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Girl, 11 raped by three boys after leaving home for lessons

Kaieteur News – Weeks have passed since an 11-year-old girl was allegedly raped by three boys’ at a community centre ground, after leaving her home for lessons.

The father of the child, during an interview with Kaieteur News, expressed his frustration with the way the case is being handled, and also accused the Guyana Police Force (GPF) of dragging their feet on the matter.

The frustrated man shared that he is a father of two, who has separated from his children’s mother.

“I went doing some work for my friend so I reached home just after 2 (14:00 hours) and I didn’t see my daughter so I asked my mother for her,” he said, adding that his mother informed him that his daughter had left home for lessons.

He explained that the lesson is located in the same village where they live.

Kaieteur News understands that a 15-year-old boy among two others, both said to be younger than him, took the 11-year-old girl to an area at the centre ground, where they allegedly raped her. It is also understood that a woman, who was taking her daughter to lesson, was the one who alerted a security guard and managed to save the girl.

According to him, he later left home and went to a nearby shop. “I went by the shop around the corner drinking two beers when my sister-in-law called me and said come your daughter get rape,” the father added.

The girl’s father explained that he was told that the security guard had held the three boys at the community center ground. “So, I rushed over there, when I reach there, the security guard telling me she had to let them go…”

The man explained that he had to “cool myself down” before he had taken matters into his own hands. He said when he reached home, he could not even manage to console his daughter because of the anger that pent-up in him, when he thought about his daughter being raped by three boys.

According to him, his mother had to console his daughter. “She didn’t tell me what happened, she told my mother what they did to her,” he said.

According to the man, the matter was reported to the police and a medical examination was conducted on his daughter.

He alleges that since then the matter has been moving at sloth’s pace. He also stated that one of the boys who allegedly raped his daughter has relatives who are in the GPF.

“They look like they in on it, like they want to hide what happened to my daughter… all I want is justice for my daughter, I want them boys get send to boys’ school (New Opportunity Corps (NOC),” the man added.

“They done prey on my child, I don’t want them to do it to somebody else’s child,” the father said.

Moreover, he shared that he saw one of the boys who raped his daughter, since they all live in the same village.

“I saw one of them, he watching me all scared thinking I would do him something. I didn’t though, I want the law handle it because I have to be around to provide for my daughters,” the man said.


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