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Originally Posted by Amral:

Guys, this year is our 20th anniversary for the website and 17 years for the Discussion Forums. Prior to the Discussion Forums, there was a Guestbook that Safraz had on the site.

  I am looking for someone here who can create a 20th anniversary banner that we can place on the website and the forums. Feel free to post it so others can give their input. It must be all things Guyanese though.








A see Cain was here all that time also. 

Originally Posted by Stormborn:
Originally Posted by Amral:

Guys, this year is our 20th anniversary for the website and 17 years for the Discussion Forums. Prior to the Discussion Forums, there was a Guestbook that Safraz had on the site.

  I am looking for someone here who can create a 20th anniversary banner that we can place on the website and the forums. Feel free to post it so others can give their input. It must be all things Guyanese though.








A see Cain was here all that time also. 

You was here that long too.

Originally Posted by seignet:
Originally Posted by Stormborn:
Originally Posted by Amral:

Guys, this year is our 20th anniversary for the website and 17 years for the Discussion Forums. Prior to the Discussion Forums, there was a Guestbook that Safraz had on the site.

  I am looking for someone here who can create a 20th anniversary banner that we can place on the website and the forums. Feel free to post it so others can give their input. It must be all things Guyanese though.








A see Cain was here all that time also. 

You was here that long too.

 I had a web site with a T1 connection on the internet in January '95 for business. The net came on line on sept 4 the previous year.


I was here since the BBS days. I actually was on the internet even before it became public.

Originally Posted by Kari:
Kudos to the owners, custodians,  and fellow posters. Since the late nineties I've been informed, entertained and buzed down. Hehe

And I get to write how I feel about things. Referred to Safraz as a fullahman once. Got banned for a week. Another time, I was banned for writing, "For Unlawful Carnal Knowledge." Instead of F.U.C.K. Got banned then too.


Changed handle to Moses in reverse and came back. Never been banned since. 


It has been a good twenty years keeping company. I wonder what ever happen to Poor People Governor. 

Originally Posted by GT Stingaa:
Congratulations GNI!

I've been here half of that time

dunno where PPG disappeared to, we were pals on FB but he's been MIA for a while

All them ole timers should come back for this occasion, I'm sick and tired of these spineless Eunuchs dominating de board dese days

There were good discussions back then. Eddie was pretty sharp with his comments. Tiger, BK, Chickerie, Nuff, etc,etc  

Originally Posted by GT Stingaa:
Congratulations GNI!

I've been here half of that time

dunno where PPG disappeared to, we were pals on FB but he's been MIA for a while

All them ole timers should come back for this occasion, I'm sick and tired of these spineless Eunuchs dominating de board dese days

If he rass had taken my advice and stayed he would be grandfathered in by OBAMA.  All he had to do was quit selling weed and  stay in school. Notice Bonus has a master now. Bet his kid is grown now also.

Originally Posted by Amral:

Guys, this year is our 20th anniversary for the website and 17 years for the Discussion Forums. Prior to the Discussion Forums, there was a Guestbook that Safraz had on the site.

  I am looking for someone here who can create a 20th anniversary banner that we can place on the website and the forums. Feel free to post it so others can give their input. It must be all things Guyanese though.








Happy 20th to GNI. Wishing it another 20 plus some. Cheers!!!!!!!


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