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Gov’t open to further discussions on Linden electricity tariff – President Ramotar


Georgetown, GINA, July 20, 2012 -- Source - GINA


What the Government offered on April 19 in consultations with A Partnership for National Unity (APNU) with regards to the new electricity tariff structure for Linden and which they had agreed to but, subsequently reneged on, remains on the table for more discussion, President Donald Ramotar told the media this evening.


President Donald Ramotar at press conference at Office of the President this evening


“We spoke of gradualism and selectivity then and, we are prepared to discuss this proposal once again. My Administration is repeating its willingness with all stakeholders in order to find the best approach to bring Linden, over a specified time, to the same rates as the rest of the country. However, fruitful discussions cannot be had in the atmosphere that currently prevails, but we are ready to discuss all of these matters with all the stakeholders once normalcy is restored,” the Head of State said during a press conference at his Office.


The President reminded that Government has never tried to remove the entire subsidy at one go, but has put a system in place to gradually incorporate Linden with the rest of the country with respect to electricity rates.

The new rates being asked of Lindeners average about half of what others pay in Bartica, Berbice and Essequibo.

Under this new structure Lindeners will receive the first 50 kwh per month at the existing prices. The full cost for electricity in Linden is $ 75-80 per kwh; however, even after the first 50 kwh, bauxite pensioners will pay $50 per kwh, others $50 and commercial and industrial outfits will pay $ 65.

Since 1976, it was recognised by the late Forbes Burnham that the provision of electricity in Linden should be integrated into the national grid.

He reminded too, the full subsidy that Lindeners have been enjoying over the years, has become unsustainable.

In 2011, the $2.6B of electricity subsidy to Linden averaged out to about $17,000 per month, per household and this means, that about 4,000 to 5,000 domestic consumers in Linden received a subsidy of $204,000 per year each.

The President is calling on the leaders to act responsibly, since the current state of affairs is doing great harm to the Linden community. He also called on the local media to steer clear of sensationalism, which will only aggravate an already critical situation.


The principal way of improving electricity supply in Guyana is reducing technical and commercial losses. Reduction in technical losses requires investment that would see the doubling up of distribution networks; while a change in culture is needed for the reduction of commercial losses.

However, the average consumption of power in Linden at the domestic level is two to three times more than what it is in other parts of the grid.

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PSC meets President on Linden unrest


Georgetown, GINA, July 20, 2012 -- Source - GINA


Perturbed by the scenes of unrest in Linden, Region Ten, over the last two days, representatives of the Private Sector Commission (PSC) sought an audience with President Donald Ramotar and a team of government officials today.


A meeting with the opposition and the PSC was also scheduled for 15:00 h today according to outgoing Chairman Ramesh Dookhoo who told the Government Information Agency (GINA) that the President was trying his best to find solutions.


Private Sector Commission (PSC) member Captain Jerry Gouveia making his point to President Donald Ramotar, Head of the Presidential Secretariat Dr. Roger Luncheon and Minister of Finance Dr. Ashni Singh during a meeting on the unrest in Linden


The PSC had issued a press release calling for calm and the maintenance of peace following the ugly scene in the mining town that started off as a peaceful protest over Government’s decision to increase electricity tariff to the town’s residents that pay far less than other consumers on the national grid and use about three times more. The protest escalated with three persons losing their lives.

On Thursday, President Ramotar and a team of government officials engaged opposition political party members and key stakeholders at the national and regional levels in talks.  Concerns about the security situation in Linden were shared and the pledge of the administration to have a full investigation was reiterated by the President.


Head of the Presidential Secretariat Dr. Roger Luncheon speaking to members of the Private Sector Commission (PSC) in the company of President Donald Ramotar and Minister of Finance Dr. Ashni Singh


A specially-convened meeting of Cabinet and there were engagements with the Linden Chamber of Commerce.

Head of the Presidential Secretariat Dr. Roger Luncheon appeared on television reading a statement on behalf of the Government that the recent tragedy in Linden, has created much anguish and led to a determination by the Office of the President to uncover the details of the incident.


Since the unrest police have been dispatched to the community to reinforce the ranks already on the ground and the Joint Services are patrolling the area in light of more unrest.


The Govt is 100% on the right side of fairness and principle.  The PNC straddles both, understandably, as Linden is largely their constituency but They seem to understand the principle, the AFC 100% on the wrong side in terms of fairness and principle.


The AFC has become the fringe TEA party equivalent of Guyana ready to shout NO before the question is even asked.

Originally Posted by baseman:

The Govt is 100% on the right side of fairness and principle.  The PNC straddles both, understandably, as Linden is largely their constituency but They seem to understand the principle, the AFC 100% on the wrong side in terms of fairness and principle.


The AFC has become the fringe TEA party equivalent of Guyana ready to shout NO before the question is even asked.

That the PPP is fair and principled is quite a credibility stretch.. They are crooks, they lie, and they are marshaling every resource to maintain control of their prize, the state. It is a leech source to these parasites in office. Were they concerned with goodness and duty we would see reform to a direct representative system a long time ago. They would have conceded we have a race problem and seek to forge institutional fences against race intruding into politics. No, these crooks are intent on maintaining the prize.


As for the comparison to the TEA party and the AFC, it is as spurious as you erstwhile bigoted claims that black people are sub par. The AFC is liberal to its core and if conservatism and defamation of character is a benchmark of the TEA party. Look to the PPP, the Goebbels brothers in Misir and Kwame and their SS corp in their New Media group.

Originally Posted by Prashad:

The people is poor that is why they are on the streets protesting.  Give them a break.

Prashad, were you ever poor, and if you were, did you protest in the streets? 

Originally Posted by baseman:

The Govt is 100% on the right side of fairness and principle.  The PNC straddles both, understandably, as Linden is largely their constituency but They seem to understand the principle, the AFC 100% on the wrong side in terms of fairness and principle.


The AFC has become the fringe TEA party equivalent of Guyana ready to shout NO before the question is even asked.

When the Gov’t says that it is open to further discussions on Linden electricity tariff, it means that the Government will let them pay less for electricity by adjusting the phased in prices and schedules. Ramotar "we a watch you". If you only give in to the thugs because you are afraid of them, you will prove to us that you are no leader but a loser. "we a watch you rass".





Originally Posted by baseman:

The AFC has become the fringe TEA party equivalent of Guyana ready to shout NO before the question is even asked.

And the TEA will eventually be used up.

Originally Posted by Stormborn:
Originally Posted by baseman:

The Govt is 100% on the right side of fairness and principle.  The PNC straddles both, understandably, as Linden is largely their constituency but They seem to understand the principle, the AFC 100% on the wrong side in terms of fairness and principle.


The AFC has become the fringe TEA party equivalent of Guyana ready to shout NO before the question is even asked.

That the PPP is fair and principled is quite a credibility stretch.. They are crooks, they lie, and they are marshaling every resource to maintain control of their prize, the state. It is a leech source to these parasites in office. Were they concerned with goodness and duty we would see reform to a direct representative system a long time ago. They would have conceded we have a race problem and seek to forge institutional fences against race intruding into politics. No, these crooks are intent on maintaining the prize.


As for the comparison to the TEA party and the AFC, it is as spurious as you erstwhile bigoted claims that black people are sub par. The AFC is liberal to its core and if conservatism and defamation of character is a benchmark of the TEA party. Look to the PPP, the Goebbels brothers in Misir and Kwame and their SS corp in their New Media group.

I'm sure you will be welcomed, so why you wasting time.

Originally Posted by Dondadda:
Originally Posted by baseman:

The Govt is 100% on the right side of fairness and principle.  The PNC straddles both, understandably, as Linden is largely their constituency but They seem to understand the principle, the AFC 100% on the wrong side in terms of fairness and principle.


The AFC has become the fringe TEA party equivalent of Guyana ready to shout NO before the question is even asked.

When the Gov’t says that it is open to further discussions on Linden electricity tariff, it means that the Government will let them pay less for electricity by adjusting the phased in prices and schedules. Ramotar "we a watch you". If you only give in to the thugs because you are afraid of them, you will prove to us that you are no leader but a loser. "we a watch you rass".

The responsible thing for the PPP to do is agree in a phase-in for normal rates.  The other option would be to have a two-tiered system like the rest of the nation, allow the first tier to be lower than the national average, but have a 2nd tier rate which is higher than the national average.


This will ensure the poor segments are not dramatically impacted, but those splurging at 3-4 times the national average consumption will pay for the poor subsidy.


Now, tell me Caribj, Stormborn, Gerhard, God and the rest of you crya-babies, what is wrong with that?

Originally Posted by warrior:

and what will happen about the people that lose they lives,you will move them around like a chess peice.

Responsibility needs to come first before appropriate next steps are contemplated.  However, the GoG should consider compensation for wrongful death if deem so and seek to include all those who contributed to the precipitous events, not only the police.  People must be held accountable.

Originally Posted by baseman:
Originally Posted by Dondadda:
Originally Posted by baseman:

The Govt is 100% on the right side of fairness and principle.  The PNC straddles both, understandably, as Linden is largely their constituency but They seem to understand the principle, the AFC 100% on the wrong side in terms of fairness and principle.


The AFC has become the fringe TEA party equivalent of Guyana ready to shout NO before the question is even asked.

When the Gov’t says that it is open to further discussions on Linden electricity tariff, it means that the Government will let them pay less for electricity by adjusting the phased in prices and schedules. Ramotar "we a watch you". If you only give in to the thugs because you are afraid of them, you will prove to us that you are no leader but a loser. "we a watch you rass".

The responsible thing for the PPP to do is agree in a phase-in for normal rates.  The other option would be to have a two-tiered system like the rest of the nation, allow the first tier to be lower than the national average, but have a 2nd tier rate which is higher than the national average.


This will ensure the poor segments are not dramatically impacted, but those splurging at 3-4 times the national average consumption will pay for the poor subsidy.


Now, tell me Caribj, Stormborn, Gerhard, God and the rest of you crya-babies, what is wrong with that?

When we were growing up all the people in the village, Indians, Blacks, Portuguese and Dougla had no electricity. We could not have afforded it. We used gas lamps, lanterns, bottle lamps. We studied for our Exams using these alternatives.  If you can't afford electricity, don't use it - be inventive. There is no shame in doing this. You can't want to party all the time and play music and dance while the rest of the country sweating like rass "fuh pay you to have fun". No more freeness.


in every part of the world you have depress area,you do have the government putting more burden on the people but find ways to assists them,when a town is suffering its a bad reflection on a goverment in the eyes of the internetional world,i think this was a bad call on the goverment and they should find ways to correct it instead of being stuborn,that is what a good goverment do its never too late

Originally Posted by Dondadda:
Originally Posted by baseman:
Originally Posted by Dondadda:
Originally Posted by baseman:

The Govt is 100% on the right side of fairness and principle.  The PNC straddles both, understandably, as Linden is largely their constituency but They seem to understand the principle, the AFC 100% on the wrong side in terms of fairness and principle.


The AFC has become the fringe TEA party equivalent of Guyana ready to shout NO before the question is even asked.

When the Gov’t says that it is open to further discussions on Linden electricity tariff, it means that the Government will let them pay less for electricity by adjusting the phased in prices and schedules. Ramotar "we a watch you". If you only give in to the thugs because you are afraid of them, you will prove to us that you are no leader but a loser. "we a watch you rass".

The responsible thing for the PPP to do is agree in a phase-in for normal rates.  The other option would be to have a two-tiered system like the rest of the nation, allow the first tier to be lower than the national average, but have a 2nd tier rate which is higher than the national average.


This will ensure the poor segments are not dramatically impacted, but those splurging at 3-4 times the national average consumption will pay for the poor subsidy.


Now, tell me Caribj, Stormborn, Gerhard, God and the rest of you crya-babies, what is wrong with that?

When we were growing up all the people in the village, Indians, Blacks, Portuguese and Dougla had no electricity. We could not have afforded it. We used gas lamps, lanterns, bottle lamps. We studied for our Exams using these alternatives.  If you can't afford electricity, don't use it - be inventive. There is no shame in doing this. You can't want to party all the time and play music and dance while the rest of the country sweating like rass "fuh pay you to have fun". No more freeness.

True, however students doing lil reaserch cannot fire-up the internet to access data via gas lamps...yes, Guyanese kids do this.  So, in as much as people found solutions back then, such may not be appropriate today.  There are many other things back then which we do not and will never accept today.


Affordable electricity is a right if available however, this must be within the context of the national average.  One group should never be allowed to unfairly benefit at the expense of the rest. We all want to see cheaper power for all Guyanese however, that's a separate topic of discussion.


Ramotar must not flinch, he has to stand by his guns and neutralize the rabble rousers and their pawns.  Buxton was a lesson that must not be repeated, straighten these entitlement seekers before they keep seeking more, or else soon it will be protest for free liquor, food and loud music. 

Originally Posted by BGurd_See:

Ramotar must not flinch, he has to stand by his guns and neutralize the rabble rousers and their pawns.  Buxton was a lesson that must not be repeated, straighten these entitlement seekers before they keep seeking more, or else soon it will be protest for free liquor, food and loud music

Rarely have I heard a rant this insane.


You come up with this stuff all by yourself?


I hope the FBI is monitoring this site . . . we don't need more fantasists acting out as in Colorado yesterday.

Originally Posted by baseman:
Originally Posted by Dondadda:
Originally Posted by baseman:
Originally Posted by Dondadda:
Originally Posted by baseman:

The Govt is 100% on the right side of fairness and principle.  The PNC straddles both, understandably, as Linden is largely their constituency but They seem to understand the principle, the AFC 100% on the wrong side in terms of fairness and principle.


The AFC has become the fringe TEA party equivalent of Guyana ready to shout NO before the question is even asked.

When the Gov’t says that it is open to further discussions on Linden electricity tariff, it means that the Government will let them pay less for electricity by adjusting the phased in prices and schedules. Ramotar "we a watch you". If you only give in to the thugs because you are afraid of them, you will prove to us that you are no leader but a loser. "we a watch you rass".

The responsible thing for the PPP to do is agree in a phase-in for normal rates.  The other option would be to have a two-tiered system like the rest of the nation, allow the first tier to be lower than the national average, but have a 2nd tier rate which is higher than the national average.


This will ensure the poor segments are not dramatically impacted, but those splurging at 3-4 times the national average consumption will pay for the poor subsidy.


Now, tell me Caribj, Stormborn, Gerhard, God and the rest of you crya-babies, what is wrong with that?

When we were growing up all the people in the village, Indians, Blacks, Portuguese and Dougla had no electricity. We could not have afforded it. We used gas lamps, lanterns, bottle lamps. We studied for our Exams using these alternatives.  If you can't afford electricity, don't use it - be inventive. There is no shame in doing this. You can't want to party all the time and play music and dance while the rest of the country sweating like rass "fuh pay you to have fun". No more freeness.

True, however students doing lil reaserch cannot fire-up the internet to access data via gas lamps...yes, Guyanese kids do this.  So, in as much as people found solutions back then, such may not be appropriate today.  There are many other things back then which we do not and will never accept today.


Affordable electricity is a right if available however, this must be within the context of the national average.  One group should never be allowed to unfairly benefit at the expense of the rest. We all want to see cheaper power for all Guyanese however, that's a separate topic of discussion.

Base, what have Lindeners done to alleviate their own situation? The GOG should never have given them subsidized electricity in the first place. Libraries could be provided with internet access for those who want to use it. The GOG should not have provided Lindeners with one free laptop per family if they can't pay for electricity to run it. But then Lindeners would cry racism nah? 

Originally Posted by Dondadda:
Originally Posted by baseman:
Originally Posted by Dondadda:
Originally Posted by baseman:

The responsible thing for the PPP to do is agree in a phase-in for normal rates.  The other option would be to have a two-tiered system like the rest of the nation, allow the first tier to be lower than the national average, but have a 2nd tier rate which is higher than the national average.


This will ensure the poor segments are not dramatically impacted, but those splurging at 3-4 times the national average consumption will pay for the poor subsidy.


Now, tell me Caribj, Stormborn, Gerhard, God and the rest of you crya-babies, what is wrong with that?

When we were growing up all the people in the village, Indians, Blacks, Portuguese and Dougla had no electricity. We could not have afforded it. We used gas lamps, lanterns, bottle lamps. We studied for our Exams using these alternatives.  If you can't afford electricity, don't use it - be inventive. There is no shame in doing this. You can't want to party all the time and play music and dance while the rest of the country sweating like rass "fuh pay you to have fun". No more freeness.

True, however students doing lil reaserch cannot fire-up the internet to access data via gas lamps...yes, Guyanese kids do this.  So, in as much as people found solutions back then, such may not be appropriate today.  There are many other things back then which we do not and will never accept today.


Affordable electricity is a right if available however, this must be within the context of the national average.  One group should never be allowed to unfairly benefit at the expense of the rest. We all want to see cheaper power for all Guyanese however, that's a separate topic of discussion.

Base, what have Lindeners done to alleviate their own situation? The GOG should never have given them subsidized electricity in the first place. Libraries could be provided with internet access for those who want to use it. The GOG should not have provided Lindeners with one free laptop per family if they can't pay for electricity to run it. But then Lindeners would cry racism nah? 

Hi Dondadda, i agree with you.  I am being generous with regards to unwinding the situation.  Linden and its electricity model is steeped in history.  It should be unwound and normalized with the rest of the nation.  Lindeners have no more or no less privileges and rights than the rest of Guyana.

Originally Posted by redux:
Originally Posted by BGurd_See:

Ramotar must not flinch, he has to stand by his guns and neutralize the rabble rousers and their pawns.  Buxton was a lesson that must not be repeated, straighten these entitlement seekers before they keep seeking more, or else soon it will be protest for free liquor, food and loud music

Rarely have I heard a rant this insane.


You come up with this stuff all by yourself?


I hope the FBI is monitoring this site . . . we don't need more fantasists acting out as in Colorado yesterday.

Redux, are you a stranger to the truth? The truth alone shall prevail my friend. If the FBI monitoring this site you can bet that you are top of their careful what you ask for.

Originally Posted by Dondadda:
Originally Posted by redux:
Originally Posted by BGurd_See:

Ramotar must not flinch, he has to stand by his guns and neutralize the rabble rousers and their pawns.  Buxton was a lesson that must not be repeated, straighten these entitlement seekers before they keep seeking more, or else soon it will be protest for free liquor, food and loud music

Rarely have I heard a rant this insane.


You come up with this stuff all by yourself?


I hope the FBI is monitoring this site . . . we don't need more fantasists acting out as in Colorado yesterday.

Redux, are you a stranger to the truth? The truth alone shall prevail my friend. If the FBI monitoring this site you can bet that you are top of their careful what you ask for.

I am one of the members who requested that they do so.


Beyond the PPP criminals and cockroaches infected with the "Roger Khan Syndrome" . . ., the FBI now have to worry about Guyana racists in basement apartments acting out 'revenge' fantasies . . .



Originally Posted by redux:
Originally Posted by Dondadda:
Originally Posted by redux:
Originally Posted by BGurd_See:

Ramotar must not flinch, he has to stand by his guns and neutralize the rabble rousers and their pawns.  Buxton was a lesson that must not be repeated, straighten these entitlement seekers before they keep seeking more, or else soon it will be protest for free liquor, food and loud music

Rarely have I heard a rant this insane.


You come up with this stuff all by yourself?


I hope the FBI is monitoring this site . . . we don't need more fantasists acting out as in Colorado yesterday.

Redux, are you a stranger to the truth? The truth alone shall prevail my friend. If the FBI monitoring this site you can bet that you are top of their careful what you ask for.

I am one of the members who requested that they do so.


Beyond the PPP criminals and cockroaches infected with the "Roger Khan Syndrome" . . ., the FBI now have to worry about Guyana racists in basement apartments acting out 'revenge' fantasies . . .



Is it OK to refer to you as an FBI rat?

Originally Posted by redux:
Originally Posted by BGurd_See:

Ramotar must not flinch, he has to stand by his guns and neutralize the rabble rousers and their pawns.  Buxton was a lesson that must not be repeated, straighten these entitlement seekers before they keep seeking more, or else soon it will be protest for free liquor, food and loud music

Rarely have I heard a rant this insane.


You come up with this stuff all by yourself?


I hope the FBI is monitoring this site . . . we don't need more fantasists acting out as in Colorado yesterday.

 They do monitor all sites. They do not do to physically unless it is a high priority site.  A smart bot or spider feeds a carnivore type systems that spits out warnings. The mere mention of certain key words flags a warning. The reference to FBI will trigger one, so will phrases like guns and neutralize etc/ Additionally, the US embassy in GY and the state department desk watches sites as these to clue themselves to what is going on. We may not know much but we are the summer swallow for many issues and persons of interest. But they will know Drugabeer is a nut more than a danger.

Originally Posted by Dondadda:
Originally Posted by redux:
Originally Posted by Dondadda:
Originally Posted by redux:
Originally Posted by BGurd_See:

Ramotar must not flinch, he has to stand by his guns and neutralize the rabble rousers and their pawns.  Buxton was a lesson that must not be repeated, straighten these entitlement seekers before they keep seeking more, or else soon it will be protest for free liquor, food and loud music

Rarely have I heard a rant this insane.


You come up with this stuff all by yourself?


I hope the FBI is monitoring this site . . . we don't need more fantasists acting out as in Colorado yesterday.

Redux, are you a stranger to the truth? The truth alone shall prevail my friend. If the FBI monitoring this site you can bet that you are top of their careful what you ask for.

I am one of the members who requested that they do so.


Beyond the PPP criminals and cockroaches infected with the "Roger Khan Syndrome" . . ., the FBI now have to worry about Guyana racists in basement apartments acting out 'revenge' fantasies . . .



Is it OK to refer to you as an FBI rat?

That was just to get your attention dude.

Originally Posted by redux:
Originally Posted by Dondadda:
Originally Posted by redux:
Originally Posted by BGurd_See:

Ramotar must not flinch, he has to stand by his guns and neutralize the rabble rousers and their pawns.  Buxton was a lesson that must not be repeated, straighten these entitlement seekers before they keep seeking more, or else soon it will be protest for free liquor, food and loud music

Rarely have I heard a rant this insane.


You come up with this stuff all by yourself?


I hope the FBI is monitoring this site . . . we don't need more fantasists acting out as in Colorado yesterday.

Redux, are you a stranger to the truth? The truth alone shall prevail my friend. If the FBI monitoring this site you can bet that you are top of their careful what you ask for.

I am one of the members who requested that they do so.


Beyond the PPP criminals and cockroaches infected with the "Roger Khan Syndrome" . . ., the FBI now have to worry about Guyana racists in basement apartments acting out 'revenge' fantasies . . .



A little bit of "Burnhamism" I see.  Now did you provide them this example of what you referring to when you says "racist fantasies being acted out".


Did you provide them the video of "enough of the coolies" chants of APNU supporters in Nomination day?


I guess those are "freedom fighter" sentiments.

Originally Posted by baseman:
Originally Posted by redux:
Originally Posted by Dondadda:
Originally Posted by redux:
Originally Posted by BGurd_See:

Ramotar must not flinch, he has to stand by his guns and neutralize the rabble rousers and their pawns.  Buxton was a lesson that must not be repeated, straighten these entitlement seekers before they keep seeking more, or else soon it will be protest for free liquor, food and loud music

Rarely have I heard a rant this insane.


You come up with this stuff all by yourself?


I hope the FBI is monitoring this site . . . we don't need more fantasists acting out as in Colorado yesterday.

Redux, are you a stranger to the truth? The truth alone shall prevail my friend. If the FBI monitoring this site you can bet that you are top of their careful what you ask for.

I am one of the members who requested that they do so.


Beyond the PPP criminals and cockroaches infected with the "Roger Khan Syndrome" . . ., the FBI now have to worry about Guyana racists in basement apartments acting out 'revenge' fantasies . . .



A little bit of "Burnhamism" I see.  Now did you provide them this example of what you referring to when you says "racist fantasies being acted out".


Did you provide them the video of "enough of the coolies" chants of APNU supporters in Nomination day?


I guess those are "freedom fighter" sentiments.

nah . . . I'm kinda looking at unhinged Guyana dudes in their basement apartments . . . in the good ol' USA . . . fantasizing about 'powah'!


Your "Burnhamism" demagoguery . . . meh

Originally Posted by baseman:

A little bit of "Burnhamism" I see.  Now did you provide them this example of what you referring to when you says "racist fantasies being acted out".


Did you provide them the video of "enough of the coolies" chants of APNU supporters in Nomination day?


I guess those are "freedom fighter" sentiments.

Dude, what the hell does that has to do with Burnhamism? That is a disciple of RK and a former hit man for the PPP turn rogue on their asses. His motives may be to glean some political benefit but to say it is burnamism is to troll for some racist currency. 


If on nomination day APNU supporters did as you suggest why are you surprised? I have seen you say never the PNC meaning black people. Actually you stated flatly you do not think they count for much.


But yours or their cry is the hypocrisy of our politics. No one want to admit they fight for the state as a prize, race based hegemony.

Originally Posted by Stormborn:
Originally Posted by baseman:

A little bit of "Burnhamism" I see.  Now did you provide them this example of what you referring to when you says "racist fantasies being acted out".


Did you provide them the video of "enough of the coolies" chants of APNU supporters in Nomination day?


I guess those are "freedom fighter" sentiments.

Dude, what the hell does that has to do with Burnhamism? That is a disciple of RK and a former hit man for the PPP turn rogue on their asses. His motives may be to glean some political benefit but to say it is burnamism is to troll for some racist currency. 


If on nomination day APNU supporters did as you suggest why are you surprised? I have seen you say never the PNC meaning black people. Actually you stated flatly you do not think they count for much.


But yours or their cry is the hypocrisy of our politics. No one want to admit they fight for the state as a prize as a racist hegemony.

Wow, you certain have dropped any shades of tact you one tried to show.

Originally Posted by baseman:
Originally Posted by Stormborn:
Originally Posted by baseman:

A little bit of "Burnhamism" I see.  Now did you provide them this example of what you referring to when you says "racist fantasies being acted out".


Did you provide them the video of "enough of the coolies" chants of APNU supporters in Nomination day?


I guess those are "freedom fighter" sentiments.

Dude, what the hell does that has to do with Burnhamism? That is a disciple of RK and a former hit man for the PPP turn rogue on their asses. His motives may be to glean some political benefit but to say it is burnamism is to troll for some racist currency. 


If on nomination day APNU supporters did as you suggest why are you surprised? I have seen you say never the PNC meaning black people. Actually you stated flatly you do not think they count for much.


But yours or their cry is the hypocrisy of our politics. No one want to admit they fight for the state as a prize as a racist hegemony.

Wow, you certain have dropped any shades of tact you one tried to show.

 There should be no tact about political truths that hurt people. Indians are racist and so are Africans. The PPP or the PNC have never sought to face it head on. That is why there are people like yourselves persisting in the world and carrying around all that racist baggage and presuming you have some genetic under pinning that makes you better. Do you think you constantly call me buck because you think it is a nice word? It is because you are a low life racist.


As with my arguments with Caribj, I care little if you are a racist or not. I do not want to change you. If you cannot see the wisdom in changing that is your burden. I however want to change the way you would let your racism intrude into social life. It should not.


Unfortunately, both sides of the equation still hold to their views for dear life pretending racism does not exist. Fore that reason I support the AFC. It is the only means to make for a mediating tone and this is not because I believe them to be judicious or good. It is because I believe that under certain power arrangements certain behaviors emerge. In this case it is to check the PPP, reveal their corruption and then to let the public hold all of them to a new reality.


Now you go and chew on that. Yes, I do not trust the Guyanese Indian no less than I would trust the African. Both of you have a sense of entitlement that is offensive. Is that not why the PPP, despite their 20 years in office and not doing a damn thing for demarcating Amerindian lands now try to corrupt Amerindian loyalties by pretending this budget cut is the bane to their land rights?


Now that is naked despicable politicking on the backs of a people they set out to rob.  This is the very party that refused 200k in the 90's from the WB to demarcate lands. Worse, in setting up this LCDS system, the Amerindian was not included  by default ( even though their lands was in the accounting in valuing the money to come) Amerindians had to opt in! Yes both political groups are playing games while people are hurt.



Originally Posted by baseman:

Did you provide them the video of "enough of the coolies" chants of APNU supporters in Nomination day?

Well, let's see . . . people in the APNU crowd chant "we fed up wid de coolies" and are admonished by one of their number that this is not appropriate.


So . . . what of it?  


Are you unaware of the [much worse] rhetoric @ PPP battam house meetings, eh? . . .  or when the PPP guy @ the Berbice rally was caught on videotape making, ahem, a few choice observations about AFC perfidy and Blackman.


Ohh, rite, my bad . . . i guess that doesn't count.

Originally Posted by redux:
Originally Posted by baseman:

Did you provide them the video of "enough of the coolies" chants of APNU supporters in Nomination day?

Well, let's see . . . people in the APNU crowd chant "we fed up wid de coolies" and are admonished by one of their number that this is not appropriate.


So . . . what of it?  


Are you unaware of the [much worse] rhetoric @ PPP battam house meetings, eh? . . .  or when the PPP guy @ the Berbice rally was caught on videotape making, ahem, a few choice observations about AFC perfidy and Blackman.


Ohh, rite, my bad . . . i guess that doesn't count.

Well, it says a lot of the mass messaging of the PNC to their supporters, they were in complete unisys.


Please post the evidence of the "PPP bottom house meeting".

Originally Posted by baseman:
Originally Posted by redux:
Originally Posted by baseman:

Did you provide them the video of "enough of the coolies" chants of APNU supporters in Nomination day?

Well, let's see . . . people in the APNU crowd chant "we fed up wid de coolies" and are admonished by one of their number that this is not appropriate.


So . . . what of it?  


Are you unaware of the [much worse] rhetoric @ PPP battam house meetings, eh? . . .  or when the PPP guy @ the Berbice rally was caught on videotape making, ahem, a few choice observations about AFC perfidy and Blackman.


Ohh, rite, my bad . . . i guess that doesn't count.

Well, it says a lot of the mass messaging of the PNC to their supporters, they were in complete unisys.


Please post the evidence of the "PPP bottom house meeting".

My question was to your awareness . . .


BTW, "unisys" is not a word. Stop making up illiterate shit; restate, and then explain how the PNC "mass messaging" is worse than the recent Chronicle editorial

Last edited by Former Member
Originally Posted by Ronald Sugrim:

We are not aware of the battam house and the rally to which you refer. Post them please. 

Who is the royal we you are talking about? Do they know that you speak in their name?


Ask or poke around the GNI archives, circa last November, regarding video of the character many on GNI were calling "ramakant."


I really have little time to waste on stupid people.

Originally Posted by redux:
Originally Posted by baseman:
Originally Posted by redux:
Originally Posted by baseman:

Did you provide them the video of "enough of the coolies" chants of APNU supporters in Nomination day?

Well, let's see . . . people in the APNU crowd chant "we fed up wid de coolies" and are admonished by one of their number that this is not appropriate.


So . . . what of it?  


Are you unaware of the [much worse] rhetoric @ PPP battam house meetings, eh? . . .  or when the PPP guy @ the Berbice rally was caught on videotape making, ahem, a few choice observations about AFC perfidy and Blackman.


Ohh, rite, my bad . . . i guess that doesn't count.

Well, it says a lot of the mass messaging of the PNC to their supporters, they were in complete unisys.


Please post the evidence of the "PPP bottom house meeting".

My question was to your awareness . . .


BTW, "unisys" is not a word. Stop making up illiterate shit; restate, and then explain how the PNC "mass messaging" is worse than the recent Chronicle editorial

The jackass, the onus is on you to provide evidence of such.  My assertion was based on the mass chants, this was not an accident.


Anyway, regarding the Linden incident, go quarrel with Leroy Brummel.  I hope he becomes the next Commissioner.

Originally Posted by redux:
Originally Posted by Ronald Sugrim:

We are not aware of the battam house and the rally to which you refer. Post them please. 

Who is the royal we you are talking about? Do they know that you speak in their name?


Ask or poke around the GNI archives, circa last November, regarding video of the character many on GNI were calling "ramakant."


I really have little time to waste on stupid people.

How many times have you said that, and you still "wasting time" with stupid people.

Originally Posted by baseman:
Originally Posted by redux:
Originally Posted by Ronald Sugrim:

We are not aware of the battam house and the rally to which you refer. Post them please. 

Who is the royal we you are talking about? Do they know that you speak in their name?


Ask or poke around the GNI archives, circa last November, regarding video of the character many on GNI were calling "ramakant."


I really have little time to waste on stupid people.

How many times have you said that, and you still "wasting time" with stupid people.

Oh nooo . . . I have all the time in the world to put cockroaches like you in your place.


WHAT I won't waste my time doing is unecessary research for stupid people

Originally Posted by redux:
Originally Posted by baseman:
Originally Posted by redux:
Originally Posted by Ronald Sugrim:

We are not aware of the battam house and the rally to which you refer. Post them please. 

Who is the royal we you are talking about? Do they know that you speak in their name?


Ask or poke around the GNI archives, circa last November, regarding video of the character many on GNI were calling "ramakant."


I really have little time to waste on stupid people.

How many times have you said that, and you still "wasting time" with stupid people.

Oh nooo . . . I have all the time in the world to put cockroaches like you in your place.


WHAT I won't waste my time doing is unecessary research for stupid people

But I'm running wild, so look like you are a failed model.  Now, back to th drawing board.


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