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Originally Posted by Amral:

Guys, this year is our 20th anniversary for the website and 17 years for the Discussion Forums. Prior to the Discussion Forums, there was a Guestbook that Safraz had on the site.

  I am looking for someone here who can create a 20th anniversary banner that we can place on the website and the forums. Feel free to post it so others can give their input. It must be all things Guyanese though.








A see Cain was here all that time also. 

Originally Posted by Stormborn:
Originally Posted by Amral:

Guys, this year is our 20th anniversary for the website and 17 years for the Discussion Forums. Prior to the Discussion Forums, there was a Guestbook that Safraz had on the site.

  I am looking for someone here who can create a 20th anniversary banner that we can place on the website and the forums. Feel free to post it so others can give their input. It must be all things Guyanese though.








A see Cain was here all that time also. 

You was here that long too.

Originally Posted by seignet:
Originally Posted by Stormborn:
Originally Posted by Amral:

Guys, this year is our 20th anniversary for the website and 17 years for the Discussion Forums. Prior to the Discussion Forums, there was a Guestbook that Safraz had on the site.

  I am looking for someone here who can create a 20th anniversary banner that we can place on the website and the forums. Feel free to post it so others can give their input. It must be all things Guyanese though.








A see Cain was here all that time also. 

You was here that long too.

 I had a web site with a T1 connection on the internet in January '95 for business. The net came on line on sept 4 the previous year.


I was here since the BBS days. I actually was on the internet even before it became public.

Originally Posted by Kari:
Kudos to the owners, custodians,  and fellow posters. Since the late nineties I've been informed, entertained and buzed down. Hehe

And I get to write how I feel about things. Referred to Safraz as a fullahman once. Got banned for a week. Another time, I was banned for writing, "For Unlawful Carnal Knowledge." Instead of F.U.C.K. Got banned then too.


Changed handle to Moses in reverse and came back. Never been banned since. 


It has been a good twenty years keeping company. I wonder what ever happen to Poor People Governor. 

Originally Posted by GT Stingaa:
Congratulations GNI!

I've been here half of that time

dunno where PPG disappeared to, we were pals on FB but he's been MIA for a while

All them ole timers should come back for this occasion, I'm sick and tired of these spineless Eunuchs dominating de board dese days

There were good discussions back then. Eddie was pretty sharp with his comments. Tiger, BK, Chickerie, Nuff, etc,etc  

Originally Posted by GT Stingaa:
Congratulations GNI!

I've been here half of that time

dunno where PPG disappeared to, we were pals on FB but he's been MIA for a while

All them ole timers should come back for this occasion, I'm sick and tired of these spineless Eunuchs dominating de board dese days

If he rass had taken my advice and stayed he would be grandfathered in by OBAMA.  All he had to do was quit selling weed and  stay in school. Notice Bonus has a master now. Bet his kid is grown now also.

Originally Posted by Amral:

Guys, this year is our 20th anniversary for the website and 17 years for the Discussion Forums. Prior to the Discussion Forums, there was a Guestbook that Safraz had on the site.

  I am looking for someone here who can create a 20th anniversary banner that we can place on the website and the forums. Feel free to post it so others can give their input. It must be all things Guyanese though.








Happy 20th to GNI. Wishing it another 20 plus some. Cheers!!!!!!!


Time for a thread of famous quotes on GNI. I remember the following:

  • Guyana under the current administration is no place for a young black male. - Nuff
  • Guyana has the Government it deserves - RSVP

That's it for starters. Please add. I know Stormy has backed up the entire Internet since it started and pre-started and pre-conceived since the 1940s when he was a grown man (and since has grown younger, fit and youthful) who can provide some gems.


Let's vote for the most imaginative handle or GNI name.


Originally Posted by Kari:

Time for a thread of famous quotes on GNI. I remember the following:

  • Guyana under the current administration is no place for a young black male. - Nuff
  • Guyana has the Government it deserves - RSVP

That's it for starters. Please add. I know Stormy has backed up the entire Internet since it started and pre-started and pre-conceived since the 1940s when he was a grown man (and since has grown younger, fit and youthful) who can provide some gems.


Let's vote for the most imaginative handle or GNI name.


I possibly do have complete backups of the site in the nineties It was one perl script so it was easy to manipulate it.


my name and age is on the old site so you can check the old wayback machines to see if you find it.


the internet was not concieved as a packet switching network until the mid 80's.


If you were into computers back then you would know messaging and email was mainly on  usenet, fidonet BBS etc. I belonged to a BBS ran by Dr Gabor Laufer called Elite few at the time. It hosted mainly State department types and a senator and a few spooks. If you check you can possibly still find the posts from the era on BBs text files archive.





CONGRATULATIONS served us well. 


Thank you Amral, Safraz and all who contributed to make this site what it is today. You also contributed to my education and knowledge of the world and a better understanding of us, as Guyanese.  


Cain seems to be an old fart.  But how life changed us, eh Bro.


Its emotional reading the Guest Book, because I know of some who are no longer around and  I worked with the grandfather of one poster at Albion office, who was the office manager.

Another poster is the Operations Manager at Atlanta airport and he is from Albion, a kaka rass bai riding an old bicycle to high school. You make us proud.   


When I reflect on what GNI gave us, I have to go back where many of us came from  and what our life was like before all this.

I studied vacuum tubes and Morse code decades ago, while I watched the first men on the moon.  

When I think where we are now with the internet and technology, it boggles my mind that we can send a spacecraft millions of miles and program it to land by itself in a another planet.

Storm you might be in better position to explain all this, because its too much for my mind.  


What will our world be like in another 100 years ?     

Originally Posted by RiffRaff:

Been here since 2001...dang!

My favorite quote..."Why don't you draw a big black hole and jump into it"


Was a fight between Reds and somebody else...was it JG?

Probably fought with everyone here some time or the other. Reds fought with me for over 6 pages.   I argued with nuff all the time and the ice water argument spanned some 6 years, dozens of thread and hundreds of posts. The longest thread ever was the Hubble telescope thread followed by Chiefs Obama thread.


 Nastiest person on the site ever was Jamie Ramnarine. He lived to cussed me. Most racist was OwBob. Silliest was Cliff/ Most respectful will always be Erroll

Originally Posted by Tola:


CONGRATULATIONS served us well. 


Thank you Amral, Safraz and all who contributed to make this site what it is today. You also contributed to my education and knowledge of the world and a better understanding of us, as Guyanese.  


Cain seems to be an old fart.  But how life changed us, eh Bro.


Its emotional reading the Guest Book, because I know of some who are no longer around and  I worked with the grandfather of one poster at Albion office, who was the office manager.

Another poster is the Operations Manager at Atlanta airport and he is from Albion, a kaka rass bai riding an old bicycle to high school. You make us proud.   


When I reflect on what GNI gave us, I have to go back where many of us came from  and what our life was like before all this.

I studied vacuum tubes and Morse code decades ago, while I watched the first men on the moon.  

When I think where we are now with the internet and technology, it boggles my mind that we can send a spacecraft millions of miles and program it to land by itself in a another planet.

Storm you might be in better position to explain all this, because its too much for my mind.  


What will our world be like in another 100 years ?     

I still have a couple of Vaccum tube amps. One need a new tube. Tubes can still be found.


I still remember my first radio, a yellow Onkyo. I was interested in them and started building radios from old parts by self study. I also remember my first calculator, a TI 28 with red display. They were banned from tests.


My son was actually required to use a special Casio for his calculus class plus Maple.


I first posted on GNI with a Pentium 75 which was later rebuilt to a whopping 133,hehe.


I have an amp Peavey Bandit 112 which has TransTube Technology,I really haven't had the chance to blow this up as yet.

I'm supposed to be doing a couple gigs a fem mins away from my place, it's a bar that's boring at the moment, so I'll hopefully have a chance to blast it there.

Last edited by cain
Originally Posted by cain:

I first posted on GNI with a Pentium 75 which was later rebuilt to a whopping 133,hehe.


I have an amp Peavey Bandit 112 which has TransTube Technology,I really haven't had the chance to blow this up as yet.

I'm supposed to be doing a couple gigs a fem mins away from my place, it's a bar that's boring at the moment, so I'll hopefully have a chance to blast it there.


i was talking about home amps. I do have an old Marshall Haze 50 watt amp. It also needs a couple of tubes replaced


Originally Posted by Stormborn:
Originally Posted by Tola:


CONGRATULATIONS served us well. 


Thank you Amral, Safraz and all who contributed to make this site what it is today. You also contributed to my education and knowledge of the world and a better understanding of us, as Guyanese.  


Cain seems to be an old fart.  But how life changed us, eh Bro.


Its emotional reading the Guest Book, because I know of some who are no longer around and  I worked with the grandfather of one poster at Albion office, who was the office manager.

Another poster is the Operations Manager at Atlanta airport and he is from Albion, a kaka rass bai riding an old bicycle to high school. You make us proud.   


When I reflect on what GNI gave us, I have to go back where many of us came from  and what our life was like before all this.

I studied vacuum tubes and Morse code decades ago, while I watched the first men on the moon.  

When I think where we are now with the internet and technology, it boggles my mind that we can send a spacecraft millions of miles and program it to land by itself in a another planet.

Storm you might be in better position to explain all this, because its too much for my mind.  


What will our world be like in another 100 years ?     

I still have a couple of Vaccum tube amps. One need a new tube. Tubes can still be found.


I still remember my first radio, a yellow Onkyo. I was interested in them and started building radios from old parts by self study. I also remember my first calculator, a TI 28 with red display. They were banned from tests.


My son was actually required to use a special Casio for his calculus class plus Maple.

I remember the TI 28 and I still have my slide rule.

When I was junior tech zillions of years ago,  Saskatchewan Tel donated boxes of vacuum tubes to our company and I was asked to find doubles and throw out the rest, well I kept the rest and have a  box full.

Let me know the tube number you need, if its in the box I will mail it.

I should have kept the tube tester also, but I moved to another department and the unit was scrapped.


I also have a number of old radios from  the 40s/50s, where their cabinet is much bigger than the electronics..


When I repaired test eqpt for the phone company, I retired a Hammarlund SW receiver that has a bullet hole on the front face. A customer was upset with his service and shot into the building,  then entered and used a hammer on all the meter dials, including some British AVO and Triplet multi-meters  that we had to repair.  I kept the Hammarlund receiver and still use it occasionally.    

Originally Posted by cain:

I first posted on GNI with a Pentium 75 which was later rebuilt to a whopping 133,hehe.


I have an amp Peavey Bandit 112 which has TransTube Technology,I really haven't had the chance to blow this up as yet.

I'm supposed to be doing a couple gigs a fem mins away from my place, it's a bar that's boring at the moment, so I'll hopefully have a chance to blast it there.

I still have my 286 computer and should crank it up to see its performance.

I started with  TI 99 [Texas Instrument], cant remember its memory or speed.


My first DSLR was a Nikon D100 6.1 mg, I paid $2300 for the body alone.  A 128MB [not GB] card was for $150. I also have some smaller MB cards and still uses the camera  to teach kids.  


What do you mean by TransTube Technology, does it have tubes also?  

Originally Posted by Tola:

What do you mean by TransTube Technology, does it have tubes also?  

No tubes involved...the circuitry used in these solid state amps is suppose to imitate the tone of a tube amp. Some say it's more a marketing ploy, guitarists like the tube sound and this gives Peavey the edge in some instances.

Originally Posted by Stormborn:

Probably fought with everyone here some time or the other. Reds fought with me for over 6 pages.   I argued with nuff all the time and the ice water argument spanned some 6 years, dozens of thread and hundreds of posts. The longest thread ever was the Hubble telescope thread followed by Chiefs Obama thread.


 Nastiest person on the site ever was Jamie Ramnarine. He lived to cussed me. Most racist was OwBob. Silliest was Cliff/ Most respectful will always be Erroll

I will like to see that "Obama" thread republished for us to  read.


I remember when I stated that Obama will be the next President   so many people were saying that he  will never make it past the primaries. Nuff, Vishnu Mahadeo and a few other  GNIers others said no way will Obama make it.


Originally Posted by Chief:
Originally Posted by Stormborn:

Probably fought with everyone here some time or the other. Reds fought with me for over 6 pages.   I argued with nuff all the time and the ice water argument spanned some 6 years, dozens of thread and hundreds of posts. The longest thread ever was the Hubble telescope thread followed by Chiefs Obama thread.


 Nastiest person on the site ever was Jamie Ramnarine. He lived to cussed me. Most racist was OwBob. Silliest was Cliff/ Most respectful will always be Erroll

I will like to see that "Obama" thread republished for us to  read.


I remember when I stated that Obama will be the next President   so many people were saying that he  will never make it past the primaries. Nuff, Vishnu Mahadeo and a few other  GNIers others said no way will Obama make it.


I did not like him either. I read Shelby Steele's assessment of his chances in Harper's and the reason he felt white people will never get him and felt  it was indeed the case. I then  went to see him at American U and came back and posted that you could feel something in the air. People like him. Someone I know was an adviser to Richardson and she told me after a debates that Obama will likely win because he had an easy feel about him that connected. I did not become a believer until after he won.


I began to post about looking out for Obama being a future President of the US shortly after his speech at the John Kerry 2004 Democratic Convention.


I recall telling educated folks in Suriname before the 2008 Primaries and general elections that Obama would beat Hillary (especially after the South Carolina Bill and Hillary fiasco) and that Bush's disastrous Presidency coupled with the Democrat sweep in the 2006 mid0terms would pave the way for Obama to become the first elected Black US President. Okay he was half-Black and his Black parent was not of the Black slavery ancestry but an African. I even raised the question of whether being an African-American versus being a Black American would make a difference. I must have framed it differently then as this does not sound like I framed it then.


Storm is still in denial about the Obama's Presidency and still believe that he's like Al Gore and was the first user of the Internet (way before the 1960s Universities' use of email and ftp as well as Bulletin Board Service). We truly have a pioneer amongst us. Hail Storm!!!! The fittest baddest 20-yr -old-looking 50-something old man.

Originally Posted by Kari:

Time for a thread of famous quotes on GNI. I remember the following:

  • Guyana under the current administration is no place for a young black male. - Nuff
  • Guyana has the Government it deserves - RSVP

That's it for starters. Please add. I know Stormy has backed up the entire Internet since it started and pre-started and pre-conceived since the 1940s when he was a grown man (and since has grown younger, fit and youthful) who can provide some gems.


Let's vote for the most imaginative handle or GNI name.


I sent an email to Leslie (D2) in 1995 to congratulate him on his ingenuity. He kept it and mentions it occasionally here.  

Originally Posted by Observer:

Nemesis' most memorable post "burn, Buxton, burn".  

Not much has changed for many, but there seems to be a  calm just after the election announcement.

My stomach hurts reading some of this stuff.

Is there an archive of the earlier posts of our donkey's name and losing me clothes swimming in the trench ? Feenix you rememba ?


It is interesting to note that Queenie's family moved to  the same province as me and they still live here..

We were both born at Albion and as I said to her, on 'different sides of the fence'.We met again almost 50 years later on GNI.

Her late father was a close friend to many on the sugar estate, including my Dad and brothers.

Other than the Friday night schedule fights, GNI created so many positive friendships: Births, family weddings, deaths, etc.


Dove helped us a lot with our Guyana Foundation reports, for which I am eternally grateful. It helped tremendously with our fundraising.     

Last edited by Tola
Originally Posted by Kari:

I began to post about looking out for Obama being a future President of the US shortly after his speech at the John Kerry 2004 Democratic Convention.


I recall telling educated folks in Suriname before the 2008 Primaries and general elections that Obama would beat Hillary (especially after the South Carolina Bill and Hillary fiasco) and that Bush's disastrous Presidency coupled with the Democrat sweep in the 2006 mid0terms would pave the way for Obama to become the first elected Black US President. Okay he was half-Black and his Black parent was not of the Black slavery ancestry but an African. I even raised the question of whether being an African-American versus being a Black American would make a difference. I must have framed it differently then as this does not sound like I framed it then.


Storm is still in denial about the Obama's Presidency and still believe that he's like Al Gore and was the first user of the Internet (way before the 1960s Universities' use of email and ftp as well as Bulletin Board Service). We truly have a pioneer amongst us. Hail Storm!!!! The fittest baddest 20-yr -old-looking 50-something old man.

 I think you have a problem admitting your own mediocrity. I celebrate life and have been lucky to see and be in places I never dreamed of. I admit to not thinking Obama will win. I never said I did not like him or some of his more progressive views. I always felt he disconnected himself from the historical roots of the clack community and enclosed himself in a cocoon of middle class black folks and neo liberal Jewish folks who formalized a cocooned state that kept him distant from  ethnic realities.


It caused him to propose health care with a single purpose rather than conjoined with immigration, and his current college proposals. Health care was won but he lost on lots of other social issues he could have won on.


I am entitled to my views and will argue with you as I with others including my wife who thinks he can do no wrong. I felt his reticence to accept that you cannot always negotiate ad infinitude but must make a now decision is due to idealism. I do not think Iraq could have been the mess it is if he simply shouted down Malaki and told him the US would impose a MacArthur kind of administration on the place until the can learn to govern as democrats rather than partisan antagonistic Muslims.


By the way, that I have had the privilege to work in technology in its inception was not serendipitous. I was building radios at 10 so a Z Sinclair kit was the best toy for me. Yes, I like gadgets and computers and cars and now at mid fifty  have had some 4 decades of avid inquiry into these matters. You go suck your thumb if you think that is a bad thing.


If  also have a 22 year old clone so I know where I stand with that age range in most things.   I also have 2 others now hitting 30 so I also have the benefit of that point of view. As I said go screw yourself if you think being interested and interesting is a bad thing.

Last edited by Former Member
Originally Posted by Observer:
Originally Posted by Kari:

Time for a thread of famous quotes on GNI. I remember the following:

  • Guyana under the current administration is no place for a young black male. - Nuff
  • Guyana has the Government it deserves - RSVP

That's it for starters. Please add. I know Stormy has backed up the entire Internet since it started and pre-started and pre-conceived since the 1940s when he was a grown man (and since has grown younger, fit and youthful) who can provide some gems.


Let's vote for the most imaginative handle or GNI name.


I sent an email to Leslie (D2) in 1995 to congratulate him on his ingenuity. He kept it and mentions it occasionally here.  

 I do not remember the email. I actually have all my emails so I will check. If I mention anything it is that I know you from a picture posted here by someone ( with an old white dude copping a shoulder grab). I  connected that to some one I used to see in Silver spring. I lived at Fenwick House on Fenwick lane and and I think you lived at Blair house because that I where I sometimes saw you.  I used to roller blade up and down those streets to the chagrin of the uppity white folks there. But that was donkey years ago.

Originally Posted by Tola:
Originally Posted by Observer:

Nemesis' most memorable post "burn, Buxton, burn".  

Not much has changed for many, but there seems to be a  calm just after the election announcement.

My stomach hurts reading some of this stuff.

Is there an archive of the earlier posts of our donkey's name and losing me clothes swimming in the trench ? Feenix you rememba ?


It is interesting to note that Queenie's family moved to  the same province as me and they still live here..

We were both born at Albion and as I said to her, on 'different sides of the fence'.We met again almost 50 years later on GNI.

Her late father was a close friend to many on the sugar estate, including my Dad and brothers.

Other than the Friday night schedule fights, GNI created so many positive friendships: Births, family weddings, deaths, etc.


Dove helped us a lot with our Guyana Foundation reports, for which I am eternally grateful. It helped tremendously with our fundraising.     

 I grew up ( 9 years) not far from albion. we used to go to the bob shows there on weekends at... Yolanda????  My father's friend was mr Basdeo, he lived across from the police station and he took me there a few times as a child. My dad was killed when I was 9 but I stll remember his friend.


"By the way, that I have had the privilege to work in technology in its inception was not serendipitous.I was building radios at 10 so a Z Sinclair kit was the best toy for me. Yes, I like gadgets and computers and cars and now at mid fifty  have had some 4 decades of avid inquiry into these matters. You go suck your thumb if you think that is a bad thing."


You are lucky to get a kit,i started electronics in

the mid seventy,i built my first amp with one tube a

triode-penthode wind the transformers made

the chassis with zinc sheets,i used to tweak

cathy radios for max output,convert the old

tube battery radios to work with electricity.







Originally Posted by Django:

"By the way, that I have had the privilege to work in technology in its inception was not serendipitous.I was building radios at 10 so a Z Sinclair kit was the best toy for me. Yes, I like gadgets and computers and cars and now at mid fifty  have had some 4 decades of avid inquiry into these matters. You go suck your thumb if you think that is a bad thing."


You are lucky to get a kit,i started electronics in

the mid seventy,i built my first amp with one tube a

triode-penthode wind the transformers made

the chassis with zinc sheets,i used to tweak

cathy radios for max output,convert the old

tube battery radios to work with electricity.







NO...I started building with parts from old transistor radios. I got a Z kit in college and that got me into hard core programming.


I built my first amp from an electronics magazine in the mid seventies. It was my first guitar amp.  I then went on to building all the other contraptions as wah wah pedals etc. I still build stuff.


The cases of those Cathy radio\ always fell apart so I had lots of fun rebuilding them and they were my prime source of parts.


I built my first powerful  computer, a CPM machine in about 1980. There was a local club of programmers who met at Maryland U and I joined them and learnt a lot so by the time the IBM pc hit I knew what to do with it.

Last edited by Former Member
Originally Posted by Stormborn:
 I always felt he disconnected himself from the historical roots of the clack community and enclosed himself in a cocoon of middle class black folks and neo liberal Jewish folks who formalized a cocooned state that kept him distant from  ethnic realities.



The black population in the USA (American AND immigrant) are worse off now than they were when Obama took office.


At the end of the day the fact that Obama was president will not have served any purpose for black folks, beyond the "pride" aspect.


Obama was our first urban president for a long time, since JFK I believe.  Where is his urban agenda?  That would have been a race neutral way to help black people gain more access to opportunity and to be less vulnerable to economic down turns.

Originally Posted by Kari:

Time for a thread of famous quotes on GNI. I remember the following:

  • Guyana under the current administration is no place for a young black male. - Nuff

And a decade later we see how right Nuff was.  Blacks in Guyana have a defeated look that isn't visible among equivalent groups elsewhere in the Anglophone Caribbean.

Originally Posted by TI:

Did GNI start up as a PPP forum?



The facilitators never admitted to it. But, I remember things written about the Jagans and the PPP were eliminated.


Besides, Safraz dad was the Guyana Ambassador to USA at that time.


All in all was a good thing they did. Bold people for doing it. Can't see any other Guyanese with such foresight.


Safraz handed it over to an Admin. when he went to Boston to practice law.


Wey he deh now?

Originally Posted by Stormborn:
Originally Posted by Django:

"By the way, that I have had the privilege to work in technology in its inception was not serendipitous.I was building radios at 10 so a Z Sinclair kit was the best toy for me. Yes, I like gadgets and computers and cars and now at mid fifty  have had some 4 decades of avid inquiry into these matters. You go suck your thumb if you think that is a bad thing."


You are lucky to get a kit,i started electronics in

the mid seventy,i built my first amp with one tube a

triode-penthode wind the transformers made

the chassis with zinc sheets,i used to tweak

cathy radios for max output,convert the old

tube battery radios to work with electricity.







NO...I started building with parts from old transistor radios. I got a Z kit in college and that got me into hard core programming.


I built my first amp from an electronics magazine in the mid seventies. It was my first guitar amp.  I then went on to building all the other contraptions as wah wah pedals etc. I still build stuff.


The cases of those Cathy radio\ always fell apart so I had lots of fun rebuilding them and they were my prime source of parts.


I built my first powerful  computer, a CPM machine in about 1980. There was a local club of programmers who met at Maryland U and I joined them and learnt a lot so by the time the IBM pc hit I knew what to do with it.

Bought my first Computer Numerical Machine in 1985(US$115,000.00)-Fanuc Controls. Utterly amazed at what the computer and my brains created mathematically. I felt like Srinivasa Ramanujan. Excited by results.

Originally Posted by seignet:
Originally Posted by Stormborn:
Originally Posted by Django:

"By the way, that I have had the privilege to work in technology in its inception was not serendipitous.I was building radios at 10 so a Z Sinclair kit was the best toy for me. Yes, I like gadgets and computers and cars and now at mid fifty  have had some 4 decades of avid inquiry into these matters. You go suck your thumb if you think that is a bad thing."


You are lucky to get a kit,i started electronics in

the mid seventy,i built my first amp with one tube a

triode-penthode wind the transformers made

the chassis with zinc sheets,i used to tweak

cathy radios for max output,convert the old

tube battery radios to work with electricity.







NO...I started building with parts from old transistor radios. I got a Z kit in college and that got me into hard core programming.


I built my first amp from an electronics magazine in the mid seventies. It was my first guitar amp.  I then went on to building all the other contraptions as wah wah pedals etc. I still build stuff.


The cases of those Cathy radio\ always fell apart so I had lots of fun rebuilding them and they were my prime source of parts.


I built my first powerful  computer, a CPM machine in about 1980. There was a local club of programmers who met at Maryland U and I joined them and learnt a lot so by the time the IBM pc hit I knew what to do with it.

Bought my first Computer Numerical Machine in 1985(US$115,000.00)-Fanuc Controls. Utterly amazed at what the computer and my brains created mathematically. I felt like Srinivasa Ramanujan. Excited by results.


Last edited by Former Member
Originally Posted by seignet:
Originally Posted by Stormborn:
Originally Posted by Django:

"By the way, that I have had the privilege to work in technology in its inception was not serendipitous.I was building radios at 10 so a Z Sinclair kit was the best toy for me. Yes, I like gadgets and computers and cars and now at mid fifty  have had some 4 decades of avid inquiry into these matters. You go suck your thumb if you think that is a bad thing."


You are lucky to get a kit,i started electronics in

the mid seventy,i built my first amp with one tube a

triode-penthode wind the transformers made

the chassis with zinc sheets,i used to tweak

cathy radios for max output,convert the old

tube battery radios to work with electricity.







NO...I started building with parts from old transistor radios. I got a Z kit in college and that got me into hard core programming.


I built my first amp from an electronics magazine in the mid seventies. It was my first guitar amp.  I then went on to building all the other contraptions as wah wah pedals etc. I still build stuff.


The cases of those Cathy radio\ always fell apart so I had lots of fun rebuilding them and they were my prime source of parts.


I built my first powerful  computer, a CPM machine in about 1980. There was a local club of programmers who met at Maryland U and I joined them and learnt a lot so by the time the IBM pc hit I knew what to do with it.

Bought my first Computer Numerical Machine in 1985(US$115,000.00)-Fanuc Controls. Utterly amazed at what the computer and my brains created mathematically. I felt like Srinivasa Ramanujan. Excited by results.

Damn that was a pricy computer,i migrated mid ninety's

wish i was here earlier always fascinated with electronics

repair,as for pc i took repair course got A+,still in the

service business.


Originally Posted by Stormborn:
Originally Posted by Tola:
Originally Posted by Observer:

Nemesis' most memorable post "burn, Buxton, burn".  

Not much has changed for many, but there seems to be a  calm just after the election announcement.

My stomach hurts reading some of this stuff.

Is there an archive of the earlier posts of our donkey's name and losing me clothes swimming in the trench ? Feenix you rememba ?


It is interesting to note that Queenie's family moved to  the same province as me and they still live here..

We were both born at Albion and as I said to her, on 'different sides of the fence'.We met again almost 50 years later on GNI.

Her late father was a close friend to many on the sugar estate, including my Dad and brothers.

Other than the Friday night schedule fights, GNI created so many positive friendships: Births, family weddings, deaths, etc.


Dove helped us a lot with our Guyana Foundation reports, for which I am eternally grateful. It helped tremendously with our fundraising.     

 I grew up ( 9 years) not far from albion. we used to go to the bob shows there on weekends at... Yolanda????  My father's friend was mr Basdeo, he lived across from the police station and he took me there a few times as a child. My dad was killed when I was 9 but I stll remember his friend.

Its a small world indeed Storm, I know Mr. Basdeo and I believe the house is now replaced  by  a mega house.

A couple of years ago, I was on tour with families from  Canada and NY . We visited the new house and  have many photos of inside and outside.


The trench near the police station and house either goes to ocean or to the back dam where #4 pumping station exists today, my Dad worked there and close to the pumping station was where I grew up.

Lots of memories of that place until I was 14. Its now full of bushes, but I still visit and think of  my friends who did not leave Guyana, but died working on the sugar plantation.


Yollanda cinema also have special memories for me.


Was your Dad killed at Albion, I might know him.         

Last edited by Tola
Originally Posted by Django:

"By the way, that I have had the privilege to work in technology in its inception was not serendipitous.I was building radios at 10 so a Z Sinclair kit was the best toy for me. Yes, I like gadgets and computers and cars and now at mid fifty  have had some 4 decades of avid inquiry into these matters. You go suck your thumb if you think that is a bad thing."


You are lucky to get a kit,i started electronics in

the mid seventy,i built my first amp with one tube a

triode-penthode wind the transformers made

the chassis with zinc sheets,i used to tweak

cathy radios for max output,convert the old

tube battery radios to work with electricity.







Django, I can relate to your post. I attended tech school [when Armstrong landed on the moon], with vacuum tubes, Morse code and two months classes on battery power.  Built amps and oscillators from scratch.  I often wonder how I did that for two years wid a primary education . Became a radio officer at sea and decades with the phone company repairing/calibration test equipment.

Those were good days...


Trouble shooting computer hardware is easy,  but Storm has to help us with  software problems.   


Greetings GNI!  Congratulations on your 20 years anniversary, many, many happy returns.


I am a long time guest or visitor but a first time poster. Just Perhaps this may be my first or last post depending.


However, in the early '90 I would like to think GNI was started as a chat room with separate rooms for singles, political and other names rooms. I can't recall at this time? Before it was converted into this forum. Perhaps Mr. Amral Khanor some 'ol timers here could expound?

Originally Posted by Mark Hines:

Greetings GNI!  Congratulations on your 20 years anniversary, many, many happy returns.


I am a long time guest or visitor but a first time poster. Just Perhaps this may be my first or last post depending.


However, in the early '90 I would like to think GNI was started as a chat room with separate rooms for singles, political and other names rooms. I can't recall at this time? Before it was converted into this forum. Perhaps Mr. Amral Khanor some 'ol timers here could expound?

It was mango tree bbs


Spy had chat rooms on his Forum but that was around .98 It was not on this site. Amral had a chat room here for a minute but no one used it

Originally Posted by GT Stingaa:
GNI was de pioneer of social media, way ahead of its time. Too bad dem chaps couldn't mek money off dis, get dem billionaires in RH to pay for Ads

Spy and amral did a lot. They used to stream the first news cast from GY. Chico ( what happened to him) had a couple of sites also that were very innovative but they never caught on. In '97 when this site died, we all went to the Liming Spot...we treated him like a step child when Amral took over this site and brought it on line again. We all left the liming spot. I met Cher on the liming spot. I introduced her to Amral's old site and she joined this one when it came on line. She was a knock need 20 year old. Amral ows me one for bringing a light into his old heart.


Tola asked "Is there an archive of the earlier posts of our donkey's name and losing me clothes swimming in the trench ? Feenix you rememba ? "


Tola good ole CHURCHILL rescued so many "Drunk & Disorderly" from the Friday Parties...

Congrats Amral... if I remembered correctly, the original forum was Safraz's baby & for awhile it was always brukking dunk...Then you took over and use "HTML for Dummies" to rebuild the forum.

Can't remember the name of the group(MANGO TREE - not sure) most of the old timers were on, when Safraz decided to form his own group/Forum...

Originally Posted by cain:
Originally Posted by Chameli:
Originally Posted by Stormborn:
[]. She was a knock need 20 year old. Amral ows me one for bringing a light into his old heart.

methinks she was 15



How come Stormy say the girl was knock need?

The man has thing for knees. Is a cycle thing

Originally Posted by cain:
Originally Posted by Chameli:
Originally Posted by Stormborn:
[]. She was a knock need 20 year old. Amral ows me one for bringing a light into his old heart.

methinks she was 15



How come Stormy say the girl was knock need?

Don't think she(Cher) was 15 she was in her late teens.

Stormy not sure if you can remember Sonia ... we used to call her Hot Mouth.

Sonia was in HS when she came on to GNI...She learned quite a lot thru Dove, Moria & my guidance.

What about Cook-up & Eddie? GOD et al

PPG with all his alias...I want to think that PPG is a smart guy... also I think is a journalist living in Guyana now...  not Benschop...



Last edited by Former Member
Originally Posted by Chameli:
Originally Posted by Stormborn:
[]. She was a knock need 20 year old. Amral ows me one for bringing a light into his old heart.

methinks she was 15



She told me 20 and I believe we celebrated her 21st!....even have the post with her saying that back in '98

Originally Posted by cain:
Originally Posted by Chameli:
Originally Posted by Stormborn:
[]. She was a knock need 20 year old. Amral ows me one for bringing a light into his old heart.

methinks she was 15



How come Stormy say the girl was knock need?

the pics she posted when she came back from guyana was with some bony knees! She made the papers so she had to have did a loot of blooming and quick.


Originally Posted by Chameli:

Whatever happened to the banner to click so that some money can come in to offset the cost of running this place?


THANKS to Amral for up-keeping this hangout.  I hope someone creates a really nice 20th anniversary banner.


I came here in 1999 spring i think (when Rabid was kill all coolie...about 6 mths after i had our baby and while going through some crazy times in my life.  At times, this hangout gave me sanity but more often it made me insane   brought me close to many and destroyed not only friendships but family relationships ( they were insignificant to begin with and not worth the time)

There were lots of fights....jeez even to think of some makes me cringe

This place has settled down...boring



I never take this place seriously. First I know I am not what is on these pages. It is a persona.


As I said, this place to be is a sand box where even the limp and the lazy and the weak gets a chance to kick sand in your face. You simply have to know how to throw sand back.


I never wanted to meet anyone here because I know I would not find the personality I come to know. I do not want to be surprised.


The only part of me on these pages is my more serious ideas. My personality is not here, my history is not here etc .... among so many other things.


treat this place for what it is....a sandbox where we play "kicksand"

Originally Posted by IGH:
Originally Posted by cain:
Originally Posted by Chameli:
Originally Posted by Stormborn:
[]. She was a knock need 20 year old. Amral ows me one for bringing a light into his old heart.

methinks she was 15



How come Stormy say the girl was knock need?

Don't think she(Cher) was 15 she was in her late teens.

Stormy not sure if you can remember Sonia ... we used to call her Hot Mouth.

Sonia was in HS when she came on to GNI...She learned quite a lot thru Dove, Moria & my guidance.

What about Cook-up & Eddie? GOD et al

PPG with all his alias...I want to think that PPG is a smart guy... also I think is a journalist living in Guyana now...  not Benschop...



I remember Sonia....cutting edge bright...even some of the real cussbirds and vicious ones were bright. I think NYgirl was ultra smart and so was our very own paralegal with whom I had lots of fights. I fought with everyone here at some time or the other even you.


Originally Posted by Shaitaan:

My favorite was Red Cow


Me been prapa like dah gyal

She cussed me for days about the posting of that picture which I had nothing to do with or even know what she was referencing. I think I called her a silly heifer and she said I was lampooning her. I did not even know that the red cow came from the color of that dress and not her name. I was completely in the dark about all of that until later. I did enjoy making her and Jean mad even if I did not know for what reason.


You prik! Hey we never fought wanna start,....heh take dat.


Seriously though Stormy, I've met quite a few here and from the other site I frequented (the name has slipped my mind at the moment)even been to some of their homes and found them all to be very nice people.

Is only one din behave she came in at the later stage but that was after we met and gone our way. (I believe Aunty was part of that)

Aunyt Jean and hubby were also very nice people they entertained some of us Awara included ( he seemed a really nice gentleman) I remember the girls trying to hook him up with a friend who was a nurse...mmm had a nice to speak.


I'm quite close to the persona here except Iman got a had had time understanin when Guyanese people talk bruk up, no joke yeah. I could write the shit fairly good but try fo talk it an is dead Iman dead.

42 years in Canada cause dis.

Last edited by cain
Originally Posted by cain:

You prik! Hey we never fought wanna start,....heh take dat.


Seriously though Stormy, I've met quite a few here and from the other site I frequented (the name has slipped my mind at the moment)even been to some of their homes and found them all to be very nice people.

Is only one din behave she came in at the later stage but that was after we met and gone our way. (I believe Aunty was part of that)

Aunyt Jean and hubby were also very nice people they entertained some of us Awara included ( he seemed a really nice gentleman) I remember the girls trying to hook him up with a friend who was a nurse...mmm had a nice to speak.


I'm quite close to the persona here except Iman got a had had time understanin when Guyanese people talk bruk up, no joke yeah. I could write the shit fairly good but try fo talk it an is dead Iman dead.

42 years in Canada cause dis.

I will fite you anytime!


I do not know nor have I met anyone here even though I know of and had occasion to cross paths with a few.


Like you I have difficulty understanding some Indian folks; and I grew up in an Indian community but still have problems with Indo creolese.. Spanish is second nature to me but if someone speaks to me in french which my sister likes to do( Canadians...!) I am in a dead zone for a minute or two before my brains catch up.  It is not even so with Indo creolese. I usually miss a lot of what is said. The brain somehow does not autocorrect. 38 years away does that to you


Originally Posted by Stormborn:
Originally Posted by Shaitaan:

My favorite was Red Cow


Me been prapa like dah gyal

She cussed me for days about the posting of that picture which I had nothing to do with or even know what she was referencing. I think I called her a silly heifer and she said I was lampooning her. I did not even know that the red cow came from the color of that dress and not her name. I was completely in the dark about all of that until later. I did enjoy making her and Jean mad even if I did not know for what reason.


Ahhh the good ole days. I would venture to say it was either yours truly of DaFreak that posted her red mug.


And your "heifer" reference would have come after we took to calling her a Red Heifer and took to posting pics of a red heifer on her social threads


You know sometimes, I remembered GNI fights and laughed to myself in the bitter cold of Afghanistan?

Originally Posted by Shaitaan:
Originally Posted by Stormborn:
Originally Posted by Shaitaan:

My favorite was Red Cow


Me been prapa like dah gyal

She cussed me for days about the posting of that picture which I had nothing to do with or even know what she was referencing. I think I called her a silly heifer and she said I was lampooning her. I did not even know that the red cow came from the color of that dress and not her name. I was completely in the dark about all of that until later. I did enjoy making her and Jean mad even if I did not know for what reason.


Ahhh the good ole days. I would venture to say it was either yours truly of DaFreak that posted her red mug.


And your "heifer" reference would have come after we took to calling her a Red Heifer and took to posting pics of a red heifer on her social threads


You know sometimes, I remembered GNI fights and laughed to myself in the bitter cold of Afghanistan?

Glad to see we helped you to stay warm.

Originally Posted by Tola:
Originally Posted by Shaitaan:
Originally Posted by Stormborn:
Originally Posted by Shaitaan:

My favorite was Red Cow


Me been prapa like dah gyal

She cussed me for days about the posting of that picture which I had nothing to do with or even know what she was referencing. I think I called her a silly heifer and she said I was lampooning her. I did not even know that the red cow came from the color of that dress and not her name. I was completely in the dark about all of that until later. I did enjoy making her and Jean mad even if I did not know for what reason.


Ahhh the good ole days. I would venture to say it was either yours truly of DaFreak that posted her red mug.


And your "heifer" reference would have come after we took to calling her a Red Heifer and took to posting pics of a red heifer on her social threads


You know sometimes, I remembered GNI fights and laughed to myself in the bitter cold of Afghanistan?

Glad to see we helped you to stay warm.


The hell? I stayed warm with electric heaters. What kinda uncivilized military occupation do you think we ran?


This is modern warfare buddy, not Washington at Valley Forge

Originally Posted by Tola:
Originally Posted by Shaitaan:
Originally Posted by Stormborn:
Originally Posted by Shaitaan:

My favorite was Red Cow


Me been prapa like dah gyal

She cussed me for days about the posting of that picture which I had nothing to do with or even know what she was referencing. I think I called her a silly heifer and she said I was lampooning her. I did not even know that the red cow came from the color of that dress and not her name. I was completely in the dark about all of that until later. I did enjoy making her and Jean mad even if I did not know for what reason.


Ahhh the good ole days. I would venture to say it was either yours truly of DaFreak that posted her red mug.


And your "heifer" reference would have come after we took to calling her a Red Heifer and took to posting pics of a red heifer on her social threads


You know sometimes, I remembered GNI fights and laughed to myself in the bitter cold of Afghanistan?

Glad to see we helped you to stay warm.

I bet he borrowed a sheep. The Afghans are friendly that way


Originally Posted by Shaitaan:
Originally Posted by Stormborn:
Originally Posted by Shaitaan:

My favorite was Red Cow


Me been prapa like dah gyal

She cussed me for days about the posting of that picture which I had nothing to do with or even know what she was referencing. I think I called her a silly heifer and she said I was lampooning her. I did not even know that the red cow came from the color of that dress and not her name. I was completely in the dark about all of that until later. I did enjoy making her and Jean mad even if I did not know for what reason.


Ahhh the good ole days. I would venture to say it was either yours truly of DaFreak that posted her red mug.


And your "heifer" reference would have come after we took to calling her a Red Heifer and took to posting pics of a red heifer on her social threads


You know sometimes, I remembered GNI fights and laughed to myself in the bitter cold of Afghanistan?

I know you guys posted the picture but I did not know what it meant because I was not following. I did not read social much. Still don't.

Originally Posted by Stormborn:
Originally Posted by Tola:
Originally Posted by Shaitaan:
Originally Posted by Stormborn:
Originally Posted by Shaitaan:

My favorite was Red Cow


Me been prapa like dah gyal

She cussed me for days about the posting of that picture which I had nothing to do with or even know what she was referencing. I think I called her a silly heifer and she said I was lampooning her. I did not even know that the red cow came from the color of that dress and not her name. I was completely in the dark about all of that until later. I did enjoy making her and Jean mad even if I did not know for what reason.


Ahhh the good ole days. I would venture to say it was either yours truly of DaFreak that posted her red mug.


And your "heifer" reference would have come after we took to calling her a Red Heifer and took to posting pics of a red heifer on her social threads


You know sometimes, I remembered GNI fights and laughed to myself in the bitter cold of Afghanistan?

Glad to see we helped you to stay warm.

I bet he borrowed a sheep. The Afghans are friendly that way



Oh man, our cameras caught so much Afghan animal sex. At some point, I think our intelligence discussions spent more time on the previous night's donkey sexings than actual enemy significant activities. (The preferred animal in my experience was the donkey not the sheep as many imagine)

Originally Posted by Stormborn:
Originally Posted by IGH:
Originally Posted by cain:
Originally Posted by Chameli:
Originally Posted by Stormborn:
[]. She was a knock need 20 year old. Amral ows me one for bringing a light into his old heart.

methinks she was 15



How come Stormy say the girl was knock need?

Don't think she(Cher) was 15 she was in her late teens.

Stormy not sure if you can remember Sonia ... we used to call her Hot Mouth.

Sonia was in HS when she came on to GNI...She learned quite a lot thru Dove, Moria & my guidance.

What about Cook-up & Eddie? GOD et al

PPG with all his alias...I want to think that PPG is a smart guy... also I think is a journalist living in Guyana now...  not Benschop...



I remember Sonia....cutting edge bright...even some of the real cussbirds and vicious ones were bright. I think NYgirl was ultra smart and so was our very own paralegal with whom I had lots of fights. I fought with everyone here at some time or the other even you.


LOL@ Stormborn... yep you did fight with me & I ignored you for a while.

Who remember the saga of the stolen password...

Ah Chami that's a mystery still to be solved.

Was Grassy the nick?




I just realized that I became a member in this year will be my 10th here on GNI.


I am one of the more low-key posters and except for some 'words' once with an ex-member, I don't think I have ever had a fight with anyone.


my claim to fame.......Through GNI I got a cyber lil Deed and a lil bro!!


In those early years after I joined up I remember this place was hopping. 

I had just lost my job after 13 years and with a substantial severance I decided to take some time I had a lot of time to play on GNI.


when I decided to go back to work.....I got some really good tips on how to prepare for an interview.  Got the first job I applied for.....and 9 years later I am still there!


Hats off to Amral for this forum which has brought me 10 years of great entertainment!!!

Last edited by Villagebelle
Originally Posted by Tola:
Originally Posted by Stormborn:
Originally Posted by Tola:
Originally Posted by Observer:

Nemesis' most memorable post "burn, Buxton, burn".  

Not much has changed for many, but there seems to be a  calm just after the election announcement.

My stomach hurts reading some of this stuff.

Is there an archive of the earlier posts of our donkey's name and losing me clothes swimming in the trench ? Feenix you rememba ?


It is interesting to note that Queenie's family moved to  the same province as me and they still live here..

We were both born at Albion and as I said to her, on 'different sides of the fence'.We met again almost 50 years later on GNI.

Her late father was a close friend to many on the sugar estate, including my Dad and brothers.

Other than the Friday night schedule fights, GNI created so many positive friendships: Births, family weddings, deaths, etc.


Dove helped us a lot with our Guyana Foundation reports, for which I am eternally grateful. It helped tremendously with our fundraising.     

 I grew up ( 9 years) not far from albion. we used to go to the bob shows there on weekends at... Yolanda????  My father's friend was mr Basdeo, he lived across from the police station and he took me there a few times as a child. My dad was killed when I was 9 but I stll remember his friend.

Its a small world indeed Storm, I know Mr. Basdeo and I believe the house is now replaced  by  a mega house.

A couple of years ago, I was on tour with families from  Canada and NY . We visited the new house and  have many photos of inside and outside.


The trench near the police station and house either goes to ocean or to the back dam where #4 pumping station exists today, my Dad worked there and close to the pumping station was where I grew up.

Lots of memories of that place until I was 14. Its now full of bushes, but I still visit and think of  my friends who did not leave Guyana, but died working on the sugar plantation.


Yollanda cinema also have special memories for me.


Was your Dad killed at Albion, I might know him.         

In 1960, a number of young fellas lived in Albion(frequent Yollanda as a group). We came from different areas of Berbice attending Port Mourant Training Centre, some attended Courantyne High School and others Nauth High School. It was a unique friendship we had. Interesting how we hooked up as friends in Albion-strangers as we were. 

Originally Posted by antabanta:

Congrats to GNI! and thank you for having me for 14 of the 20. When I had the time and used to post regularly, I tremendously enjoyed the interaction, esp the battles... and flirting of course.

Religion forum used to be very active. What happened? The nuts calmed down?

No,it's changed to Political now

Originally Posted by cain:
Originally Posted by antabanta:

Congrats to GNI! and thank you for having me for 14 of the 20. When I had the time and used to post regularly, I tremendously enjoyed the interaction, esp the battles... and flirting of course.

Religion forum used to be very active. What happened? The nuts calmed down?

No,it's changed to Political now

We also have a kick ass murderator, that don't take bribes.

Okay Riff, you owe me one freedom from suspension.

I was here from almost the start, did I ever get suspended ?

Banned was more like it, like dem blacks in South Africa.


Last edited by Tola
Originally Posted by IGH:
Originally Posted by cain:
Originally Posted by Chameli:
Originally Posted by Stormborn:
[]. She was a knock need 20 year old. Amral ows me one for bringing a light into his old heart.

methinks she was 15



How come Stormy say the girl was knock need?

Don't think she(Cher) was 15 she was in her late teens.

Stormy not sure if you can remember Sonia ... we used to call her Hot Mouth.

Sonia was in HS when she came on to GNI...She learned quite a lot thru Dove, Moria & my guidance.

What about Cook-up & Eddie? GOD et al

PPG with all his alias...I want to think that PPG is a smart guy... also I think is a journalist living in Guyana now...  not Benschop...



Cookup is a very successful criminal  attorney in Florida.



GNI was always our home away from home - a place to buss a lime and reminisce about days gone by and perhaps some that never were.  It was refreshing to engage in dialogue with Dove, Charisma, Stormborn, Cain, Nuff, BK, Tola, Mara, and quite a few others. For some others it was not so refreshing.  The good thing is that one could have chosen whom to interact with.  I wish some of the oldsters had remained.


It was always a challenge to keep up with the various aliases, but eventually good detective work prevailed.  The Academy Award for trying has to go to Joan, or Viola, or Janet, or ... whatever.


I fondly remember some of the threads - You know you are a Guyanese when ..... ; False Names; Ice Water; to name a few.


And, lest we forget, Cliff, LB, Awarra, that fellow in the Cayman Islands ...


Time there was when I had to check in with GNI before I went to bed-to ensure that I wasn't missing out on anything.  Thanks for an exhilarating run.



Last edited by Former Member

Wow....Happy Anniversary GNI

Is that D2 with a new look? Because he is right, he introduce me to GNI and I met my Knight and history was made. Chief's math is correct because of GNI I met Jem...because of Jem...I met my fiance. There are tons of people I met from GNI and each and everyone of those lovely people impacted me in different ways (yeah..what I don't wanna be when I grow up....NOOO just kiddingggg ) I remained true to my roots. Thanks GNI!!

We worked hard, we played hard and we fought hard but we knew when to put our difference aside and be there for each other.

Cher Bear
Originally Posted by Cher Bear:

Wow....Happy Anniversary GNI

Is that D2 with a new look? Because he is right, he introduce me to GNI and I met my Knight and history was made. Chief's math is correct because of GNI I met Jem...because of Jem...I met my fiance. There are tons of people I met from GNI and each and everyone of those lovely people impacted me in different ways (yeah..what I don't wanna be when I grow up....NOOO just kiddingggg ) I remained true to my roots. Thanks GNI!!

We worked hard, we played hard and we fought hard but we knew when to put our difference aside and be there for each other.

then indirectly I made your world!!!! see!!!


I only met one person on this site.

Dear Nash,

Thank you for you e-mail. I am not so sure if there is something I should do regarding your e-mail?

In any case, I may not contribute comments, as I prefer to be a "silent witness", so to speak. instead of participating in active discussions. Hence, would this be a dilemma for me?

As I read Amral's disclaimer, RE: "If you are a member but you are not contributing to the dicussions on the forum.
After a certain length of time your membership will be deemed inactive and will be pruned from the system."

Would this requirement put me in some kind of jeopardy of losing my membership?

Mark Hines
Date: Mon, 11 May 2015 15:51:50 -0700

No Mark, as log as you keep logging in from time to time even though you are not posting you will be safe.


It is when a person registers and the system shows that they have not even logged in for a very long  time, say 2 years or so, we purge the membership.


Exception, is only if I know them as a very long outstanding member I will override it.

Last edited by Amral


* Wow! I just browsed through this thread. GNI has been around for a long time. Happy 20th anniversary and congrats to amral for keeping the site going.


* I became aware of GNI during the 2011 Guyana election, and registered in January 2012. Compared to many of the folks here I am just a newbie.


* It's been a joy interacting with fellow Guyanese on GNI. I don't know anyone personally, but each poster has his or her own quirkiness and eccentricity, and that's what makes a site like GNI fun.


* Once again, happy 20th anniversary. May the next 20 years be as much fun for posters as the previous 20. By the way folks, how old will you be 20 years from now ?





Last edited by Former Member

I will be 72 Rev, if I live. But by that time the reins of GNI will be handed over to someone else who is as dedicated and committed.


Early last year Amb Ishamel handed over ownershio of GNI fully to me and to manage as  I want.  Its original purpose as he said was to promote his Amb. work and his writings, that has been accomplished.

Last edited by Amral

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