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Former Member

We're all adults now. We were once children. We looked forward to Christmas because we got toys. For most of us during my childhood, Christmas was the only time of year that we received toys. What fun we had!

Let's relive bygone years this Christmas season. Let's search the Internet for pics of our past Xmas toys and deposit them in this virtual museum.


One recurring toy of mine was a Lone Star revolver. It was a cap gun. No bullets. Just a thin paper spool with a spot of sulfa evenly spaced. When you pulled the trigger, the gun's hammer hit the sulfa and a shot rang out.

We played cowboys and Indians, most of us.

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We were so pure we couldn't afford toys, din have nuff friends, I was sent into the room to play with myself.


Aright is kiddin Iman kiddin, used to have dem guns and Chrismus day was Cowboy an Indians tarass.

When I first came to Canada I was surprised to see that you can walk into a store anytime and purchase a toy.


Ah...childhood Christmas- we were poor; my father was a cane cutter and most of his Friday envelope went toward our rent and food. My mother was (and still is) an industrious woman who supplemented that brown envelope with her vegetable garden and buying and selling "provision". The little she earned gave us some extras. 


At Christmas time we got plastic dollies and guns with the pink rolls of shots. When the gun did not give off the shots, we took a hammer and pounded that strip of paper...Boom! Boom! Boom! 


One year I got teacups and saucers which became my prized possessions. I set up house and "served" many meals from that set.


Such special times. Such warm and happy memories.


To be continued


Rev, I hope you come back to this thread...

I enjoyed reading your post about the water gun Santa gave you, the books you got for Christmas, your parents business, the curtains/blinds that people bought, the plastic table cloth etc. etc. Why did you delete your beautiful post? I think it's worth re-posting. Please do.


I must say my five sisters and I were fortunate to get toys for Christmas. My father was a stoker in a sugar factory. With his meagre wages we got simple toys like whistles and balloons.

We got more substantial toys from our mamoo/uncle who was a civil servant, and our nana/grandfather who was a village overseer. Guns, a Viewmaster, airplanes for me; dolls for my sisters.

We used to call the whistles "blow-blow" and the balloons "bladder."

Here are some kinds of whistles I got:

Stock image of 'Toy whistle with green feather over pure white background'

toy whistle -- Ria Hills

Toy Water Whistle



Well I do not know my mom or dad, but was living with my uncle he had three kids too . he used to work at Twins drug store in Georgetown . I remember getting a doll in a Bag with gold hair .and one year  a bottle of perfume open it all fell out. also I remember going by my aunty who marry Aurthur Chunge brother over west coast[Demasetl]  she used to cook up nice food we will eat and a drink an go sleep . But we was very happy with what ever we got .


I remember the dolls my sisters got Xmas time. Those dolls had fixed eyes.

I'm referring to the 1950s.

Then, around 1960 my sisters got a different type of doll. Standing up, the doll's eyes opened. Lying down, her eyes closed. This doll was popularly called "sleep and wake baby."

Speaking of myself, some years my parents gave me soft cricket balls, aka bumper balls.

One time I got a harmonica or mouth-organ like this:

Originally Posted by Miraver:

Rev, I hope you come back to this thread...

I enjoyed reading your post about the water gun Santa gave you, the books you got for Christmas, your parents business, the curtains/blinds that people bought, the plastic table cloth etc. etc. Why did you delete your beautiful post? I think it's worth re-posting. Please do.



* I'm glad you enjoyed my post reminiscing about the lovely Christmas season in Guyana.


* Over here in the United States---every day is Christmas---but back in Guyana---Christmas was the month of December---Christmas was the best in Guyana.


* I took the post down because I felt I was giving out too much information.


* But it seems as if I was wrong---you enjoyed the post.


* Anyway, here is the water gun Santa claus at Fogarty store gave me---it's the only time I ever went to Santa Claus---my grandmother took me:




Originally Posted by Rev:
Originally Posted by Miraver:

Rev, I hope you come back to this thread...

I enjoyed reading your post about the water gun Santa gave you, the books you got for Christmas, your parents business, the curtains/blinds that people bought, the plastic table cloth etc. etc. Why did you delete your beautiful post? I think it's worth re-posting. Please do.



* I'm glad you enjoyed my post reminiscing about the lovely Christmas season in Guyana.


* Over here in the United States---every day is Christmas---but back in Guyana---Christmas was the month of December---Christmas was the best in Guyana.


* I took the post down because I felt I was giving out too much information.


* But it seems as if I was wrong---you enjoyed the post.


* Anyway, here is the water gun Santa claus at Fogarty store gave me---it's the only time I ever went to Santa Claus---my grandmother took me:




Those water guns were popular, Rev.

Originally Posted by Rev:
Originally Posted by Miraver:

Rev, I hope you come back to this thread...

I enjoyed reading your post about the water gun Santa gave you, the books you got for Christmas, your parents business, the curtains/blinds that people bought, the plastic table cloth etc. etc. Why did you delete your beautiful post? I think it's worth re-posting. Please do.



* I'm glad you enjoyed my post reminiscing about the lovely Christmas season in Guyana.


* Over here in the United States---every day is Christmas---but back in Guyana---Christmas was the month of December---Christmas was the best in Guyana.


* I took the post down because I felt I was giving out too much information.


* But it seems as if I was wrong---you enjoyed the post.







Rev, you didn't give out too much information at all. 


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