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Government of Guyana Statement - Linden situation

Georgetown GINA, July 18, 2012 - Source - GINA

Government of Guyana Statement
Linden situation


The Government of Guyana sincerely regrets the loss of life and injuries as events took an unfortunate turn for the worse this evening in Linden. The Government extends condolences and sympathies to the families of those who suffered injuries and loss of life.

A full investigation of the events would be held as soon as sufficient calm is restored.

The APNU and the AFC cannot avoid blame for these unfortunate developments. They organised and allowed their Members of Parliament (MPs), activists and extremists to lead protest against a thoughtful and sensitive programme for the gradual reform of the provision of electricity to the Linden community to deteriorate to such a point of violence and destruction.

The government reiterates that the gradual increase in tariffs for Linden did not warrant such violent behaviour especially when the rest of Guyana is paying the full rates.

The government reaffirms the right of people to peaceful protest and one that is protected in our country, however, disorder and mayhem which threaten life and property cannot be tolerated.

These activists joined a number of known extremists and agitators who seem to dedicate their lives to denigrating whatever this Government does and to erode the progress made in Guyana.

Allowing protest to lead to such loss and damage of property and destruction through fires must be avoided and condemned.

The government will do all that is possible to protect the people and property in the Linden community from such irresponsible and reckless leadership.

July 18, 2012




Police Headquarters, Eve Leary, Georgetown
Tel: 225-5401 or 227-2685
July 18, 2012

During today Wednesday, July 18, 2012, residents of Linden were involved in protest demonstrations against the rise in electricity tariff.
At about 10:40hr approximately 450 persons marched from the Wismar Community Centre Ground, and on reaching the Wismar/Mackenzie Bridge they remained there, blocking the bridge and preventing motor vehicles from crossing. Subsequently persons among the protestors which had grown to about 1,000 in number erected tents on the bridge and also placed derelict vehicles and logs across the bridge at several points.
The protestors remained on the bridge and refused to move despite efforts by the police under the Divisional Commander who continuously pleaded with them to remove.
At about 18:00h the Officer-in-Charge of the police riot unit which had arrived on the scene warned the protestors to remove as they were blocking the bridge and in breach of the law. They however continued to remain on the bridge while chanting that they will not remove and that they are not paying any increase in electricity tariff.
The police again told the protestors that they were breaking the laws and that they should remove from the bridge, but they again refused and began hurling bottles, bricks and other missiles at the ranks of the police riot unit. At this stage the Officer-in-Charge of the unit again told them that they were unlawful and read the warning proclamation to them.
The protestors continued hurling missiles at the police and began advancing towards the ranks and tear smoke grenades were used by the police in a further effort to remove the protestors. Some of the protestors dispersed but a large number of persons still remained on the bridge and began setting fires on the bridge while continuing to chant and throw missiles towards the police.
The police discharged shotgun cartridges in the direction of the crowd resulting in a few persons being injured. However, the police have so far been unable to acquire sufficient information from the Mackenzie Hospital staff in order to verify the persons injured and the extent of their injuries as a hostile crowd is gathered outside of the Hospital.


The protestors removed from the Wismar/Mackenzie bridge and proceeded to block the Washer Pond Road, Mackenzie, and also set fire to the GRA building on Washer Pond Road.  Personnel from the Guyana Fire Service responded but were prevented from going into action by a number of protestors who threw missiles at the ranks and their vehicle.
They were subsequently removed by the police and proceeded to the five-corner area at the junction of Sir David Rose Avenue, Mackenzie.
The Wismar/Mackenzie bridge was cleared by the police who are maintaining a presence and traffic is now traversing the bridge.
Roving groups of protestors have also destroyed a truck transporting fuel which was set afire at Wismar and damaged an excavator and have also set fires along the roadway at Half Mile and One Mile, Wismar.
Additional police ranks have been dispatched to the community to reinforce the ranks already on the ground.    
The Joint Services will be patrolling the area and are appealing to residents to remain calm.

Replies sorted oldest to newest

Alliance for Change (AFC) Release on the situation in Linden:

The use of force, and moreso of deadly force, against the residents of Linden has to be condemned. The AFC extends sympathy to the relatives who have been martyred for their just cause. This situation has been crying out for attention for several months now, and should never have been allowed to escalate to the point where the residents of Linden had to use extreme measures to gain the Government's attention.

These killings have taken us to a tipping point of serious and widespread social and civil unrest. Therefore, the AFC calls on the Government to immediately instruct the security forces not to use any force whatsoever, or to do anything to inflame an already volatile situation, and for there to be an urgent meeting of the relevant stakeholders by noon tomorrow to find a safe, acceptable and peaceful solution to this crisis. Such a solution, it appears, is unlikely to be realised without the direct support and involvement of international agencies.

Originally Posted by Mitwah:

Alliance for Change (AFC) Release on the situation in Linden:

The use of force, and moreso of deadly force, against the residents of Linden has to be condemned. The AFC extends sympathy to the relatives who have been martyred for their just cause. This situation has been crying out for attention for several months now, and should never have been allowed to escalate to the point where the residents of Linden had to use extreme measures to gain the Government's attention.

These killings have taken us to a tipping point of serious and widespread social and civil unrest. Therefore, the AFC calls on the Government to immediately instruct the security forces not to use any force whatsoever, or to do anything to inflame an already volatile situation, and for there to be an urgent meeting of the relevant stakeholders by noon tomorrow to find a safe, acceptable and peaceful solution to this crisis. Such a solution, it appears, is unlikely to be realised without the direct support and involvement of international agencies.



It appears that the AFC want racial strife and voilence to spread. The police must protect it's citizens and private Porperty from the actions of AFC and PNC voilent thugs.


We must never allow for the return of the days when many were raped and killed by PNC thugs. Now AFC and PNC thugs.


The police must use as much force as necessary to protect innocent lives and private property from voilent thugs.


Shame on the AFC.

Originally Posted by yuji22:
Originally Posted by Mitwah:


It appears that the AFC want racial strife and voilence to spread. The police must protect it's citizens and private Porperty from the actions of AFC and PNC voilent thugs.

Are you saying that only AFC and PNC voters have to pay these extortionate electricity prices? Are you also saying that the PPP regime sent in their murder squad to only execute black people and AFC or PNC supporters?

If that is the case, then we are in a state of a possible civil war. The UN and Red Cross should be informed and emergency measures enacted in order to protect the Lindon population from the PPP regime.


Free Linden


So you are stating that Linden has a right to pay less while the rest of Guyana Pay more ?


This is totally unacceptable.  Civil war my foot, this situaton and action was created by thugs, period. They attacked the police and private property. This was not in any way a peaceful protest.


Look at the pictures of the PPP office on fire. Read the reports of innocent people being attacked by thugs. 


The international community failed to show up when Dr Jagan called for help after a PNC led racial attack on Indo Guyanese. We must never allow thugs to destroy Guyana.


PNC supportesr are always in the habit of calling thugs and murders "freedom fighters"


Free Linden from PNC thugs and murders.

Originally Posted by Conscience:

The joint opposition should solely be held accountable for the unfortunate incidents that occurred in Linden.

The Govt is not off the hook either.  The actions of the security forces need to be examined as these people were unarmed and there are ways of dealing with it, without a shoot-to-kill posture.

Originally Posted by Conscience:

The joint opposition should solely be held accountable for the unfortunate incidents that occurred in Linden.

We have protests here daily, They took over central squares in many cities and squatted for months. No one killed them. How many were shot in Spain or Greece where there were serious street protests? But the corrupt PPP government feels in a small street protest it has the authority to shoot citizens! The responsibility for the deaths of these people lands squarely in their lap and no place else.

The protestors removed from the Wismar/Mackenzie bridge and proceeded to block the Washer Pond Road, Mackenzie, and also set fire to the GRA building on Washer Pond Road.  Personnel from the Guyana Fire Service responded but were prevented from going into action by a number of protestors who threw missiles at the ranks and their vehicle.   They were subsequently removed by the police and proceeded to the five-corner area at the junction of Sir David Rose Avenue, Mackenzie.   The Wismar/Mackenzie bridge was cleared by the police who are maintaining a presence and traffic is now traversing the bridge.   Roving groups of protestors have also destroyed a truck transporting fuel which was set afire at Wismar and damaged an excavator and have also set fires along the roadway at Half Mile and One Mile, Wismar.
Seems the crowd was getting violent. Unless the police acted swiftly, this would have escalated into full scale riots and mayhem. This was no peaceful protest. The AFC must be held accountable for stirring this up.
Originally Posted by TI:
The protestors removed from the Wismar/Mackenzie bridge and proceeded to block the Washer Pond Road, Mackenzie, and also set fire to the GRA building on Washer Pond Road.  Personnel from the Guyana Fire Service responded but were prevented from going into action by a number of protestors who threw missiles at the ranks and their vehicle.   They were subsequently removed by the police and proceeded to the five-corner area at the junction of Sir David Rose Avenue, Mackenzie.   The Wismar/Mackenzie bridge was cleared by the police who are maintaining a presence and traffic is now traversing the bridge.   Roving groups of protestors have also destroyed a truck transporting fuel which was set afire at Wismar and damaged an excavator and have also set fires along the roadway at Half Mile and One Mile, Wismar.
Seems the crowd was getting violent. Unless the police acted swiftly, this would have escalated into full scale riots and mayhem. This was no peaceful protest. The AFC must be held accountable for stirring this up.

 That is straight up ignorant and disrespectful defense of a grossly inappropriate action. How many of the "Occupy wall street" protestors taking over central squares across the US For months were shot? What about Greece where they were throwing fire bombs or Spain. This is an arrogant and disrespectful government acting from within its mind set of entitlement as usual.

Originally Posted by Stormborn:
Originally Posted by TI:
Seems the crowd was getting violent. Unless the police acted swiftly, this would have escalated into full scale riots and mayhem. This was no peaceful protest. The AFC must be held accountable for stirring this up.

 That is straight up ignorant and disrespectful defense of a grossly inappropriate action. How many of the "Occupy wall street" protestors taking over central squares across the US For months were shot? What about Greece where they were throwing fire bombs or Spain. This is an arrogant and disrespectful government acting from within its mind set of entitlement as usual.

Doesn't matter, your hatred of Indians will have you see it no other way.  But a full investigation should immediately commence as the violence was uncalled-for.

Originally Posted by TI:
Seems the crowd was getting violent. Unless the police acted swiftly, this would have escalated into full scale riots and mayhem. This was no peaceful protest. The AFC must be held accountable for stirring this up.

Hey, you ignorant, racist, criminal PPP tool . . . it was a PEACEFUL protest!


The bridge was blockaded and the blockade was 'defended' by the people with their bodies and their umbrellas.


Explain to me how you justify use of live ammunition on a crowd that reacts with a barrage of bottles when you tear gas them?


You are an inhuman and INHUMANE defender of MURDERERS!

Originally Posted by baseman:
Originally Posted by Stormborn:
Originally Posted by TI:
Seems the crowd was getting violent. Unless the police acted swiftly, this would have escalated into full scale riots and mayhem. This was no peaceful protest. The AFC must be held accountable for stirring this up.

 That is straight up ignorant and disrespectful defense of a grossly inappropriate action. How many of the "Occupy wall street" protestors taking over central squares across the US For months were shot? What about Greece where they were throwing fire bombs or Spain. This is an arrogant and disrespectful government acting from within its mind set of entitlement as usual.

Doesn't matter, your hatred of Indians will have you see it no other way.  But a full investigation should immediately commence as the violence was uncalled-for.

 Stupid man, I look Indian. if there is civil strife in the nation it is my Indian family who will die. Unlike you I have no regard for stupid categories as race. My daughters have an Indian mother from India. My son's mother is black. I am from a half white and Indian father and and Amerindian mother. You simply talk from your ass.

Originally Posted by redux:
Originally Posted by TI:
Seems the crowd was getting violent. Unless the police acted swiftly, this would have escalated into full scale riots and mayhem. This was no peaceful protest. The AFC must be held accountable for stirring this up.

Hey, you ignorant, racist, criminal PPP tool . . . it was a PEACEFUL protest!


The bridge was blockaded and the blockade was 'defended' by the people with their bodies and their umbrellas.


Explain to me how you justify use of live ammunition on a crowd that reacts with a barrage of bottles when you tear gas them?


You are an inhuman and INHUMANE defender of MURDERERS!

I would agree, lethal force seems disproportionate.  Nothing that tear-gas and pepper-spray could not handle.  However, the Govt/security force said the protestors commenced burning of the bridge and other property.  There needs to be a full and impartial investigation.  I'm sure there is blame on all sides.

Originally Posted by Stormborn:
Originally Posted by baseman:

Doesn't matter, your hatred of Indians will have you see it no other way.  But a full investigation should immediately commence as the violence was uncalled-for.

 Stupid man, I look Indian. if there is civil strife in the nation it is my Indian family who will die. Unlike you I have no regard for stupid categories as race. My daughters have an Indian mother from India. My son's mother is black. I am from a half white and Indian father and and Amerindian mother. You simply talk from your ass.

Which makes you even more dangerous to Indians.

Originally Posted by TI:

I am quite aware you support violence and arson. That is clearly apparent in your many responses on this board.

The "violence" here (mass murder, actually) was perpetrated by Rohee and his ignar commanders. 


Continue waving your stink panty to distract from the crimes of the diseased PPP.

Originally Posted by baseman:
Originally Posted by Stormborn:
Originally Posted by baseman:

Doesn't matter, your hatred of Indians will have you see it no other way.  But a full investigation should immediately commence as the violence was uncalled-for.

 Stupid man, I look Indian. if there is civil strife in the nation it is my Indian family who will die. Unlike you I have no regard for stupid categories as race. My daughters have an Indian mother from India. My son's mother is black. I am from a half white and Indian father and and Amerindian mother. You simply talk from your ass.

Which makes you even more dangerous to Indians.

 That is you perspective being a racist.

Originally Posted by Stormborn:
Originally Posted by baseman:
Originally Posted by Stormborn:

 Stupid man, I look Indian. if there is civil strife in the nation it is my Indian family who will die. Unlike you I have no regard for stupid categories as race. My daughters have an Indian mother from India. My son's mother is black. I am from a half white and Indian father and and Amerindian mother. You simply talk from your ass.

Which makes you even more dangerous to Indians.

 That is you perspective being a racist.

No, your daily rantings made my job sooo easy.

Originally Posted by baseman:
Originally Posted by Stormborn:
Originally Posted by baseman:
Originally Posted by Stormborn:

 Stupid man, I look Indian. if there is civil strife in the nation it is my Indian family who will die. Unlike you I have no regard for stupid categories as race. My daughters have an Indian mother from India. My son's mother is black. I am from a half white and Indian father and and Amerindian mother. You simply talk from your ass.

Which makes you even more dangerous to Indians.

 That is you perspective being a racist.

No, your daily rantings made my job sooo easy.

Your job is being a racist. That is the easy since it does not involve thinking.

The UN my ass, you really that STUPID AND DUNCE.Originally Posted by Mr.T:

Finally the people of Linden are rising up against this barbaric PPP regime. The UN should be informed and efforts should be made to gain military and logistic support from the US etc. This is the Guyanese spring. It is time that Guyana gets rid of these communists.

Guyanese Spring MY ASS. You are so bloody DUNCE you dont know your mouth from your KAKAHOLE!!!!

Originally Posted by Ronald Sugrim:

I am new to this site but the AFC and APNU and their agents were stirring things up for weeks in Linden. Now when the thing expolde they blaming the government.

It is their right to sell their political opinions and even to ask that the People protest to express their concordance with that opinion. This is a tactic the PPP used through the agency of GAWU to shut down the government all through the PNC rule. That is the way democracy works. Opinions are expressed and voiced from media venues and soapboxes in the streets and even in blocking bridges as in this instance.


All over Europe this summer one can see the protests. Spain, France and Greece saw months of this. The US had squatters in a number of its major cities occupying central plazas. Armed police did not go in shooting anyone.


Guyana has one day of protest and 4 are dead and a dozen left wounded. That speaks to disrespect for democratic expression and contempt for opposition voices.

Originally Posted by Stormborn:
Originally Posted by Ronald Sugrim:

I am new to this site but the AFC and APNU and their agents were stirring things up for weeks in Linden. Now when the thing expolde they blaming the government.

It is their right to sell their political opinions and even to ask that the People protest to express their concordance with that opinion. This is a tactic the PPP used through the agency of GAWU to shut down the government all through the PNC rule. That is the way democracy works. Opinions are expressed and voiced from media venues and soapboxes in the streets and even in blocking bridges as in this instance.


All over Europe this summer one can see the protests. Spain, France and Greece saw months of this. The US had squatters in a number of its major cities occupying central plazas. Armed police did not go in shooting anyone.


Guyana has one day of protest and 4 are dead and a dozen left wounded. That speaks to disrespect for democratic expression and contempt for opposition voices.


Originally Posted by Conscience:

The whole APNU  and AFC cabal, should be ashamed of themselves

They did not murder anyone. The PPP did. If it happened one one can say it is happenstance. More than once and one begin to see it constitute a pattern hence plan. Actually, I can quote Rohee and others insisting on how firm their boot will be on the heads of those who take to the streets. Indeed they do seem to have a plan.

Originally Posted by Nehru:
Originally Posted by Stormborn:
Originally Posted by Ronald Sugrim:

I am new to this site but the AFC and APNU and their agents were stirring things up for weeks in Linden. Now when the thing expolde they blaming the government.

It is their right to sell their political opinions and even to ask that the People protest to express their concordance with that opinion. This is a tactic the PPP used through the agency of GAWU to shut down the government all through the PNC rule. That is the way democracy works. Opinions are expressed and voiced from media venues and soapboxes in the streets and even in blocking bridges as in this instance.


All over Europe this summer one can see the protests. Spain, France and Greece saw months of this. The US had squatters in a number of its major cities occupying central plazas. Armed police did not go in shooting anyone.


Guyana has one day of protest and 4 are dead and a dozen left wounded. That speaks to disrespect for democratic expression and contempt for opposition voices.


 Stupidity is what stupid does. Check above.


BTW if you spend most of your time in queens drinking cheap brew and eating pork cutters you will miss the news. In Spain, france and  Greece there were daily running battles with street protestors setting cars on fire breaking windows, looting and attacking police. Check the body count for the summer. The PPP got them beat in one night. Click on the link below to get a pictorial glimpse.;qs=bs&form=QBIR

Last edited by Former Member
Originally Posted by Ronald Sugrim:

Guyana is not Spain, Greece etc. Here in Guyana the lives of the police were threatened and if they did not take evasive action they would have been killed and the place would have been in anarchy. What would you have done then? You would have blamed the government for not protecting the people of Linden.

 OF course, the special character of the hooligan in Guyana represent a particularly distinct class of barbarian indistinct from the rock throwing, Molotov cocktail throwing hordes of Europe so the police have to shoot first. That is as stupid and myopic as one can get.


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