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Originally Posted by Vish M:

Whilst I was at this meeting, I witnessed a poor display by many of the Executives for the APNC/AFC


An elderly Indian guy was booing at the back.


He was forcefully grabbed and was in the move to be "Chucked Out"


It did not stop there.


These guys then called the NYPD and wanted them to take him out forcefully.


Even "George Correira" had to intervene.


It is clear they had no respect for the US law as he was not disturbing the peace, just in opposition.


It was a sad happening




Originally Posted by Vish M:

Whilst I was at this meeting, I witnessed a poor display by many of the Executives for the APNC/AFC


An elderly Indian guy was booing at the back.


He was forcefully grabbed and was in the move to be "Chucked Out"


It did not stop there.


These guys then called the NYPD and wanted them to take him out forcefully.


Even "George Correira" had to intervene.


It is clear they had no respect for the US law as he was not disturbing the peace, just in opposition.


It was a sad happening




Shut yuh schupid rass. The PPP doan own Richmond Hill nor do they own Indians.


This was a meeting for those who wanted to be there and hear the speakers. There is no heckler's veto.


If that auntyman wanted to boo then he could do so on the public sidewalk. Nareesa Palace is not the public square.

Originally Posted by Shaitaan:
Originally Posted by Vish M:

Whilst I was at this meeting, I witnessed a poor display by many of the Executives for the APNC/AFC


An elderly Indian guy was booing at the back.


He was forcefully grabbed and was in the move to be "Chucked Out"


It did not stop there.


These guys then called the NYPD and wanted them to take him out forcefully.


Even "George Correira" had to intervene.


It is clear they had no respect for the US law as he was not disturbing the peace, just in opposition.


It was a sad happening




Shut yuh schupid rass. The PPP doan own Richmond Hill nor do they own Indians.


This was a meeting for those who wanted to be there and hear the speakers. There is no heckler's veto.


If that auntyman wanted to boo then he could do so on the public sidewalk. Nareesa Palace is not the public square.

Are you for REAL???  Laad Ah Mercy!! In America you cannot show dissent???   Bannas, No wonder no one takes you seriously!!!



The protesters' 1st Amendment rights were never violated nor were there any attempt to deny freedom of speech and expression. This was evidenced by the placards and so on OUTSIDE the building.


Once INSIDE the building, it became a private gathering even though it was a public meeting 9advertized and so on). It's like being invited in to Madison Square Garden for a Lady Gaga concert and not behaving yourself. Now the one "boo-er" at the introductions was initially shouted down - as is the free interplay at such meetings. However the 2 NYPD officers left within 5 minutes of their arrival and no one was ejected, though the owner of the place could have done so. Don't forget there was a functioning bar that we were patronizing.

Originally Posted by Nehru:
Originally Posted by Vish M:

Whilst I was at this meeting, I witnessed a poor display by many of the Executives for the APNC/AFC


An elderly Indian guy was booing at the back.


He was forcefully grabbed and was in the move to be "Chucked Out"


It did not stop there.


These guys then called the NYPD and wanted them to take him out forcefully.


Even "George Correira" had to intervene.


It is clear they had no respect for the US law as he was not disturbing the peace, just in opposition.


It was a sad happening




when bar-rat take over god leave guyana back track 


The swing votes will be the Amerindians votes, this is where the AFC should  stay as a political party and grow for the next election. If the coalition wins this election, I feel Granger being the CEO can hire and fire anyone, even the deputy presidents, so the APNU is baiting the AFC and after election they will switch. The AFC was growing, building it's supporters, joining the APNU, they lost steam and die hard supporters.Guyana has been too long a TWO PARTY STATE or commonly known BLACK PARTY and INDIAN PARTY, the creation of a third party that reflects the ethnic rainbow of the country will attract all the tired souls.

Originally Posted by kp:

The AFC was growing, building it's supporters, joining the APNU, they lost steam and die hard supporters.Guyana has been too long a TWO PARTY STATE or commonly known BLACK PARTY and INDIAN PARTY, the creation of a third party that reflects the ethnic rainbow of the country will attract all the tired souls.


The AFC has lost 80 percent of it's support. The coalition does not stand a chance of winning.


It is a two way "race"

Originally Posted by seignet:


David Granger is the only person from the PNC who has the personality to face the Indians at a public meeting place. Forbes Burnham couldn't dare to show his face on the Corentyne. But Granger can. Even Desmond Persaud, the statesman, wouldn't dare face the Indians, But David Granger can

Who started calling Desmond Hoyte Desmond Persaud. Was it blacks or Indians?

Originally Posted by yuji22:
Originally Posted by kp:

The AFC was growing, building it's supporters, joining the APNU, they lost steam and die hard supporters.Guyana has been too long a TWO PARTY STATE or commonly known BLACK PARTY and INDIAN PARTY, the creation of a third party that reflects the ethnic rainbow of the country will attract all the tired souls.


The AFC has lost 80 percent of it's support. The coalition does not stand a chance of winning.


It is a two way "race"

You do not get it. The APNU-AFC does not care if they lose all of the defectors to the AFC in 2011. IF they hold what is their natural base they win.


The fact is the PPP will not hold its base. Young and intellectuals and urbanites who were in their ranks will defect. If they lose only one percent and the the APNU-AFC keep the turnout in their group high they lose.


The PPP has more ways of losing than winning that is why the odds are against them. They know it and is the reason they are up to dirty tricks of race baiting and attempted character assassination. On that account the APNU-AFC only have to remind them of the AG obscenity filled, sex crazed rant.

Originally Posted by Vish M:

Whilst I was at this meeting, I witnessed a poor display by many of the Executives for the APNC/AFC......


It was a sad happening 


Don't let Carib Beer hear yuh. He has been peddling that the Coalition are a bunch of highly credible, upstanding citizens who would give Jesus a run for his money.  Granger and Moses are the two nicest guys in the world.


Dr Randy Persaud lied to NY police, arrested during protest


New York -New York police on Friday arrested Dr. Randy Persaud during a protest outside of Club Tobago where President of Guyana, Bharrat Jagdeo, and People’s Progressive Party (PPP) Presidential nominee, Donald Ramotar, were scheduled to hold talks with supporters.
Persaud is the key figure linked to the Office of the President in Guyana and is said to be involved in Government’s propaganda work.

Protestors on Friday in front of Club Tobago where President Bharrat Jagdeo and Donald Ramotar, PPP/C's Presidential Candidate, were scheduled to speak.

Media reports said that Persaud initially told police that his name is Baron Randolph but he was later identified.
The protest was said to be comprising of persons sympathetic to opposition parties Alliance for Change (AFC) and People’s National Congress Reform (PNCR) who made calls for a change in Guyana. There were a number of placards in evidence.
Media reports also said that action was organised by AFC members and led by the PNCR Organising Secretary Brooklyn Chapter, Jennifer Ferreira-Dougall.
There was a police presence and the protestors were behind barriers.
According to sources at the scene, Dr Persaud requested an interview with the protestors. When asked to identify the organization he represented, he reportedly refused to present proper identification and started to mock the gathering.
Invitees said that the protestors were no more than 30 persons with about 20 of them being AFC supporters.
The meeting between Jagdeo and Ramotar and the community organizations representing Guyanese in the area was organised by the Association of Concerned Guyanese (ACG) – USA, among other groups.
Just recently the ACG – New York Chapter of the PPP had issued a statement endorsing the selection of Donald Ramotar as the presidential candidate of the party for the 2011 regional and general elections.
The meeting went ahead without major incident with both the President and Ramotar spoke of the plans for Guyana and criticised Presidential Candidates of AFC and PNCR, Khemraj Ramjattan and David Granger.
The two independent newspapers, Kaieteur News and Stabroek News, also reportedly came under attack from the President and Ramotar.
More than 200 persons attended the meeting, it was reported.

Originally Posted by Vish M:
Far from the truth.
NYPD elected to drop all charges at arrainment
I was present at both occasions.
Originally Posted by HM_Redux:


Violent PPP operative being taken away by New York's finest.


Are you saying that these 2 violent protestors were not arrested and charged by the NYPD and spend 72 hours in the lockdown?

Originally Posted by Vish M:
Read, digest and then respond
Originally Posted by cain:

You sayin drunky wasn't taken away by NY's finest?


By being stupid and forgetful you started a forest fire. Here is a fellow being a bit inebriated and acting a fool and was arrested. Obviously he realized later it was serious and could have faced serious consequences. BY the way, I do not know this fellow but no one I know ever said a bad thing about him until he decided to make his mark in the PPP writing gibberish. Even they abandoned him when he needed them most.


The fellow in the room  was not arrested, or evicted or faced any consequences but you insist the Opposition was breaking american law. DO you get why I called you plainly silly if not an ass?


You have forwarded a narrative that idiots like Ugli has taken up and the PPP champions that makes you a part of their self same idiocy. I wonder if you would like us to take to the internet as Farouk did with no thought to how it affects your reputation as it is all the political currency you have. That is the point.


You, as a public official must keep in your damn lane. When you take to offering commentary that can color a narrative for the worse by a careless remark you get blamed for it. you were an ass with this one. Since no law was broken the opposition did not do any thing injurious   to free speech, you were wrong to say the disrespected the law. It was their free speech in a private place procured for their private audience that was being disrupted

Last edited by Former Member
Originally Posted by ksazma:
Originally Posted by seignet:


David Granger is the only person from the PNC who has the personality to face the Indians at a public meeting place. Forbes Burnham couldn't dare to show his face on the Corentyne. But Granger can. Even Desmond Persaud, the statesman, wouldn't dare face the Indians, But David Granger can

Who started calling Desmond Hoyte Desmond Persaud. Was it blacks or Indians?

Obviously some Indians must have been benefitting for him to be called this.  I never heard any one talk about Forbes Singh.

Originally Posted by seignet:


David Granger is the only person from the PNC who has the personality to face the Indians at a public meeting place. Forbes Burnham couldn't dare to show his face on the Corentyne. But Granger can. Even Desmond Persaud, the statesman, wouldn't dare face the Indians, But David Granger can. Corbin definitely never ever venture to the Corentyne. But the Corentyne will lend David Granger their ears.


I look forward to their victory. God bless them. 

Point of correction


Both the Honorable Forbes Burnham and Desmond Hoyte were very much on the Corentyne. 


Originally Posted by Stormborn:
Originally Posted by Brian Teekah:

The people have a right to protest.  

Indeed they do but not to disrupt in a private gathering. 

Where and when you learned to read, on Sunday night?  EH Storm?


The invitation said the public was invited.  It was not a private function.  That was nobody's wedding.  It was open door.

Originally Posted by Brian Teekah:
Originally Posted by Stormborn:
Originally Posted by Brian Teekah:

The people have a right to protest.  

Indeed they do but not to disrupt in a private gathering. 

Where and when you learned to read, on Sunday night?  EH Storm?


The invitation said the public was invited.  It was not a private function.  That was nobody's wedding.  It was open door.

You may be invited but the invitation is for a purpose so those doing the inviting can convey their message. If you do not like the message then you can protest as others have at designated areas. No one has the right to prevent others from getting their message across.


I read and write quite well thank you. I was first tutored on my mothers knee and she is an avid scholar.  I am sure it was sound, comprehensive and beyond par. My record through primary, high, senior high, and three universities can attest to its competence.

Originally Posted by HM_Redux:
Originally Posted by Vish M:
Far from the truth.
NYPD elected to drop all charges at arrainment
I was present at both occasions.
Originally Posted by HM_Redux:


Violent PPP operative being taken away by New York's finest.


Are you saying that these 2 violent protestors were not arrested and charged by the NYPD and spend 72 hours in the lockdown?

The PPP need to tell their people to control their drinks and behave responsibly.

Originally Posted by HM_Redux:
Originally Posted by HM_Redux:
Originally Posted by Vish M:
Far from the truth.
NYPD elected to drop all charges at arrainment
I was present at both occasions.
Originally Posted by HM_Redux:


Violent PPP operative being taken away by New York's finest.


Are you saying that these 2 violent protestors were not arrested and charged by the NYPD and spend 72 hours in the lockdown?

The PPP need to tell their people to control their drinks and behave responsibly.

na collie do not behave bad its their natural habit 


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