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Bibi Haniffa posted:
Django posted:
Bibi Haniffa posted:
Django posted:
kp posted:

You prappa lucky, first you met Rumjaat and now Nehru, what you talk OIL or RUM???

Naah ..about folks i know from his area in the homeland.

All two a dem know Gabadoo.

You know he is jine family .  Me thinks you are also jine family .

Let's work to make Anil , Prezi in 2025 , we will coach him to be cool and less rowdy , he have a majority of followers , he can overcome the hurdles.

Last edited by Django
Django posted:
Sean posted:

Glad to hear about this truce. 99.99 percent of people at GNI are good people divided by politics and race. We are lucky that Amral gave us a home and Ray moderates out of his own time and all for free.

Good job Prince ! 

 I have spoken to a few folk on GNI , doan worry with our views , all of us are cool.

Yuh rass still owe me that JW Blue!

Django posted:
kp posted:
Django posted:
kp posted:

Django wants to JOIN Bibi's family?? First was Nehru now the Bibs.

Bibi , is jine family thru my  Mamoo spouse, me think suh.

All awe ah one family, open the door leh the man come in!!!

Seriously most of the East Indians in Guyana are related by joined families.

Thus far 23 and Me has not linked me up with anyone on GNI.  But the Ramotar thing seemed to panned out!

Baseman posted:
Django posted:
Sean posted:

Glad to hear about this truce. 99.99 percent of people at GNI are good people divided by politics and race. We are lucky that Amral gave us a home and Ray moderates out of his own time and all for free.

Good job Prince ! 

 I have spoken to a few folk on GNI , doan worry with our views , all of us are cool.

Yuh rass still owe me that JW Blue!

I know ,will settle the debt some day !!!

Last edited by Django
Billy Ram Balgobin posted:

I don't know about this jine family thing, but I learned is that my mother's uncle and Ralph Ramkarran are first cousins.  Originally from De Kendren but lived most of their lives in Bel Air.

So then you are related to Kali who owns Fairfield Pavilion.  His grandmother and Ralph Grandmother are two sisters.  That’s the DeKendren/Fairfield/DeHoop side of the family.

Are you not also related distantly to Nehru?

Bibi Haniffa
Baseman posted:
Labba posted:

Mr Neroo like he gaumont, likka and banga and poke cuttahs...hey hey hey.

Hey hey Labba, when last you spoke to TK?

Hey hey talk to Mr TK family. He seh dem man seh how Guyana politics get borin. Blackman vote blackman and collie vote coolie. When coolie win next year blackman bun down town and collie get drug pushas/hustlers/hucksters dem foh help out...same ole borin story...hey hey hey. Dem 3red force bais chasing 10% a de vote. De man retire me hear. De man juss helping out he fren Badal background...hey hey hey. 

kp posted:
Billy Ram Balgobin posted:

I don't know about this jine family thing, but I learned is that my mother's uncle and Ralph Ramkarran are first cousins.  Originally from De Kendren but lived most of their lives in Bel Air.

Is the place called Plantation DeKindren on the West Coast Demerara??

No this is DeKendren on the East Coast.  Between Mahaica and Mahaicony.

Bibi Haniffa
Django posted:
Bibi Haniffa posted:
Django posted:
Bibi Haniffa posted:
Django posted:
kp posted:

You prappa lucky, first you met Rumjaat and now Nehru, what you talk OIL or RUM???

Naah ..about folks i know from his area in the homeland.

All two a dem know Gabadoo.

You know he is jine family .  Me thinks you are also jine family .

Let's work to make Anil , Prezi in 2025 , we will coach him to be cool and less rowdy , he have a majority of followers , he can overcome the hurdles.

Wham to 2020?

Bibi Haniffa

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