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I was nurtured by Guyana.

From its soil my body was nourished.

My thirst was quenched by its stream.

My character fashioned by elders in the community.


With all of our problems.

Would always choose Guyana for transition.

Good choice by my fore-parents.

In their loins they carried me from Bihar/Uttar Pradesh/Kerala.  


My country has done well for its glorious future.

In its journey of false ideologies, 65 years I have traveled.

There is a prayerful Shepherd leading the way.


God Bless My countrymen. Wherever we are. 

God Bless President Granger.

God Bless Prime Minister Nagamootoo.

God Bless Every elected politician.

Last edited by seignet

I unreservedly congratulate APNU-AFC for a hard fought victory. You deserved to win and be given the opportunity to govern. We, the supporters of the PPP/C, deservedly lost. The People spoke and their will is clear.


Please make good use of the goodwill of the people of Guyana, resident and in the Diaspora, which is now reposed in you. I look forward to supporting the new Government wherever and whenever possible whilst remaining a staunch supporter of the new Opposition.

Originally Posted by Shaitaan:

I unreservedly congratulate APNU-AFC for a hard fought victory. You deserved to win and be given the opportunity to govern. We, the supporters of the PPP/C, deservedly lost. The People spoke and their will is clear.


Please make good use of the goodwill of the people of Guyana, resident and in the Diaspora, which is now reposed in you. I look forward to supporting the new Government wherever and whenever possible whilst remaining a staunch supporter of the new Opposition.

Same here!!

Originally Posted by Nehru:
Originally Posted by Shaitaan:

I unreservedly congratulate APNU-AFC for a hard fought victory. You deserved to win and be given the opportunity to govern. We, the supporters of the PPP/C, deservedly lost. The People spoke and their will is clear.


Please make good use of the goodwill of the people of Guyana, resident and in the Diaspora, which is now reposed in you. I look forward to supporting the new Government wherever and whenever possible whilst remaining a staunch supporter of the new Opposition.

Same here!!

You know what he said there, you ketch all dem words baie?

Originally Posted by Demerara_Guy:

I support your wonderful words, Amral.


Also, I will await the official announcement from GECOM.

Come on uncle DG, give President Granger and Prime Minister Nagamootoo a more sincere congratulation. They fought hard and won fair and square. Remember how you used to post Mr Nagamootoo's photographs all over GNI calling for him to be Presidential candidate for PPP? Give him his due. He is the greatest third party leader in the history of British Guiana and Guyana.


Amral, it is indeed marvelous in extending GNI's membership hearty Congratulations to President & Prime Minister-Elect David Granger & Moses Nagamootoo. Including the Grand Alliance of the APNU & AFC Parties among others; future Ministers of both sides of Parliament; Speaker; et al, in Government. Including, among all Patriotic Guyanese across the political & social landscape. As we look forward to a brighter future, borne out of our duty, to honor our country with humility, integrity, morality and as Patriots. In the Spirit of National Unity. Placing Guyana First, as One Peoples, One Nation, One Destiny. Abiding by the Rule of Law, to live in freedom, while we pursue our dreams.


President & Prime Minister-Elect David Granger & Moses Nagamootoo, if I may be presumptuous enough to leave this thought:


From everyone who has been given much, much will be demanded; and from the one who has been entrusted with much, much more will be asked” ... Luke 12:48


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