mahadeo noted that it was under the Bharrat Jagdeo Administration that more than 1000 doctors were trained and placed in the health sector to provide specialist service to the people of Guyana.
“We never had that many before. Doctors used to visit the bedridden in their communities. Doctors used to visit the elderly at their homes and take the medications to them. The Berbice Regional Health Authority which started on the Jagdeo Administration used to supply pampers, bedpans, wheelchairs and walkers for the incapacitated. There used to be special elderly clinics; all of this under the PPP,” the former BRHA Head stated
He added that the BRHA had been providing services for the elderly and the Granger Administration not only took away those services but also removed the subsidies on electricity and water, and then added VAT to electricity, water and even medical supplies.
Speaking about the Nationals Ophthalmology Hospital, Dr Mahadeo noted that 550 cataract surgeries were done there annually under the PPP Administration. However, in 2017 and 2018 there were zero cataract surgeries at the Port Mourant facility.

How come yall didnt let Ramaya speak???

You must be a black person with an Indo name. Mockery or you want to be an Indian?

More of a confused wannbe coolie.


The PNC will be reduced to a 28 percent party and yes, that will give the PPP an opportunity to govern another  for 30, 40, 50 years. 

PNC getting shytings. Dem cork duck. This is what happened when constitutional rapist Granger pissed of the Guyanese electorate. 

Every single election under the PPP were certified free and fair by the international community !!!!

The first thing granger did upon taking office was to illegally appoint Patterson as GECOM chairman in violation of the constitution. What a thug ! 

Hey Hey Hey

Last edited by Former Member
Prince posted:

Are all the people showed for the rally going to vote PPP? How many of them are registered? How many of them will be no show on election day? 

Princess, you really like for others to your personal work.

Ketch your corner and do the counting, Princess.

Last edited by Former Member
Gilbakka posted:

Jagdeo's statement that the next PPP/C government will last up to 40 years must not be interpreted literally. Politicians get carried away during elections campaigns. But Jagdeo is correct in asserting that Granger has dictatorial tendencies. His various actions regarding the choice of a GECOM chairman and his thwarting of Charrandass Persaud's NCV constitutional procedures showed undoubtedly Granger's dictatorial tendencies.

Bai Django, read what Gilly wrote again. Jagdeo is simply saying that his party has what it takes to govern for eternity. He isn’t saying that they will. And as long as his party does not refuse to allow citizens their right to vote like what Granger has done the past year he is not doing anything wrong. The villain in Guyana right now is Granger and your days will be more peaceful the moment you give yourself the chance to acknowledge that. You ran off on a very ill advised tangent here. It almost seemed like you were advised by Williams since he makes these monumental mistakes. Calm down my brother.

Django posted:

May the forces help Guyana-PPP/C wants to rule for eternity !!!

Jagdeo flays Granger for `dictatorial tendencies’

-at Albion rally

January 13 2020,  Source

Part of the gathering at yesterday’s PPP rally at Albion.

Part of the gathering at yesterday PPP/C rally at Albion

General Secretary of the PPP, Bharrat Jagdeo yesterday flayed President David Granger for dictatorial tendencies  and going against the constitution as he launched scathing attacks against the governing APNU+AFC coalition in front of thousands of supporters at an Albion, Berbice rally.

He said that persons of every race have a right to prosperity and the PPP/C “is the only party that can deliver this for all of our people and because of that we will not only win power on March 2, we will stay in power for another 20, 30, 40 years in the future.”

Not for eternity, never will happen.

However, the PPPC could govern for a very long time; perhaps 20 to 25 years.  

While the PNC ruled from 1964 to 1992 information clearly showed that the PNC rigged the elections to be in power for such  long time.

One of the elections was so rigged that the PNC "obtained more that two thirds" of the members of parliament. Hence Forbes Burnham was able to implement the current constitution, which indeed has/had cosmetic changes over time.

Sean posted:

DJ is hellbent on implementing New Nation II PNC propaganda at GNI effective Mid March. 

You said will not be here ,so it doesn't matter .I am planning to have Live Stream ,you can watch.

ksazma posted:
Gilbakka posted:

Jagdeo's statement that the next PPP/C government will last up to 40 years must not be interpreted literally. Politicians get carried away during elections campaigns. But Jagdeo is correct in asserting that Granger has dictatorial tendencies. His various actions regarding the choice of a GECOM chairman and his thwarting of Charrandass Persaud's NCV constitutional procedures showed undoubtedly Granger's dictatorial tendencies.

Bai Django, read what Gilly wrote again. Jagdeo is simply saying that his party has what it takes to govern for eternity. He isn’t saying that they will. And as long as his party does not refuse to allow citizens their right to vote like what Granger has done the past year he is not doing anything wrong. The villain in Guyana right now is Granger and your days will be more peaceful the moment you give yourself the chance to acknowledge that. You ran off on a very ill advised tangent here. It almost seemed like you were advised by Williams since he makes these monumental mistakes. Calm down my brother.

Kaz ,i understand clearly Gilly point. I always said no political party should anchored in for long periods in Guyana, we have seen the outcome of such.

Sean posted:

True, I will not be here. I cannot tolerate PNC propaganda. Never has, never will.

You tolerate PPP  propaganda ,regardless it's lies or truth.

Well i differ from that ,truth or lies can't be debunked ,when one don't listen to the other side .

Django posted:
Sean posted:

True, I will not be here. I cannot tolerate PNC propaganda. Never has, never will.

You tolerate PPP  propaganda ,regardless it's lies or truth.

Well i differ from that ,truth or lies can't be debunked ,when one don't listen to the other side .

Django how can you say you differ, when you  fail to condemn the lies by APNU/ AFC and acknowledges the truth about PPP/C. 


Who you ?

Na bai, you can give your life to the PNC. You never condemned Granger despite the fact that he raped and violated the constitution, appointed Patterson illegally and ignored CCJ rulings. Never !

Kery you tail aside. Go and try fooling dem lil bais. You going to mek dem bais laugh you more at GNI.

Last edited by Former Member
Dave posted:
Django posted:
Sean posted:

True, I will not be here. I cannot tolerate PNC propaganda. Never has, never will.

You tolerate PPP  propaganda ,regardless it's lies or truth.

Well i differ from that ,truth or lies can't be debunked ,when one don't listen to the other side .

Django how can you say you differ, when you  fail to condemn the lies by APNU/ AFC and acknowledges the truth about PPP/C

There seem to be confusion with the statement.

alena06 posted:

The title of this thread is misleading.  Amral needs to delete!

I agree with you. Django the Moderator is peddling FAKE News, he is campaigning for PNC  using GNI. He is already using Facebook to tell lies.

 I would ask him to show the SOURCE of this HEADING???


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