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Originally Posted by redux:
Originally Posted by ksazma:
Originally Posted by Gilbakka:
Originally Posted by yuji22:


Jagdeo cannot call the shots.

So far he has called all the government's shots. Their obsession with him has rendered them inept.

why should any responsible gov't not be "obsessed" with the head gangster of Guyana's late mafiya state


the FBI was "obsessed" with Al Capone, but couldn't nail him for the murders, etc everybady know he was guilty of


the feds eventully jailed his ass for tax evasion and the bastard died after years of physical & mental decline at 48, his brains rotted away with syphilis


from my lips to god's ears


uh huh

It is not their obsession with him their bigger problem. It is that it has rendered them inept. Jagdeo is running circles around the government and they are constantly redrawing their plans. Above all, he doesn't seem to harbor the concerns which the government and their political supporters think he should.

Originally Posted by ksazma:
Originally Posted by redux:
Originally Posted by ksazma:
Originally Posted by Gilbakka:
Originally Posted by yuji22:


Jagdeo cannot call the shots.

So far he has called all the government's shots. Their obsession with him has rendered them inept.

why should any responsible gov't not be "obsessed" with the head gangster of Guyana's late mafiya state


the FBI was "obsessed" with Al Capone, but couldn't nail him for the murders, etc everybady know he was guilty of


the feds eventully jailed his ass for tax evasion and the bastard died after years of physical & mental decline at 48, his brains rotted away with syphilis


from my lips to god's ears


uh huh

It is not their obsession with him their bigger problem. It is that it has rendered them inept. Jagdeo is running circles around the government and they are constantly redrawing their plans. Above all, he doesn't seem to harbor the concerns which the government and their political supporters think he should.

you are writing sheer stupidness . . . please translate

Originally Posted by redux:
Originally Posted by ksazma:
Originally Posted by redux:
Originally Posted by ksazma:
Originally Posted by Gilbakka:
Originally Posted by yuji22:


Jagdeo cannot call the shots.

So far he has called all the government's shots. Their obsession with him has rendered them inept.

why should any responsible gov't not be "obsessed" with the head gangster of Guyana's late mafiya state


the FBI was "obsessed" with Al Capone, but couldn't nail him for the murders, etc everybady know he was guilty of


the feds eventully jailed his ass for tax evasion and the bastard died after years of physical & mental decline at 48, his brains rotted away with syphilis


from my lips to god's ears


uh huh

It is not their obsession with him their bigger problem. It is that it has rendered them inept. Jagdeo is running circles around the government and they are constantly redrawing their plans. Above all, he doesn't seem to harbor the concerns which the government and their political supporters think he should.

you are writing sheer stupidness . . . please translate

Sorry. "It is that it, (their obsession) has rendered them inept.

Originally Posted by Gilbakka:
Originally Posted by yuji22:

Spin Gil Spin. The PNC is proud of you.

I suppose the PPP is proud of you too, sir. They ought to be. You have rendered them free promotional services in GNI Political.

For that, you have my respect. Honor before money.

I say yugi did great, his racist rants helped the PPP lose.

Last edited by cain
Originally Posted by ksazma:
Originally Posted by redux:
Originally Posted by ksazma:
Originally Posted by redux:
Originally Posted by ksazma:
Originally Posted by Gilbakka:
Originally Posted by yuji22:


Jagdeo cannot call the shots.

So far he has called all the government's shots. Their obsession with him has rendered them inept.

why should any responsible gov't not be "obsessed" with the head gangster of Guyana's late mafiya state


the FBI was "obsessed" with Al Capone, but couldn't nail him for the murders, etc everybady know he was guilty of


the feds eventully jailed his ass for tax evasion and the bastard died after years of physical & mental decline at 48, his brains rotted away with syphilis


from my lips to god's ears


uh huh

It is not their obsession with him their bigger problem. It is that it has rendered them inept. Jagdeo is running circles around the government and they are constantly redrawing their plans. Above all, he doesn't seem to harbor the concerns which the government and their political supporters think he should.

you are writing sheer stupidness . . . please translate

Sorry. "It is that it, (their obsession) has rendered them inept.

i knew what u meant . . . i only hilited that sentence because the subsequent tripe was predicated on it


the entire post is stupidness!

Originally Posted by redux:

i knew what u meant . . . i only hilited that sentence because the subsequent tripe was predicated on it


the entire post is stupidness!

Correction: The subsequent tripe highlights the effects of their obsession.

Originally Posted by ksazma:
Originally Posted by redux:

i knew what u meant . . . i only hilited that sentence because the subsequent tripe was predicated on it


the entire post is stupidness!

Correction: The subsequent tripe highlights the effects of their obsession.

spoken like a true kwamee disciple . . . clap clap, bravo

Last edited by Former Member
Originally Posted by ksazma:
Originally Posted by redux:
Originally Posted by ksazma:
Originally Posted by Gilbakka:
Originally Posted by yuji22:


Jagdeo cannot call the shots.

So far he has called all the government's shots. Their obsession with him has rendered them inept.

why should any responsible gov't not be "obsessed" with the head gangster of Guyana's late mafiya state


the FBI was "obsessed" with Al Capone, but couldn't nail him for the murders, etc everybady know he was guilty of


the feds eventully jailed his ass for tax evasion and the bastard died after years of physical & mental decline at 48, his brains rotted away with syphilis


from my lips to god's ears


uh huh

It is not their obsession with him their bigger problem. It is that it has rendered them inept. Jagdeo is running circles around the government and they are constantly redrawing their plans. Above all, he doesn't seem to harbor the concerns which the government and their political supporters think he should.

What about this thief is profound that he runs circles about the government? They do not care about him. The Granger Presidency experiences the same autocratic imperatives as any government so the de facto ground state ( proper use of the term given its over use by idiots) of power.


Granger can do as he pleases if it pleases him ( Jagdeo did it with no squeals from the racist indian fringe). He however, ( and I do not know why) tries to include the PPP. They on the other hand went to court to exclude the APNU at every instance resulting in the frustrations that called early elections!


Jagdeo did nothing for us. He did not improve our democracy he ruined it. He did not improve our infrastructure he use bloated infrastructure planning and build out as graft options to fill his pockets. He left us with completely dedicated treasury and absolutely no industry solvent. What the hell is this fellow's provenance that all of you insist he is some wily genius? The man is a racist crook plain and simple and good sense should tell us that to avoid him is basic self defense mechanism.  Granger is on his own trying to include this corrupt, vindictive, and vile fellow. 


I wonder if you forget this is the one that told us he had a wife knowing fully he was deceiving her and the rest of us. Where on the planet has anyone pulled that stunt and got away with it. He did because Indians are completely and totally amoral when it comes to criticizing their own for obvious faults. Yet they would invent the same for others knowing fully well t hey have to scratch about the dust for such arguments and still come up short.

Originally Posted by Danyael:

What about this thief is profound that he runs circles about the government? They do not care about him. The Granger Presidency experiences the same autocratic imperatives as any government so the de facto ground state ( proper use of the term given its over use by idiots) of power.


Granger can do as he pleases if it pleases him ( Jagdeo did it with no squeals from the racist indian fringe). He however, ( and I do not know why) tries to include the PPP. They on the other hand went to court to exclude the APNU at every instance resulting in the frustrations that called early elections!


Jagdeo did nothing for us. He did not improve our democracy he ruined it. He did not improve our infrastructure he use bloated infrastructure planning and build out as graft options to fill his pockets. He left us with completely dedicated treasury and absolutely no industry solvent. What the hell is this fellow's provenance that all of you insist he is some wily genius? The man is a racist crook plain and simple and good sense should tell us that to avoid him is basic self defense mechanism.  Granger is on his own trying to include this corrupt, vindictive, and vile fellow. 


I wonder if you forget this is the one that told us he had a wife knowing fully he was deceiving her and the rest of us. Where on the planet has anyone pulled that stunt and got away with it. He did because Indians are completely and totally amoral when it comes to criticizing their own for obvious faults. Yet they would invent the same for others knowing fully well t hey have to scratch about the dust for such arguments and still come up short.

Notwithstanding all of the above, the government is still so obsessed with him that it is rendering them inept.

Originally Posted by ksazma:
Originally Posted by Danyael:

What about this thief is profound that he runs circles about the government? They do not care about him. The Granger Presidency experiences the same autocratic imperatives as any government so the de facto ground state ( proper use of the term given its over use by idiots) of power.


Granger can do as he pleases if it pleases him ( Jagdeo did it with no squeals from the racist indian fringe). He however, ( and I do not know why) tries to include the PPP. They on the other hand went to court to exclude the APNU at every instance resulting in the frustrations that called early elections!


Jagdeo did nothing for us. He did not improve our democracy he ruined it. He did not improve our infrastructure he use bloated infrastructure planning and build out as graft options to fill his pockets. He left us with completely dedicated treasury and absolutely no industry solvent. What the hell is this fellow's provenance that all of you insist he is some wily genius? The man is a racist crook plain and simple and good sense should tell us that to avoid him is basic self defense mechanism.  Granger is on his own trying to include this corrupt, vindictive, and vile fellow. 


I wonder if you forget this is the one that told us he had a wife knowing fully he was deceiving her and the rest of us. Where on the planet has anyone pulled that stunt and got away with it. He did because Indians are completely and totally amoral when it comes to criticizing their own for obvious faults. Yet they would invent the same for others knowing fully well t hey have to scratch about the dust for such arguments and still come up short.

Notwithstanding all of the above, the government is still so obsessed with him that it is rendering them inept.

That is your framing of it. He is the indian thump card, their last hope for recovering the state via the indian only vote and he is making a mess of it. How can a crook render anyone inept? Trump is making a lot of waves currently and threateningly to tank the republican chances for the white house but nothing he says is  making the other people inept. They retain their competencies regardless if the irrational dominate long enough to make them not able to stay in the race. Keynes, an adroit market watcher once noted that Markets can be irrational longer than an individual can stay solvent. It does not mean the individual is a jackass.

Originally Posted by Danyael:
Originally Posted by ksazma:
Originally Posted by Danyael:

What about this thief is profound that he runs circles about the government? They do not care about him. The Granger Presidency experiences the same autocratic imperatives as any government so the de facto ground state ( proper use of the term given its over use by idiots) of power.


Granger can do as he pleases if it pleases him ( Jagdeo did it with no squeals from the racist indian fringe). He however, ( and I do not know why) tries to include the PPP. They on the other hand went to court to exclude the APNU at every instance resulting in the frustrations that called early elections!


Jagdeo did nothing for us. He did not improve our democracy he ruined it. He did not improve our infrastructure he use bloated infrastructure planning and build out as graft options to fill his pockets. He left us with completely dedicated treasury and absolutely no industry solvent. What the hell is this fellow's provenance that all of you insist he is some wily genius? The man is a racist crook plain and simple and good sense should tell us that to avoid him is basic self defense mechanism.  Granger is on his own trying to include this corrupt, vindictive, and vile fellow. 


I wonder if you forget this is the one that told us he had a wife knowing fully he was deceiving her and the rest of us. Where on the planet has anyone pulled that stunt and got away with it. He did because Indians are completely and totally amoral when it comes to criticizing their own for obvious faults. Yet they would invent the same for others knowing fully well t hey have to scratch about the dust for such arguments and still come up short.

Notwithstanding all of the above, the government is still so obsessed with him that it is rendering them inept.

That is your framing of it. He is the indian thump card, their last hope for recovering the state via the indian only vote and he is making a mess of it. How can a crook render anyone inept? Trump is making a lot of waves currently and threateningly to tank the republican chances for the white house but nothing he says is  making the other people inept. They retain their competencies regardless if the irrational dominate long enough to make them not able to stay in the race. Keynes, an adroit market watcher once noted that Markets can be irrational longer than an individual can stay solvent. It does not mean the individual is a jackass.

Don't disagree except for the part where the government is too preoccupied in their obsession with Jagdeo. Only them can break that obsession but so far, they have not been able to retrain themselves.

Originally Posted by ksazma:
Originally Posted by Danyael:
Originally Posted by ksazma:
Originally Posted by Danyael:

What about this thief is profound that he runs circles about the government? They do not care about him. The Granger Presidency experiences the same autocratic imperatives as any government so the de facto ground state ( proper use of the term given its over use by idiots) of power.


Granger can do as he pleases if it pleases him ( Jagdeo did it with no squeals from the racist indian fringe). He however, ( and I do not know why) tries to include the PPP. They on the other hand went to court to exclude the APNU at every instance resulting in the frustrations that called early elections!


Jagdeo did nothing for us. He did not improve our democracy he ruined it. He did not improve our infrastructure he use bloated infrastructure planning and build out as graft options to fill his pockets. He left us with completely dedicated treasury and absolutely no industry solvent. What the hell is this fellow's provenance that all of you insist he is some wily genius? The man is a racist crook plain and simple and good sense should tell us that to avoid him is basic self defense mechanism.  Granger is on his own trying to include this corrupt, vindictive, and vile fellow. 


I wonder if you forget this is the one that told us he had a wife knowing fully he was deceiving her and the rest of us. Where on the planet has anyone pulled that stunt and got away with it. He did because Indians are completely and totally amoral when it comes to criticizing their own for obvious faults. Yet they would invent the same for others knowing fully well t hey have to scratch about the dust for such arguments and still come up short.

Notwithstanding all of the above, the government is still so obsessed with him that it is rendering them inept.

That is your framing of it. He is the indian thump card, their last hope for recovering the state via the indian only vote and he is making a mess of it. How can a crook render anyone inept? Trump is making a lot of waves currently and threateningly to tank the republican chances for the white house but nothing he says is  making the other people inept. They retain their competencies regardless if the irrational dominate long enough to make them not able to stay in the race. Keynes, an adroit market watcher once noted that Markets can be irrational longer than an individual can stay solvent. It does not mean the individual is a jackass.

Don't disagree except for the part where the government is too preoccupied in their obsession with Jagdeo. Only them can break that obsession but so far, they have not been able to retrain themselves.

You are entitled to view it that way. I think they believe him to be who he is, a vindictive, vile and evil fellow and treat him with caution and respect for the harm he can do. They have no fear of him otherwise because he is the chink in the indian armor and the reason they will lose again in 2020

Originally Posted by Danyael:

You are entitled to view it that way. I think they believe him to be who he is, a vindictive, vile and evil fellow and treat him with caution and respect for the harm he can do. They have no fear of him otherwise because he is the chink in the indian armor and the reason they will lose again in 2020

And that is exactly why they are obsessed with him.

Is this a Vote buying thing for next election or is it for the Bandits to get Canadian Dollar.

The APNU+AFC government says it remains interested in having the estimated 365,000 Canadian based Guyanese return home and invest in Guyana.

Prime Minister and First Vice President Moses Nagamootoo made the announcement on Friday while meeting with the new High Commissioner of Canada to Guyana, Pierre Giroux.

“I am contemplating shortly to take a delegation to Canada to continue the relationship with the Diaspora and Canadian business groups, who would want to come to Guyana,” he said.

The meeting took place at the Office of the Prime Minister and it was labelled as a meeting between friends by Prime Minister Nagamootoo.

The Prime Minister and High Commissioner discussed strengthening bonds of friendship. “Our bonds and relationship with Canada, we hope will deepen as we help each other to overcome our difficulties… Canada has always been ready in the past, to render assistance to Guyana,” said Prime Minister Nagamootoo.

The Prime Minister thanked High Commissioner Giroux for Canada’s continued support for, and interest in the democratic process in Guyana, and also for its great interest in Guyana’s economy.

President David Granger recently returned from Canada where he reported that the Guyanese Diaspora in Canada have a great interest in what is happening back home.

The President and First Lady were in Toronto, Canada, for a three-day visit. He too used the occasion to repeat calls for Guyanese to return and invest their skills and capital to help move Guyana forward.

It was reported too that that President Granger entertained discussion regarding investment proposals, from a group of business persons, who are serious and optimistic about investing in Guyana’s Hinterland and other areas in the country.


Originally Posted by Gilbakka:
Originally Posted by yuji22:

And abee Supreme Leader Burnham's children are living humble lives in Guyana.

Not all of them. Two girls are practising law in England.

No no no.  Only Ulele lives in England.  The other one Melanie lives in the US.  And who is her husband - MARK GRANGER!!!!!!!!!

Bibi Haniffa
Originally Posted by Bibi Haniffa:
Originally Posted by Gilbakka:
Originally Posted by yuji22:

And abee Supreme Leader Burnham's children are living humble lives in Guyana.

Not all of them. Two girls are practising law in England.

No no no.  Only Ulele lives in England.  The other one Melanie lives in the US.  And who is her husband - MARK GRANGER!!!!!!!!!

So what.


Not many people turned out to see the President in Canada.  He asked people to abandoned what they have achieved in Canada and go back to live in a country which cannot manage their garbage., which cannot control crime and which does not have a plan to create jobs. 

Originally Posted by Ramakant-P:

Not many people turned out to see the President in Canada.  He asked people to abandoned what they have achieved in Canada and go back to live in a country which cannot manage their garbage., which cannot control crime and which does not have a plan to create jobs. 

Hea Ramaji, do you remember how many times they changed your diaper, when you were four months old ?

Did you get your first job den too ?


Canadians are too busy buying houses and educate their children than to worry about investments in Guyana. They  create an atmosphere of mistrust for people to waste their money in a country which have no development plans.   

Originally Posted by Ramakant-P:

Canadians are too busy buying houses and educate their children than to worry about investments in Guyana. They  create an atmosphere of mistrust for people to waste their money in a country which have no development plans.   

Rama, How much of this atmosphere was created by the PPP government ?
We know the PPP mistrust, nastiness and vindictiveness well, during our programs in GY.

Go see what Berbicians are now doing with Mutt and Jeff, dem betta wear chastity  belts.   


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