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Cobra posted:

Granger is living in luxury and are taking away the democratic rights of Guyana by rigging the election, the hospitals are like a refugee camp --- people are paying taxes, and Guyana is not at war --where is the money going, with less than a million people -- what the hell is going on?

Please go to source!

Stormy, come in with your comments on this. I know that you have the interest of our first peoples at heart.


Granger mind is working like clock on how to w/hore out $300 million dollars on Guyana's 50th independence. Who dead, dead. His independence day for criminal release is in order for next month. He already hoisted a 70 pound flag that weighs as much as uncle John goody. The good thing is, uncle john can fetch his goody from Alexander Village to Metropole cinema without help, but Granger and his army men failed eleven time to hoist Burnham goody up the tallest pole. Who dead, dead. No money for hospitals and sick people. AFC is silent on all of this because Granger get them where he wants them. Welcome to change!


Last edited by Former Member
Cobra posted:

Granger mind is working like clock on how to w/hore out $300 million dollars on Guyana's 50th independence. Who dead, dead. His independence day for criminal release is in order for next month. He already hoisted a70 pound flag that weighs as much as uncle John goody. The good thing is, uncle john can fetch his goody from Alexander Village to Metropole cinema without help, but Granger and his army men failed eleven time to hoist Burnham goody up the tallest pole. Who dead, dead. No money for hospitals and sick people. AFC is silent on all of this because Granger get them where he wants them. Welcome to change!


Suh you desecrating Guyana Flag,you were not doing that when PPP was in power.

Django posted:
Cobra posted:

Granger mind is working like clock on how to w/hore out $300 million dollars on Guyana's 50th independence. Who dead, dead. His independence day for criminal release is in order for next month. He already hoisted a70 pound flag that weighs as much as uncle John goody. The good thing is, uncle john can fetch his goody from Alexander Village to Metropole cinema without help, but Granger and his army men failed eleven time to hoist Burnham goody up the tallest pole. Who dead, dead. No money for hospitals and sick people. AFC is silent on all of this because Granger get them where he wants them. Welcome to change!


Suh you desecrating Guyana Flag,you were not doing that when PPP was in power.

Yes, Django. Plain and simple. I will wipe my ass with it in public. You asked for it, you get it. What next?

Cobra posted:
Django posted:
Cobra posted:

Granger mind is working like clock on how to w/hore out $300 million dollars on Guyana's 50th independence. Who dead, dead. His independence day for criminal release is in order for next month. He already hoisted a70 pound flag that weighs as much as uncle John goody. The good thing is, uncle john can fetch his goody from Alexander Village to Metropole cinema without help, but Granger and his army men failed eleven time to hoist Burnham goody up the tallest pole. Who dead, dead. No money for hospitals and sick people. AFC is silent on all of this because Granger get them where he wants them. Welcome to change!


Suh you desecrating Guyana Flag,you were not doing that when PPP was in power.

Yes, Django. Plain and simple. I will wipe my ass with it in public. You asked for it, you get it. What next?

Suh why you complaining,you have no respect for the flag nor the country.

Django posted:
Cobra posted:
Django posted:
Cobra posted:

Granger mind is working like clock on how to w/hore out $300 million dollars on Guyana's 50th independence. Who dead, dead. His independence day for criminal release is in order for next month. He already hoisted a70 pound flag that weighs as much as uncle John goody. The good thing is, uncle john can fetch his goody from Alexander Village to Metropole cinema without help, but Granger and his army men failed eleven time to hoist Burnham goody up the tallest pole. Who dead, dead. No money for hospitals and sick people. AFC is silent on all of this because Granger get them where he wants them. Welcome to change!


Suh you desecrating Guyana Flag,you were not doing that when PPP was in power.

Yes, Django. Plain and simple. I will wipe my ass with it in public. You asked for it, you get it. What next?

Suh why you complaining,you have no respect for the flag nor the country.

Django, that my business and not yours. I have my birth right to opine where i see fit, and you nor Granger will take that away from me.

PS. If a Black woman can skin she cyat in public and piss on a PPP flag, why I can't shit on Guyana flag or wipe my ass with it?


Cobra posted:

Granger is living in luxury and are taking away the democratic rights of Guyana by rigging the election, the hospitals are like a refugee camp --- people are paying taxes, and Guyana is not at war --where is the money going, with less than a million people -- what the hell is going on?

Please go to source!

And Black People see nothing wrong with this.  

Them gon rob coolies and Granger will set them Free.  

Cobra posted:
Django posted:
Cobra posted:
Django posted:
Cobra posted:

Granger mind is working like clock on how to w/hore out $300 million dollars on Guyana's 50th independence. Who dead, dead. His independence day for criminal release is in order for next month. He already hoisted a70 pound flag that weighs as much as uncle John goody. The good thing is, uncle john can fetch his goody from Alexander Village to Metropole cinema without help, but Granger and his army men failed eleven time to hoist Burnham goody up the tallest pole. Who dead, dead. No money for hospitals and sick people. AFC is silent on all of this because Granger get them where he wants them. Welcome to change!


Suh you desecrating Guyana Flag,you were not doing that when PPP was in power.

Yes, Django. Plain and simple. I will wipe my ass with it in public. You asked for it, you get it. What next?

Suh why you complaining,you have no respect for the flag nor the country.

Django, that my business and not yours. I have my birth right to opine where i see fit, and you nor Granger will take that away from me.

PS. If a Black woman can skin she cyat in public and piss on a PPP flag, why I can't shit onGuyana flag or wipe my ass with it?


Big difference between the two,maybe your feeling is they should fly the PPP flag and take down the Golden Arrow Head,then you will be happy man,well my countryman that aint gonna happen.

Django posted:
Cobra posted:
Django posted:
Cobra posted:
Django posted:
Cobra posted:

Granger mind is working like clock on how to w/hore out $300 million dollars on Guyana's 50th independence. Who dead, dead. His independence day for criminal release is in order for next month. He already hoisted a70 pound flag that weighs as much as uncle John goody. The good thing is, uncle john can fetch his goody from Alexander Village to Metropole cinema without help, but Granger and his army men failed eleven time to hoist Burnham goody up the tallest pole. Who dead, dead. No money for hospitals and sick people. AFC is silent on all of this because Granger get them where he wants them. Welcome to change!


Suh you desecrating Guyana Flag,you were not doing that when PPP was in power.

Yes, Django. Plain and simple. I will wipe my ass with it in public. You asked for it, you get it. What next?

Suh why you complaining,you have no respect for the flag nor the country.

Django, that my business and not yours. I have my birth right to opine where i see fit, and you nor Granger will take that away from me.

PS. If a Black woman can skin she cyat in public and piss on a PPP flag, why I can't shit onGuyana flag or wipe my ass with it?


Big difference between the two,maybe your feeling is they should fly the PPP flag and take down the Golden Arrow Head,then you will be happy man,well my countryman that aint gonna happen.

Bro, a flag is a flag and I never said to fly PPP flag in place of Guyana flag. This is not the first time you're misquoting me. Don't get any deeper than this before you hurt yourself. If you're not use to Cobra's comments, get use to it because you ain't see nothing yet. Peace out!

Cobra posted:

Granger is living in luxury and are taking away the democratic rights of Guyana by rigging the election, the hospitals are like a refugee camp --- people are paying taxes, and Guyana is not at war --where is the money going, with less than a million people -- what the hell is going on?

Please go to source!

Beyond doubt that is a place for the dying. That it is so 3 decades after democracy is horrific. This ward needs more than accommodations. It needs a good set of doctors. The infant and mother mortality is too high.  Serious money needs to be invested here.

Cobra posted:


There is no money for hospitals and sick people, only for Granger boys. Mother and child can go to hell.

Signed: APNU/AFC

6 thousand dollars a month is pittance. This is not the cause of the hospital being sub par. The others 23 years to do the job. They instead filled their pockets and become rich patricians. I hope they never see office again in their life time.

Last edited by Former Member
Drugb posted:

Notice the afc/apnu apologists and usual suspects are absent from this thread.  Storm, CaribJ and Redux have their so far up Granger's butt that they say it smells like out away perfume. 

Man, you need to shut your sick mouth. Your screwed up reasoning knows no bound. Why is this hospital in this state presently?  Surely the present administration is not miracle workers. The PPP had 23 years an their neglect in health care is palatable. If at the closing of this administration at the next elections this place is not restored to some measure of functional utility then you can open your ugly mouth.

Stormborn posted:
Cobra posted:


There is no money for hospitals and sick people, only for Granger boys. Mother and child can go to hell.

Signed: APNU/AFC

6 thousand dollars a month is pittance. This is not the cause of the hospital being sub par. The others 23 years to do the job. They instead filled their pockets and become rich patricians. I hope they never see office again in their life time.

Quit focusing on 23 past years and get with the program today. Address the issue of a mother and child sleeping on the floor in the maternity ward. Enough with your foolishness.

Cobra posted:
Stormborn posted:
Cobra posted:


There is no money for hospitals and sick people, only for Granger boys. Mother and child can go to hell.

Signed: APNU/AFC

6 thousand dollars a month is pittance. This is not the cause of the hospital being sub par. The others 23 years to do the job. They instead filled their pockets and become rich patricians. I hope they never see office again in their life time.

Quit focusing on 23 past years and get with the program today. Address the issue of a mother and child sleeping on the floor in the maternity ward. Enough with your foolishness.

The problem here is legacy. It is not removed overnight. The whole system has to be rebooted and retrofitted. Given the cash starved state of affairs one cannot expect remedies overnight. I believe there is an infusion of foriegn aid coming here but that alone cannot solve the problem. There has to be a turn over of personnel and practices and that takes time. Additionally, sleeping on the floor is the least of the problem. Not having sufficiently qualified OBGYN has caused us the lives of many babies and their mothers.

I commented on theis hospital many times over t he years. When have you sought to address its inefficiencies except as you bigoted mind hope to glean some measure of political coin? This hospital should not be in the state it is presently. That is completely a cause of the woeful neglect and terrible management of the PPP

Stormborn posted:
Drugb posted:

Notice the afc/apnu apologists and usual suspects are absent from this thread.  Storm, CaribJ and Redux have their so far up Granger's butt that they say it smells like out away perfume. 

Man, you need to shut your sick mouth. Your screwed up reasoning knows no bound. Why is this hospital in this state presently?  Surely the present administration is not miracle workers. The PPP had 23 years an their neglect in health care is palatable. If at the closing of this administration at the next elections this place is not restored to some measure of functional utility then you can open your ugly mouth.

Nonsense, instead of 50% increases and funding of sporting for their supporters, this money could have gone to buy a few extra beds for the hospital. Instead the govt choose their own comfort over that of the citizens.  You are shameless to keep supporting these bunch of squatters in office and to keep making excuse after excuse to explain away their incompetence. 

Drugb posted:
Stormborn posted:
Drugb posted:

Notice the afc/apnu apologists and usual suspects are absent from this thread.  Storm, CaribJ and Redux have their so far up Granger's butt that they say it smells like out away perfume. 

Man, you need to shut your sick mouth. Your screwed up reasoning knows no bound. Why is this hospital in this state presently?  Surely the present administration is not miracle workers. The PPP had 23 years an their neglect in health care is palatable. If at the closing of this administration at the next elections this place is not restored to some measure of functional utility then you can open your ugly mouth.

Nonsense, instead of 50% increases and funding of sporting for their supporters, this money could have gone to buy a few extra beds for the hospital. Instead the govt choose their own comfort over that of the citizens.  You are shameless to keep supporting these bunch of squatters in office and to keep making excuse after excuse to explain away their incompetence. 

Their salary increase did not bring this decrepit state about. It is PPP neglect and crony capitalism. Remember they had a rapist minister with oversight capacity then they replaced him with Gollum who was complicit in  Guyana's extrajudicial outrages. What were these if not complete skunks in office given patients were sharing beds in the 23rd year of their rule? Chew on that you creep.


Stormborn posted:

Their salary increase did not bring this decrepit state about. It is PPP neglect and crony capitalism. Remember they had a rapist minister with oversight capacity then they replaced him with Gollum who was complicit in  Guyana's extrajudicial outrages. What were these if not complete skunks in office given patients were sharing beds in the 23rd year of their rule? Chew on that you creep.


You will keep saying this for the next 5 years I suppose. Those in power must be held accountable, you need to take off your blinders and hold these new breed of crooks liable for their corrupt actions even though you supported their ascension to power. 


Help is on the way to ease the overcrowding situation which was happening under the PPP watch. Women were sharing beds and they did nothing to help.


Mom photographed breastfeeding newborn under bed at GPHC


–    probe launched
The Georgetown Public Hospital Corporation (GPHC) has launched an investigation following the publication of an image, showing a mother breastfeeding her newborn under a bed at the facility’s Maternity Unit.

The mother breastfeeding her newborn under a bed at GPHC. [Photo credit: Citizensreportgy)

The mother breastfeeding her newborn under a bed at GPHC. (Photo credit: Citizensreportgy)

The image appeared in some sections of the media yesterday and prompted the hospital to immediately launch a probe. A source from the medical institution said that both mother and baby have been discharged.
The source said that the situation occurred some time back, but could not say when.
While it is unclear why the mother was photographed lying under a bed with her baby, the hospital is known to have a “bed situation” where four persons at times are forced to be on one bed—- two mothers and their newborns. However, the situation never reached the point where mothers were forced to sleep under beds, the hospital said.
Minister of Public Health, Dr. George Norton, could not be reached for a comment.
Meanwhile, as a result of overcrowding at the ward, the government, in the 2016 National Budget, set aside $89M for the development of the facility’s maternity unit.
A new wing attached to the current structure will be completed this month. Apart from the extension, the unit will benefit from table-top foetal heart rate monitors, hand-held foetal heart monitors and portable ultrasound machines.
The facility will feature 50 beds and a 17-bed Neonatal Intensive Care Unit (NICU), an Operating Theatre and birthing rooms that are soundproof.
“The beds will not be so cramped. Sharing a bed will be something in the past,” Norton had emphasised.
This newspaper was told that since the opening of the maternity unit in 1988, adequate spacing has always been a challenge.
A medical worker in the maternity ward admitted that there is sometimes a bed shortage at the facility but that this is not often the case.
“We have different seasons. Sometimes we have a lot of pregnant mothers. Then there are times when we don’t have that many, and beds are free then. So no matter how many more beds we get, the situation will still be the same,” the source opined.
The hospital delivers approximately 400 babies monthly from February to May, and in 300s in June and July. The number climbs back up to the 400s in August. This continues to fluctuate for the rest of the year. The total amounts to 60 percent of the babies born in Guyana.

Drugb posted:
cain posted:

Yabba Dabba Dooooo

Look how you fall to muttering gibberish at the plight of unfortunate Guyanese under this uncaring administration. When PPP were in power you would bleed these types of situations for all that you could get. 

You are a sick hypocrite who cannot accept the stark truth that had there been better in the previous administration these conditions would not exist today. Instead, their abject neglect over two decades is now used as fodder for your complaint of the present administration

Drugb posted:
cain posted:

Yabba Dabba Dooooo

Look how you fall to muttering gibberish at the plight of unfortunate Guyanese under this uncaring administration. When PPP were in power you would bleed these types of situations for all that you could get. 

Yabba Yabba Yabba....that's how much sense you are all making with this after knowing fully well this shit has be ongoing since during your hero's time and before that.

I agree lots of upgrading has to be carried out in Guyana's hospitals.

cain posted:
Drugb posted:
cain posted:

Yabba Dabba Dooooo

Look how you fall to muttering gibberish at the plight of unfortunate Guyanese under this uncaring administration. When PPP were in power you would bleed these types of situations for all that you could get. 

Yabba Yabba Yabba....that's how much sense you are all making with this after knowing fully well this shit has be ongoing since during your hero's time and before that.

I agree lots of upgrading has to be carried out in Guyana's hospitals.

The PNC had 11 months to remedy this situation. Instead they run around the country giving out bicycles, raises to themselves, money for sporting and expensive overseas trips to their membership. It is a crying shame that Granger, Nagamootoo and Harmon flying around the world in first class and this woman have to sleep and nurse her newborn under a bed. How callous can you folks be to go to such great lengths to excuse these crooks in power. Having straight hair and brown skin don't make one less of a human. 

The mother breastfeeding her newborn under a bed at GPHC. [Photo credit: Citizensreportgy)

Stormborn posted:
Drugb posted:
cain posted:

Yabba Dabba Dooooo

Look how you fall to muttering gibberish at the plight of unfortunate Guyanese under this uncaring administration. When PPP were in power you would bleed these types of situations for all that you could get. 

You are a sick hypocrite who cannot accept the stark truth that had there been better in the previous administration these conditions would not exist today. Instead, their abject neglect over two decades is now used as fodder for your complaint of the present administration

You are the biggest hypocrite of all. Under the PPP you were like a pit bull at the least pot hole in the road. Now we have instance after instance of the PNC displaying their incompetency and yet you continue to wear your blinders and sell your soul in this path of denial. 


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