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I know that an attitude of gratitude is what I ought to have all the time, however, my gratefulness is evident some days more than others. What can I say? I'm only human. This makes makes me think of one of my favorite songs, One Day at a Time. I digressed. As we (here in the USA) approach our Thanksgiving holiday, my thoughts turn toward those for whom and what I'm grateful. I'd love for my fellow GNIers to pool their thoughts of gratitude on this thread.


I shall begin.


When I look at my patience meter, I am grateful for the level I've reached at this point.


Okay GNIers, your turn. 

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I am grateful for more than I can list but specifically for being given a second chance at life, two wonderful kids and a wife as solid as a rock. Grateful that my mom is still with us and for the most part not bothered by illnesses. Sometimes when I hear how some American families don't seem to have strong family ties, I feel fortunate that on any given day and at any given time, there are so many family members that we can rely on and who we have extreme strong relationships. That too I am grateful for. There are many more.  


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