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Originally Posted by Nehru:

Rass if only I knew Redux was posting from Berbice Mad House, I would have gone to Good Hope or Thriving and suck a few cold Coronas. I man out of here.

That's all you get to "suck".  what a life of deprivation.  Have fun, I-man heading out later to "suck" some JW-Black!

Originally Posted by baseman:

The shootings seem impromptu and reactive by the front-line forces.  There needs to be an investigation as to where the break-down occurred and why was there live ammo on these front lines of what was clearly unarmed protestors.

 The government of the day gets blamed. I am sure her majesty's government is blamed for a lot of things across the world from colonial times and rightly so. It is the condition of the rule in the empire that facilitated the evil. Bookers for example did not order the murder of the enmore workers nor did the PNC the shooting of the two guys who were killed on elections day 1973. They get blamed for it and rightly so. The PPP cannot avoid the blame here. The Police are agents of the administration.

Originally Posted by Stormborn:
Originally Posted by baseman:

The shootings seem impromptu and reactive by the front-line forces.  There needs to be an investigation as to where the break-down occurred and why was there live ammo on these front lines of what was clearly unarmed protestors.

 The government of the day gets blamed. I am sure her majesty's government is blamed for a lot of things across the world from colonial times and rightly so. It is the condition of the rule in the empire that facilitated the evil. Bookers for example did not order the murder of the enmore workers nor did the PNC the shooting of the two guys who were killed on elections day 1973. They get blamed for it and rightly so. The PPP cannot avoid the blame here. The Police are agents of the administration.

The Govt will hold an investigation and get to the bottom.  Sure the buck stops with the Govt of the day and they need to get to the bottom and give a credible explanation.  Until then, defer from conjecture.


The AFC with their supporters were on the spot with microphones in their hands. When they saw the thing was going to get out of control why didn't they ask for calm? They stood and looked at the situation worsening.   

Originally Posted by Ronald Sugrim:

The AFC with their supporters were on the spot with microphones in their hands. When they saw the thing was going to get out of control why didn't they ask for calm? They stood and looked at the situation worsening.   

 Dude, which of the ACF support staff was there and did not do anything? Again you are rattling off unfounded statements for no observable benefit except to tell a naked lie.


Dude you were not there. According to reliable reports members of the AFC were there. Tyres were assembled on the bridge long in advance.Why? And the crowds started to surge toward the police. The people were ordered to clear the bridge and they refused. The police went on the speaker system and asked the crowds to disperse and they refused. Instead they lit the tyres on fire and started to pelt bottles and other objects toward the police. Was this a crowd on a peaceful march?     

Originally Posted by Ronald Sugrim:

Dude you were not there. According to reliable reports members of the AFC were there. Tyres were assembled on the bridge long in advance.Why? And the crowds started to surge toward the police. The people were ordered to clear the bridge and they refused. The police went on the speaker system and asked the crowds to disperse and they refused. Instead they lit the tyres on fire and started to pelt bottles and other objects toward the police. Was this a crowd on a peaceful march?     

August 2 is not far off.  A lot of people will be left with egg in their face.  Then all instigators, prepare for the PPP retribution machine.  Prediction, the APNU will sign off and the AFC will reject and want to go to den Haag.

Originally Posted by warrior:

well then stop acting like slaves and fight for your rights,pick up the guns and stop talking,give me a chance to repect you

warrior if they were to do so you will scream otherwise and indeed those who showedd up to protest were tring to do so.  Peacefully initially until the police began to attack them.


careful what you wish for.

Originally Posted by Ronald Sugrim:

Dude you were not there. According to reliable reports members of the AFC were there. Tyres were assembled on the bridge long in advance.Why? And the crowds started to surge toward the police. The people were ordered to clear the bridge and they refused. The police went on the speaker system and asked the crowds to disperse and they refused. Instead they lit the tyres on fire and started to pelt bottles and other objects toward the police. Was this a crowd on a peaceful march?     

First before we get to who was there or not were their presence there reason to shoot them with live ammo? No one has that right and in stead of arguing the nonsensical with you that is the core of the issue. There was a dispute; citizen protested to voice their political dissent, agents of the administration decides to shoot them. That is wrong. Someone has to pay. Don't ask stupid question as if a protest was a peaceful march. Who died and at whose hands is what matters.

Originally Posted by baseman:
Originally Posted by Ronald Sugrim:

Dude you were not there. According to reliable reports members of the AFC were there. Tyres were assembled on the bridge long in advance.Why? And the crowds started to surge toward the police. The people were ordered to clear the bridge and they refused. The police went on the speaker system and asked the crowds to disperse and they refused. Instead they lit the tyres on fire and started to pelt bottles and other objects toward the police. Was this a crowd on a peaceful march?     

August 2 is not far off.  A lot of people will be left with egg in their face.  Then all instigators, prepare for the PPP retribution machine.  Prediction, the APNU will sign off and the AFC will reject and want to go to den Haag.

 Make a note of this post; it is predictable the government will stymie the investigation on all fronts.


They will begin to cry foul at the composition of the panel the manner of the investigation and the results. On the first, they will try to over load it with cronies, refuse international arbitration and drag that process out. If they do not get to load the panel they will regroup and take the second tact, stymie the investigation with useless procedural impasses.


If the panel rules against them some 3 years down the road after all the squabbles are cleared, they will denounce it as unjust and sycophants like you will still be on the victimization band wagon.


Why dont both the PPP and the PNC disappear and new parties replace them.  It ha s become clear to me that Guyana is way to polarized and there are people who will tolerate people being murdered because they exercise their right to protest.  It is obvious that the PPP ha s no tolerance to hear opinions that they dont like.  And its obvious that the police are totally incompetent in handling protests.  Despite the fact that the protests were announced many days in advance all the police could do is read the Riot Act and then shoot down when people didnt move.


In civilized countries the authorities meet with the leaders of the protest and work out some modus to allow them to exercise their rights without hurting the livelihoods of others.


Neither Ramotar, Rohee or whoever the Polic Commissioner is are smart enough to handle this issue.


So 4 died and a population is enraged.


YOU might be enraged but not the population. Speak for yourself in New Jersey or where ever. We live here  and I can tell you the population is not enraged. They understand the issues.

Originally Posted by Ronald Sugrim:

YOU might be enraged but not the population. Speak for yourself in New Jersey or where ever. We live here  and I can tell you the population is not enraged. They understand the issues.

 They are still in protest mode. They are doing that despite being in the dark and with everything at a stand still. Somebody has to be pissed. The government still has the bodies of their dead. I am sure if it was your brother you would want him to be in the ground by now.

Originally Posted by Stormborn:
Originally Posted by baseman:
Originally Posted by Ronald Sugrim:

Dude you were not there. According to reliable reports members of the AFC were there. Tyres were assembled on the bridge long in advance.Why? And the crowds started to surge toward the police. The people were ordered to clear the bridge and they refused. The police went on the speaker system and asked the crowds to disperse and they refused. Instead they lit the tyres on fire and started to pelt bottles and other objects toward the police. Was this a crowd on a peaceful march?     

August 2 is not far off.  A lot of people will be left with egg in their face.  Then all instigators, prepare for the PPP retribution machine.  Prediction, the APNU will sign off and the AFC will reject and want to go to den Haag.

 Make a note of this post; it is predictable the government will stymie the investigation on all fronts.


They will begin to cry foul at the composition of the panel the manner of the investigation and the results. On the first, they will try to over load it with cronies, refuse international arbitration and drag that process out. If they do not get to load the panel they will regroup and take the second tact, stymie the investigation with useless procedural impasses.


If the panel rules against them some 3 years down the road after all the squabbles are cleared, they will denounce it as unjust and sycophants like you will still be on the victimization band wagon.

This is a typical dunderhead reaction. The panel has not been appointed as yet but you already know the likely outcome.   

Originally Posted by Ronald Sugrim:
Originally Posted by Stormborn:
Originally Posted by baseman:
Originally Posted by Ronald Sugrim:

Dude you were not there. According to reliable reports members of the AFC were there. Tyres were assembled on the bridge long in advance.Why? And the crowds started to surge toward the police. The people were ordered to clear the bridge and they refused. The police went on the speaker system and asked the crowds to disperse and they refused. Instead they lit the tyres on fire and started to pelt bottles and other objects toward the police. Was this a crowd on a peaceful march?     

August 2 is not far off.  A lot of people will be left with egg in their face.  Then all instigators, prepare for the PPP retribution machine.  Prediction, the APNU will sign off and the AFC will reject and want to go to den Haag.

 Make a note of this post; it is predictable the government will stymie the investigation on all fronts.


They will begin to cry foul at the composition of the panel the manner of the investigation and the results. On the first, they will try to over load it with cronies, refuse international arbitration and drag that process out. If they do not get to load the panel they will regroup and take the second tact, stymie the investigation with useless procedural impasses.


If the panel rules against them some 3 years down the road after all the squabbles are cleared, they will denounce it as unjust and sycophants like you will still be on the victimization band wagon.

This is a typical dunderhead reaction. The panel has not been appointed as yet but you already know the likely outcome.   

 Why is it dunderhead? Is it because you do not take history as your guide? Note lindo creek remains investigated.  As I said, in the opening sentence, save the post.


This PPP government is as predictable as the morning sun. Note, a no confidence vote against the home affairs minister will be brought before parliament and what will be outlined is a pattern of failures  that makes him no longer a credible authority.


The PPP will of course resist that as well and refuse to budge. No one ever does wrong in the PPP. No minister was ever fired demoted or sanctioned for errors, malfeasance or simply being an ass as Lall was. They are a perfect party.


Ramotar re hired all of the jagdeo crew and it is widely believed that his administration was among the most vilely corrupt ever. Obviously they see nothing wrong and are a symbiotic organism,


Being blindly hopeful and calling me a dunderhead in light of your blissful state of ignorance will not make me a dunderhead. It makes me prudent even if I am wrong,


You are mixing piwari and casareep. The result does not match. In the first place the Panes is yet to be appointed and have its terms of reference. Let's wait for this to happen. Rohee is a different matter. This will be discussed in Parliament on a no-confidence motion. Let us await the outcome. 

Originally Posted by Ronald Sugrim:

You are mixing piwari and casareep. The result does not match. In the first place the Panes is yet to be appointed and have its terms of reference. Let's wait for this to happen. Rohee is a different matter. This will be discussed in Parliament on a no-confidence motion. Let us await the outcome. 

I do not know the reason or the objective of the stupid comparison about mixing piwari and casareep. Maybe that confused metaphor has its source in haphazard methodology of happenstance and ignorance from which you approach things hoping they fall into place.


Originally Posted by Ronald Sugrim:

YOU might be enraged but not the population. Speak for yourself in New Jersey or where ever. We live here  and I can tell you the population is not enraged. They understand the issues.

Most Guyanese rejet the PPP.  If you only hang out with PPP supporters you will only hear their views.


ANd unless you live in Linden you should not presume to know what they think.  Linden has far more economic challenges than just aboiut any other major town in Guyana, due to its strong dependence on a now privatized industry.


Get back to me when Guysuco is privatized, thousands of workers laid off and plants closed, and man who depended on that industry become impoverished.  The fact that Guysuco cannot exist without massive govt should give you pause while you cry that Linden is being unfairly subsidized.


Of course you wil generate two thousand excuses for Guysuco being subsidized as if it were not its mainly INDIAN workforc will suffer.

Originally Posted by Ronald Sugrim:

This is a typical dunderhead reaction. The panel has not been appointed as yet but you already know the likely outcome.   

We know what will happen because we have had 20 years of PPP track record of its elected dictatorship.  They listen to no one, not even their own supporters (hence their low turnout in the last election). They demand total control. but try to hide it behind a facade of "fairness".


When backed into a corner they will try to include socalled "independent" people, like Norman McLean, except that we will discover afterwards that there was quid pro quo, and that these will be mere soup lickers, tending to their own interests by doing what the PPP wants them to do.


All we need do is look at the Commission which "examined" the activities of the Phantoms, and then opined that they did not exist.  This when both those pro and anti PPP know that they did.


If because of the new found power of the oppoistion the Commission is indeed independent (it can only be if it falls under the auspicies of an international NGO/Agency), the PPP will scream and cry about "persecution" just as they did at the UN when two of their consultants opined that there is widespread disaffection towards the PPP from the African and mixed population.   The PPP cried and called them racists, but along came the 2011 election and proved them right.


Bet none of you will now dare dispute (as you did before the elcctions) that despite being in power for 20 years the PPP is MORE hated than ever by the African and mixed voters.  Not after the 2011 elections when APNU soared, despite being poorly organized and running and abysmally incompetent campaign.  We all expected that their performance would have been even worse than in 2006, when many of their supporters either didnt vote, or jumped to the AFC.

Originally Posted by caribny:
We know what will happen because we have had 20 years of PPP track record of its elected dictatorship.

1964-1992 => 28 Years = PNCR

1992-Date => 20 Years = PPP/C


A comparison, perhaps?

Originally Posted by Demerara_Guy:
Originally Posted by caribny:
We know what will happen because we have had 20 years of PPP track record of its elected dictatorship.

1964-1992 => 28 Years = PNCR

1992-Date => 20 Years = PPP/C


A comparison, perhaps?

YES.  Under both dictatorships protesters were attacked by govts who objected to their right to do so.


Linden rejected the PPP even more massively in 2011 than they did in 2006. They live and suffer under the PPP and have no wish to support them.  Examine for yourself why so many Lindeners came out in 2011, vas 2006 to reject the PPP.


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