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Originally Posted by chameli:

Good Morning all....beautiful day, just right

me bored

got things to do wid no interest...cyant garden in hot sun or

bright light   imagine allergic to the sun (gets rashy n itchy)

reading The Red Tent again (read it in 2004) also read Lady Chatterley' Lover for the first time...took 2 teens to wonderland and read most of Shadow Princess (4th book read by same author)

1 1/12 wk on vacation and today i say i am sooooooooo bored...caz my oldest start a new job n cannot get time off for us to go gallivanting

got another wk and half to go

Originally Posted by chameli:

Good Morning all....beautiful day, just right

me bored

got things to do wid no interest...cyant garden in hot sun or

bright light   imagine allergic to the sun (gets rashy n itchy)

reading The Red Tent again (read it in 2004) also read Lady Chatterley' Lover for the first time...took 2 teens to wonderland and read most of Shadow Princess (4th book read by same author)

1 1/12 wk on vacation and today i say i am sooooooooo bored...caz my oldest start a new job n cannot get time off for us to go gallivanting

got another wk and half to go

In the late 50's, that book was a hide and read. Which I did.


Good Morning everybady


hopefully the rain does come as forecasted....the plants, the lawn and the farmers will love it.


Hey Chami.....i picked my first three ripe tomatoes yesterday.

not a single cucumber as of yet.....usually I get a dozen or more by this time

did get three zucchini.....and the plants are starting to die

hot pepper (on the pic it looks like wiri-wiri) has lots of blossoms and baby ones ... so i am hopeful


so how is your garden growing??


sound like you have one heck of a big garden there girl!!

enjoy the fruits/veggies of your labours


my boys are doing great

Ishy will be 3 on Eid day!! big celebrations planned.


Khalifah will be 5 in Nov!!

he is coming for a sleep over tonight....their mom is so happy that Nana is now retired!  she can even get a week day sleepover in there!


so i will see them both this afternoon.....can't wait to get my hugs and kisses!

Originally Posted by shanazb:

HI its a beautiful day here in Toronto  . And my Anniversary tomorrow too.

not sure what the hobby plan , but its Ramdan too .

Happy Anniversary Shanaz!


hey....mine is actually today!

37-years and still going the Grace of God!!


with it being Ramadan.....i am Fasting so we will spend the evening at the Mosque!


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