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Former Member

As a wastrel in my youth and ignoramus in my adult life, I was repeatedly advised to seek knowledge and intellectual stimulation.  After meandering meaninglessly, I finally found the ideal repository of wisdom, intellect, genius, and think tanks hidden in a gem, called…GNI!


As a result of my association with this gem, my mind has improved tremendously! Being subjected to the sheer brilliance of the posters and reading the daily display of genius in their posts, I have become smarter, well rounded, and knowledgeable in all spheres of life!


Of course, I am still mesmerized by their brilliance and intellectuality that I can never hope to compete with.   I am simply amazed by their prowess and ingenuity!  Did you know they are so technologically proficient that they can even read PMs that you may secretly post?  I once PM’d a certain young lady once, and did you know that within minutes someone had cracked the code and circulated my PM throughout the underground network?  I call that sheer genius!


This site is so intellectually appealing that posters are vying over each other to get multiple nicks!  It is a known fact that intelligence rubs off, and the more nicks you have, the more intelligence can rub off on you!  I was told 5 nicks is the standard, and the geometric progression of using a common ratio of 5 results in tremendous intellectual gains.  I am still at GED level so I don’t know much mathematics, but I am sure most here can calculate that in a flash!


I welcome your comments and feedbacks on this great learning site! 

Replies sorted oldest to newest

Just like materialism is a wonderful distraction from true bliss---GNI is also a wonderful distraction from the monotony of the daily grind---and let's be honest---there is always a priceless gem or nugget to be found on GNI.



Originally Posted by Prince:

My crown has valuable nuggets to start with   



Bet you didn't know about geometric progression until TI dropped his patented wisdom on this thread.hahaha




 I once PM’d a certain young lady once, and did you know that within minutes someone had cracked the code and circulated my PM throughout the underground network?  I call that sheer genius!



enquiring minds would like to know.


In response to TI .... this is exactly what happened to:

Anthony Weiner

Herman Cain

David Petraeus

John Edwards

Larry Craig name a few

History seems to always repeat itself. What you did is you pulling a stunt like these fellas after you got busted with your long profound PR speech. Carry on ... carry on.

Originally Posted by Rev:

Just like materialism is a wonderful distraction from true bliss---GNI is also a wonderful distraction from the monotony of the daily grind---and let's be honest---there is always a priceless gem or nugget to be found on GNI.



Not naming names but for some, GNI is the monotony.

Originally Posted by TI:

As a wastrel in my youth and ignoramus in my adult life, I was repeatedly advised to seek knowledge and intellectual stimulation.  After meandering meaninglessly, I finally found the ideal repository of wisdom, intellect, genius, and think tanks hidden in a gem, called…GNI!


As a result of my association with this gem, my mind has improved tremendously! Being subjected to the sheer brilliance of the posters and reading the daily display of genius in their posts, made me I have become smarter, well rounded, and knowledgeable in all spheres of life!


Of course, I am still mesmerized by their brilliance and intellectualitythat I can never hope to compete with.   I am simply amazed by their prowess and ingenuity!  Did you know they are so technologically proficient that they can even read PMs that youmay secretly post?  I once PM’d a certain young lady once, and did you know that within minutes someone had cracked the code and circulated my PM throughout the underground network?  I call that sheer genius!


This site is so intellectually appealing that posters are vying over each other to get multiple nicks!  It is aknown fact that intelligence rubs off, and the more nicks you have, the more intelligence can rub off on you!  I was told 5 nicks is the standard, and the geometric progressionor each nick  getting rubbed on by members over time  of using a common ratio of 5 results in tremendous intellectual gains.  I am still at GED level ( as you can see in my redundant writing and mathematically challenged crafting of a geometric progression) so I don’t know much mathematics, but I am sure most here can calculate that in a flash!


I welcome your comments and feedbacks on this great learning site! 

Originally Posted by chameli:


sorry, i was not that YOUNG lady

nor do i have any other nicks...

plus me lil slow

Cham, TI being 91, going on 92, any female on this board is young to him


Originally Posted by Stormborn:
Originally Posted by TI:

As a wastrel in my youth and ignoramus in my adult life, I was repeatedly advised to seek knowledge and intellectual stimulation.  After meandering meaninglessly, I finally found the ideal repository of wisdom, intellect, genius, and think tanks hidden in a gem, called…GNI!


As a result of my association with this gem, my mind has improved tremendously! Being subjected to the sheer brilliance of the posters and reading the daily display of genius in their posts, made me I have become smarter, well rounded, and knowledgeable in all spheres of life!


Of course, I am still mesmerized by their brilliance and intellectualitythat I can never hope to compete with.   I am simply amazed by their prowess and ingenuity!  Did you know they are so technologically proficient that they can even read PMs that youmay secretly post?  I once PM’d a certain young lady once, and did you know that within minutes someone had cracked the code and circulated my PM throughout the underground network?  I call that sheer genius!


This site is so intellectually appealing that posters are vying over each other to get multiple nicks!  It is aknown fact that intelligence rubs off, and the more nicks you have, the more intelligence can rub off on you!  I was told 5 nicks is the standard, and the geometric progressionor each nick  getting rubbed on by members over time  of using a common ratio of 5 results in tremendous intellectual gains.  I am still at GED level ( as you can see in my redundant writing and mathematically challenged crafting of a geometric progression) so I don’t know much mathematics, but I am sure most here can calculate that in a flash!


I welcome your comments and feedbacks on this great learning site! 

Vintage D2

Originally Posted by Miraver:

What's up Ksaz? How is the college student?


She is doing good. We registered her last Saturday and she starts in the fall. Registering her was fun given that I don't have to pay for any of it. She told me that she is expecting some money back. She will just put away her previously dedicated college funds for her post graduate studies. She has really made us proud. Hope all is well your way.

Originally Posted by ksazma:
Originally Posted by Miraver:

What's up Ksaz? How is the college student?


She is doing good. We registered her last Saturday and she starts in the fall. Registering her was fun given that I don't have to pay for any of it. She told me that she is expecting some money back. She will just put away her previously dedicated college funds for her post graduate studies. She has really made us proud. Hope all is well your way.

This is a win-win situation. Well, we GNIers don't even know her, but from what you've posted, we are proud of her accomplishments. Now, she has set the bar for the young man to follow. One more year for him in elementary?? All is well at my end. Busy, like most of us, but popping in at GNI for some fun gyaafing

Originally Posted by Stormborn:
Originally Posted by TI:

As a wastrel in my youth and ignoramus in my adult life, I was repeatedly advised to seek knowledge and intellectual stimulation.  After meandering meaninglessly, I finally found the ideal repository of wisdom, intellect, genius, and think tanks hidden in a gem, called…GNI!


As a result of my association with this gem, my mind has improved tremendously! Being subjected to the sheer brilliance of the posters and reading the daily display of genius in their posts, made me I have become smarter, well rounded, and knowledgeable in all spheres of life!


Of course, I am still mesmerized by their brilliance and intellectualitythat I can never hope to compete with.   I am simply amazed by their prowess and ingenuity!  Did you know they are so technologically proficient that they can even read PMs that youmay secretly post?  I once PM’d a certain young lady once, and did you know that within minutes someone had cracked the code and circulated my PM throughout the underground network?  I call that sheer genius!


This site is so intellectually appealing that posters are vying over each other to get multiple nicks!  It is aknown fact that intelligence rubs off, and the more nicks you have, the more intelligence can rub off on you!  I was told 5 nicks is the standard, and the geometric progressionor each nick  getting rubbed on by members over time  of using a common ratio of 5 results in tremendous intellectual gains.  I am still at GED level ( as you can see in my redundant writing and mathematically challenged crafting of a geometric progression) so I don’t know much mathematics, but I am sure most here can calculate that in a flash!


I welcome your comments and feedbacks on this great learning site! 

Even if this reads slightly better, I prefer the original post because of its authenticity. Introducing himself as an ignoramus, led me to expect the rambling post. It's disappointing however, that though his 'mind has improved tremendously' he made the mistake(s) that he did. You don't need 5 nics to know that broadcasts in the underworld (PMing) often go viral in record time. It's just the nature of the beast.


The underlying message in the post (IMO)is that nothing is as it seems and as such I echo the question posted previously, how did he know that it was a woman or that the person was young? 


Perhaps the poster can enlighten us as to the source of the leak. We would then be able to ascertain if his assertions are correct.

Originally Posted by cain:

I am doing so so my dear JG, I feel lost this evening, as though I've lost my best friend. Need a great big hug an another one and another again.

((((((((((((Cain))))))))))) ((((((((((((((((Cain))))))))))))))) (((((((((((((Cain)))))))))))))


There you go!


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