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Anand Goolsarran and Carl Greenidge

If Anand Goolsarran is as serious about tackling financial impropriety as he wants us believe then why was he silent on irregularities during the rule of the PNC government ?  Why did he not express an opinion on any real or perceived conflict of interest arising from Carl Greenidge and his sister’s simultaneous appointment, whose dates coincide with striking precision, and also coincide with the period of non-accountability and non-submission of audited accounts?


Greenidge’s sister was parachuted into the audit office immediately after her brother became finance minister  and parachuted out of the office immediately after her brother demitted office. Below is a chronology of events which took place under Goolsarran's watch and which he was silent on:


1. In October 1983, Carl Greenidge is appointed as finance minister.


2. In 1984, mere months later, Greenidge’s sister is appointed to a senior position in the audit office.


3. In 1987, Greenidge’s People’s National Congress (PNC) government appoints Anand Goolsarran as deputy auditor general.


4. In 1990, Goolsarran procures a prestigious scholarship for Greenidge’s sister to pursue postgraduate studies in England, at a time when only those favoured by the PNC could get any scholarships, much less to Western destinations like England, to do postgraduate studies.


5. Later in 1990, mere weeks later, Greenidge’s President Desmond Hoyte rewards Goolsarran with appointment as auditor general.


6. In October 1992, Greenidge leaves office as finance minister after the PNC dictatorship falls with the return of democracy to Guyana.


7. In March 1993, mere months later, Goolsarran approves transfer of Greenidge’s sister out of the audit office, although she has not so long ago returned from England with training under a prestigious scholarship specially procured by the audit office at Goolsarran’s behest.

Despite leveling all sorts of accusations against the PPP government Goolsarran is yet to express any concern about any real or perceived conflicts of interest that may have arisen from Greenidge and his sister’s parallel appointments, and the role that this might have played in facilitating non-production of audited accounts in Guyana during the worst decade of misrule in Guyana – all this while Goolsarran himself presided as auditor general.

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Originally Posted by Conscience:


Anand Goolsarran and Carl Greenidge

If Anand Goolsarran is as serious about tackling financial impropriety as he wants us believe then why was he silent on irregularities during the rule of the PNC government ?  Why did he not express an opinion on any real or perceived conflict of interest arising from Carl Greenidge and his sister’s simultaneous appointment, ..


Despite leveling all sorts of accusations against the PPP government Goolsarran is yet to express any concern about any real or perceived conflicts of interest that may have arisen from Greenidge and his sister’s parallel appointments, and the role that this might have played in facilitating non-production of audited accounts in Guyana during the worst decade of misrule in Guyana – all this while Goolsarran himself presided as auditor general.

Ia you know these things why did the PPP not participate in a good practice strategy and not repeat past mistakes. For following the PNC Of that era the PPP commits a more grievous act of nepotism. We have the finance minister's wife as authoritative in auditing his policies.

Last edited by Former Member
Originally Posted by Billy Ram Balgobin:

Guyana can boast of having highest ratio of political opportunists in the world.


Billy, this is the latest example of your imagining, your peddling of unreality.

Where are the statistics to support your claim?

Originally Posted by Billy Ram Balgobin:

The line to drink soup snaked its way into the horizon.

Billy, you're looking ridiculous with every line you write.

Take a moment and examine your statement above, as well as this one:

"Guyana can boast of having highest ratio of political opportunists in the world."

I repeat what I said before: you write well but argue badly.

Do you want your views to be taken seriously, Billy?

Overhaul your argumentation. That's all.

And, please, don't take my criticism personal. I mean well.



Originally Posted by Gilbakka:
Originally Posted by Billy Ram Balgobin:

The line to drink soup snaked its way into the horizon.

Billy, you're looking ridiculous with every line you write.

Take a moment and examine your statement above, as well as this one:

"Guyana can boast of having highest ratio of political opportunists in the world."

I repeat what I said before: you write well but argue badly.

Do you want your views to be taken seriously, Billy?

Overhaul your argumentation. That's all.

And, please, don't take my criticism personal. I mean well.



He is  not endowed with intelligence; dull, stupid.




This forum is more about shedding light on the truth rather than an english essay competition.  My writing skills may not be up to par but I surely deliver the facts in  a short and simple way. Writing properly does not by itself make one's argument factual. Writing persuasively is critical in political debates.  I must confess that I rush and write without paying much  attention to grammar.

Billy Ram Balgobin
Last edited by Billy Ram Balgobin
Originally Posted by Billy Ram Balgobin:



This forum is more about shedding light on the truth rather than an english essay competition.  My writing skills may not be up to par but I surely deliver the facts in  a short and simple way. Writing properly does not by itself make one's argument factual. Writing persuasively is critical in political debates.  I must confess that I rush and write without paying much  attention to grammar.

You are unintelligent. Do you read what you type before you post, Dumb-Ass? I will deal with you and your unintelligent babble.




You have a big mouth. Calling me unintelligent does not make me unintelligent. You are a farce who wants to silence your adversaries with all sorts of demeaning names. You have been posting garbage on GNI for a while now. No one has ever acknowledged you for anything positive. I suspect you are a relative of some AFC politician and that's the reason why you fanatically cling behind them. You cannot convince me or any intelligent person that you are motivated to post on the forum because you care for your fellow Indians or Guyanese as a whole. You just making yourself a greater idiot than you are by showing off your shallow intellect on this forum. You need to do some damage control by stop posting trash taken from the KN and SN and gleefully thinking that the GNI audience is going to be impressed. Bull! if anyone is impressed it's you and no one else. 


Pundit, please take a walk. A mouth and brain are tired. Go exercise you feet.

Billy Ram Balgobin
Originally Posted by Billy Ram Balgobin:



You have a big mouth. Calling me unintelligent does not make me unintelligent. You are a farce who wants to silence your adversaries with all sorts of demeaning names. You have been posting garbage on GNI for a while now. No one has ever acknowledged you for anything positive. I suspect you are a relative of some AFC politician and that's the reason why you fanatically cling behind them. You cannot convince me or any intelligent person that you are motivated to post on the forum because you care for your fellow Indians or Guyanese as a whole. You just making yourself a greater idiot than you are by showing off your shallow intellect on this forum. You need to do some damage control by stop posting trash taken from the KN and SN and gleefully thinking that the GNI audience is going to be impressed. Bull! if anyone is impressed it's you and no one else. 


Pundit, please take a walk. A mouth and brain are tired. Go exercise you feet.

You are a certified dumb-ass? Don't you realize that you cannot lecture me with your unintelligent babble? Dumb-Ass, you born suh or people do you suh?  Glad to know that I piss you off with clippings from KN and SN. Mitwah is cool.

Originally Posted by Billy Ram Balgobin:

Burnham turned that nation into a laughing stock. How can Guyanese have the nerve to revere this man?

so you saying because burham was a thief its okay for the ppp to steal.indians fight burham because he was corrupt now they have to fight the ppp because they are worse than burham  

Last edited by Former Member
Originally Posted by Billy Ram Balgobin:

How can you be cool when i got you pon you nerve? 

Don't fool your self. You are a dumb-ass to come attacking me. You threw the first punch when you should have taken the time to rebut the clipping I posted. You are no match. You are a super unintelligent bottom feeder.

Originally Posted by Mitwah:
Originally Posted by Billy Ram Balgobin:

How can you be cool when i got you pon you nerve? 

Don't fool your self. You are a dumb-ass to come attacking me. You threw the first punch when you should have taken the time to rebut the clipping I posted. You are no match. You are a super unintelligent bottom feeder.

kick the fool ass

Originally Posted by warrior:
Originally Posted by Mitwah:
Originally Posted by Billy Ram Balgobin:

How can you be cool when i got you pon you nerve? 

Don't fool your self. You are a dumb-ass to come attacking me. You threw the first punch when you should have taken the time to rebut the clipping I posted. You are no match. You are a super unintelligent bottom feeder.

kick the fool ass

I would like to. But he has his head far up there.

Originally Posted by Billy Ram Balgobin:



I suspect you are a relative of some AFC politician and that's the reason why you fanatically cling behind them. 

Billy, you suspicion is not based on fact.

If something is mysterious to you, that's no reason for myth-making.

Mitwah has been supporting the AFC for a long time.

I remember when I was supporting the PPP on this forum up to December 2011, Mitwah was a staunch AFC poster here.

He used to read the AFC manifesto and post parts from the party's website.

He was defending and promoting AFC ideas, not merely personalities.

If you cannot understand why Mitwah and I support the AFC, that's your affair.

We care not for Indians alone but for the welfare of all Guyanese.

You choose to back the PPP, Billy. Good for you. I respect your choice.

Let's debate hard facts, not suppositions and unreal things.

Originally Posted by warrior:
Originally Posted by Billy Ram Balgobin:

Burnham turned that nation into a laughing stock. How can Guyanese have the nerve to revere this man?

so you saying because burham was a thief its okay for the ppp to steal.indians fight burham because he was corrupt now they have to fight the ppp because they are worse than burham  

this is the kind of unintelligent drivel that I am hopelessly pointing out to him. The fool thinks it has to do with grammar.

Originally Posted by Mitwah:
Originally Posted by warrior:
Originally Posted by Billy Ram Balgobin:

Burnham turned that nation into a laughing stock. How can Guyanese have the nerve to revere this man?

so you saying because burham was a thief its okay for the ppp to steal.indians fight burham because he was corrupt now they have to fight the ppp because they are worse than burham  

this is the kind of unintelligent drivel that I am hopelessly pointing out to him. The fool thinks it has to do with grammar.

he learn from a bottom house meeting what you expect 


Warrior is anti-Indian PNC thug and Myth is a jaan ke Laar. 


I am not  a PPP man but I do favor them since they are only party that is capable of defending the rights of the East Indian people in Guyana. The Phantoms did a exemplary job in quelling the African Resistance that brought misery to the Indian communities. Thanks to Jagdeo. The AFC has done nothing to impress me. They have joined hands with the PNC and forgotten their promise to the Nation that they will maintain their independence and push this nation on a new political path - they have failed to do so by reneging on their promise. Those who voted for the AFC are a disappointed lot. They feel lost and betrayed by the AFC. Some will abstein from voting for a long time. Some will return to the PPP and the PNC and Guyana will once again have to search for the real third force that will bring about real change and not playing the politics of blackmail.


Myth and you and cannot see the end is near for the AFC. It is too much at stake to acknowledge that this party is in serious trouble of retain it seats in parliament. It is dying slowly as we debate on GNI.  We are waiting for the the final bell. 

Billy Ram Balgobin
Originally Posted by Gilbakka:
Originally Posted by Billy Ram Balgobin:



I suspect you are a relative of some AFC politician and that's the reason why you fanatically cling behind them. 

Billy, you suspicion is not based on fact.

If something is mysterious to you, that's no reason for myth-making.

Mitwah has been supporting the AFC for a long time.

I remember when I was supporting the PPP on this forum up to December 2011, Mitwah was a staunch AFC poster here.

He used to read the AFC manifesto and post parts from the party's website.

He was defending and promoting AFC ideas, not merely personalities.

If you cannot understand why Mitwah and I support the AFC, that's your affair.

We care not for Indians alone but for the welfare of all Guyanese.

You choose to back the PPP, Billy. Good for you. I respect your choice.

Let's debate hard facts, not suppositions and unreal things.

Thanks Gilly. I care for the welfare of all Guyanese. I turned away from the PPP when I  learned of how the party was hijacked by a few and gave my support to the AFC during the 2011 election campaign.  Billy, what would you say if I tell you that my pumpkin vine is connected to Ramotar's?


You all can console yourselves by stating all sorts of demeaning things about me. At the end of the day the AFC will shrivel away and its leaders will blend in with other parties. TK smell the rat and run. You and Myth will be next. 

Billy Ram Balgobin
Originally Posted by Billy Ram Balgobin:

Warrior is anti-Indian PNC thug and Myth is a jaan ke Laar. 


I am not  a PPP man but I do favor them since they are only party that is capable of defending the rights of the East Indian people in Guyana. The Phantoms did a exemplary job in quelling the African Resistance that brought misery to the Indian communities. Thanks to Jagdeo. The AFC has done nothing to impress me. They have joined hands with the PNC and forgotten their promise to the Nation that they will maintain their independence and push this nation on a new political path - they have failed to do so by reneging on their promise. Those who voted for the AFC are a disappointed lot. They feel lost and betrayed by the AFC. Some will abstein from voting for a long time. Some will return to the PPP and the PNC and Guyana will once again have to search for the real third force that will bring about real change and not playing the politics of blackmail.


Myth and you and cannot see the end is near for the AFC. It is too much at stake to acknowledge that this party is in serious trouble of retain it seats in parliament. It is dying slowly as we debate on GNI.  We are waiting for the the final bell. 

From your drivel, thanks for letting us know that you are a congenital racist. I am for the welfare of all Guyanese.


You cannot be for all Guyanese when you are in bed with the PNC which has a long history of using violence against a particular ethnic group. Also, you have bought into the bullshit that those who speak up for the rights on East Indians are racist. This is utter nonsense. If other group can speak out at against racism without being branded racist why should it be any different for East Indians?  



Billy Ram Balgobin
Last edited by Billy Ram Balgobin
Originally Posted by Billy Ram Balgobin:

You cannot be for all Guyanese when you are in bed with the PNC which has a long history of using violence against a particular ethnic group. Also, you have bought into the bullshit that those who speak up for the rights on East Indians are racist. This is utter nonsense. If other group can speak out at against racism without being branded racist why should it be any different for East Indians?  



You are a congenital racist.


You can only call names and use your limited knowledge of pop psychology to put deragatory labels on people. That's all you can do. You cannot defend your statements nor justify your political stance with the AFC. You maybe well meaning but you are naive to believe the AFC stands for you believe in. With all that they're doing in the parliament there is nothing to suggest that they are honest and caring politicians. One anti-PPP letter writer stated that the leaders of the AFC are men with machetes and axes to grind. Pay attention and don't sell your soul.

Billy Ram Balgobin
Originally Posted by Billy Ram Balgobin:



I am not  a PPP man but I do favor them since they are only party that is capable of defending the rights of the East Indian people in Guyana. The Phantoms did a exemplary job in quelling the African Resistance that brought misery to the Indian communities. Thanks to Jagdeo.  

OK, Billy, we can discuss the above.

Nothing wrong with the PPP "defending the rights of the East Indian people in Guyana."

The PPP can defend Indian rights without murdering over 400 black men.

The Phantoms which you say did an "exemplary job" was itself an illegal and criminal outfit. Wikileaks docs say Ronald Gajraj was a co-leader of the Phantoms.

The Buxton resistance was born of real angst and grievances by black people over what they described as the marginalization of blacks in the PPP controlled and directed economy. I can understand that. The Buxton resistance fighters had a point.

The Buxton resistance retaliated against the wrong people, however, and that was their fatal mistake.

They targeted innocent and ordinary Indian people, losing popular sympathy for their cause.

The Buxton resistance should have aimed their guns at Jagdeo, Gajraj and other decision-makers whose policies marginalized blacks.

Originally Posted by Billy Ram Balgobin:

You cannot be for all Guyanese when you are in bed with the PNC which has a long history of using violence against a particular ethnic group. Also, you have bought into the bullshit that those who speak up for the rights on East Indians are racist. This is utter nonsense. If other group can speak out at against racism without being branded racist why should it be any different for East Indians?  



its great  you represent the so call indian people which i doubt they need a racist to do this but how about guyana who will heal her or take her forward 

Originally Posted by Gilbakka:
Originally Posted by Billy Ram Balgobin:



I am not  a PPP man but I do favor them since they are only party that is capable of defending the rights of the East Indian people in Guyana. The Phantoms did a exemplary job in quelling the African Resistance that brought misery to the Indian communities. Thanks to Jagdeo.  

OK, Billy, we can discuss the above.

Nothing wrong with the PPP "defending the rights of the East Indian people in Guyana."

The PPP can defend Indian rights without murdering over 400 black men.

The Phantoms which you say did an "exemplary job" was itself an illegal and criminal outfit. Wikileaks docs say Ronald Gajraj was a co-leader of the Phantoms.

The Buxton resistance was born of real angst and grievances by black people over what they described as the marginalization of blacks in the PPP controlled and directed economy. I can understand that. The Buxton resistance fighters had a point.

The Buxton resistance retaliated against the wrong people, however, and that was their fatal mistake.

They targeted innocent and ordinary Indian people, losing popular sympathy for their cause.

The Buxton resistance should have aimed their guns at Jagdeo, Gajraj and other decision-makers whose policies marginalized blacks.

their was nothing like a buxtons resistance group,its was a bunch of bandits using buxtons as a safe havens.the people of buxtons was more scare of these bandits because their was no help from the police and the ppp government

Originally Posted by Billy Ram Balgobin:

You can only call names and use your limited knowledge of pop psychology to put deragatory labels on people. That's all you can do. You cannot defend your statements nor justify your political stance with the AFC. You maybe well meaning but you are naive to believe the AFC stands for you believe in. With all that they're doing in the parliament there is nothing to suggest that they are honest and caring politicians. One anti-PPP letter writer stated that the leaders of the AFC are men with machetes and axes to grind. Pay attention and don't sell your soul.

You are blind by your racist mentality. You support corruption, nepotism, cronyism. You are morally bankrupt. Stop being a slave to racism.

Originally Posted by Conscience:

Anand Goolsarran and Carl Greenidge

If Anand Goolsarran is as serious about tackling financial impropriety as he wants us believe then why was he silent on irregularities during the rule of the PNC government ?  Why did he not express an opinion on any real or perceived conflict of interest arising from Carl Greenidge and his sister’s simultaneous appointment, whose dates coincide with striking precision, and also coincide with the period of non-accountability and non-submission of audited accounts?


Greenidge’s sister was parachuted into the audit office immediately after her brother became finance minister  and parachuted out of the office immediately after her brother demitted office. Below is a chronology of events which took place under Goolsarran's watch and which he was silent on:


1. In October 1983, Carl Greenidge is appointed as finance minister.


2. In 1984, mere months later, Greenidge’s sister is appointed to a senior position in the audit office.


3. In 1987, Greenidge’s People’s National Congress (PNC) government appoints Anand Goolsarran as deputy auditor general.


4. In 1990, Goolsarran procures a prestigious scholarship for Greenidge’s sister to pursue postgraduate studies in England, at a time when only those favoured by the PNC could get any scholarships, much less to Western destinations like England, to do postgraduate studies.


5. Later in 1990, mere weeks later, Greenidge’s President Desmond Hoyte rewards Goolsarran with appointment as auditor general.


6. In October 1992, Greenidge leaves office as finance minister after the PNC dictatorship falls with the return of democracy to Guyana.


7. In March 1993, mere months later, Goolsarran approves transfer of Greenidge’s sister out of the audit office, although she has not so long ago returned from England with training under a prestigious scholarship specially procured by the audit office at Goolsarran’s behest.

Despite leveling all sorts of accusations against the PPP government Goolsarran is yet to express any concern about any real or perceived conflicts of interest that may have arisen from Greenidge and his sister’s parallel appointments, and the role that this might have played in facilitating non-production of audited accounts in Guyana during the worst decade of misrule in Guyana – all this while Goolsarran himself presided as auditor general.

Donkey Cart Economist Carl Greenidge bankrupt Guyana and made it a basket cast. Under Carl Greenidge:



No drinking water

No gas

No food or line up for food

Devalued dollar

Line up for up to two days to cross the Berbice river

No water to plant rice

Broken roads

Thieves everywhere

No free Press, 2 pages per newspaper because he claimed that we had no foreign currency to import print paper


Old cars and buses



I can fill five pages of Donkey Cart Economist and his side kick Goolsarran.


It would be disgraceful to embrace a rotten and stinking politician like Donkey Cart Econominst Carl Greenidge. No more racist and rotten PNC.


Never. Never. Enough of a useless opposition that embraces this disgusting politician. 

Originally Posted by Billy Ram Balgobin:

Burnham turned that nation into a laughing stock. How can Guyanese have the nerve to revere this man?

Nahhh most don't revere him, is just that...mmmm...after seeing how this present govt treat their own people and has kept Guyana at the bottom of the shitpile, we realize the man had more class than these pond scum.


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