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Former Member

OK Folks!


* Can someone please remind the Rev what a vile racist he is ?


* Rev's feeling a tad ignored and neglected in the new dispensation here on GNI political.


* Let's face it. Under the leadership of Imam Raymond---this place has become a Masjid or is it a mandhir ?



* There is no question this forum is dominated by PNC/AFC supporters.


* Now! Lemme add some activation energy---get people to wake up from their daydream.



* If you want your daughters and sisters to be raped and violated in Guyana.


* If you want the police invading homes and terrorizing innocent civilians


* If you want Guyana to be doomed economically and socially.


* Then you must come here daily  and pray for the rotten scoundrels in the PNC to miraculously win the next election in Guyana.


* Keep in mind folks---your beloved PNC has never won a free and fair election in Guyana.


* There you have it---the kind, polite and good natured Rev has told the god's honest truth.




* If you want your daughters and sisters to be raped and violated in Guyana--root for the PNC to return to power.



Replies sorted oldest to newest

High crime hinders Guyana’s development – UNDP

January 25, 2014 | By | Filed Under News 

- confidence in the police still low


Some of the proceeds of crime

Some of the proceeds of crime

Guyana has been identified as one of eight countries affected by high levels of crime and this is hindering development in the Caribbean, according to a recent United Nations Development Programme (UNDP) report. The selected countries are Antigua and Barbuda, Barbados, Guyana, Jamaica, St. Lucia, Suriname, and Trinidad and Tobago. The survey also found that the levels of confidence in the police were low. This was also highlighted in a similar report released in 2012. The Caribbean Human Development Report (HDR) and UNDP noted that the consultations involved more than 450 people including experts, practitioners and a variety of institutional actors and interested parties from across the region. The report also relies on secondary data from official sources and academic research. The report notes that 8.5 per cent of the global population resides in Latin America and the Caribbean and yet 27 per cent of the world murders take place in the region. “The Caribbean HDR presents the opportunity for the people of the region to learn more about each other and to enhance collective learning and solutions. It does not attempt to explore every aspect of the security situation in the sub-region or to replicate or to improve on previous efforts, but rather, to extend them,” said the UNDP. The UNDP stated that more than 1,200 people in the seven Caribbean islands were surveyed to gauge the perception of crime and justice in the region, with many of the respondents indicating that they live in fear of violent crime and had little confidence in the police. Almost 10 per cent of those questioned had been victims of crime in the 12 months up to the survey. The numbers ranged from a low of six per cent in Jamaica to a high of 11 per cent in Antigua, Barbuda, St. Lucia and Barbados. The number of rapes is higher than the world average; 30 per cent of females surveyed said they lived in fear of being sexually assaulted. Twelve per cent of women and nine per cent of men feared domestic violence. The percentage of those who had actually experienced domestic violence ranged between six per cent in Jamaica and 17 per cent in Guyana. “The Caribbean HDR limits the discussion of drug-trafficking and organized crime to their national traits and the violence they generate,” it added. The report points to the failings in the justice system. Delays and backlogs in processing criminal cases contributes to low conviction rates, while pre-trial detention is over-used and exacerbates prison over-crowding. Prison capacity is described as “overwhelmed”, and faults in the system have had a negative effect on the “capacity for fairness, effectiveness, transparency and accountability”. The report found that the region has a particular problem with drug trafficking and the violence and corruption that surround the trade.

Originally Posted by Mitwah:

Rev is looking for a hug.



* By the way Mitts---that was a nice post you made in SOCIAL in the HUGS thread.


* I never saw that before---I have saved it.


* But this is POLITICAL----we are enemies----you, ray, etc, etc love the PNC----the Rev supports the PPP.




* You PNC/AFC supporters vex wid Rev all you want---but your beloved PNC must never rule Guyana again.








-East Indian








* Guyana is clearly not a homogenous society.


* And as long as the criminal elements reside in Guyana---there will be crime.


* Now! If half the Guyana police force is fired and replaced with decent, responsible officers----crime in Guyana may decrease.






Originally Posted by Mitwah:

Rev, why would you say something like that? I don't love the PNC.

* Arrite! Arrite!


* You don't LOVE the PNC Mitts.


* But I have read your posts in POLITICAL---and you damn well and HATE the PPP.


* You want the PPP removed from office.


* Well, guess what Mitts----if the PPP were to shockingly lose the next election----which party do you believe will form the next government ?




* Look Mitts---no matter how corrupt the PPP is----and dem coolie bais corrupt no rass----the PNC will be 100 times more corrupt.



Originally Posted by Rev:





-East Indian








* Guyana is clearly not a homogenous society.


* And as long as the criminal elements reside in Guyana---there will be crime.


* Now! If half the Guyana police force is fired and replaced with decent, responsible officers----crime in Guyana may decrease.






Sometimes one thinks you are a prophet! What good observations u make!

Originally Posted by Mitwah:

Rev, the PPP/C had more than 2 decades to reform the police. They failed.


It is the responsibility of the Government of Guyana to maintain public safety and protect the lives and property of all Guyanese citizens. It was safer under the PNC regime than it is under the PPP.




* Good points.


* The Rev acknowledges that Crime and poverty remain major issues in Guyana.


* There is a lot of work left to be done.


* Listen! The Rev, Raymond, Nehru, Danyael etc, etc live in the riches country on the planet---and we have lots of crime and poverty here in the great US of A.


* You Mitts might believe that the PNC may be better fighting crime---and you may be right---but when it comes to running the country---those nitwits in the PNC are proven failures.


* After 28 year in power the PNC ruined and impoverished.


* And if they were to return to power---I am 51% confident they would ruin and impoverish the country again.



Last edited by Former Member




* In Region 6 the AFC received 11,634 votes


* In Region 5 the AFC received 3079 votes


* In Region 3 the AFC received 3343 votes


* The PPP won those regions---but the AFC did eat into their margin.


* Poster Bgurd made the valid point that the AFC cannot take significant votes from both major parties in the same election. In 2011, for example, with Ramjattan as their leader the AFC drained votes from the PPP. And in the 2006 election with Trotman as leader the AFC drained votes from the PNC.


* Anyway, With the Moses Nagamootoo novelty gone---it would be interesting to see how many votes the AFC pull from the PPP in regions 6,5, and 3 in the next election.



Last edited by Former Member



* Of the 342,236 voters in 2011


* 45% were East Indians


* 41% were Blacks


* 14% were Others




QUESTION FOR CARIBJ or any other PNC/AFC supporter


* Do you have a problem with the assumption above ?


45% Indians; 41% blacks; 14% others





* Once we agree on an assumption above----then we can go ahead and calculate what percentage of the Black and Indian and other votes the AFC, for example, received.






IF THIS IS TRUE:  45% Indians; 41% blacks; 14% others = breakdown of 342,236 votes in 2011




* THE AFC received 21,560 EAST INDIAN VOTES = 14% East Indian votes


* The AFC received 5612 BLACK VOTES = 4% of Black votes


* That would mean the AFC received 8161 of the OTHER VOTES




* Hmmmm! That 8161 number seems high.


* So could the AFC have received more Indian votes than the 21,560(14%) calculated above ?






* Remember we assumed that 45% of the voters were East Indians.


* So that's 45% of 343,236 = 154,006 East Indian voters.


* If the AFC received 14% of the Indian votes---->21,560 Indian votes


* If the AFC received 15% of the Indian votes---->23,100 Indian votes


* Damn! That's a lot of East Indian votes the AFC drained from the PPP.



Originally Posted by Mitwah:

The AFC needs to focus on those who will be voting for the first time. They are ones who know of life under the PPP/C regime.

* Given the assumptions made above---45% Indians; 41% blacks and 14% Others voted in 2011




* That 35,333 votes likely broke down this way:


* AFC received 23,100 Indian votes---15% of Indian votes


* AFC received 5612 Black votes-------4% of black votes


* AFC received 6621 Other votes------14% of other votes





* It is crystal clear that Ramjattan/Moses---especially Moses Nagamootoo played a big part in draining the Indian votes from the PPP----15% of the Indians(23,100) voted for the AFC in 2011----under the assumption used.




* In a race just between the PPP and PNC, how many of those 23,100 Indians who voted for the AFC in 2011----how many would vote for the PNC ?







Last edited by Former Member
Originally Posted by Mitwah:

I would abstain.





* If you had only 2 choices---the PPP and the PNC---and you were compelled to vote---which party would you support----the PPP or PNC ?


* By the way, abstaining is like supporting the incumbent party.





* I would be shocked if they could pull double digits---percentage wise in the next election.



Originally Posted by raymond:

I may consider PNC if given a choice between PNC and PPP...

* May ?


* You need to have more CONVICTION in your "heroes" over in the PNC.


* The way the Rev sees it, and of course I am prejudiced,  just like zebras don't change their stripes and leopards don't change their spots, the boneheads and bumblers in PNC will never change their ineptness and incompetence.


* I'll stick with dem corrupt baiyas in the PPP.

Originally Posted by Nehru:

Dem Bannas ah study how dem gun able to thief. Look at Nigel




* Yuh know what ma-ka-chodo(ma-ka-chode-oh) means ?


* M.F


* Apply it to Nigel.


* That ma-ka-chodo looks like the biggest swinder, con and  scamp man in Guyana.



* And those 2 ugly daags believe 100% in Nigel's innocence.




* I am curious to see how many of those Indians are still gullible enough to keep supporting those 2 miscreants Moses and Khemraj in the next election.





Last edited by Former Member
Originally Posted by Rev:



* Of the 342,236 voters in 2011


* 45% were East Indians


* 41% were Blacks


* 14% were Others




QUESTION FOR CARIBJ or any other PNC/AFC supporter


* Do you have a problem with the assumption above ?


45% Indians; 41% blacks; 14% others





* Once we agree on an assumption above----then we can go ahead and calculate what percentage of the Black and Indian and other votes the AFC, for example, received.





1.  I am not a PNC supporter.  I hate all parties in Guyana.  Were APNU in power I would be as critical about them as I am of the PPP.


2.  You seem to insist that you can divide the black and the mixed population. What you fail to understand that mixed people in Guyana are simply people who refuse to identify with a particular ethnic group. 


Trotman is what most Guyanese call black, and I am sure he describes himself such in private moments.  However because he does have some non African ancestry, and because the AFC is positioned as a party of mixed Guyanese, and of others who dont vote according to race, he uses his 30% (probable)  Non African ancestry to say that he is mixed.


Rev.  Mixed people include;


A. Africans, and to a lesser extent Amerindians and East Indians who prefer to claim to be mixed, based on some notion (real or perceived) that they have some other ancestry, which means that they arent "pure".  Africans are most affected, as of the 3 major groups its easy to see that we are the most mixed, with East Indians being the least.


B.  People from the old African/European blend (red people), but most of them left for Canada and elsewhere, as they couldnt stand the "inferior" "low class" Africans and "heathen, country booboo" East Indians ruling over them.


C.  People from interracial unions (married and not married) who have parents from one of the "pure" racial groups.  Popular combinations (aside from red people) are African/Amerindian, African/East Indian, African/Portuguese, Amerindian/Portuguese, Portuguese/Chinese, Portuguese/East Indian, East Indian/Chinese. Amerindian/East Indian being anew and rapidly growing group.  As you can see hardly a monolthic bloc.


D.  People of multiracial ancestries where BOTH parents are either biracial or multi racial.


Rev. A bovianda might identify as an Amerindian in Lethem, mixed in Bartica, and black in Georgetown.


So quit trying to fine tune what they ethnic vote is, either by turn out, or by support.  The trends are their, but so also are the error rates.


Start saying that East Indians and African/Mixed, POSSIBLY accounted for 45% each.  Amerindians, under 10%, and the rest being Portuguese, Chinese, etc.


Start by saying that maybe 85% East Indian voted PPP, and 90% of the African/mixed POSSIBLY voted for either the APNU or the AFC.  The Amerindian vote probably went heavily to the PPP, as they won in Regions 1, and 9, but we dont know the ethnic composition of the voters in Regions 2, and 7, so you cannot with certainly GUESSTIMATE what % of this small group voted for which party.


TRENDS a) The PPP is losing the support of the East Indian population who are becoming less paranoid about blacks, and increasingly irritated by PPP arrogance, corruption and incompetence.


b) APNU is able to get their African/mixed base out because that voting bloc is also tired of the PPP, and in addition feel that racially based discrimination against them further weakens their socio-ecobomic status inj Guyana.  These views are especially strong among the younger, lower middle and poor African segment.  We are seeing a return of extreme prejudice against people with very negroid features, much as we used to have prior to the mid 60s.  For those blacks who only know being a group subordinated to East Indians there is growing low self esteem, this not traditionally being a feature of Guyanese blacks, even in the colonial era, as it was of blacks in some of the islands, Like Jamaica and Barbados in the pre independence period.


Once again people with "good hair" get certain jobs, and those without this have a tougher time. In places like Jamaica and Barbados blacks are visible at all levels in the public AND PRIVATE sectors.  So we see a reversal between Guyana of the 60s where there was a healthy black upper middle class, and Jamaica of that period where there were very few of them.


People who dont like themselves usually hate others even more, so this is a serious source of potential trouble.  I am shocked that you dont see the danger that this presents not only to Guyana in general, but to people who are stereotyped as PPP supporters, therefore perceived as having "unfair" advantages.


Note that support for APNU is only because they are the only party seen as being strong enough to weaken the PPP.   They are used as a place where African resentment against "PPP supporters" (meaning Indians, whether they support the PPP, or not)  can be placed.  No one need fool themselves that APNU has any more of a hold, even on the most negroid looking and poorest blacks, than does the PPP have over East Indians.  Already when Corbin was seen as not protecting blacks from "collie" he was ignored, and Hoyte suffered the same treatment,  when he was abandoned by the black poor for Hammie Green.  In case we forgot in 1964 the PNC LOST the mayoral elections in G/town and elsewhere.


This type of QUALITATIVE analysis is more meangful than worrying about whether Indians are 44.6% of the voters, or whether 9.8% of the blacks supported the PPP, because we dont know.


And you rev are being very dangerous when you ignore the signs.

Last edited by Former Member
Originally Posted by Rev:

OK Folks!


* Can someone please remind the Rev what a vile racist he is ?


* Rev's feeling a tad ignored and neglected in the new dispensation here on GNI political.


* Let's face it. Under the leadership of Imam Raymond---this place has become a Masjid or is it a mandhir ?



* There is no question this forum is dominated by PNC/AFC supporters.


* Now! Lemme add some activation energy---get people to wake up from their daydream.



* If you want your daughters and sisters to be raped and violated in Guyana.


* If you want the police invading homes and terrorizing innocent civilians


* If you want Guyana to be doomed economically and socially.


* Then you must come here daily  and pray for the rotten scoundrels in the PNC to miraculously win the next election in Guyana.


* Keep in mind folks---your beloved PNC has never won a free and fair election in Guyana.


* There you have it---the kind, polite and good natured Rev has told the god's honest truth.




* If you want your daughters and sisters to be raped and violated in Guyana--root for the PNC to return to power.




Rev Bhai


I have lost interest in the political fights. An election might ignite the fire again.

Originally Posted by Mitwah:

The AFC needs to focus on those who will be voting for the first time. They are ones who know of life under the PPP/C regime.


This is a valid point. 


Younger Guyanese would laugh at my rants against the PNC because they cannot relate to what occurred under the PNC dictatorship era. The PPP needs to attract younger voters, more professionals, Native Guyanese and the mixed race.


The AFC is playing their cards right by targeting new or first time voters. The PPP need to take notice.


Should the PPP also mend fences with those who left the party ? Are they willing to return ?


Many Guyanese, especially overseas Guyanese who fought and lobbied their governments for free and fair election in Guyana has largely been ignored by the PPP. They feel betrayed. 


I see a shift in the political landscape in Guyana. Race based politics is fading as the younger generation integrate and intermarry. The PPP must move with the times or Dr. Jagan's party will eventually be wiped off the political map.



Originally Posted by Rev:




* If you want your daughters and sisters to be raped and violated in Guyana--root for the PNC to return to power.



You were adamant only one week ago that mothers and sisters should be out of bounds in this forum.

You're breaking your own rule and adding our daughters to boot.

If someone picks you up and asks you whether the PNC had violated and raped your sister, you would howl and complain.





February 3, 2014 11:48 AM

* Ever since amral announced there will be a new MODERATOR GNI political posters have toned down their personal insults and race baiting.


* I supported ray as Moderator from the inception and I believe he will keep the forum running smoothly.


* Raymond made it clear that he will not tolerate race baiting and nasty personal insults on the mothers, sisters and wives of posters.

Originally Posted by Gilbakka:

You were adamant only one week ago that mothers and sisters should be out of bounds in this forum.

* You are damn right gilbakka!


* Posters must absolutely refrain from directly attacking or insulting the mothers, sisters, and daughters of fellow posters.


* Regarding this comment:


"If you want your daughters and sisters to be raped and violated in Guyana--root for the PNC to return to power."


* The statement I made doesn't attack anyone directly---it's a general statement.







Originally Posted by yuji22:

 Rev Bhai

 I have lost interest in the political fights. An election might ignite the fire again.



* What do you mean you have "lost interest in political fights" ?


* Do you ever see the Rev engaging in political fights on this forum ?




* I come here and express my opinion and sometimes my opinions pi$$ of the PNC/AFC supporters---I like that.hahaha


* So you don't have to engage in political fights yuji---just express your honest opinion.


* And if you don't want to talk POLITICS----the Rev has quite a few topics over at SOCIAL that the boys here are afraid to post on.





* The Rev will try to ease your bafflement.



Last edited by Former Member
Originally Posted by Rev:


* Do you ever see the Rev engaging in political fights on this forum ?




* I come here and express my opinion and sometimes my opinions pi$$ of the PNC/AFC supporters---I like that.hahaha




Yuh mean to seh yuh is a provocateur?


Yuh know, a provocateur is mo dangerous than a politicalhure.


Dis Rev is a dangerous man.


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