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Former Member

Government probing missing US$5M payment  

– former President could not confirm payment
A recent visit to China by Minister of State Joseph Harmon has revealed that Chinese company, Datang

Minister of Natural Resources, Raphael Trotman speaking to the media on Wednesday

Minister of Natural Resources, Raphael Trotman speaking to the media on Wednesday

Telecom Technology and Industry Group, has already repaid the outstanding US$5 million for Government’s shares in GTT, however, local authorities are yet to find a record of the payment.
In 2012, the Chinese company purchased Government’s 20 per cent shares in the local telephone company at the cost of US$30 million from the National Industrial and Commercial Investment Limited (NICIL).
However, based on an agreement with the then People’s Progressive Party/Civic (PPP/C) Administration, the company paid off US$25 million and had to two years to make the outstanding payment.
Datang failed to repay the outstanding amount within the agreed time and as such, upon its assumption to office, the A Partnership for National Unity/ Alliance For Change (APNU/AFC) regime undertook to recoup the monies; hence Minister of State Joseph Harmon’s recent trip to China. During the trip, Harmon was accompanied by NICIL’s Legal Counsel, Natalia Seepersaud.
At the post-Cabinet briefing on Wednesday, Natural Resources Minister Raphael Trotman was asked about the outcome of the visit to which he responded by making the disclosure. “What I can say is that Mr Harmon has been able to retrieve some documents which tell a different story. That story being, of course, that the five million was paid so we are trying to track down to whom, how, where and when,” Trotman revealed to reporters.
While the Government spokesperson did not provide much details in relation to the information found on the payment by the Chinese company, he did hint it was made under the previous Administration when he said “that was before May 16, 2015”.
Nevertheless, Trotman noted that the Minister of State has provided Cabinet with a full report on the matter while NICIL is also looking into it. “The NICIL board, as far as I know, is considering the findings and that will be made public shortly,” he remarked.
It was reported that Datang had refused to make the payments within the stimulated time after it requested to have an additional Director on GTT’s Board. However, the local telephone company rejected the request, saying that based on the amount of shares the Chinese company had, it is only entitled to one Director on the Board.
The PPP/C Administration had long maintained that the US$5 million was still outstanding to Guyana. In fact, when contact on Wednesday evening, former President Donald Ramotar, under whose leadership the transaction was conducted, told Guyana Times that he is not aware of Datang making a payment on the outstanding amount. However, he noted that if any such payment was made, it would have been paid to NICIL, with whom they had the transaction.
Meanwhile, at a press conference late last year, former Head of NICIL, Winston Brassington stated that efforts were afoot to recoup the monies.
Brassington had even defended selling the shares to the Chinese company, explaining that the share-offer was advertised more than 40 times locally and close to 30 times overseas. He added that Government had even written all the embassies and consulates and in the end, the highest offer received was US$7 million.
“We did consider the shares to be worth a lot more [than US$7M],” he said. So the sale of US$25 million upfront and US$5 million later was considered a good deal.  We had other options from the Chinese which offered less money upfront and more money later. However, the Privatisation Board and the Cabinet accepted the position that maximised the payment up front. It was a good price, we believe,” the former NICIL Head stated.
Brassington had also credited the investor being brought via the Guyana Ambassador to China, Dr David Dabydeen.
Government used the money collected from the sale to partly finance the construction of the Marriott Hotel. Former CEO Brassington had disclosed that some US$15-US$20 million have been spent on building the Marriott Hotel in Kingston, Georgetown, by the State-owned Atlantic Hotels Inc.
One observer noted that if Cabinet was given a full report, and that the purpose of the China trip was to engage Datang, did the Government team obtain from Datang officials evidence of the payment to NICIL? When the US$25 million was paid, it was made by international wire instructions, from one bank to another. The payment into NICIL’s bank account would have been easy to trace.
The observer noted that the Government should be more forthcoming on the trip given that Datang is a Chinese state-owned entity and the Chinese Embassy in Guyana is reported to have assisted in making preparations.

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However, based on an agreement with the then People’s Progressive Party/Civic (PPP/C) Administration, the company paid off US$25 million and had to two years to make the outstanding payment.


Trotman noted that the Minister of State has provided Cabinet with a full report on the matter while NICIL is also looking into it. “The NICIL board, as far as I know, is considering the findings and that will be made public shortly,” he remarked.
It was reported that Datang had refused to make the payments within the stimulated time after it requested to have an additional Director on GTT’s Board.


However, the local telephone company rejected the request, saying that based on the amount of shares the Chinese company had, it is only entitled to one Director on the Board.
The PPP/C Administration had long maintained that the US$5 million was still outstanding to Guyana. In fact, when contact on Wednesday evening, former President Donald Ramotar, under whose leadership the transaction was conducted, told Guyana Times that he is not aware of Datang making a payment on the outstanding amount. However, he noted that if any such payment was made, it would have been paid to NICIL, with whom they had the transaction.


This is getting interesting in the sense that the Chinese Company Datang wanted another member on the board of directors before making the US$5 M payment, the local company refused to adhere to add another member to the board of Directors.
Hence I think that this would stand to reason that the payment was not made based on what the Chinese Company wanted, and what the local company refused to give:

So the Chinese Company Datang should shut up and provide proof of payment, maybe via check or via wire transfer, to where and whom.

There has to be documentations if paid, and if not paid there will be no documentations.

And the dummies that calls themselves Government of Guyana should know this, or there can be something that I am missing here and would very much like to know.

Last edited by Former Member
asj posted:

However, based on an agreement with the then People’s Progressive Party/Civic (PPP/C) Administration, the company paid off US$25 million and had to two years to make the outstanding payment.

the assets were income producing assets. There was no necessity to sell it. The reason they did was to finance the ill conceived Marriott. That was supposed to be a honey pot for Brazzington, Bobby and Jagdeo. It was a massive con job. Now we are stuck with an asset that sucks funds from the treasury and a tangle to unravel the legal knot in those fellows wove to fabricate ownership.

Stormborn posted:
asj posted:

However, based on an agreement with the then People’s Progressive Party/Civic (PPP/C) Administration, the company paid off US$25 million and had to two years to make the outstanding payment.

the assets were income producing assets. There was no necessity to sell it. The reason they did was to finance the ill conceived Marriott. That was supposed to be a honey pot for Brazzington, Bobby and Jagdeo. It was a massive con job. Now we are stuck with an asset that sucks funds from the treasury and a tangle to unravel the legal knot in those fellows wove to fabricate ownership.

The propaganda churning machine is firing on all cylinders!!!!

Bibi Haniffa

All of this nonsense of the unpaid $5 M is all smoke and mirror to cover Harmon trip to China, maybe it's the most expensive SEX job Harmon received, Free Chow Mein, Free Plane Ride, Free Girls, Free Sex but all for $5M. As for the Marriott Hotel ,Stormy try get a room, it is all booked and reserved to fall this year, maybe it's the most profitable business for the government.

kp posted:

All of this nonsense of the unpaid $5 M is all smoke and mirror to cover Harmon trip to China, maybe it's the most expensive SEX job Harmon received, Free Chow Mein, Free Plane Ride, Free Girls, Free Sex but all for $5M. As for the Marriott Hotel ,Stormy try get a room, it is all booked and reserved to fall this year, maybe it's the most profitable business for the government.

It is a losing venture and not projected to break even unless another 30 million is spent to complete the building


Updated: Ramotar says US$5 M for GT&T shares still outstanding

ex-President Donald Ramotar

ex-President Donald Ramotar

Ex-President Donald Ramotar on Thursday maintained that US$5 million for Guyana’s shares in Guyana Telephone and Telegraph (GTT) have not yet been paid.

“The five million US (dollars) is still outstanding,” he told Demerara Waves Online News.  Later Thursday, he issued a prepared statement calling on the government to lay bare its records to show that the money was paid by the Chinese telecoms company, Datang Telecom Technology and Industry Group to the Guyana government. “I challenge the Government to present the “documents” it has received (under suspicious and questionable circumstances) so that the veracity of the evidence can be tested and authenticated,” he said.

Ramotar added that the US$25 million that have been already paid for the 20 percent stake in the phone company were received by National Industrial Commercial and Investments Limited (NICIL).

This is after APNU+AFC administration stated a recent trip to China for a US$5 million debt supposedly owed by a telecoms company for Guyana’s shares in GT&T has turned up more questions than cash. However, the former President said the paper-trail was there to prove where the money is. “Any claim that amounts were paid, would not be hard to prove.

The only entity that was and is authorized to receive any monies from the purchaser for this transaction was NICIL. One would assume that had NICIL received this money then there would be a receipt or some form of banking documentation to show its payments. Any claim that some other entity or person received this money would also be easy to prove or disprove.”

Government spokesman, Raphael Trotman told a post-cabinet news conference that Minister of State, Joseph Harmon’s recent visit to China to meet with Datang Telecom Technology and Industry Group did not yield good news.

“What I can say is that Mr. Harmon has been able to retrieve some documents which tell a different story. That story being, of course, that the five million was paid so we are trying to track down to whom, how and where and when?… that is before May 16, 2015,”  Trotman said in clear reference to the date the APNU+AFC coalition took office following the elections five days earlier.

When contacted, Ramotar said that it seems as though some folly was afoot. He said as far as he can recall, the monies were paid into NICIL’s accounts but not transferred to the treasury.

“This is the first time I am hearing that this is an issue,” said the Former Head of State who then suggested that “somebody seems to be throwing dust in somebody’s eyes.”

Ramotar stated that forensic audits that were done at NICIL would show exactly where the money went and that is where the APNU+AFC should begin its search.

“The money was paid into NICIL…government has a forensic audit into NICIL so ask the forensic auditors what happened. The money went through NICIL,” the ex President emphasized.

The veteran politician said government’s insinuation that the money was paid to someone else or some other entity other than NICIL prior to the May 2015 elections was a distraction from the real issues. “It’s belligerent claims of massive corruption under the PPP/C administration have yet to be proven by this government. This latest claim is an expected APNU/AFC political ploy to appeal to peoples’ emotions rather than seeking the truth.

This claim is designed to digress from answering the people’s demands for explanations on who really paid for the trip to China, the naming of the ‘honorific’ advisors and party contributors, and demands for decisive actions against the increase in crime in our country.” he said.


Later Thursday, he issued a prepared statement calling on the government to lay bare its records to show that the money was paid by the Chinese telecoms company, Datang Telecom Technology and Industry Group to the Guyana government. “I challenge the Government to present the “documents” it has received (under suspicious and questionable circumstances) so that the veracity of the evidence can be tested and authenticated,” he said.


Brassington, Ramotar confirm US$5M still owed by Chinese company

Sale of GTT shares

“As at Dec 31, 2015 no monies were paid” – Auditor Goolsarran



Immediate past president of Guyana Donald Ramotar, under whose tenure the government disposed of its 20 per cent shares in the Guyana Telephone and Telegraph (GTT) by sale to a Chinese company, has come out swinging at the 10-month-old A Partnership for National Unity/Alliance For Change (APNU/AFC) government after the administration said on Wednesday the Datang Telecom Technology and Industry Group, which bought the shares, has already repaid the outstanding US$5 million; however, there seems to be no record of the payment.

Former Executive Director of NICIL Winston Brassington

Former Executive Director of NICIL Winston Brassington

Minister of State Joseph Harmon

Minister of State Joseph Harmon

In 2012, Datang purchased government’s shares at the cost of US$30 million from the National Industrial and Commercial Investments Limited (NICIL) and based on the agreement with the then People’s Progressive Party/Civic (PPP/C) Administration, the company paid off US$25 million and had two years to make the outstanding payment. The PPP/C had long maintained that the outstanding monies were not paid and after assuming office last year the APNU/AFC regime undertook to recoup the monies; hence Minister of State Joseph Harmon’s recent trip to China.
But, a post-Cabinet briefing on Wednesday revealed that based on documentation in the government’s possession, the moneys were paid long before the May 11, 2015 General and Regional Elections.
“What I can say is that Mr Harmon has been able to retrieve some documents which tell a different story. That story being, of course, that the five million was paid so we are trying to track down to whom, how, where and when,” Trotman revealed to reporters.
While the Government spokesperson did not provide many details in relation to the information found on the payment by the Chinese company, he did hint it was made under the previous Administration when he said “that was before May 16, 2015”.
However, Ramotar in a statement on Thursday rejected the government’s claim and said the claim by government that the money was received is a lie. “I challenge the government to present the “documents” it has received (under suspicious and questionable circumstances) so that the veracity of the evidence can be tested and authenticated,” Ramotar dared.
It was under Ramotar’s presidency the government sold its shares in GTT and according to the former President, the transaction was public, including NICIL’s efforts to pursue legal recourse in the UK to collect the outstanding balance.
The PPP/C administration never had any reason to doubt the word of NICIL’s competent technical staff when they said the amounts were outstanding and every effort was being made to pursue, Ramotar added.
“Any claim that amounts were paid, would not be hard to prove,” Ramotar stated, adding that NICIL was the sole entity authorised to receive the payments.
“One would assume that had NICIL received this money then there would be a receipt or some form of banking documentation to show its payments. Any claim that some other entity or person received this money would also be easy to prove or disprove,” he reasoned.

The Former President believes that the APNU/AFC administration’s insinuation that the money was paid to someone else or some other entity other than NICIL prior to the May 2015 elections is a distraction from “the real issues”, adding that the cantankerous claims of massive corruption under the PPP/C administration have yet to be proven.
Ramotar said this latest claim is a political ploy to appeal to people’s emotions as the nation demands explanations on who really paid for Harmon’s trip to China, the naming of the ‘honorific’ advisors and party contributors, and demands for decisive actions against the spiralling crime rate.

Brassington’s take
Meanwhile, former Executive Director of NICIL Winston Brassington in an invited comment told Guyana Times he was unaware the outstanding monies were paid to NICIL up until December 31, 2015.
“If it was paid, then the seller can easily produce evidence showing this.  Payments of this nature are transferred via the banking system (wire transfer) from one bank to another and easy to check and validate. Given that the first payment was wired directly to NICIL’s US dollar bank account in Guyana, I would expect the remaining US$5M to have followed the same course,” Brassington said.
He clarified that after the payment of the initial US$25 million by Datang, there has been no amendments to the sale contract up to the time of him being a part of NICIL.
“Any amendment is required to be executed in writing by both parties. As such nonpayment would be deemed a breach of contract. The Chinese buyer should bear the responsibility to prove evidence of payment per the contract terms,” he stated, adding that his comment was simply to avoid speculation on NICIL’s actions while he was at the helm.

Auditor’s take
Meanwhile, speaking with this publication on Thursday, Anand Goolsarran who conducted an audit into the operations of NICIL said based on his examination of the books of the holding company, as at December 31, 2015, the monies were not paid to NICIL.
He noted that Brassington did indicate in the management response to the Audit that the monies were still outstanding and that legal proceedings were being initiated to recoup that money.

He made it clear that he was not confirming or denying the monies were paid, however, he would like to see the documents which Minister Harmon claimed he has in his possession. When the US$25 million was paid initially, it was made by international wire instructions, from one bank to another, thus making the payment easily traceable.
As such, the question is now being asked, if the outstanding US$5 million was indeed paid, then why the government has not yet explored that option (to trace the payment) rather than to “throw it out in public” without a proper or concrete position.
Questions are also being asked that if indeed Minister Harmon received “documents” to show that the monies were paid, those very documents must say who or which entity received the payments.
At a press conference late last year former Head of NICIL Winston Brassington had stated that efforts were afoot to recoup the monies.
Brassington had even defended selling the shares to the Chinese company, explaining that the share-offer was advertised more than 40 times locally and close to 30 times overseas. He added that government had even written all the embassies and consulates and in the end, the highest offer received was US$7 million.
Meanwhile, Attorney at law and PPP Member of Parliament Anil Nandlall in commenting on the issue of the sale said that the Coalition Government is attempting to manufacture a controversy over the sale of the shares at GT&T. He said that this attempt is “obviously to distract attention” from the perpetual scandals that they have been recently generating.
He pointed out that the “concocted controversy” seems to be whether or not the balance of US$5M was paid. “If the purchaser is asserting that this money was paid, then all they have to do is to produce the evidence of this payment. They must have some credible evidence that they made this payment and they must know to whom or to which company this payment was made,” he said.
According to Nandlall, unless someone in the Coalition Government received the money and is refusing to acknowledge receipt or did a write-off then proof of payment should be produced.
“The next step for the Government is litigation to recover the debt. There are several lawyers in the Cabinet and it remains a mystery how they cannot advise on such a simple matter. Unless, of course, as I indicated, someone is not making full and frank disclosures on this matter.”

alena06 posted:

They will be probing and probing until their term runs out.  What are the actions plans resulting from the audit findings and all the other probes?  lol.

Probing and spending!  It's a new economic model - Guyana style!!!!

Bibi Haniffa
asj posted:

Brassington, Ramotar confirm US$5M still owed by Chinese company

Sale of GTT shares

“As at Dec 31, 2015 no monies were paid” – Auditor Goolsarran

Brazzington cannot confirm anything. His word is crap. He would be the one most likely in contact with the chinese and can route that cash anywhere. That is where I would start in looking for the loot.

Danyael posted:
asj posted:

Brassington, Ramotar confirm US$5M still owed by Chinese company

Sale of GTT shares

“As at Dec 31, 2015 no monies were paid” – Auditor Goolsarran

Brazzington cannot confirm anything. His word is crap. He would be the one most likely in contact with the chinese and can route that cash anywhere. That is where I would start in looking for the loot.

Come on Howard grad, you must have a bank account and knows that once a check is cashed or money is wired there is always a sending and receiving account and aba or swift routing number. Why are you not calling on Harmon and the Chinese to provide the evidence of the cashed check or wire transfer?

Danyael posted:

Brazzington cannot confirm anything. His word is crap. He would be the one most likely in contact with the chinese and can route that cash anywhere. That is where I would start in looking for the loot.

Fortunately Danyael, we don't need to rely on those lying PPP bais because Harmon has the document which he can produce. Especially since the new government is very keen on transparency.

Mr.T posted:

This is looking more and more like a PPP scam, with ASJ being instructed to blame it on Harmon.

ASJ isn't going to get away with blaming Harmon because Harmon has the documents which can produce.

Drugb posted:
Danyael posted:
asj posted:

Brassington, Ramotar confirm US$5M still owed by Chinese company

Sale of GTT shares

“As at Dec 31, 2015 no monies were paid” – Auditor Goolsarran

Brazzington cannot confirm anything. His word is crap. He would be the one most likely in contact with the chinese and can route that cash anywhere. That is where I would start in looking for the loot.

Come on Howard grad, you must have a bank account and knows that once a check is cashed or money is wired there is always a sending and receiving account and aba or swift routing number. Why are you not calling on Harmon and the Chinese to provide the evidence of the cashed check or wire transfer?

Stupid man, who are you trying to impress? I suggested where they should begin the search since only one person would be authoritative on the matter. I said the person can route the cash anywhere not that the "anywhere" cannot be located.  If it is to Bahrain and Brazzie denies authorizing the transfer and from there someone   moves it to 20 other places and then collects do you thing Guyana has the ability to follow the trail? You act as if banks themselves do not get robbed daily via electronic scams.

ksazma posted:
Danyael posted:

Brazzington cannot confirm anything. His word is crap. He would be the one most likely in contact with the chinese and can route that cash anywhere. That is where I would start in looking for the loot.

Fortunately Danyael, we don't need to rely on those lying PPP bais because Harmon has the document which he can produce. Especially since the new government is very keen on transparency.

Any document will be deemed flawed. No one in the PPP will admit to having received the cash. The money is deemed sent and not received so a scam is in the works somewhere. It is obviously not the APNU involved here because the sender is claiming to have sent it previous to May 15th.  We will see where it is sent if there are documents available as stated.

Danyael posted:

Any document will be deemed flawed. No one in the PPP will admit to having received the cash. The money is deemed sent and not received so a scam is in the works somewhere. It is obviously not the APNU involved here because the sender is claiming to have sent it previous to May 15th.  We will see where it is sent if there are documents available as stated.

I have no doubt that the PPP will deny that the payment was made. They are already stating that it was not made and two articles have surfaced that suggest that the due date for the payment had not matured as well as there being a withholding of the payment because there was a disagreement on the allocation of Directors. The only person who supposedly has a document that proves that the payment was made is Harmon who supposedly showed it to the Cabinet. They should release the document. By doing so, it may pressure people who know anything to disclose it in the hope of saving their skins. I don't see any value in not disclosing the document.

Danyael posted:
ksazma posted:
Danyael posted:

Brazzington cannot confirm anything. His word is crap. He would be the one most likely in contact with the chinese and can route that cash anywhere. That is where I would start in looking for the loot.

Fortunately Danyael, we don't need to rely on those lying PPP bais because Harmon has the document which he can produce. Especially since the new government is very keen on transparency.

Any document will be deemed flawed. No one in the PPP will admit to having received the cash. The money is deemed sent and not received so a scam is in the works somewhere. It is obviously not the APNU involved here because the sender is claiming to have sent it previous to May 15th.  We will see where it is sent if there are documents available as stated.

So, is this one of those umteen scenarios where the PNC/AFC seh they know the PPP did this and did that but they don't know how to prove they know what they think they know and no one seem to be in the know!!

Now, is what we missing here?

ba$eman posted:
Danyael posted:
ksazma posted:
Danyael posted:

Brazzington cannot confirm anything. His word is crap. He would be the one most likely in contact with the chinese and can route that cash anywhere. That is where I would start in looking for the loot.

Fortunately Danyael, we don't need to rely on those lying PPP bais because Harmon has the document which he can produce. Especially since the new government is very keen on transparency.

Any document will be deemed flawed. No one in the PPP will admit to having received the cash. The money is deemed sent and not received so a scam is in the works somewhere. It is obviously not the APNU involved here because the sender is claiming to have sent it previous to May 15th.  We will see where it is sent if there are documents available as stated.

So, is this one of those umteen scenarios where the PNC/AFC seh they know the PPP did this and did that but they don't know how to prove they know what they think they know and no one seem to be in the know!!

Now, is what we missing here?

Brazzington said the sender is lying. It means your scenario that the AFC will say the PPP got the cash without rechecking if the sender is scamming the government is not credible. They will do the usual checks and verification to the point the money disappear. And yes, it can disappear given the easy access to credentials in Guyana for a crook with connections in the government and savvy to do the deed.

Danyael posted:
ba$eman posted:
Danyael posted:

Any document will be deemed flawed. No one in the PPP will admit to having received the cash. The money is deemed sent and not received so a scam is in the works somewhere. It is obviously not the APNU involved here because the sender is claiming to have sent it previous to May 15th.  We will see where it is sent if there are documents available as stated.

So, is this one of those umteen scenarios where the PNC/AFC seh they know the PPP did this and did that but they don't know how to prove they know what they think they know and no one seem to be in the know!!

Now, is what we missing here?

Brazzington said the sender is lying. It means your scenario that the AFC will say the PPP got the cash without rechecking if the sender is scamming the government is not credible. They will do the usual checks and verification to the point the money disappear. And yes, it can disappear given the easy access to credentials in Guyana for a crook with connections in the government and savvy to do the deed.

Why don't you leave your home in MD or wherever and go help them find the missing 5 mil...for a lil, commission!  I mean Granger gatt enough money to be paying nuff useless "image" ministers here in North America!  I'm sure he can find a slot for you because you seem to be in the "know" on all there is to know!!

Last edited by Former Member
ba$eman posted:
Danyael posted:
ba$eman posted:
Danyael posted:

Any document will be deemed flawed. No one in the PPP will admit to having received the cash. The money is deemed sent and not received so a scam is in the works somewhere. It is obviously not the APNU involved here because the sender is claiming to have sent it previous to May 15th.  We will see where it is sent if there are documents available as stated.

So, is this one of those umteen scenarios where the PNC/AFC seh they know the PPP did this and did that but they don't know how to prove they know what they think they know and no one seem to be in the know!!

Now, is what we missing here?

Brazzington said the sender is lying. It means your scenario that the AFC will say the PPP got the cash without rechecking if the sender is scamming the government is not credible. They will do the usual checks and verification to the point the money disappear. And yes, it can disappear given the easy access to credentials in Guyana for a crook with connections in the government and savvy to do the deed.

Why don't you leave your home in MD or wherever and go help them find the missing 5 mil...for a lil, commission!  I mean Granger gatt enough money to be paying nuff useless "image" ministers here in North America!  I'm sure he can find a slot for you!!

Why me and not a bean counter like you with the supposed skills for the task?

Danyael posted:
ba$eman posted:
Danyael posted:
ba$eman posted:
Danyael posted

Any document will be deemed flawed. No one in the PPP will admit to having received the cash. The money is deemed sent and not received so a scam is in the works somewhere. It is obviously not the APNU involved here because the sender is claiming to have sent it previous to May 15th.  We will see where it is sent if there are documents available as stated.

So, is this one of those umteen scenarios where the PNC/AFC seh they know the PPP did this and did that but they don't know how to prove they know what they think they know and no one seem to be in the know!!

Now, is what we missing here?

Brazzington said the sender is lying. It means your scenario that the AFC will say the PPP got the cash without rechecking if the sender is scamming the government is not credible. They will do the usual checks and verification to the point the money disappear. And yes, it can disappear given the easy access to credentials in Guyana for a crook with connections in the government and savvy to do the deed.

Why don't you leave your home in MD or wherever and go help them find the missing 5 mil...for a lil, commission!  I mean Granger gatt enough money to be paying nuff useless "image" ministers here in North America!  I'm sure he can find a slot for you!!

Why me and not a bean counter like you with the supposed skills for the task?

So, on what basis are your positions based??

cain posted:

Oi Baseless, after reading your response up deh I might have an answer to your last question

"Now, is what we missing here?

Not "we"

Your period.

As I always said, you seem to be missing something!  Maybe marking period 2??

ba$eman posted:
Danyael posted:
ba$eman posted:
Danyael posted:
ba$eman posted:
Danyael posted

Any document will be deemed flawed. No one in the PPP will admit to having received the cash. The money is deemed sent and not received so a scam is in the works somewhere. It is obviously not the APNU involved here because the sender is claiming to have sent it previous to May 15th.  We will see where it is sent if there are documents available as stated.

So, is this one of those umteen scenarios where the PNC/AFC seh they know the PPP did this and did that but they don't know how to prove they know what they think they know and no one seem to be in the know!!

Now, is what we missing here?

Brazzington said the sender is lying. It means your scenario that the AFC will say the PPP got the cash without rechecking if the sender is scamming the government is not credible. They will do the usual checks and verification to the point the money disappear. And yes, it can disappear given the easy access to credentials in Guyana for a crook with connections in the government and savvy to do the deed.

Why don't you leave your home in MD or wherever and go help them find the missing 5 mil...for a lil, commission!  I mean Granger gatt enough money to be paying nuff useless "image" ministers here in North America!  I'm sure he can find a slot for you!!

Why me and not a bean counter like you with the supposed skills for the task?

So, on what basis are your positions based??

Analysis and common sense with respect to a self evident process.

Danyael posted:
ba$eman posted:
Danyael posted:
ba$eman posted:

Why don't you leave your home in MD or wherever and go help them find the missing 5 mil...for a lil, commission!  I mean Granger gatt enough money to be paying nuff useless "image" ministers here in North America!  I'm sure he can find a slot for you!!

Why me and not a bean counter like you with the supposed skills for the task?

So, on what basis are your positions based??

Analysis and common sense with respect to a self evident process.

Ok, so let's be clear, the "Big Bang" theory telescopic approach!

Have you ever noticed, just like the vast outer space, you are filled with much nothingness!!


This one is so easy. Much easier than all the other audits commissioned since last May. Harmon supposedly already has the document. He supposedly already showed it to the Cabinet. All he needs to do is publish it, roll some PPP heads and get the canaries singing. He made the claim so the burden is on him to back it up. The PPP doesn't have the responsibility to be this government's crutch as they travail through their haplessness.

ba$eman posted:
Danyael posted:
ba$eman posted:
Danyael posted:
ba$eman posted:

Why don't you leave your home in MD or wherever and go help them find the missing 5 mil...for a lil, commission!  I mean Granger gatt enough money to be paying nuff useless "image" ministers here in North America!  I'm sure he can find a slot for you!!

Why me and not a bean counter like you with the supposed skills for the task?

So, on what basis are your positions based??

Analysis and common sense with respect to a self evident process.

Ok, so let's be clear, the "Big Bang" theory telescopic approach!

Have you ever noticed, just like the vast outer space, you are filled with much nothingness!!

Dumb as usual. Everything came from nothingness and the concept of "empty" space means quantum theory is bunk. But that is another void in your education you have to fill.

My answer stands. The probe here is straightforward.

Last edited by Former Member
Danyael posted:

Stupid man, who are you trying to impress? I suggested where they should begin the search since only one person would be authoritative on the matter. I said the person can route the cash anywhere not that the "anywhere" cannot be located.  If it is to Bahrain and Brazzie denies authorizing the transfer and from there someone   moves it to 20 other places and then collects do you thing Guyana has the ability to follow the trail? You act as if banks themselves do not get robbed daily via electronic scams.

They should start with the Chinese who claimed they paid, let them provide the check then backtrack to the culprit. Your approach is illogical, you would never have survived in the IT world. 

Danyael posted:
ba$eman posted:
Danyael posted:
ba$eman posted:
Danyael posted:
ba$eman posted:

Why don't you leave your home in MD or wherever and go help them find the missing 5 mil...for a lil, commission!  I mean Granger gatt enough money to be paying nuff useless "image" ministers here in North America!  I'm sure he can find a slot for you!!

Why me and not a bean counter like you with the supposed skills for the task?

So, on what basis are your positions based??

Analysis and common sense with respect to a self evident process.

Ok, so let's be clear, the "Big Bang" theory telescopic approach!

Have you ever noticed, just like the vast outer space, you are filled with much nothingness!!

Dumb as usual. Everything came from nothingness and the concept of "empty" space means quantum theory is bunk. But that is another void in your education you have to fill.

My answer stands. The probe here is straightforward.

Stormy please update us when you get a hold of the documentation - check, wire transfer or whatever means was used for the payment.  Unless you and Harmon need time to manufacture the docs.. lol.

Last edited by alena06
Danyael posted:
ba$eman posted:
Danyael posted:
ba$eman posted:

So, on what basis are your positions based??

Analysis and common sense with respect to a self evident process.

Ok, so let's be clear, the "Big Bang" theory telescopic approach!

Have you ever noticed, just like the vast outer space, you are filled with much nothingness!!

My answer stands. The probe here is straightforward.

Your answers always stand, in the blankness of space between your two ears!!


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