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right now, I have to make the bed up, make sure any dirty dishes are washed before leaving home, look after the budgie and parrot before leaving home. (If one of the kids are leaving home late then they will look after the birds), tidy up house before leaving house, get home in the night and still do house work. This damn wifely duties is killing me   and I use to take the wife stuff at home for granted.

Originally Posted by Amral:
Originally Posted by skeldon_man:
 It's challenging when you have 2 kids that that don't Guyanese food.

that is the biggest problem bro, my kids don't like greens, they into this pasta stuff and the white people food.

Mine are into tacos, burgers, steaks, burritos etc. I don't eat beef or pork so when the wife is gone they follow me to the grocery store, they help to make their meals. 

Originally Posted by Rev:
Originally Posted by Amral:

This damn wifely duties is killing me  


ha ha ha ha ha


* Now that you back to feeling normal again you may want to consider Stormborn's advice. There are lots of women out there who would love to perform those "wifely duties".



Rev, It would all depend on what the woman envisions as wifely duties.

Originally Posted by Riya:

What are wifely duties? Keep in mind a modern society where both parties work.


* amral stated in another thread that he made the decision early in his marriage that his wife would not work outside the home---she would take care of his home and the children and he would bring home the bacon.


* So "wifely duties" for amral include important functions like cooking, cleaning, making up the bed, doing the dishes, gardening, raising the children, helping them with their homework, ordering the husband around, etc, etc





Last edited by Former Member
Originally Posted by Amral:

Thanks again for the support guys.

Life has to move on. The world does not stop. I am much better, back at work kids are managing as best as they can.

I will not be able to post as much presently until I get my new routine down.

Anyways folks enjoy your day. I got to get ready for work.

Happy that you are doing good and moving along, true muslim.



Originally Posted by Rev:
Originally Posted by Amral:

This damn wifely duties is killing me  


ha ha ha ha ha


* Now that you back to feeling normal again you may want to consider Stormborn's advice. There are lots of women out there who would love to perform those "wifely duties".



Do not mischaracterize what I say. Specifically, I would not be getting a woman for her cooking skills.

Last edited by Former Member
Originally Posted by Amral:

right now, I have to make the bed up, make sure any dirty dishes are washed before leaving home, look after the budgie and parrot before leaving home. (If one of the kids are leaving home late then they will look after the birds), tidy up house before leaving house, get home in the night and still do house work. This damn wifely duties is killing me   and I use to take the wife stuff at home for granted.

You need to give naughty Maids, Inc a call and have them send over a couple of buxom cleaners to help every day.

Originally Posted by Chief:
Originally Posted by Amral:

Thanks again for the support guys.

Life has to move on. The world does not stop. I am much better, back at work kids are managing as best as they can.

I will not be able to post as much presently until I get my new routine down.

Anyways folks enjoy your day. I got to get ready for work.

Happy that you are doing good and moving along, true muslim.



Why the rush for a Larkie, Chiefy? 


Originally Posted by Amral:

Thanks again for the support guys.

Life has to move on. The world does not stop. I am much better, back at work kids are managing as best as they can.

I will not be able to post as much presently until I get my new routine down.

Anyways folks enjoy your day. I got to get ready for work.

Best wishes to you, Amral.

Originally Posted by Stormborn:
Originally Posted by Amral:

right now, I have to make the bed up, make sure any dirty dishes are washed before leaving home, look after the budgie and parrot before leaving home. (If one of the kids are leaving home late then they will look after the birds), tidy up house before leaving house, get home in the night and still do house work. This damn wifely duties is killing me   and I use to take the wife stuff at home for granted.

You need to give naughty Maids, Inc a call and have them send over a couple of buxom cleaners to help every day.

That's what I could do with, some Buxom cleaners, I doan care if they clean well, long as this buxom thingy nice.




Its good to know you are managing well.

It takes time when these things happen in our lives, don't rush making legal and other  decisions that could wait.

You will know when the time is  right to do what has to be done, including Chief's suggestion. Some people find comfort in the way they are, because a replacement is difficult.  

Emotions are still running high and your rational balloon might be very small.

What is most important is your relationship with your children, because too soon, they might leave on their own.


Doan listen to Cain, he might corrupt you mind.   


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