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ba$eman posted:
Danyael posted:
ba$eman posted:
Danyael posted:
ba$eman posted:

So, on what basis are your positions based??

Analysis and common sense with respect to a self evident process.

Ok, so let's be clear, the "Big Bang" theory telescopic approach!

Have you ever noticed, just like the vast outer space, you are filled with much nothingness!!

My answer stands. The probe here is straightforward.

Your answers always stand, in the blankness of space between your two ears!!

willful ignorance is apparently your best strategy in the presence of any information that destabilizes your false beliefs. The only consolation for you is that people like you are in the majority. Self deception is apparently a potent  drug of choice and the bliss of ignorance a preferred state of mind.

alena06 posted:
Danyael posted:
ba$eman posted:
Danyael posted:
ba$eman posted:
Danyael posted:
ba$eman posted:

Why don't you leave your home in MD or wherever and go help them find the missing 5 mil...for a lil, commission!  I mean Granger gatt enough money to be paying nuff useless "image" ministers here in North America!  I'm sure he can find a slot for you!!

Why me and not a bean counter like you with the supposed skills for the task?

So, on what basis are your positions based??

Analysis and common sense with respect to a self evident process.

Ok, so let's be clear, the "Big Bang" theory telescopic approach!

Have you ever noticed, just like the vast outer space, you are filled with much nothingness!!

Dumb as usual. Everything came from nothingness and the concept of "empty" space means quantum theory is bunk. But that is another void in your education you have to fill.

My answer stands. The probe here is straightforward.

Stormy please update us when you get a hold of the documentation - check, wire transfer or whatever means was used for the payment.  Unless you and Harmon need time to manufacture the docs.. lol.

Do not be a royal ass. My doubt that brazzingon is an honest player resides in a long history of his dubious use of our money. I would more think a reasonable mind would hold the known crooks suspect more than the reliance of on your prejudices to deem the potential for crookedness ( for no gain!) the better option. Harmon relies on a Company holding stocks in Guyana for the information that they paid. It is not his lie if the story is a lie. But you are too small minded if not dumb to see that.

Drugb posted:
Danyael posted:

Stupid man, who are you trying to impress? I suggested where they should begin the search since only one person would be authoritative on the matter. I said the person can route the cash anywhere not that the "anywhere" cannot be located.  If it is to Bahrain and Brazzie denies authorizing the transfer and from there someone   moves it to 20 other places and then collects do you thing Guyana has the ability to follow the trail? You act as if banks themselves do not get robbed daily via electronic scams.

They should start with the Chinese who claimed they paid, let them provide the check then backtrack to the culprit. Your approach is illogical, you would never have survived in the IT world. 

You are repeating exactly what I said and calling me dumb! That takes the cake. I not only survived there but worked as an independent contractor in every area from business,  to the government  and not coding run of the mill routine crapola but in areas demanding my unique creative insights.

Last edited by Former Member
Danyael posted:
ksazma posted:
Danyael posted:

Brazzington cannot confirm anything. His word is crap. He would be the one most likely in contact with the chinese and can route that cash anywhere. That is where I would start in looking for the loot.

Fortunately Danyael, we don't need to rely on those lying PPP bais because Harmon has the document which he can produce. Especially since the new government is very keen on transparency.

Any document will be deemed flawed. No one in the PPP will admit to having received the cash. The money is deemed sent and not received so a scam is in the works somewhere. It is obviously not the APNU involved here because the sender is claiming to have sent it previous to May 15th.  We will see where it is sent if there are documents available as stated.

There is a difference between Trottman saying that it happened before May of last year and the purchaser saying so.

Again, they say that they have the documentation. Let them release them to rebut the statemens by Donald and Brassington. This will not hinder legal proceedings, if there is to be any, because the matter is now in the public domain, not a secret.

The forensic audit conducted by Goolsarran noted that the money was not paid. Any competent forensic auditor    would have made a phone call to the purchaser about this matter of the outstanding amount since it amounts to over G$1 billion. Amount of this kind should have been part of the audit procedure.  Did he verify? Where are the technical documents that must be a part of the forensic audit to lay the groundwork for criminal prosecution? Does Goolsarran have any copies of correspondence with the purchaser to support the statement he made in his audit report?


Part of every audit is to verify outstanding receivables which is done by confirming same with the debtors. Was Goolsarran overpaid since he did not perform this very rudimentary function or did he perform it and now Harmon is claiming that the payment was made. I disagree with Druggie that they should start with the Chinese because Harmon has already moved the dial beyond the Chinese by stating that he has the proof of payment which he provided to the Cabinet. They burden now solely rests on Harmon to provide the evidence. What anyone else says or does now is meaningless.

Danyael posted:
Drugb posted:
Danyael posted:

Stupid man, who are you trying to impress? I suggested where they should begin the search since only one person would be authoritative on the matter. I said the person can route the cash anywhere not that the "anywhere" cannot be located.  If it is to Bahrain and Brazzie denies authorizing the transfer and from there someone   moves it to 20 other places and then collects do you thing Guyana has the ability to follow the trail? You act as if banks themselves do not get robbed daily via electronic scams.

They should start with the Chinese who claimed they paid, let them provide the check then backtrack to the culprit. Your approach is illogical, you would never have survived in the IT world. 

You are repeating exactly what I said and calling me dumb! That takes the cake. I not only survived there but worked as an independent contractor in every area from business,  to the government  and not coding run of the mill routine crapola but in areas demanding my unique creative insights.

Finally you ketch sense as you ignorantly rushed to blame Brassington rather than ask for the money trail from the Chinese. My job here is done, as once again I have schooled a Howard grad or possible dropout.

I doubt you know anything about IT or logic, it does not reflect in your ramblings on this forum.   


Danyael posted:
alena06 posted:
Danyael posted:
ba$eman posted:
Danyael posted:
ba$eman posted:
Danyael posted:
ba$eman posted:

Why don't you leave your home in MD or wherever and go help them find the missing 5 mil...for a lil, commission!  I mean Granger gatt enough money to be paying nuff useless "image" ministers here in North America!  I'm sure he can find a slot for you!!

Why me and not a bean counter like you with the supposed skills for the task?

So, on what basis are your positions based??

Analysis and common sense with respect to a self evident process.

Ok, so let's be clear, the "Big Bang" theory telescopic approach!

Have you ever noticed, just like the vast outer space, you are filled with much nothingness!!

Dumb as usual. Everything came from nothingness and the concept of "empty" space means quantum theory is bunk. But that is another void in your education you have to fill.

My answer stands. The probe here is straightforward.

Stormy please update us when you get a hold of the documentation - check, wire transfer or whatever means was used for the payment.  Unless you and Harmon need time to manufacture the docs.. lol.

Do not be a royal ass. My doubt that brazzingon is an honest player resides in a long history of his dubious use of our money. I would more think a reasonable mind would hold the known crooks suspect more than the reliance of on your prejudices to deem the potential for crookedness ( for no gain!) the better option. Harmon relies on a Company holding stocks in Guyana for the information that they paid. It is not his lie if the story is a lie. But you are too small minded if not dumb to see that.

Who is the dumber one here?  Show me the documentation or shut up and stop imagining what Brazzington did. 

alena06 posted:
Danyael posted:
alena06 posted:


Stormy please update us when you get a hold of the documentation - check, wire transfer or whatever means was used for the payment.  Unless you and Harmon need time to manufacture the docs.. lol.

Do not be a royal ass. My doubt that brazzingon is an honest player resides in a long history of his dubious use of our money. I would more think a reasonable mind would hold the known crooks suspect more than the reliance of on your prejudices to deem the potential for crookedness ( for no gain!) the better option. Harmon relies on a Company holding stocks in Guyana for the information that they paid. It is not his lie if the story is a lie. But you are too small minded if not dumb to see that.

Who is the dumber one here?  Show me the documentation or shut up and stop imagining what Brazzington did. 

I do not have to imagine what brazzington did. That is writ large but you are too blinded by your knee bending to the crooked PPP. I do not have to show you any documentation since I never claimed I had them.

I said that the Chinese is a company with some 20 percent ownership in one of our largest companies and they said they paid!

Why should Harmon lie ion their behalf? The point is that if one is to be given the benefit of the doubt it is not the crooked bag man of the PPP. That fat penguin may yet fry. And yes I think you are dumb because to reason so badly and consistently one has to have had lots of practice.

Last edited by Former Member

Harman went to China to write off the $5M without the knowledge of Granger. Why would a Chinaman give a Blackman free plane ride, free food, free women, free time, just because them like he?? Upon Harmon's return, suddenly he interfere with GRA and make peace with Bai Shan Lin ,can anyone says WHY?? He is now known as 20% kick back, the word is ,he wants to be the highest paid in the government, President Harmon.

ba$eman posted:
Danyael posted:
ba$eman posted:
Danyael posted:
ba$eman posted:

So, on what basis are your positions based??

Analysis and common sense with respect to a self evident process.

Ok, so let's be clear, the "Big Bang" theory telescopic approach!

Have you ever noticed, just like the vast outer space, you are filled with much nothingness!!

My answer stands. The probe here is straightforward.

Your answers always stand, in the blankness of space between your two ears!!

As I noted often, mal educated fools calling me an idiot is always reassuring. It   affirm the a catastrophic resistance  to reason and reliance on self deception to defend the indefensible in everything. Again, the path to understanding here is simple.

kp posted:

Harman went to China to write off the $5M without the knowledge of Granger. Why would a Chinaman give a Blackman free plane ride, free food, free women, free time, just because them like he?? Upon Harmon's return, suddenly he interfere with GRA and make peace with Bai Shan Lin ,can anyone says WHY?? He is now known as 20% kick back, the word is ,he wants to be the highest paid in the government, President Harmon.

There is nothing in the record that he went to write off the debt. That is pure fabrication since no statement to that intent exists. He said, given the claims that no money was paid, he took it upon himself to go and speak to the parties involved directly.

The crap about black man and free plane ride and food etc is just race baiting now. BaiShanlin did not arrive at his behest nor did the indian coffee company with no history in logging and they all came and got extensive tax concessions and pillaged our forests at will. Who got free food and plane rides here?

Harmon is wrong to be cosy with the Chinese when they are the plunderers and have a legacy of broken promises.  He is to be derided for that but no less than the Corrupt PPP who were letting these people ship hundreds of containers of our ornamental trees to china per month.


Harmon injected himself into the discussion when according to Trotty, Harmon brought back the proof of payment from China and showed it to the Cabinet. That is where the discussion has progressed to. All else are inconsequential until implicated by Harmon's discovery. With this government's mantra being 'clean up corruption' they should have no desire to delay the disclosure of this proof of payment.

asj posted:

The rest of the Government Dummies is maybe secretly laughing their heads off, with the 5m documents that Harmon presented.

Harmon cannot accept that he was conned or so it appears.

He has nothing to show, as there is nothing. Granger bright bwoy


I have a feeling it was written in Chinese and he did not understand it fully   lol  What a way to get a free trip to China.


I don't know why the Minister of the Ministry of the President would have to make a trip to China to collect a USD5M debt. Couldn't he just make a phone call from his desk or send an email to the debtor? Btw, does collecting this payment fall within Harmon's portfolio or did he leap over the person responsible for doing so to inject himself?

ksazma posted:

I don't know why the Minister of the Ministry of the President would have to make a trip to China to collect a USD5M debt. Couldn't he just make a phone call from his desk or send an email to the debtor? Btw, does collecting this payment fall within Harmon's portfolio or did he leap over the person responsible for doing so to inject himself?

Soon they will appoint a Minister of debt collection  

alena06 posted:
ksazma posted:

I don't know why the Minister of the Ministry of the President would have to make a trip to China to collect a USD5M debt. Couldn't he just make a phone call from his desk or send an email to the debtor? Btw, does collecting this payment fall within Harmon's portfolio or did he leap over the person responsible for doing so to inject himself?

Soon they will appoint a Minister of debt collection  

And Harmon will still end up doing the debt collecting travels.


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