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Originally Posted by Tola:
Originally Posted by cain:


Oi Gilly you should come volunteer my way, I now hang with the kids singing stuff like, Five green speckled Frogs, Five Likkle Monkeys,Albuqerque the Turkey, The Moose that loved juice.. and know dem?

You teach dem 'ten bottles of beer' yet ? 

There is 'Red Robin' ?? poem I used to know.

Rass, dis gray matta getting slow, but me half white, can you tell de difference ? 

Gil, do you eat a lot of karila and does it help ?  

Help wid wha bai?

I eat a lot of fish because it's good for my ailing heart and clogged up arteries. On top of that I take the following daily:


Vitamin D

Vitamin B12

Vitamin C

Karila bitter; me nah like um. Me prefer bora arr pumpkin.

Originally Posted by Gilbakka:
Originally Posted by Tola:
Originally Posted by cain:


Oi Gilly you should come volunteer my way, I now hang with the kids singing stuff like, Five green speckled Frogs, Five Likkle Monkeys,Albuqerque the Turkey, The Moose that loved juice.. and know dem?

You teach dem 'ten bottles of beer' yet ? 

There is 'Red Robin' ?? poem I used to know.

Rass, dis gray matta getting slow, but me half white, can you tell de difference ? 

Gil, do you eat a lot of karila and does it help ?  

Help wid wha bai?

I eat a lot of fish because it's good for my ailing heart and clogged up arteries. On top of that I take the following daily:


Vitamin D

Vitamin B12

Vitamin C

Karila bitter; me nah like um. Me prefer bora arr pumpkin.


These are all good choices especially Vitamin D, good for


Originally Posted by yuji22:

100% salary increases for VPs,  27 Ministers confirmed

sad when a big man like yugee deep into middle age and still confused over percentages


i could have sworn that Guyana's elementary school instruction would have covered that

Originally Posted by yuji22:
Originally Posted by Gilbakka:
Originally Posted by yuji22:

What were these chaps thinking with local elections coming up ?


Rice, Sugar, Recession etc.


Who is in charge of the APNU ? 




Same thoughts here, yuji.




In politics, timing is important. Let us take off our political hats for a moment here.


Let us assume that the PNC feels that the ministers should be paid more, why not wait after local elections ?


PPP will now milk this issue, rightfully or wrongfully to their advantage.


Did you read Harmon's arrogant endorsement and defence of these increases ?


Interesting times ahead as APNU insulted hardworking taxpayers.

Bai, yuh larning political strategy and tactics fast. Me know yuh head thick like coconut shell and yuh does write wrang tings most time. Dis time yuh hit the bullseye.

Yes, friend, 5 months in government with LGE less than 5 months away is an inauspicious time to raise politicians' salaries. Perception is more real than baigan choka in Guyana and the PPP will sure get blood out of stone.

Originally Posted by redux:
Originally Posted by yuji22:
. . . By refusing to accept the opposition pay, Jagdeo will milk this issue even thought we know why he is doing this to his advantage.

the breadth of yugee's confusion and level of stupid on display here is absolutely spectacular

What yuji doesn't yet get is that Jagdeo cannot accept a salary as Leader of the Opposition, pay increase or no pay increase. Since the PPP returned to parliament 31 MPs collected regular pay but Jagdeo could not.


Guys - You need to respect the views of a newcomer. Bibi - welcome to GNI.  Bibi seems to be engaging in some great conversations and she is entitled to her opinion so stop the personal attacks. 

Originally Posted by Gilbakka:
Originally Posted by redux:
Originally Posted by yuji22:
. . . By refusing to accept the opposition pay, Jagdeo will milk this issue even thought we know why he is doing this to his advantage.

the breadth of yugee's confusion and level of stupid on display here is absolutely spectacular

What yuji doesn't yet get is that Jagdeo cannot accept a salary as Leader of the Opposition, pay increase or no pay increase. Since the PPP returned to parliament 31 MPs collected regular pay but Jagdeo could not.




If you read my post carefully, you will see that is exactly what I was saying in a round about way.


Jagdeo cannot collect from both sides. His pension takes priority.

Originally Posted by yuji22:
Originally Posted by Gilbakka:
Originally Posted by redux:
Originally Posted by yuji22:
. . . By refusing to accept the opposition pay, Jagdeo will milk this issue even thought we know why he is doing this to his advantage.

the breadth of yugee's confusion and level of stupid on display here is absolutely spectacular

What yuji doesn't yet get is that Jagdeo cannot accept a salary as Leader of the Opposition, pay increase or no pay increase. Since the PPP returned to parliament 31 MPs collected regular pay but Jagdeo could not.




If you read my post carefully, you will see that is exactly what I was saying in a round about way.


Jagdeo cannot collect from both sides. His pension takes priority.

That's fine. Not to worry.

Originally Posted by alena06:

Guys - You need to respect the views of a newcomer. Bibi - welcome to GNI.  Bibi seems to be engaging in some great conversations and she is entitled to her opinion so stop the personal attacks. 

Thanks for the welcome.  And not to worry, the personal attacks emerge when there is much frustration because of lack of knowledge.  Where ignorance is bliss tis folly to be wise.

Bibi Haniffa
Originally Posted by Gilbakka:
Originally Posted by redux:
Originally Posted by yuji22:
. . . By refusing to accept the opposition pay, Jagdeo will milk this issue even thought we know why he is doing this to his advantage.

the breadth of yugee's confusion and level of stupid on display here is absolutely spectacular

What yuji doesn't yet get is that Jagdeo cannot accept a salary as Leader of the Opposition, pay increase or no pay increase. Since the PPP returned to parliament 31 MPs collected regular pay but Jagdeo could not.

Pay increase for MPs, not good for government at time of local elections.

Jagdeo not accepting MP pay is a plus for the PPP with voters. Jagdeo aiming fa de bigga fish.

Indian following without question, regarding PPP corruption is another plus for the PPP.

The government better start campaigning for LE or they might lose big time. They seem to be getting too complacent.      

Last edited by Tola
Originally Posted by Gilbakka:
Originally Posted by Tola:
Originally Posted by cain:


Oi Gilly you should come volunteer my way, I now hang with the kids singing stuff like, Five green speckled Frogs, Five Likkle Monkeys,Albuqerque the Turkey, The Moose that loved juice.. and know dem?

You teach dem 'ten bottles of beer' yet ? 

There is 'Red Robin' ?? poem I used to know.

Rass, dis gray matta getting slow, but me half white, can you tell de difference ? 

Gil, do you eat a lot of karila and does it help ?  

Help wid wha bai?

I eat a lot of fish because it's good for my ailing heart and clogged up arteries. On top of that I take the following daily:


Vitamin D

Vitamin B12

Vitamin C

Karila bitter; me nah like um. Me prefer bora arr pumpkin.

Rass you sound like ah drug store.  Me also do VD, that's vitamin D.


How do you cook karlia. Our stores start stocking bora, bygan, ochro and Karlia.  We tried it in ah stir fry and was bitter, how do you take off the bitterness. Ask de lady na. Dis lady hea is Canadian and rely on me expertise, which I don't have.

Me question was, karlia must be good for something, what ?


Before  leaving GY, me asked me late sista Elaine to teach me to cook. At the airport, she said bai you head too hard, you might starve.  


Originally Posted by Tola:
Originally Posted by Gilbakka:
Originally Posted by redux:
Originally Posted by yuji22:
. . . By refusing to accept the opposition pay, Jagdeo will milk this issue even thought we know why he is doing this to his advantage.

the breadth of yugee's confusion and level of stupid on display here is absolutely spectacular

What yuji doesn't yet get is that Jagdeo cannot accept a salary as Leader of the Opposition, pay increase or no pay increase. Since the PPP returned to parliament 31 MPs collected regular pay but Jagdeo could not.

Pay increase for MPs, not good for government at time of local elections.

Jagdeo not accepting MP pay is a plus for the PPP with voters. Jagdeo aiming fa de bigga fish.

Indian following without question, regarding PPP corruption is another plus for the PPP.

The government better start campaigning for LE or they might lose big time. They seem to be getting too complacent.      




While I do not agree with everything that you posted, you are bang with your most of your analysis.


Many seems to forget that only ONE percent of votes separated the PPP and APNU at the General Election.


The tide that swept them (APNU)  to a very thin majority does not appear to be there. Time will tell but the timing of this pay increase is beyond comprehension.


Let the electorate decide.


On another note, you keep wondering about the loyalty to the PPP, but many will not forget what the PNC did to them and I do not want to repeat it for now.


The racial divide in Guyana will end with another uniter like Walter Rodney but I have not seen one like him as of yet. Burhman and Jagan were both uneasy about the rise of Walter Rodney.


The political divide will continue for another 25 years until the electorate finally gets fed up.




Tola, I hear you gaffa boil Karila in salted water to remove the bitterness. It supposed to be good for the blood and with that taste possibly liver.

Doan ask me how long to boil it, possibly about a week rass.



Originally Posted by Bibi Haniffa:
Originally Posted by alena06:

Guys - You need to respect the views of a newcomer. Bibi - welcome to GNI.  Bibi seems to be engaging in some great conversations and she is entitled to her opinion so stop the personal attacks. 

Thanks for the welcome.  And not to worry, the personal attacks emerge when there is much frustration because of lack of knowledge.  Where ignorance is bliss tis folly to be wise.

Bibi, me have friend  in TO who is the chief executive officer of an international development agency. She and other women  were instrumental  in  adding women rights issues to the Canadian constitution in 1982. 

In the 60s she said they burned their bra for women rights.

What do you think of doing the same, it worked for them.  


This is not a degrading question, some men needs a big hammer pan dem head.    

Originally Posted by Tola:
Originally Posted by Bibi Haniffa:
Originally Posted by alena06:

Guys - You need to respect the views of a newcomer. Bibi - welcome to GNI.  Bibi seems to be engaging in some great conversations and she is entitled to her opinion so stop the personal attacks. 

Thanks for the welcome.  And not to worry, the personal attacks emerge when there is much frustration because of lack of knowledge.  Where ignorance is bliss tis folly to be wise.

Bibi, me have friend  in TO who is the chief executive officer of an international development agency. She and other women  were instrumental  in  adding women rights issues to the Canadian constitution in 1982. 

In the 60s she said they burned their bra for women rights.

What do you think of doing the same, it worked for them.  


This is not a degrading question, some men needs a big hammer pan dem head.    


Ouch !

Originally Posted by cain:

Tola, I hear you gaffa boil Karila in salted water to remove the bitterness. It supposed to be good for the blood and with that taste possibly liver.

Doan ask me how long to boil it, possibly about a week rass.




Thanks Cain, me know Karlia was good fa something.

Me tink Gil need it mo dan me.

Me gun taste it afta every  hour of boiling, wid salt.  


Originally Posted by Tola:
Originally Posted by Gilbakka:
Originally Posted by Tola:
Originally Posted by cain:


Oi Gilly you should come volunteer my way, I now hang with the kids singing stuff like, Five green speckled Frogs, Five Likkle Monkeys,Albuqerque the Turkey, The Moose that loved juice.. and know dem?

You teach dem 'ten bottles of beer' yet ? 

There is 'Red Robin' ?? poem I used to know.

Rass, dis gray matta getting slow, but me half white, can you tell de difference ? 

Gil, do you eat a lot of karila and does it help ?  

Help wid wha bai?

I eat a lot of fish because it's good for my ailing heart and clogged up arteries. On top of that I take the following daily:


Vitamin D

Vitamin B12

Vitamin C

Karila bitter; me nah like um. Me prefer bora arr pumpkin.

Rass you sound like ah drug store.  Me also do VD, that's vitamin D.


How do you cook karlia. Our stores start stocking bora, bygan, ochro and Karlia.  We tried it in ah stir fry and was bitter, how do you take off the bitterness. Ask de lady na. Dis lady hea is Canadian and rely on me expertise, which I don't have.

Me question was, karlia must be good for something, what ?


Before  leaving GY, me asked me late sista Elaine to teach me to cook. At the airport, she said bai you head too hard, you might starve.  


Tola, I'm not fond of karila but it doesn't mean I don't eat it. If you cut the karila up to fry, soak in some salt water and squeeze. Throw away the bitter salt water and fry/saute. Others may have other methods.

Originally Posted by yuji22:
Originally Posted by Tola:
Originally Posted by Gilbakka:
Originally Posted by redux:
Originally Posted by yuji22:
. . . By refusing to accept the opposition pay, Jagdeo will milk this issue even thought we know why he is doing this to his advantage.

the breadth of yugee's confusion and level of stupid on display here is absolutely spectacular

What yuji doesn't yet get is that Jagdeo cannot accept a salary as Leader of the Opposition, pay increase or no pay increase. Since the PPP returned to parliament 31 MPs collected regular pay but Jagdeo could not.

Pay increase for MPs, not good for government at time of local elections.

Jagdeo not accepting MP pay is a plus for the PPP with voters. Jagdeo aiming fa de bigga fish.

Indian following without question, regarding PPP corruption is another plus for the PPP.

The government better start campaigning for LE or they might lose big time. They seem to be getting too complacent.      




While I do not agree with everything that you posted, you are bang with your most of your analysis.


Many seems to forget that only ONE percent of votes separated the PPP and APNU at the General Election.


The tide that swept them (APNU)  to a very thin majority does not appear to be there. Time will tell but the timing of this pay increase is beyond comprehension.


Let the electorate decide.


On another note, you keep wondering about the loyalty to the PPP, but many will not forget what the PNC did to them and I do not want to repeat it for now.


The racial divide in Guyana will end with another uniter like Walter Rodney but I have not seen one like him as of yet. Burhman and Jagan were both uneasy about the rise of Walter Rodney.


The political divide will continue for another 25 years until the electorate finally gets fed up.



Right on Yuji, the government is too complacent  and seem to ignore that sight margin of voters difference, that might get them in trouble.  

Originally Posted by Gilbakka:
Originally Posted by Tola:
Originally Posted by Gilbakka:
Originally Posted by Tola:
Originally Posted by cain:


Oi Gilly you should come volunteer my way, I now hang with the kids singing stuff like, Five green speckled Frogs, Five Likkle Monkeys,Albuqerque the Turkey, The Moose that loved juice.. and know dem?

You teach dem 'ten bottles of beer' yet ? 

There is 'Red Robin' ?? poem I used to know.

Rass, dis gray matta getting slow, but me half white, can you tell de difference ? 

Gil, do you eat a lot of karila and does it help ?  

Help wid wha bai?

I eat a lot of fish because it's good for my ailing heart and clogged up arteries. On top of that I take the following daily:


Vitamin D

Vitamin B12

Vitamin C

Karila bitter; me nah like um. Me prefer bora arr pumpkin.

Rass you sound like ah drug store.  Me also do VD, that's vitamin D.


How do you cook karlia. Our stores start stocking bora, bygan, ochro and Karlia.  We tried it in ah stir fry and was bitter, how do you take off the bitterness. Ask de lady na. Dis lady hea is Canadian and rely on me expertise, which I don't have.

Me question was, karlia must be good for something, what ?


Before  leaving GY, me asked me late sista Elaine to teach me to cook. At the airport, she said bai you head too hard, you might starve.  


Tola, I'm not fond of karila but it doesn't mean I don't eat it. If you cut the karila up to fry, soak in some salt water and squeeze. Throw away the bitter salt water and fry/saute. Others may have other methods.

Thanks Gil, me gun try. If you hear a big halla, de Canadian woman like, but she like adda things betta.

Last edited by Tola
Originally Posted by Tola:
Originally Posted by Gilbakka:
Originally Posted by Tola:
Originally Posted by Gilbakka:
Originally Posted by Tola:
Originally Posted by cain:


Oi Gilly you should come volunteer my way, I now hang with the kids singing stuff like, Five green speckled Frogs, Five Likkle Monkeys,Albuqerque the Turkey, The Moose that loved juice.. and know dem?

You teach dem 'ten bottles of beer' yet ? 

There is 'Red Robin' ?? poem I used to know.

Rass, dis gray matta getting slow, but me half white, can you tell de difference ? 

Gil, do you eat a lot of karila and does it help ?  

Help wid wha bai?

I eat a lot of fish because it's good for my ailing heart and clogged up arteries. On top of that I take the following daily:


Vitamin D

Vitamin B12

Vitamin C

Karila bitter; me nah like um. Me prefer bora arr pumpkin.

Rass you sound like ah drug store.  Me also do VD, that's vitamin D.


How do you cook karlia. Our stores start stocking bora, bygan, ochro and Karlia.  We tried it in ah stir fry and was bitter, how do you take off the bitterness. Ask de lady na. Dis lady hea is Canadian and rely on me expertise, which I don't have.

Me question was, karlia must be good for something, what ?


Before  leaving GY, me asked me late sista Elaine to teach me to cook. At the airport, she said bai you head too hard, you might starve.  


Tola, I'm not fond of karila but it doesn't mean I don't eat it. If you cut the karila up to fry, soak in some salt water and squeeze. Throw away the bitter salt water and fry/saute. Others may have other methods.

Thanks Gil, me gun try. If you hear a big halla, de Canadian woman like, but she like adda things betta.


Originally Posted by cain:
Originally Posted by Tola:
Originally Posted by Gilbakka:
Originally Posted by Tola:
Originally Posted by Gilbakka:
Originally Posted by Tola:
Originally Posted by cain:


Oi Gilly you should come volunteer my way, I now hang with the kids singing stuff like, Five green speckled Frogs, Five Likkle Monkeys,Albuqerque the Turkey, The Moose that loved juice.. and know dem?

You teach dem 'ten bottles of beer' yet ? 

There is 'Red Robin' ?? poem I used to know.

Rass, dis gray matta getting slow, but me half white, can you tell de difference ? 

Gil, do you eat a lot of karila and does it help ?  

Help wid wha bai?

I eat a lot of fish because it's good for my ailing heart and clogged up arteries. On top of that I take the following daily:


Vitamin D

Vitamin B12

Vitamin C

Karila bitter; me nah like um. Me prefer bora arr pumpkin.

Rass you sound like ah drug store.  Me also do VD, that's vitamin D.


How do you cook karlia. Our stores start stocking bora, bygan, ochro and Karlia.  We tried it in ah stir fry and was bitter, how do you take off the bitterness. Ask de lady na. Dis lady hea is Canadian and rely on me expertise, which I don't have.

Me question was, karlia must be good for something, what ?


Before  leaving GY, me asked me late sista Elaine to teach me to cook. At the airport, she said bai you head too hard, you might starve.  


Tola, I'm not fond of karila but it doesn't mean I don't eat it. If you cut the karila up to fry, soak in some salt water and squeeze. Throw away the bitter salt water and fry/saute. Others may have other methods.

Thanks Gil, me gun try. If you hear a big halla, de Canadian woman like, but she like adda things betta.


 Me have to stap drinking something when we reading GNI.

Me already replaced one keyboard.


Naa.... Ginga beer with El Dorado fa chasa...main course comes later.   


Salaries of Cabinet ministers to rise by 50%

By Staff Writer On October 7, 2015 @ 5:30 am In Local News

Cabinet Ministers are to see their salaries rise by 50% in a move likely to generate criticism as public servants were given a small salary hike after having been promised a “significant” increase by the APNU+AFC government.

Minister of State Joseph Harmon yesterday said that he would make no apologies for the 50% salary increases to Cabinet ministers, arguing that it is well-deserved.





No money for the rice farmers, but plenty for these kakaholes.

Originally Posted by Brian Teekah:

Salaries of Cabinet ministers to rise by 50%

By Staff Writer On October 7, 2015 @ 5:30 am In Local News

Cabinet Ministers are to see their salaries rise by 50% in a move likely to generate criticism as public servants were given a small salary hike after having been promised a “significant” increase by the APNU+AFC government.

Minister of State Joseph Harmon yesterday said that he would make no apologies for the 50% salary increases to Cabinet ministers, arguing that it is well-deserved.





No money for the rice farmers, but plenty for these kakaholes.


What happen Bai ? You changing your tune now ?

Bibi Haniffa posted:
Django posted:

Bump ,

Bibi here is a thread, a few months after joining the forum.

Go ahead and delete the thread.  I don’t have much time for GNI between now and March 2.

Hey hey hey...gurl like yuh leffin we too...hey hey hey. 


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