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Bibi Haniffa posted:
Danyael posted:
Bibi Haniffa posted:

Listen, the country will long be bankrupt by 2020.  Did the PPP bankrupt the country in 23 years?  No.  You all stole the election and immediately started to spend the money that the PPP left in the Treasury.  One year into the government, we have not seen an economic plan to move the country forward.  The economy is contracting at an alarming pace and not one person is paying attention. They don't even know what to do.  There is no leadership at any level. 

The country never had money. It depended on loans and begging. It never accrued enough productive capacity to satisfy the requirement of meeting only a mere half of its requirement. The shame is the PPP had 23 years with the benefaction of the west to increase that percentage. Instead they squandered it away through rent seeking and outright gift.

The APNY has a similar path. This first year they seem to be deviating from the kinds of random loan seeking and big ticket items that has no multiplier effect in the society. Hopefully, they will chose good ends. It is highly unlikely they will wear out the effect of western benefaction anytime soon so we will never be broke.

Really?  1.7 Billion US dollars is not money?  Where did they get the money from for salary increases, private jet trips around the world, and 50th Anniversary Baccanal Sport??  Where did they get the money from to pay BK to paint the whole country yellow and green??

Has the PNC generated any income since they took over the country a year ago?  No.  Not one single cent.  All the money spent over the last year is money that the PPP left in the Treasury.

Do you know why the country has no economic plan?  They don't need one.  There is enough money to pull them through until they run out of cash and then they will hand the PPP the country back to replenish the golden chest!!

Do you believe you can float a number and then force us to believe that gargantum lie that the PPP had 1.7 billion US on hand? If you had an ounce of integrity you will examine what I told you many times. In early 2014, the PPP announced they had 800 million US on hand. By early 2015 they said they only had 200 million. Nagamootoo asked them what  happened to the 600 million. They said they lost it in gold prices! Now it is up to you to clarify your number and do not float falsehoods as fact on an international website and make an ass of yourself.

It is also a foregone conclusion that in its entire history the nation has not balanced its books on its own earnings. It is as Cheddi noted a begging bowl state with a donkey cart economy.

Now to this crass dog whistle about bacchanal. The PPP spent one billion dollars on their mash celebration. What do you call that? Note well the PNC is not spending a quarter of t hat. This ceaseless racist bilge that you are trying to sell that black people only care to party rests on no supporting facts.

However, a coolie identified party robbed our state blind for 23 years and all those poor assed PPP politicians who on entering office did not have a pot to piss in are now rich patricians. They have the audacity to recreate the model of the of the Soviet communist party black sea dachas for party member only on our Atlantic coast! Those crooks stole the land and the money to create the infrastructure fot utilities for their private million dollar homes from the nations coffers and that does not bother any of you sycophants! I wonder which indian person who are made poorer by these crooks would want to hold these people as representative of the culture.

The only golden chests the PPP left us is the one the have in their rotten thieving pockets and that of their coneys.

Last edited by Former Member
Bibi Haniffa posted:
Mars posted:
Bibi Haniffa posted:
Danyael posted:
Bibi Haniffa posted:

Listen, the country will long be bankrupt by 2020.  Did the PPP bankrupt the country in 23 years?  No.  You all stole the election and immediately started to spend the money that the PPP left in the Treasury.  One year into the government, we have not seen an economic plan to move the country forward.  The economy is contracting at an alarming pace and not one person is paying attention. They don't even know what to do.  There is no leadership at any level. 

The country never had money. It depended on loans and begging. It never accrued enough productive capacity to satisfy the requirement of meeting only a mere half of its requirement. The shame is the PPP had 23 years with the benefaction of the west to increase that percentage. Instead they squandered it away through rent seeking and outright gift.

The APNY has a similar path. This first year they seem to be deviating from the kinds of random loan seeking and big ticket items that has no multiplier effect in the society. Hopefully, they will chose good ends. It is highly unlikely they will wear out the effect of western benefaction anytime soon so we will never be broke.

Really?  1.7 Billion US dollars is not money?  Where did they get the money from for salary increases, private jet trips around the world, and 50th Anniversary Baccanal Sport??  Where did they get the money from to pay BK to paint the whole country yellow and green??

Has the PNC generated any income since they took over the country a year ago?  No.  Not one single cent.  All the money spent over the last year is money that the PPP left in the Treasury.

Do you know why the country has no economic plan?  They don't need one.  There is enough money to pull them through until they run out of cash and then they will hand the PPP the country back to replenish the golden chest!!

You actually believe that the PPP left $ 1.7 billion US in the treasury when they left office? The Improv is looking for new talent. You should apply. 

Yes I do believe that.  And I am actually pi$$ed with my PPP party members for not sharing that information with the general public after all the accusations that were made against them.  Someone in the PNC camp told me that in person.  That is why they don't have the heart to bring corruption charges.  You don't bite the hand that feeds you.

I bet you believe in more than six impossible things each morning as well!

Django posted:

Damn how did they come up with US $1.7 billion,how can you believe a word what they are saying,they pulling number out the air.

Chuprao!! Dr Dr Dr Bharrat Jagdeo, Champion of the Earth, economist by training and practice, crunched the numbers. He knows best.

Django posted:

Damn how did they come up with US $1.7 billion,how can you believe a word what they are saying,they pulling number out the air.

They do because they have enough dunces like this one who is willing to practice self deception as a model for creating their reality.

Gilbakka posted:
Django posted:

Damn how did they come up with US $1.7 billion,how can you believe a word what they are saying,they pulling number out the air.

Chuprao!! Dr Dr Dr Bharrat Jagdeo, Champion of the Earth, economist by training and practice, crunched the numbers. He knows best.

Bhai Gill,i don't know if it's my instincts,every time that fella open his mouth i sense brace yourself for a con.

Django posted:
Gilbakka posted:
Django posted:

Damn how did they come up with US $1.7 billion,how can you believe a word what they are saying,they pulling number out the air.

Chuprao!! Dr Dr Dr Bharrat Jagdeo, Champion of the Earth, economist by training and practice, crunched the numbers. He knows best.

Bhai Gill,i don't know if it's my instincts,every time that fella open his mouth i sense brace yourself for a con.

I prayed to the good lord to let a princess marry him in Senegal but the lord admonished me: "Thou fool, ye don't know that sinner BJ does not like Africans?" So, I got down on my knees and asked the lord for forgiveness. 

Django posted:
Gilbakka posted:
Django posted:

Damn how did they come up with US $1.7 billion,how can you believe a word what they are saying,they pulling number out the air.

Chuprao!! Dr Dr Dr Bharrat Jagdeo, Champion of the Earth, economist by training and practice, crunched the numbers. He knows best.

Bhai Gill,i don't know if it's my instincts,every time that fella open his mouth i sense brace yourself for a con.

He only knows a con. It is his praxis for life. Who but this scumbag can  can live his switch hitting life style,  pretend to our entire nation that he has a wife and at the end of his term in office, boot her out and say he forget to register the marriage and think all is fine.

Who but this consummate crook can come from not owning a bicycle before entering office and 12 years later come out one of the nations richest man and say he got that way from frugality. Note he has no visible income source to  validate the rapid growth of his assets but yet he has the nerve to call others crook. 

He has the nerve to sell the idea the PPP left 1.7 billion US in the treasury when the whole nation knew they could not pay sugar workers and were trying to pillage the money from other agencies and ended up selling the only thing working at the Skeldon plant, the co gen plant some 20 days before the election to pay sugar workers. Why not dip into the treasury rather than rip up the plant and sell it at fire sale prices?

Last edited by Former Member
ba$eman posted:
at any level. 

The PNC cannot run an economy like Guyana, .

True but then neither can the PPP, or else these loss makers would have been profitable.

In addition had there been US$1.7 B civil servants would have gotten a big pay increase, and there would have been huge splurging on low income houses in PNC areas.

The PPP left Guyana indebted and broke.

Last edited by Former Member
Gilbakka posted:
Django posted:
Gilbakka posted:
Django posted:

Damn how did they come up with US $1.7 billion,how can you believe a word what they are saying,they pulling number out the air.

Chuprao!! Dr Dr Dr Bharrat Jagdeo, Champion of the Earth, economist by training and practice, crunched the numbers. He knows best.

Bhai Gill,i don't know if it's my instincts,every time that fella open his mouth i sense brace yourself for a con.

I prayed to the good lord to let a princess marry him in Senegal but the lord admonished me: "Thou fool, ye don't know that sinner BJ does not like Africans?" So, I got down on my knees and asked the lord for forgiveness. 

Forgiven !!

Jus 'shooting de breeze' from a far away place : You seem like wan holy man, when you gonna start you own church, wid Django assistance ? LOL

Django bai, walk good eh.

Me gane, duty calls.


Havoc in the homeland and de Souja Boi hanging out in the US.  De man was not even in the country for his first May Day Rally as President of Guyana.  Me hope he go back in time fuh independence bacchanal though!!!

Bibi Haniffa
Bibi Haniffa posted:

Havoc in the homeland and de Souja Boi hanging out in the US.  De man was not even in the country for his first May Day Rally as President of Guyana.  Me hope he go back in time fuh independence bacchanal though!!!

Your hope is the President's command. He most certainly will be back in Guyana standing at attention when the largest national flag will be hoisted on the longest flagpole in the land.


Back to the topic of this thread.

After careful consideration of the controversy, taking into account the viewpoints of all stakeholders, I hereby urge President Granger not to rename the Ogle International Airport after Eugene Correia. 

In keeping with the spirit of Guyana's 50th Anniversary celebrations, it would be apt to call it FORBES BURNHAM INTERNATIONAL AIRPORT. End of story.

Bibi Haniffa posted:

Carib has a better idea.  Rename Cheddi Jagan airport to Forbes Burnham International Airport.  Joey Jagan would like that very much!!!!!

And the VIP Lounge could be christened Godfather Lounge!!

Shucks, I can't get an exclamation mark in a black diamond background. 

Bibi Haniffa posted:

Carib has a better idea.  Rename Cheddi Jagan airport to Forbes Burnham International Airport.  Joey Jagan would like that very much!!!!!

why do you think Caribj thinks highly of LFSB? Where has he ever commented on the man with a modicum of reverence? You are so haplessly incapable of objective analysis you make up crap and believe it to be true. Caribj has no particular liking for LFSB. It is debatable if he likes him less than Cheddi or lumps them in the same box.

Danyael posted:
Bibi Haniffa posted:

Carib has a better idea.  Rename Cheddi Jagan airport to Forbes Burnham International Airport.  Joey Jagan would like that very much!!!!!

why do you think Caribj thinks highly of LFSB? Where has he ever commented on the man with a modicum of reverence? You are so haplessly incapable of objective analysis you make up crap and believe it to be true. Caribj has no particular liking for LFSB. It is debatable if he likes him less than Cheddi or lumps them in the same box.

What they see is one black guy another black guy, dem come from de same cloth..that's racism.

All this time Carib has been critical of LFSB and yet they do not see this.

caribny posted:

Let Granger get the brown bai KKK really upset and change Cheddi Jagan International airport to the LFS Burnham International, and have Ogle changed to the Hamilton Green International.

The wails and hysteria that they will engage in will be truly theatrical.

The Pharaoh may just do that. Greene already walked away with the highest award and a street name after him. Racial hate has no debt.


The amount hate shown towards Indos by Cain and Carib is unacceptable.

Carib is blatant and Cain is subtle, you have to read between the lines.

Last edited by Former Member
Danyael posted:
Bibi Haniffa posted:

Carib has a better idea.  Rename Cheddi Jagan airport to Forbes Burnham International Airport.  Joey Jagan would like that very much!!!!!

why do you think Caribj thinks highly of LFSB? Where has he ever commented on the man with a modicum of reverence? You are so haplessly incapable of objective analysis you make up crap and believe it to be true. Caribj has no particular liking for LFSB. It is debatable if he likes him less than Cheddi or lumps them in the same box.

Jackass, I was quoting what Carib said earlier in this thread!!!!  Who said Carib thinks highly of LFSB?  What are you smoking dude????? 

Read the second post on this thread Mr. Stupid!!!!!

Bibi Haniffa
Last edited by Bibi Haniffa
yuji22 posted:

The amount hate shown towards Indos by Cain and Carib is unacceptable.

Carib is blatant and Cain is subtle, you have to read between the lines.

And you open with your racism as a festering sore

Danyael posted:
yuji22 posted:

The amount hate shown towards Indos by Cain and Carib is unacceptable.

Carib is blatant and Cain is subtle, you have to read between the lines.

And you open with your racism as a festering sore

I challenge you to prove your claim.

Unlike you and Carib who support a racist and corrupt AFC/PNC.

Take a close look in the mirror.

Bibi Haniffa posted:

Carib has a better idea.  Rename Cheddi Jagan airport to Forbes Burnham International Airport.  Joey Jagan would like that very much!!!!!

And I also said Ogle should be renamed the Hamilton Green International Airport.

Then all of you brown KKK members can yell, scream, cry, wail and rant about Indian eradication.  And block 42nd St. in September when Granger comes up for the UN General Assembly.

cain posted:
Danyael posted:
Bibi Haniffa posted:

Carib has a better idea.  Rename Cheddi Jagan airport to Forbes Burnham International Airport.  Joey Jagan would like that very much!!!!!

why do you think Caribj thinks highly of LFSB? Where has he ever commented on the man with a modicum of reverence? You are so haplessly incapable of objective analysis you make up crap and believe it to be true. Caribj has no particular liking for LFSB. It is debatable if he likes him less than Cheddi or lumps them in the same box.

What they see is one black guy another black guy, dem come from de same cloth..that's racism.

All this time Carib has been critical of LFSB and yet they do not see this.

I love how stupid Bibi and the brown bai KKK are. So predictable and comedic.

Its like a dog. You hang some meat over their head and you see them jump.

Bibi Haniffa posted:
Danyael posted:
Bibi Haniffa posted:

Carib has a better idea.  Rename Cheddi Jagan airport to Forbes Burnham International Airport.  Joey Jagan would like that very much!!!!!

why do you think Caribj thinks highly of LFSB? Where has he ever commented on the man with a modicum of reverence? You are so haplessly incapable of objective analysis you make up crap and believe it to be true. Caribj has no particular liking for LFSB. It is debatable if he likes him less than Cheddi or lumps them in the same box.

Jackass, I was quoting what Carib said earlier in this thread!!!!  Who said Carib thinks highly of LFSB?  What are you smoking dude????? 

Read the second post on this thread Mr. Stupid!!!!!

Is it for vicarious pleasure that you think he would suggest renaming the airport from Cheddi to LFSB? 

Danyael posted:
Bibi Haniffa posted:
Danyael posted:
Bibi Haniffa posted:

Carib has a better idea.  Rename Cheddi Jagan airport to Forbes Burnham International Airport.  Joey Jagan would like that very much!!!!!

why do you think Caribj thinks highly of LFSB? Where has he ever commented on the man with a modicum of reverence? You are so haplessly incapable of objective analysis you make up crap and believe it to be true. Caribj has no particular liking for LFSB. It is debatable if he likes him less than Cheddi or lumps them in the same box.

Jackass, I was quoting what Carib said earlier in this thread!!!!  Who said Carib thinks highly of LFSB?  What are you smoking dude????? 

Read the second post on this thread Mr. Stupid!!!!!

Is it for vicarious pleasure that you think he would suggest renaming the airport from Cheddi to LFSB? 

Bibi and her brown bai KKK friends are behaving just as I predicted.

Prashad posted: Caribbeanj I hope you have a year long constipation so that you can think about your racial hate of Indians.

Ow Prash, after reading this line I did a quick Googling and found nothing to indicate that constipation causes contemplation or remorse for alleged "racial hate of Indians." 

On the contrary, your wish for Carib to have "a year long constipation" will result in the poor black man's death before the year ends. Never hope for that outcome, Prash. Carib does not deserve such treatment. Feel free to disagree with Carib's views.

Prashad posted:

Caribbeanj I hope you have a year long constipation so that you can think about your racial hate of Indians.

I suggest you go after the good stuff... castor oil, senna etc if it helps with your nasty racism

Danyael posted:
Bibi Haniffa posted:
Danyael posted:
Bibi Haniffa posted:

Carib has a better idea.  Rename Cheddi Jagan airport to Forbes Burnham International Airport.  Joey Jagan would like that very much!!!!!

why do you think Caribj thinks highly of LFSB? Where has he ever commented on the man with a modicum of reverence? You are so haplessly incapable of objective analysis you make up crap and believe it to be true. Caribj has no particular liking for LFSB. It is debatable if he likes him less than Cheddi or lumps them in the same box.

Jackass, I was quoting what Carib said earlier in this thread!!!!  Who said Carib thinks highly of LFSB?  What are you smoking dude????? 

Read the second post on this thread Mr. Stupid!!!!!

Is it for vicarious pleasure that you think he would suggest renaming the airport from Cheddi to LFSB? 

Storm, if there is one thing I can tell you about Carib, he is not a stupid man.  He holds many of you by the nose and have you bleating to his tune while he plays his drums.  You on the other hand.......well that is a whole adda story..........!!

Bibi Haniffa
Bibi Haniffa posted:
Danyael posted:
Bibi Haniffa posted:
Danyael posted:
Bibi Haniffa posted:

Carib has a better idea.  Rename Cheddi Jagan airport to Forbes Burnham International Airport.  Joey Jagan would like that very much!!!!!

why do you think Caribj thinks highly of LFSB? Where has he ever commented on the man with a modicum of reverence? You are so haplessly incapable of objective analysis you make up crap and believe it to be true. Caribj has no particular liking for LFSB. It is debatable if he likes him less than Cheddi or lumps them in the same box.

Jackass, I was quoting what Carib said earlier in this thread!!!!  Who said Carib thinks highly of LFSB?  What are you smoking dude????? 

Read the second post on this thread Mr. Stupid!!!!!

Is it for vicarious pleasure that you think he would suggest renaming the airport from Cheddi to LFSB? 

Storm, if there is one thing I can tell you about Carib, he is not a stupid man.  He holds many of you by the nose and have you bleating to his tune while he plays his drums.  You on the other hand.......well that is a whole adda story..........!!

He does not hold me anywhere and I have more tussles with him than all of you combined on all sorts of issues so you are not telling me anything I would not know by now.

I am what you can never be because my dear... If you were you would not be bending the knees slavishly to crooks.

Bibi Haniffa posted:
Gilbakka posted:
Bibi Haniffa posted:
Gilbakka posted:
Bibi Haniffa posted:

Or they should just paint the airports green and yellow if they have not already done so.

That would be wonderful!!

On second thoughts, you know how much red paint PPP will have to buy in 2020!!!!!

Keep on dreaming, angel. Granger and APNU will not be moved in 2020. The AFC? Perhaps, perhaps not.

Will Granger be alive in 2020?  Even from within the depths of the APNU camp there are sighs of disgust at the current state of affairs, especially among the young people.  No one expected what is unfolding in front of their eyes.  And you and I both know the fate of the AFC so let that one die in peace.

Gilly might be correct. Granger and the PNC boys are experts at rigging and bullying.

Mr.T posted:

The headline claims "against the wishes of the majority". Who is this majority? The majority who won the election? Or the majority of Indian nationals?

PNC bullies and riggers.

skeldon_man posted:
Mr.T posted:

The headline claims "against the wishes of the majority". Who is this majority? The majority who won the election? Or the majority of Indian nationals?

PNC bullies and riggers.

That doesn't make sense. You telling another lie again.


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