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Former Member

Orders published in the Official Gazette on October 19, 2019, included two orders – Order 79 and Order 80 – that details the transfer of state lands to APNU+AFC Coalition member, Valerie Adams-Yearwood.

The two Orders were signed by the Coalition’s Winston Jordan on September 13, 2019 and confers upon his colleague title to the property free and clear of all claims and liabilities.

The plots Adams-Yearwood received include:

• 1 acre – Both banks of Demerara River (Lot 51 Richmond Hill, MacKensie also known as Plantation Noigedacht)

• 1.098 acre – Both banks of Demerara River (Lot 80 Richmond Hill, MacKensie also known as Plantation Noigedacht) The two Orders lists Adams- Patterson’s address as 17 Coralita Avenue, Bel Air Park, Georgetown.

The two orders detailing the transfers of state lands are among a total of six orders published in the official gazette of October 19, 2019, with other land transfers. A relative of the PNCR’s Van West-Charles is also among the beneficiaries. All the transfers were made under the Public Corporation Act, whereby lands held by National Industrial and Commercial Investments Limited (NICIL) were transferred to the persons named in the Orders.



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More explosive revelations…Housing Minister’s husband used CH&PA staffers to witness private contract-one of them is his nephew

The sub-contract between Godfrey Yearwood and Desmond Murphy, signed by CH&PA staffers.

Hours after Minister of Housing, Valerie Adams-Yearwood released a statement challenging claims of a conflict of interest with her husband at the Central Housing and Planning Authority (CH&PA), there are shocking details emerging that raise even more questions.
The Minister came under public scrutiny two weeks ago after Opposition Leader, Bharrat Jagdeo, reported that contracts were issued to the Minister’s husband, Godfrey Yearwood, by CH&PA – the agency over which she presides.
After days of public pressure, Minister Adams-Yearwood denied any input, claiming that she does not preside over the bidding and awarding process at CH&PA.
The Minister and Godfrey Yearwood married in August 2017 and a few months later, he was awarded contracts to build a number of turn-key homes for CH&PA.

However, the minister claimed, in her statement on Monday, that she learnt of the awards only after he told her.

The Housing Minister and Godfrey Yearwood married in August 2017.

Further, when a 2017 press release from Government surfaced, stating that the Minister “presided” over the awarding of contracts – contrary to the claim by the Minister that she does not – she claimed Monday that her presence at the event was purely ceremonial.
But it isn’t just the Minister who is related to Godfrey Yearwood.
This publication saw documents that suggest that staffers at CH&PA were very familiar with the Minister’s husband.
In fact one of them, Troy Marks, the Clerk of Works at CH&PA, is said to be a nephew of the Minister’s husband.
According to a private contract, Yearwood in January 2018 sub-contracted a number of houses to one Desmond Murphy.
Marks, and Elizabeth Simeon, a Secretary at CH&PA, both signed as witnesses to that January 2018 private contract.
That is a clear no-no as CH&PA is the agency that in the first place issued the contracts to Yearwood.
Chief Executive Officer at the CH&PA, Lelon Saul, had said that if a contractor is the husband of the Minister, there exists a conflict of interest.
It is unclear whether he knew that Marks is related to Yearwood as well.
It is a clear no-no for the two CH&PA staffers to sign as witnesses to a private contract for the husband of the Minister of Housing.
That private contract, dated January 18, 2018, was made for the construction of 11 concrete, single-storey houses at Perseverance, East Bank Demerara, to the tune of $10.5M.
Desmond Murphy, the sub-contractor had accused Godfrey Yearwood of withholding the payment from him after he had completed the works.
It is Murphy’s claim of non-payment from Yearwood that has now opened this can of worms.
In her statement, Minister Valerie Adams-Yearwood said that Murphy, engaged for six weeks, did substandard work, which was rejected by CHPA.
She also said that several materials, which were purchased by Mr. Murphy, could not be accounted for. She said that the “defective works” had to be corrected by Godfrey Yearwood. He consequently retained the finances, and so, Murphy was not paid for his work.



Baseman posted:
Sean posted:

Let us see DJ defend this one !

He will!  Maybe just like Ganjamani, they will say “do fuh do no obeah.”

soooo . . . in alyuh latrine of tribal fairy tales, 1 acre of bush land is now "massive"

especially since no act of theft has even been alleged


much reaching here for 'equivalency' to bleach out a decade+ of primal looting by Jagdeo & associates

nah suh bai?

ronan posted:
Baseman posted:
Sean posted:

Let us see DJ defend this one !

He will!  Maybe just like Ganjamani, they will say “do fuh do no obeah.”

soooo . . . in alyuh latrine of tribal fairy tales, 1 acre of bush land is now "massive"

especially since no act of theft has even been alleged


much reaching here for 'equivalency' to bleach out a decade+ of primal looting by Jagdeo & associates

nah suh bai?

Actually I agree.  It was 1 acre, not a big deal.  Burnham did give me daddy 3 acres just suh!

If every Guyanese is given 1 acre, the country will still be 95% uninhabited!

Baseman posted:
ronan posted:
Baseman posted:
Sean posted:

Let us see DJ defend this one !

He will!  Maybe just like Ganjamani, they will say “do fuh do no obeah.”

soooo . . . in alyuh latrine of tribal fairy tales, 1 acre of bush land is now "massive"

especially since no act of theft has even been alleged


much reaching here for 'equivalency' to bleach out a decade+ of primal looting by Jagdeo & associates

nah suh bai?

Actually I agree.  It was 1 acre, not a big deal.  Burnham did give me daddy 3 acres just suh!

If every Guyanese is given 1 acre, the country will still be 95% uninhabited!

Burnham give you daddy just suh, or because he was a PNC stooge?

Bibi Haniffa
Bibi Haniffa posted:
Baseman posted:
ronan posted:
Baseman posted:
Sean posted:

Let us see DJ defend this one !

He will!  Maybe just like Ganjamani, they will say “do fuh do no obeah.”

soooo . . . in alyuh latrine of tribal fairy tales, 1 acre of bush land is now "massive"

especially since no act of theft has even been alleged


much reaching here for 'equivalency' to bleach out a decade+ of primal looting by Jagdeo & associates

nah suh bai?

Actually I agree.  It was 1 acre, not a big deal.  Burnham did give me daddy 3 acres just suh!

If every Guyanese is given 1 acre, the country will still be 95% uninhabited!

Burnham give you daddy just suh, or because he was a PNC stooge?

Mi throw mi carn!!

How yuh doing nah?  How cuzzy Ralphie Dugla Party coming along!   Yuh jump ship yet?

Mi notice yuh prapa crachity these past few days! Everything arite?

ronan posted:
Baseman posted:
Sean posted:

Let us see DJ defend this one !

He will!  Maybe just like Ganjamani, they will say “do fuh do no obeah.”

soooo . . . in alyuh latrine of tribal fairy tales, 1 acre of bush land is now "massive"

especially since no act of theft has even been alleged


much reaching here for 'equivalency' to bleach out a decade+ of primal looting by Jagdeo & associates

nah suh bai?

Bai yuh nah up to date with yuh pnc math yet? in these creatures mind 1 acre bush land is worth more than a pradoville plot, just like how 32 is more massive the 33....

Last edited by sachin_05
sachin_05 posted:
ronan posted:
Baseman posted:
Sean posted:

Let us see DJ defend this one !

He will!  Maybe just like Ganjamani, they will say “do fuh do no obeah.”

soooo . . . in alyuh latrine of tribal fairy tales, 1 acre of bush land is now "massive"

especially since no act of theft has even been alleged


much reaching here for 'equivalency' to bleach out a decade+ of primal looting by Jagdeo & associates

nah suh bai?

Bai yuh nah up to date with yuh pnc math yet? in these creatures mind 1 acre bush land is worth more than a pradoville plot, just like how 32 is more massive the 33....

suuuuure moron

i suggest you take that up with yuh equally DUNCE pardna ‘Dave’ . . . is he who call it “massive


ronan posted:
sachin_05 posted:
ronan posted:
Baseman posted:
Sean posted:

Let us see DJ defend this one !

He will!  Maybe just like Ganjamani, they will say “do fuh do no obeah.”

soooo . . . in alyuh latrine of tribal fairy tales, 1 acre of bush land is now "massive"

especially since no act of theft has even been alleged


much reaching here for 'equivalency' to bleach out a decade+ of primal looting by Jagdeo & associates

nah suh bai?

Bai yuh nah up to date with yuh pnc math yet? in these creatures mind 1 acre bush land is worth more than a pradoville plot, just like how 32 is more massive the 33....

suuuuure moron

i suggest you take that up with yuh equally DUNCE pardna ‘Dave’ . . . is he who call it “massive


If you were not so dunce you would have mastered the PNC math and you would not have to try so hard to reach for equivalency justify PNC thieves.. 


ronan posted:
sachin_05 posted:
ronan posted:
Baseman posted:
Sean posted:

Let us see DJ defend this one !

He will!  Maybe just like Ganjamani, they will say “do fuh do no obeah.”

soooo . . . in alyuh latrine of tribal fairy tales, 1 acre of bush land is now "massive"

especially since no act of theft has even been alleged


much reaching here for 'equivalency' to bleach out a decade+ of primal looting by Jagdeo & associates

nah suh bai?

Bai yuh nah up to date with yuh pnc math yet? in these creatures mind 1 acre bush land is worth more than a pradoville plot, just like how 32 is more massive the 33....

suuuuure moron

i suggest you take that up with yuh equally DUNCE pardna ‘Dave’ . . . is he who call it “massive


Unfortunate. Why not smfvssb?

Last edited by Former Member
sachin_05 posted:
ronan posted:
sachin_05 posted:
ronan posted:
Baseman posted:
Sean posted:

Let us see DJ defend this one !

He will!  Maybe just like Ganjamani, they will say “do fuh do no obeah.”

soooo . . . in alyuh latrine of tribal fairy tales, 1 acre of bush land is now "massive"

especially since no act of theft has even been alleged


much reaching here for 'equivalency' to bleach out a decade+ of primal looting by Jagdeo & associates

nah suh bai?

Bai yuh nah up to date with yuh pnc math yet? in these creatures mind 1 acre bush land is worth more than a pradoville plot, just like how 32 is more massive the 33....

suuuuure moron

i suggest you take that up with yuh equally DUNCE pardna ‘Dave’ . . . is he who call it “massive


If you were not so dunce you would have mastered the PNC math and you would not have to try so hard to reach for equivalency justify PNC thieves.. 


2nd INCOHERENT loser ‘comeback’ from you

typical flailing pitiable DUNCE doing tribal PPP scut wuk

uh huh

Last edited by Former Member
ronan posted:
sachin_05 posted:
ronan posted:
sachin_05 posted:
ronan posted:
Baseman posted:
Sean posted:

Let us see DJ defend this one !

He will!  Maybe just like Ganjamani, they will say “do fuh do no obeah.”

soooo . . . in alyuh latrine of tribal fairy tales, 1 acre of bush land is now "massive"

especially since no act of theft has even been alleged


much reaching here for 'equivalency' to bleach out a decade+ of primal looting by Jagdeo & associates

nah suh bai?

Bai yuh nah up to date with yuh pnc math yet? in these creatures mind 1 acre bush land is worth more than a pradoville plot, just like how 32 is more massive the 33....

suuuuure moron

i suggest you take that up with yuh equally DUNCE pardna ‘Dave’ . . . is he who call it “massive


If you were not so dunce you would have mastered the PNC math and you would not have to try so hard to reach for equivalency justify PNC thieves.. 


2nd INCOHERENT loser ‘comeback’ from you

typical flailing pitiable DUNCE doing tribal PPP scut wuk

uh huh

Repeat 32 is greater than 33  1000 times then come back when you gasp the concept...

Last edited by sachin_05
sachin_05 posted:
ronan posted:
sachin_05 posted:
ronan posted:
sachin_05 posted:
ronan posted:
Baseman posted:
Sean posted:

Let us see DJ defend this one !

He will!  Maybe just like Ganjamani, they will say “do fuh do no obeah.”

soooo . . . in alyuh latrine of tribal fairy tales, 1 acre of bush land is now "massive"

especially since no act of theft has even been alleged


much reaching here for 'equivalency' to bleach out a decade+ of primal looting by Jagdeo & associates

nah suh bai?

Bai yuh nah up to date with yuh pnc math yet? in these creatures mind 1 acre bush land is worth more than a pradoville plot, just like how 32 is more massive the 33....

suuuuure moron

i suggest you take that up with yuh equally DUNCE pardna ‘Dave’ . . . is he who call it “massive


If you were not so dunce you would have mastered the PNC math and you would not have to try so hard to reach for equivalency justify PNC thieves.. 


2nd INCOHERENT loser ‘comeback’ from you

typical flailing pitiable DUNCE doing tribal PPP scut wuk

uh huh

come back when you gasp the concept...

uh huh

strike three!!


Last edited by Former Member
ronan posted:
sachin_05 posted:
ronan posted:

If you were not so dunce you would have mastered the PNC math and you would not have to try so hard to reach for equivalency justify PNC thieves.. 


2nd INCOHERENT loser ‘comeback’ from you

typical flailing pitiable DUNCE doing tribal PPP scut wuk

uh huh

come back when you gasp the concept...

uh huh

strike three!!


Do you scream Strike Three all the time when you get strung out? Do you know what I mean?

Ray posted:

since when 1 acre is massive?

Ginger said if he becomes president, every citizen will receive 1 acre but they must grow food!  Every household will also be allowed two beds ganja!  Not more!

skeldon_man posted:
ronan posted:
sachin_05 posted:
ronan posted:

If you were not so dunce you would have mastered the PNC math and you would not have to try so hard to reach for equivalency justify PNC thieves.. 


2nd INCOHERENT loser ‘comeback’ from you

typical flailing pitiable DUNCE doing tribal PPP scut wuk

uh huh

come back when you gasp the concept...

uh huh

strike three!!


Do you scream Strike Three all the time when you get strung out?

ONLY when i blowtorch yuh stink panty off in public so everybody can see yuh DUNCENESS and your disease

only then, bai . . . only then

Last edited by Former Member
Dave posted:

More explosive revelations…Housing Minister’s husband used CH&PA staffers to witness private contract-one of them is his nephew

This whole issue is blatant corruption and conflict of interest. The minister should've been unemployed by now.

antabanta posted:
Dave posted:

More explosive revelations…Housing Minister’s husband used CH&PA staffers to witness private contract-one of them is his nephew

This whole issue is blatant corruption and conflict of interest. The minister should've been unemployed by now.

i agree

she was removed from the housing ministry and demoted

too many ignars like her (Norton @MOH comes readily to mind) soiled the record of the APNU-AFC gov’t

and serve as bleach for the salespeople of forgetfulness sent forth by Freedom House

ronan posted:
antabanta posted:
Dave posted:

More explosive revelations…Housing Minister’s husband used CH&PA staffers to witness private contract-one of them is his nephew

This whole issue is blatant corruption and conflict of interest. The minister should've been unemployed by now.

i agree

she was removed from the housing ministry and demoted

too many ignars like her (Norton @MOH comes readily to mind) soiled the record of the APNU-AFC gov’t

and serve as bleach for the salespeople of forgetfulness sent forth by Freedom House

Bai what record?  They came in with such nice messages and high hopes, even Baseman said give them a fair chance!  But they quickly squandered it all with their opulence, greed and corruption!  They gapped the PPP considering that short time!

Me was so embarrassed because mi fambly voted Coalition!  Suh deh seh!

You need to be fair!

Baseman posted:

Bai what record?  They came in with such nice messages and high hopes, even Baseman said give them a fair chance!  But they quickly squandered it all with their opulence, greed and corruption!  They gapped the PPP considering that short time!

Me was so embarrassed because mi fambly voted Coalition!  Suh deh seh!

You need to be fair!

Opulence??? Have you seen Pradoville 1 and 2???

Baseman posted:
ronan posted:
antabanta posted:

This whole issue is blatant corruption and conflict of interest. The minister should've been unemployed by now.

i agree

she was removed from the housing ministry and demoted

too many ignars like her (Norton @MOH comes readily to mind) soiled the record of the APNU-AFC gov’t

and serve as bleach for the salespeople of forgetfulness sent forth by Freedom House

They gapped the PPP considering that short time!

Me was so embarrassed because mi fambly voted Coalition!  Suh deh seh!

You need to be fair!

grazing and unserious on GNI

this may be a comedy show for you that doubles as a disinformation exercise

but i really don’t have the time . . .

antabanta posted:
Baseman posted:

Bai what record?  They came in with such nice messages and high hopes, even Baseman said give them a fair chance!  But they quickly squandered it all with their opulence, greed and corruption!  They gapped the PPP considering that short time!

Me was so embarrassed because mi fambly voted Coalition!  Suh deh seh!

You need to be fair!

Opulence??? Have you seen Pradoville 1 and 2???

People of all race and political affiliations .. what’s your point bhai . 

Dave posted:
antabanta posted:
Baseman posted:

Bai what record?  They came in with such nice messages and high hopes, even Baseman said give them a fair chance!  But they quickly squandered it all with their opulence, greed and corruption!  They gapped the PPP considering that short time!

Me was so embarrassed because mi fambly voted Coalition!  Suh deh seh!

You need to be fair!

Opulence??? Have you seen Pradoville 1 and 2???

People of all race and political affiliations .. what’s your point bhai . 

What about people of all race and political affiliations?

Dave posted:

When last you went back home Anta, take a drive down Prince William Street in Plaisance .. thats like Pradoville 4 . 
I know you knows Plaisance very well. 

Last year April. Yes, I know Plaisance. I know quite a bit of Guyana. I'm a real Guyanese. Nothing in Guyana is like any of the Pradovilles.

antabanta posted:
Dave posted:

More explosive revelations…Housing Minister’s husband used CH&PA staffers to witness private contract-one of them is his nephew

This whole issue is blatant corruption and conflict of interest. The minister should've been unemployed by now.

Ok bannas, is 1 lil rinky-dinky acre!  Burnham gi me daddy 3 acres for being a loyal FCH “stooge!”  


Me dad then told Burnham and Reid there were 100 or so farmers up river who rent land.  Reid then tek ova and instructed Lands and Mines to go and do a survey.  They made a secondary allocation.  All the farmers got 1 acre each.  They were 95% Indians!

Next thing my dad told Reid the farmers come out overnight and have to sleep on the grass covered in plastic when the rain fell!   Dr Reid drove up around 4am in his Rover V-8 from Supply and saw for himself!  He was so moved he immediately ordered the construction of a “farmers” shelter next to the wharf!

Dem farmers were so happy them called me dad their hero but Reid was like dem god!  Me think some even vote for Reid!

Part 4

Some of them hardline PNC racists were so pissed dem seh me daddy only help coolie people!  Dem want community center fuh play tennis and bush cook.  But Reid seh dah gatt fuh wait, Farmers’ shelter come fuss!

Suh you see, me daddy was wan badass good stooge!😁

Last edited by Former Member

PNC thief and their supporters at GNI is making excuses that It was only one acre of land that this fella allegedly took. A thief man is a thief men regardless if its one acre or one hundred acres !

Last edited by Former Member
Sean posted:

PNC thief and their supporters at GNI is making excuses that It was only one acre of land that this fella allegedly took. A thief man is a thief men regardless if its one acre or one hundred acres !

shhhhhh. . . nobody tief anything

and it’s no “fella” . . . the FEMALE minista name is Valerie

try become properly informed about at least the basics before you bray stupidly

now, go jerk off somewhere else fool

Last edited by Former Member
ronan posted:
Sean posted:

PNC thief and their supporters at GNI is making excuses that It was only one acre of land that this fella allegedly took. A thief man is a thief men regardless if its one acre or one hundred acres !

shhhhhh. . . nobody tief anything

and it’s no “fella” . . . the FEMALE minista name is Valerie

try become properly informed about at least the basics before you bray stupidly

now, go jerk off somewhere else fool

Hey hey, why you making excuses for the inexcusable.  If the lady tief the land, she should return it.  I agree with Yuji, one (1) acre or 100 acre is still tief!  Is like a pick pocket saying he only tief $1 dollar vs $100 so not guilty.

You see them 100 farmer I mentioned, they did not tief, they got it for free and just had to pay Transport fee!

So if Valarie tief, she should return and be forgiven!


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