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Originally Posted by Mars:
Originally Posted by Nehru:
Originally Posted by Mars:
Originally Posted by Tola:
Originally Posted by Mars:
Originally Posted by Nehru:

NO one care Rat's Ass how much you are making. This sis not about you but being a delusional FOOL, you make it about YOU!!!!!!!!!!!!

Well look who's talking about being delusional. The man who was telling everyone here that he's a professor, meanwhile he's a desk clerk at the LaBagu School filling out student aid forms.

Mars, with lot of respect, I don't think we should knock down people with their personal issues. I might have also done so and I apologise.


We struggle to live a comfortable life, by whatever means is available to us, it should not be something other should degrade.   


In my book, I am not better than others.

All that jackass does on this forum is abuse other posters and cannot contribute to anything positive here. Meanwhile the Admin allows him to behave like this every day. I will not sit quietly and let anyone abuse me. I'm not Ghandi or Jesus. You can take it but I certainly won't.


It's quite easy to analyze our writing here and determine who's the ignorant and illiterate one wannabe Professor. It certainly isn't me. But then again, you may be clueless about the meaning of ignorant and illiterate given that you only made it to 4th standard at Hubu Backdam High. 

Being an IGNORANT AHOLE, I do not expect you to understand what is being ignorant!!!

Originally Posted by RiffRaff:

Seems rather excessive

It is within the range of what is paid for similar positions in the Caribbean. I would like to see them bring up national wages to the point where people can actually make a living wage. The average income of some 5K is not sufficient in an economy which is priced on a US scale.

Originally Posted by Mars:
Originally Posted by Nehru:
Originally Posted by Mars:
Originally Posted by Tola:
Originally Posted by Mars:
Originally Posted by Nehru:

NO one care Rat's Ass how much you are making. This sis not about you but being a delusional FOOL, you make it about YOU!!!!!!!!!!!!

Well look who's talking about being delusional. The man who was telling everyone here that he's a professor, meanwhile he's a desk clerk at the LaBagu School filling out student aid forms.

Mars, with lot of respect, I don't think we should knock down people with their personal issues. I might have also done so and I apologise.


We struggle to live a comfortable life, by whatever means is available to us, it should not be something other should degrade.   


In my book, I am not better than others.

All that jackass does on this forum is abuse other posters and cannot contribute to anything positive here. Meanwhile the Admin allows him to behave like this every day. I will not sit quietly and let anyone abuse me. I'm not Ghandi or Jesus. You can take it but I certainly won't.


It's quite easy to analyze our writing here and determine who's the ignorant and illiterate one wannabe Professor. It certainly isn't me. But then again, you may be clueless about the meaning of ignorant and illiterate given that you only made it to 4th standard at Hubu Backdam High School. 

Is Hubu Backdam High near Parika Backdam, me pick guava dea.

Originally Posted by Nehru:
Originally Posted by Mars:
Originally Posted by Nehru:
Originally Posted by Mars:
Originally Posted by Tola:
Originally Posted by Mars:
Originally Posted by Nehru:

NO one care Rat's Ass how much you are making. This sis not about you but being a delusional FOOL, you make it about YOU!!!!!!!!!!!!

Well look who's talking about being delusional. The man who was telling everyone here that he's a professor, meanwhile he's a desk clerk at the LaBagu School filling out student aid forms.

Mars, with lot of respect, I don't think we should knock down people with their personal issues. I might have also done so and I apologise.


We struggle to live a comfortable life, by whatever means is available to us, it should not be something other should degrade.   


In my book, I am not better than others.

All that jackass does on this forum is abuse other posters and cannot contribute to anything positive here. Meanwhile the Admin allows him to behave like this every day. I will not sit quietly and let anyone abuse me. I'm not Ghandi or Jesus. You can take it but I certainly won't.


It's quite easy to analyze our writing here and determine who's the ignorant and illiterate one wannabe Professor. It certainly isn't me. But then again, you may be clueless about the meaning of ignorant and illiterate given that you only made it to 4th standard at Hubu Backdam High. 

Being an IGNORANT AHOLE, I do not expect you to understand what is being ignorant!!!

You've already exceeded your 100 words vocabulary and it's only 1.30. What are you going to do for the rest of the day, Drunkie? Repeat yourself like you always do?

Last edited by Mars
Originally Posted by Nehru:
Originally Posted by Mars:
Originally Posted by Nehru:
Originally Posted by Mars:
Originally Posted by Tola:
Originally Posted by Mars:
Originally Posted by Nehru:

NO one care Rat's Ass how much you are making. This sis not about you but being a delusional FOOL, you make it about YOU!!!!!!!!!!!!

Well look who's talking about being delusional. The man who was telling everyone here that he's a professor, meanwhile he's a desk clerk at the LaBagu School filling out student aid forms.

Mars, with lot of respect, I don't think we should knock down people with their personal issues. I might have also done so and I apologise.


We struggle to live a comfortable life, by whatever means is available to us, it should not be something other should degrade.   


In my book, I am not better than others.

All that jackass does on this forum is abuse other posters and cannot contribute to anything positive here. Meanwhile the Admin allows him to behave like this every day. I will not sit quietly and let anyone abuse me. I'm not Ghandi or Jesus. You can take it but I certainly won't.


It's quite easy to analyze our writing here and determine who's the ignorant and illiterate one wannabe Professor. It certainly isn't me. But then again, you may be clueless about the meaning of ignorant and illiterate given that you only made it to 4th standard at Hubu Backdam High. 

Being an IGNORANT AHOLE, I do not expect you to understand what is being ignorant!!!

What is there to understand except you are a nasty bitchy bigot whose posts are interchangeable. One can use any of you two lines as a reply to any post and they would fit and be identified  with you as the poster. Yes you are indeed as smart. Any fool would think so.

Last edited by Former Member
Originally Posted by Mars:
Originally Posted by Django:

The PM salary is excessive can the country afford it,

that is over US100G yearly other benefits not included.

these guys make me hand fall,Gilly what you think???

A 10% increase for the Prime Minister is minimal. I'm still making a lot more than the PM.

I am a bit leery at the increase to a hundred K at this time given  all the perks ie tax free, allowances etc adding up to another 25 percent of the salary. We are poor.


Hopefully they do not steal so we can qualify the salary as normal since the others probably stole some 10 times their salary. Plumpy got a house lot for 1.5 million and sold it for 90 million That is theft. Robert P MBA did the same. Both are millionaires on their salaries. As I said, I hope these fellows do us good.



Originally Posted by Tola:
Originally Posted by Mars:
Originally Posted by Nehru:

NO one care Rat's Ass how much you are making. This sis not about you but being a delusional FOOL, you make it about YOU!!!!!!!!!!!!

Well look who's talking about being delusional. The man who was telling everyone here that he's a professor, meanwhile he's a desk clerk at the LaBagu School filling out student aid forms.

Mars, with lot of respect, I don't think we should knock down people with their personal issues. I might have also done so and I apologise.


We struggle to live a comfortable life, by whatever means is available to us, it should not be something other should degrade.   


In my book, I am not better than others.

Tola - I respectfully agree with you.  We all have different opinions and we can debate each other without degrading anyone.  We don't know what the other person's journey is.  I have lashed out at several people for attacking me, but I will never attack anyone personally.  Since I am the newbie, (and the only girl??), I don't really know much people so would be pointless for personal attacks. 

Bibi Haniffa
Originally Posted by Bibi Haniffa:
Originally Posted by Tola:
Originally Posted by Mars:
Originally Posted by Nehru:

NO one care Rat's Ass how much you are making. This sis not about you but being a delusional FOOL, you make it about YOU!!!!!!!!!!!!

Well look who's talking about being delusional. The man who was telling everyone here that he's a professor, meanwhile he's a desk clerk at the LaBagu School filling out student aid forms.

Mars, with lot of respect, I don't think we should knock down people with their personal issues. I might have also done so and I apologise.


We struggle to live a comfortable life, by whatever means is available to us, it should not be something other should degrade.   


In my book, I am not better than others.

Tola - I respectfully agree with you.  We all have different opinions and we can debate each other without degrading anyone.  We don't know what the other person's journey is.  I have lashed out at several people for attacking me, but I will never attack anyone personally.  Since I am the newbie, (and the only girl??), I don't really know much people so would be pointless for personal attacks. 

Some of these never see come see CRABDAAGS cant help being IGNORANT and ILLITERATE!!!!!!!!!!

Originally Posted by Bibi Haniffa:
Originally Posted by Tola:
Originally Posted by Mars:
Originally Posted by Nehru:

NO one care Rat's Ass how much you are making. This sis not about you but being a delusional FOOL, you make it about YOU!!!!!!!!!!!!

Well look who's talking about being delusional. The man who was telling everyone here that he's a professor, meanwhile he's a desk clerk at the LaBagu School filling out student aid forms.

Mars, with lot of respect, I don't think we should knock down people with their personal issues. I might have also done so and I apologise.


We struggle to live a comfortable life, by whatever means is available to us, it should not be something other should degrade.   


In my book, I am not better than others.

Tola - I respectfully agree with you.  We all have different opinions and we can debate each other without degrading anyone.  We don't know what the other person's journey is.  I have lashed out at several people for attacking me, but I will never attack anyone personally.  Since I am the newbie, (and the only girl??), I don't really know much people so would be pointless for personal attacks. 

Bebe..what the ?? after girl any doubts on gender,just asking.

Originally Posted by Bibi Haniffa:

100% salary increases for VPs,  27 Ministers confirmed

Vice President Moses Nagamootoo

Vice President Moses Nagamootoo

Mega salary increases



…as Public Servants get 5% for only 1/2 year



In spite of the A Partnership for National Unity/Alliance For Change (APNU/AFC) protests while they were in the Opposition benches about “enormous” and “unreasonable” salaries of officials of the then Government, the coalition has now confirmed that it is giving members in its Administration massive salary increases over those of the former PPP Administration.

2nd Vice President Carl Greenidge

2nd Vice President Carl Greenidge

 The Official Gazette, published on September 25, 2015, stated that Prime Minister Moses Nagamootoo will be benefiting from a whopping $20,580,000 per annum, while the other Vice Presidents will each receive $11,135,064.

 Under the APNU/AFC Government, a Cabinet Minister will be given a hefty sum of $10,439,124 – annually – more than $300,000 over previous Ministers and a Junior Minister or a Minister within a Ministry will be paid $8,346,492 per annum.

 The Attorney General will receive the same amount of money that the Chancellor does and the Speaker of the National Assembly is slated to benefit from $10, 439,124 every year (the same salary which a Cabinet Minister will be paid).

 Meanwhile, the Leader of the Opposition will be given $10,439, 124 on an annual basis,  but former President Bharrat Jagdeo has said he would not be accepting this salary.

3rd Vice President Khemraj Ramjattan

3rd Vice President Khemraj Ramjattan

In addition to the increased salary for  Prime Minister Nagamootoo of $1.7 million monthly, an increase of over $200,000 each month,  he will be drawing   vacation benefits and perks totalling more than another $500,000.

 Guyana Times understands that the Deputy Speaker is to get $2, 702,880 per annum, while the Chief Whip will be paid $2, 682,360 annually.

 Additionally, every other member of the National Assembly is to be paid $2, 402,532 each year.

Guyana Times further understands that the three other Vice Presidents – positions which did not exist under the PPP/C Administration – Sydney Allicock, Carl Greenidge, and Khemraj Ramjattan will earn some $1.13 million, double the $579,000 which they would  have earned as Ministers. In addition, the vacations and other benefits are also $500,000.

4th Vice President Sydney Allicock

4th Vice President Sydney Allicock

The Cabinet Ministers, who are the 15 senior Ministers in Government, will now benefit from $1 million – an increase of over $400,000 or 74 per cent each month.

 It must be noted that the 12 Ministers within the Ministries (Junior Ministers) will each earn $700,000 monthly and like their senior Ministers will be entitled to the $500,000 in benefits.

 In addition to their huge salaries, all 27 Ministers will each be receiving a duty allowance, an entertainment allowance, $45,000, housing allowance; chauffeur allowance of over $100,000 and annual vacation allowance of $420,000.

 It must be reminded that ironically both APNU and the AFC, prior to taking office in May 2015, had vigorously spoken out against the “abuse” of taxpayers’ money to fill the pockets of “greedy” Government officials.

 Carl Greenidge, the then Shadow Finance Minister, had even written a letter to the Stabroek News just before the elections, in which he complained about the “lifestyle” of PPP/C Ministers.

“PPP Ministers have always paid themselves higher salaries than existed prior to their assumption of office…By 2014, the Minister of Finance was receiving $579,951,and today the PPP Ministers’ vacation allowance at $420,000 is ten times the minimum wage.”

 In August, former President Jagdeo had stated that the coalition Government had ‘duped’ the Guyanese populace when it had highlighted its proposed salary increases for public servants in the 2015 National Budget.

He said it was “nothing spectacular”, and was less in comparison to what his Party, while in power, had been offering.

 Jagdeo said what bothered him significantly was the timeline for payment given by Government.

 Finance Minister Winston Jordan had announced that effective July 1, 2015, all other public servants will receive a five per cent salary increase plus an additional $5000 monthly. This, according to Jordon, will allow for a greater increase in the lower income brackets. However, the previous Administration had routinely made its increases to public servants retroactive to January 1 of the given year; in effect, the five per cent increase for 2015 is actually 2.5 per cent.

In effect, the Government has once again showed its true colours as it has only given the public servants in the country an increase of a mere 2.5 per cent while it has ensured that its Ministers  received MASSIVE increases and salaries each year. While public servants receive monthly allowances of meagre sums, each Minister in Government and the Prime Minister enjoy allowances totalling hundreds of thousands of dollars every month – equal to more than the combined salaries of those public servants who labour under them.


Welcome to change, PNC KoKOBeah style.





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What were these chaps thinking with local elections coming up ?


Rice, Sugar, Recession etc.


Who is in charge of the APNU ? 


These were the scums who were talking about mean and lean government and humble lifestyles.


Fat Pig Moses already has over 50 million spent on salaries, House, Furniture and SUV.





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  • 2331123333333333333333333
Last edited by Former Member
Originally Posted by Django:
Originally Posted by Bibi Haniffa:
Originally Posted by Tola:
Originally Posted by Mars:
Originally Posted by Nehru:

NO one care Rat's Ass how much you are making. This sis not about you but being a delusional FOOL, you make it about YOU!!!!!!!!!!!!

Well look who's talking about being delusional. The man who was telling everyone here that he's a professor, meanwhile he's a desk clerk at the LaBagu School filling out student aid forms.

Mars, with lot of respect, I don't think we should knock down people with their personal issues. I might have also done so and I apologise.


We struggle to live a comfortable life, by whatever means is available to us, it should not be something other should degrade.   


In my book, I am not better than others.

Tola - I respectfully agree with you.  We all have different opinions and we can debate each other without degrading anyone.  We don't know what the other person's journey is.  I have lashed out at several people for attacking me, but I will never attack anyone personally.  Since I am the newbie, (and the only girl??), I don't really know much people so would be pointless for personal attacks. 

Bebe..what the ?? after girl any doubts on gender,just asking.

Lol.  No doubts on gender.  I am the girliest girl.  ?? after girl -  meaning if I am the only girl on the conversation.  The rest of you seem to be guys.  But I am not sure.  Didn't Mitwah tell you I have long blonde hair??

Bibi Haniffa

Where is AFC spokesperson Gil ?


Is Gil hiding in his toilet ?


Only a crabdawg will justify these increases while the poor are starving and crime escalates, rice dead, sugar dead, recession on the horizon etc.


Interesting Local Elections are coming up.

Originally Posted by yuji22:

Where is AFC spokesperson Gil ?


Is Gil hiding in his toilet ?


Only a crabdawg will justify these increases while the poor are starving and crime escalates, rice dead, sugar dead, recession on the horizon etc.


Interesting Local Elections are coming up.

Bhai The " Journalist" is busy doing a story for the NY Times.

Originally Posted by Django:
Originally Posted by Bibi Haniffa:
Originally Posted by Tola:
Originally Posted by Mars:
Originally Posted by Nehru:

NO one care Rat's Ass how much you are making. This sis not about you but being a delusional FOOL, you make it about YOU!!!!!!!!!!!!

Well look who's talking about being delusional. The man who was telling everyone here that he's a professor, meanwhile he's a desk clerk at the LaBagu School filling out student aid forms.

Mars, with lot of respect, I don't think we should knock down people with their personal issues. I might have also done so and I apologise.


We struggle to live a comfortable life, by whatever means is available to us, it should not be something other should degrade.   


In my book, I am not better than others.

Tola - I respectfully agree with you.  We all have different opinions and we can debate each other without degrading anyone.  We don't know what the other person's journey is.  I have lashed out at several people for attacking me, but I will never attack anyone personally.  Since I am the newbie, (and the only girl??), I don't really know much people so would be pointless for personal attacks. 

Bebe..what the ?? after girl any doubts on gender,just asking.

At eight, me play hooky from school with a Bibi, now I am a bit concerned. Me gotta tell me wife, befo dis ting blow up in me face.

Gyal, you got a good heart. And don't  be afraid, dem bais hea gun willingly look after you rear-end any day.  

Last edited by Tola
Originally Posted by Tola:
Originally Posted by Django:
Originally Posted by Bibi Haniffa:
Originally Posted by Tola:
Originally Posted by Mars:
Originally Posted by Nehru:

NO one care Rat's Ass how much you are making. This sis not about you but being a delusional FOOL, you make it about YOU!!!!!!!!!!!!

Well look who's talking about being delusional. The man who was telling everyone here that he's a professor, meanwhile he's a desk clerk at the LaBagu School filling out student aid forms.

Mars, with lot of respect, I don't think we should knock down people with their personal issues. I might have also done so and I apologise.


We struggle to live a comfortable life, by whatever means is available to us, it should not be something other should degrade.   


In my book, I am not better than others.

Tola - I respectfully agree with you.  We all have different opinions and we can debate each other without degrading anyone.  We don't know what the other person's journey is.  I have lashed out at several people for attacking me, but I will never attack anyone personally.  Since I am the newbie, (and the only girl??), I don't really know much people so would be pointless for personal attacks. 

Bebe..what the ?? after girl any doubts on gender,just asking.

At eight, me play hooky from school with a Bibi, now I am a bit concerned. Me gotta tell me wife, befo dis ting blow up in me face.

Gyal, you got a good heart. And don't  be afraid, dem bais hea gun willingly look after you rear-end any day.  

Uncle Nehru FREE this weekend and I just got a new prescription for VIAGRA.

Originally Posted by Nehru:
Originally Posted by Tola:
Originally Posted by Django:
Originally Posted by Bibi Haniffa:
Originally Posted by Tola:
Originally Posted by Mars:
Originally Posted by Nehru:

NO one care Rat's Ass how much you are making. This sis not about you but being a delusional FOOL, you make it about YOU!!!!!!!!!!!!

Well look who's talking about being delusional. The man who was telling everyone here that he's a professor, meanwhile he's a desk clerk at the LaBagu School filling out student aid forms.

Mars, with lot of respect, I don't think we should knock down people with their personal issues. I might have also done so and I apologise.


We struggle to live a comfortable life, by whatever means is available to us, it should not be something other should degrade.   


In my book, I am not better than others.

Tola - I respectfully agree with you.  We all have different opinions and we can debate each other without degrading anyone.  We don't know what the other person's journey is.  I have lashed out at several people for attacking me, but I will never attack anyone personally.  Since I am the newbie, (and the only girl??), I don't really know much people so would be pointless for personal attacks. 

Bebe..what the ?? after girl any doubts on gender,just asking.

At eight, me play hooky from school with a Bibi, now I am a bit concerned. Me gotta tell me wife, befo dis ting blow up in me face.

Gyal, you got a good heart. And don't  be afraid, dem bais hea gun willingly look after you rear-end any day.  

Uncle Nehru FREE this weekend and I just got a new prescription for VIAGRA.

Hope you heart strang.

Originally Posted by Tola:
Originally Posted by Nehru:
Originally Posted by Tola:
Originally Posted by Django:
Originally Posted by Bibi Haniffa:
Originally Posted by Tola:
Originally Posted by Mars:
Originally Posted by Nehru:

NO one care Rat's Ass how much you are making. This sis not about you but being a delusional FOOL, you make it about YOU!!!!!!!!!!!!

Well look who's talking about being delusional. The man who was telling everyone here that he's a professor, meanwhile he's a desk clerk at the LaBagu School filling out student aid forms.

Mars, with lot of respect, I don't think we should knock down people with their personal issues. I might have also done so and I apologise.


We struggle to live a comfortable life, by whatever means is available to us, it should not be something other should degrade.   


In my book, I am not better than others.

Tola - I respectfully agree with you.  We all have different opinions and we can debate each other without degrading anyone.  We don't know what the other person's journey is.  I have lashed out at several people for attacking me, but I will never attack anyone personally.  Since I am the newbie, (and the only girl??), I don't really know much people so would be pointless for personal attacks. 

Bebe..what the ?? after girl any doubts on gender,just asking.

At eight, me play hooky from school with a Bibi, now I am a bit concerned. Me gotta tell me wife, befo dis ting blow up in me face.

Gyal, you got a good heart. And don't  be afraid, dem bais hea gun willingly look after you rear-end any day.  

Uncle Nehru FREE this weekend and I just got a new prescription for VIAGRA.

Hope you heart strang.

I hope so too. I hear Bibi likes it rough and Tuff.


Govt ministers "deserve" hefty salary increases

The Parliament BuildingThe Parliament Building

While concern has been expressed by sections of society over a move by the government to increase the salaries of its officials, Minister of State, Joseph Harmon has opined that the Ministers are deserving of the increase.

Reports in several sections of the media indicate that the Order for the increase was given by Finance Minister Winston Jordan on September 23 and gazette two days later.

The order declares that Prime Minister Moses Nagamootoo will now be paid $20.5M yearly, an increase of just over $2M while Vice Presidents will receive $11,135,064 annually.

Senior Ministers, meanwhile, will receive a monthly increase of just over $200,000 with their salaries being bumped up to $869,000 per month while Junior Ministers will receive close to $695,000 per month.

Harmon told reporters that the previous salaries earned by Ministers was not up to par with what they should receive.

He said that if the government would like quality then it has to pay for it rather than have graft.

“It is justifiable, we cannot have a situation like the PPP where they were prepared to accept low salaries because they were thieving money all over the place. We cannot have that,” the Minister stated.

“I am not going to say that I make any apologies whatsoever for Ministers getting increase in salaries, they deserve it,” he added
Originally Posted by Mars:

Govt ministers "deserve" hefty salary increases

The Parliament BuildingThe Parliament Building

While concern has been expressed by sections of society over a move by the government to increase the salaries of its officials, Minister of State, Joseph Harmon has opined that the Ministers are deserving of the increase.

Reports in several sections of the media indicate that the Order for the increase was given by Finance Minister Winston Jordan on September 23 and gazette two days later.

The order declares that Prime Minister Moses Nagamootoo will now be paid $20.5M yearly, an increase of just over $2M while Vice Presidents will receive $11,135,064 annually.

Senior Ministers, meanwhile, will receive a monthly increase of just over $200,000 with their salaries being bumped up to $869,000 per month while Junior Ministers will receive close to $695,000 per month.

Harmon told reporters that the previous salaries earned by Ministers was not up to par with what they should receive.

He said that if the government would like quality then it has to pay for it rather than have graft.

“It is justifiable, we cannot have a situation like the PPP where they were prepared to accept low salaries because they were thieving money all over the place. We cannot have that,” the Minister stated.

“I am not going to say that I make any apologies whatsoever for Ministers getting increase in salaries, they deserve it,” he added

How can they justify such mountainous increases in pay, when they cannot pay the rice farmers as promised??? Where they find the money , and yet they cannot help the sugar industry whereby THOUSANDS depend. The country is in a recession, negative growth, no new investments, crime is HIGH. CADILLAC LIVE STYLE ON DONKEY CART ECONOMY.

Originally Posted by Mars:
Originally Posted by Tola:
Originally Posted by Mars:
Originally Posted by Nehru:

NO one care Rat's Ass how much you are making. This sis not about you but being a delusional FOOL, you make it about YOU!!!!!!!!!!!!

Well look who's talking about being delusional. The man who was telling everyone here that he's a professor, meanwhile he's a desk clerk at the LaBagu School filling out student aid forms.

Mars, with lot of respect, I don't think we should knock down people with their personal issues. I might have also done so and I apologise.


We struggle to live a comfortable life, by whatever means is available to us, it should not be something other should degrade.   


In my book, I am not better than others.

All that jackass does on this forum is abuse other posters and cannot contribute to anything positive here. Meanwhile the Admin allows him to behave like this every day. I will not sit quietly and let anyone abuse me. I'm not Ghandi or Jesus. You can take it but I certainly won't.

Your $100,000 plus is before tax or after and what currency???

Originally Posted by kp:
Originally Posted by Mars:

Govt ministers "deserve" hefty salary increases

The Parliament BuildingThe Parliament Building

While concern has been expressed by sections of society over a move by the government to increase the salaries of its officials, Minister of State, Joseph Harmon has opined that the Ministers are deserving of the increase.

Reports in several sections of the media indicate that the Order for the increase was given by Finance Minister Winston Jordan on September 23 and gazette two days later.

The order declares that Prime Minister Moses Nagamootoo will now be paid $20.5M yearly, an increase of just over $2M while Vice Presidents will receive $11,135,064 annually.

Senior Ministers, meanwhile, will receive a monthly increase of just over $200,000 with their salaries being bumped up to $869,000 per month while Junior Ministers will receive close to $695,000 per month.

Harmon told reporters that the previous salaries earned by Ministers was not up to par with what they should receive.

He said that if the government would like quality then it has to pay for it rather than have graft.

“It is justifiable, we cannot have a situation like the PPP where they were prepared to accept low salaries because they were thieving money all over the place. We cannot have that,” the Minister stated.

“I am not going to say that I make any apologies whatsoever for Ministers getting increase in salaries, they deserve it,” he added

How can they justify such mountainous increases in pay, when they cannot pay the rice farmers as promised??? Where they find the money , and yet they cannot help the sugar industry whereby THOUSANDS depend. The country is in a recession, negative growth, no new investments, crime is HIGH. CADILLAC LIVE STYLE ON DONKEY CART ECONOMY.

The government will save millions from what was previously being scammed by the PPP to pay for their Pradoville mansions. That will more than pay for the increases. The intent is to stamp out government corruption and not have a lawless free for all like during the PPP days. Any ministers found tiefin now should be given the boot immediately.


State Minister defends 10% to 50% increases for PM, Ministers and MPs

“The Ministers of government that we have now justify an increase, the salary of a senior minister is 500 plus thousand a month… that is what I paid to one of my Attorneys when I was in private practice… why should I be working for that?”

State Minister defends 10% to 50% increases for PM, Ministers and MPs

The government’s Chief Spokesman, Minister of State Joe Harmon on Tuesday stood his ground to defend salary increases that were offered to government ministers and Members of Parliament.

Harmon told the media that he was not prepared to offer any apologies for the salary increases since it is his fervent belief that it can be justified and it is most deserving.

“The Ministers of government that we have now justify an increase, the salary of a senior minister is 500 plus thousand a month… that is what I paid to one of my Attorneys when I was in private practice… why should I be working for that?” he questioned.

He said too that a careful examination of the Cabinet would reveal that there are persons of quality and as a consequence they should be paid accordingly. “You cannot have a situation like in the PPP where they were prepared to accept low salaries because they were thieving monies all over the place, we are not going to do that, our ministers will have to sign to a code of conduct, a code of service which requires then to act at the different levels,” he added.

Harmon maintained that he salary increase are justifiable and must be paid if persons are expected to perform.

According to documents published in the Official Gazette of September 25, Prime Minister Moses Nagamootoo will be paid $20,580,000 per annum. The Prime Minister’s new salary represents a 10% increase.

The four Vice Presidents will receive $11,135,064 per annum while senior government Ministers are slated for a $10M annual salary. The new salary for senior government ministers represents a 50% increase.

The Leader of the Opposition will now be paid a 50% increase and his salary has been bumped up to just over $10 Million a year.

Other parliamentarians, inclusive of those in the opposition benches, will be paid $2, 402,532 each year and that represents a 19% increase while the Speaker will be paid $10M annually. He gets a 50% increase.

Increases were also given to the Chief Whips, Parliamentary Secretaries and the  Deputy Speaker of the National Assembly.

Originally Posted by Django:

The PM salary is excessive can the country afford it,

that is over US100G yearly other benefits not included.

these guys make me hand fall,Gilly what you think???

Django, I just came home from my volunteering work today. Offhand, these are my comments:

[1] The salary increases are for both government and opposition parliamentarians.

[2] Re: "Meanwhile, the Leader of the Opposition will be given $10,439, 124 on an annual basis,  but former President Bharrat Jagdeo has said he would not be accepting this salary." Jagdeo is currently receiving millions more than the amount above in accordance with the Former Presidents' Pension and Other Benefits Act. The same Act stipulates that if he has a paid job he would forfeit his pension and benefits. So, Jagdeo made a choice not to accept pay as Leader of the Opposition because $10.4M/year is a smaller amount than his presidential pension package.

[3] Overall, the coalition government would have known that ordinary citizens are in no mood to support salary increases for ministers, yet it went ahead with the hike. I am disappointed.

BTW Django, as you know, I am currently giving 6 months of voluntary labour to an organization in my community here in Toronto. I report for duty religiously 5 days per week and clock up 6 hours each day. I get $0.00 because it's voluntary and me ent want no pay increase. Honor before money.



Oi Gilly you should come volunteer my way, I now hang with the kids singing stuff like, Five green speckled Frogs, Five Likkle Monkeys,Albuqerque the Turkey, The Moose that loved juice.. and know dem?

Originally Posted by Gilbakka:
Originally Posted by Django:

The PM salary is excessive can the country afford it,

that is over US100G yearly other benefits not included.

these guys make me hand fall,Gilly what you think???

Django, I just came home from my volunteering work today. Offhand, these are my comments:

[1] The salary increases are for both government and opposition parliamentarians.

[2] Re: "Meanwhile, the Leader of the Opposition will be given $10,439, 124 on an annual basis,  but former President Bharrat Jagdeo has said he would not be accepting this salary." Jagdeo is currently receiving millions more than the amount above in accordance with the Former Presidents' Pension and Other Benefits Act. The same Act stipulates that if he has a paid job he would forfeit his pension and benefits. So, Jagdeo made a choice not to accept pay as Leader of the Opposition because $10.4M/year is a smaller amount than his presidential pension package.

[3] Overall, the coalition government would have known that ordinary citizens are in no mood to support salary increases for ministers, yet it went ahead with the hike. I am disappointed.

BTW Django, as you know, I am currently giving 6 months of voluntary labour to an organization in my community here in Toronto. I report for duty religiously 5 days per week and clock up 6 hours each day. I get $0.00 because it's voluntary and me ent want no pay increase. Honor before money.

Gill..i am aware you are doing voluntary work that is great.


I know BJ is not accepting the opposition salary,the

ministers needed lil top up,minimum wage is G$50,000

monthly,when you look at the Presi,past Presi and the PM

them bhais lapping up the dough me lil vex with them.



Last edited by Django
Originally Posted by cain:


Oi Gilly you should come volunteer my way, I now hang with the kids singing stuff like, Five green speckled Frogs, Five Likkle Monkeys,Albuqerque the Turkey, The Moose that loved juice.. and know dem?

No wonder you were missing,ah was going to shout whe yuh deh.

Originally Posted by yuji22:

What were these chaps thinking with local elections coming up ?


Rice, Sugar, Recession etc.


Who is in charge of the APNU ? 




Same thoughts here, yuji.

Originally Posted by cain:


Oi Gilly you should come volunteer my way, I now hang with the kids singing stuff like, Five green speckled Frogs, Five Likkle Monkeys,Albuqerque the Turkey, The Moose that loved juice.. and know dem?

You teach dem 'ten bottles of beer' yet ? 

There is 'Red Robin' ?? poem I used to know.

Rass, dis gray matta getting slow, but me half white, can you tell de difference ? 

Gil, do you eat a lot of karila and does it help ?  

Originally Posted by Tola:
Originally Posted by cain:


Oi Gilly you should come volunteer my way, I now hang with the kids singing stuff like, Five green speckled Frogs, Five Likkle Monkeys,Albuqerque the Turkey, The Moose that loved juice.. and know dem?

You teach dem 'ten bottles of beer' yet ? 

There is 'Red Robin' ?? poem I used to know.

Rass, dis gray matta getting slow, but me half white, can you tell de difference ? 

Gil, do you eat a lot of karila and does it help ?  

Tola, I was once warned to not play Sixpence, by one of the guys who knows me from playing at some of the adult get togethers.

Originally Posted by cain:
Originally Posted by Tola:
Originally Posted by cain:


Oi Gilly you should come volunteer my way, I now hang with the kids singing stuff like, Five green speckled Frogs, Five Likkle Monkeys,Albuqerque the Turkey, The Moose that loved juice.. and know dem?

You teach dem 'ten bottles of beer' yet ? 

There is 'Red Robin' ?? poem I used to know.

Rass, dis gray matta getting slow, but me half white, can you tell de difference ? 

Gil, do you eat a lot of karila and does it help ?  

Tola, I was once warned to not play Sixpence, by one of the guys who knows me from playing at some of the adult get togethers.

When I was a cub/scout leader  I had to be conscious and careful what I say all the time. Dem kids learn real fast.

Originally Posted by Bibi Haniffa:

100% salary increases for VPs,  27 Ministers confirmed

bibi 'gyal' . . . wanna revisit dat deh u slimy ole skont



Last edited by Former Member
Originally Posted by Gilbakka:
Originally Posted by yuji22:

What were these chaps thinking with local elections coming up ?


Rice, Sugar, Recession etc.


Who is in charge of the APNU ? 




Same thoughts here, yuji.




In politics, timing is important. Let us take off our political hats for a moment here.


Let us assume that the PNC feels that the ministers should be paid more, why not wait after local elections ?


PPP will now milk this issue, rightfully or wrongfully to their advantage.


Did you read Harmon's arrogant endorsement and defence of these increases ?


Interesting times ahead as APNU insulted hardworking taxpayers.

Last edited by Former Member



I admire your honesty in questioning this unnecessary pay increase. Not one single AFC/PNC supporter has come out in condemning this excessive and unnecessary pay increase.


By refusing to accept the opposition pay, Jagdeo will milk this issue even thought we know why he is doing this to his advantage.


I clearly remember Moses talking about Jagan's humble lifestyle. Moses needs to take a close look in the mirror. He is getting fatter as the days go by.

Last edited by Former Member
Originally Posted by yuji22:
. . . By refusing to accept the opposition pay, Jagdeo will milk this issue even thought we know why he is doing this to his advantage.

the breadth of yugee's confusion and level of stupid on display here is absolutely spectacular

Last edited by Former Member

I am surprised that people are surprised and disappointed that this is happening.  Any child could have seen this coming.  And this is only the beginning.  The worst is yet to come.  Sit back, relax, and enjoy the ride.  Make sure you fasten your seat belts though.  A bumpy five years ahead.  Even though many anticipate that general elections might be before that.  My only hope is that the poor people have the strength to survive somehow.

Bibi Haniffa
Originally Posted by Bibi Haniffa:

I am surprised that people are surprised and disappointed that this is happening.  Any child could have seen this coming.  And this is only the beginning.  The worst is yet to come.  Sit back, relax, and enjoy the ride.  Make sure you fasten your seat belts though.  A bumpy five years ahead.  Even though many anticipate that general elections might be before that.  My only hope is that the poor people have the strength to survive somehow.

u figure out the diff between 10% and 100% yet klown?

Originally Posted by Bibi Haniffa:

I am surprised that people are surprised and disappointed that this is happening.  Any child could have seen this coming.  And this is only the beginning.  The worst is yet to come.  Sit back, relax, and enjoy the ride.  Make sure you fasten your seat belts though.  A bumpy five years ahead.  Even though many anticipate that general elections might be before that.  My only hope is that the poor people have the strength to survive somehow.

Guyanese may eventually rise up against the PNC in order to save the country from destruction. In less than six months Guyana is broke while the PNC fat PIGS fill their pockets and bellies at the expense of taxpayers.


PNC already pissed on the heads of sugar workers and rice farmers. 

Originally Posted by yuji22:
. . . By refusing to accept the opposition pay, Jagdeo will milk this issue even thought we know why he is doing this to his advantage.

the breadth of yugee's confusion and level of stupid on display here is absolutely spectacular



12 hours ago

100% salary increases for VPs,  27 Ministers confirmed

Vice President Moses Nagamootoo

Vice President Moses Nagamootoo

Mega salary increases



…as Public Servants get 5% for only 1/2 year



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