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David Granger

August 2 , 2020



I have seen the ‘declaration’ issued by the Chairman of the Elections Commission, Justice (Ret’d) Claudette Singh, SC, CCH, in accordance with the Constitution of the Cooperative Republic of Guyana (at Article 177 (2)), on 2nd August 2020.

I have stated, repeatedly, from the start of the electoral process, that the A Partnership for National Unity + Alliance For Change (APNU+AFC) Coalition would respect the lawful ‘declaration’ of the Elections Commission.  I have never altered this position and I do now acknowledge the ‘declaration.’

The APNU+AFC Coalition respects the lawful consequences of the ‘declaration’ as announced by the Chairman of the Elections Commission. I maintain that the Report ordered by the Court and presented to the Commission contains significant anomalies and irregularities.

The APNU+AFC Coalition cannot endorse a flawed Report and will continue its campaign to ensure that the votes of all Guyanese are accurately recorded, tallied and reported.

The APNU+AFC Coalition will challenge the declared results lawfully, peacefully and purposefully. The Coalition asks its members, supporters and friends – who have been patient throughout our campaign and a prolonged legal process in our Courts – to continue to conduct themselves in a lawful and peaceful manner.

I express my appreciation to all Guyanese who have participated in the General and Regional Elections 2020. I thank every member of the Alliance For Change, Guyana Action Party, Justice For All Party, National Front Alliance, People’s National Congress Reform and Working People’s Alliance and everyone else who supported the APNU+AFC Coalition. They brought passion and patriotism to bear on the conduct of this important democratic exercise.

May God bless the people of Guyana.

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What you know now is what I knew all along. Granger will exit peacefully without any escalation. He can now file an election petition and present his proof of fraud and irregularities. 

@Former Member posted:

What you know now is what I knew all along. Granger will exit peacefully without any escalation.

He can now file an election petition and present his proof of fraud and irregularities. 

We will find out when the petition is filed and the matter comes up for hearing.


The PPP 2015 petition is yet to be heard. That takes priority. PNC will have to wait five years 

With Basil Jackass Williams defending them, their case will once again be thrown out. 

@Django posted:

We will find out when the petition is filed and the matter comes up for hearing.

Cool with me. I embrace fairness. If I know APNU wins, they should be in office but not after the petition is filed.

@Former Member posted:

Cool with me. I embrace fairness. If I know APNU wins, they should be in office but not after the petition is filed.

"If " there is an early hearing and the court ruled there was irregularities ,with evidence presented ,new elections will be before 2025.

Last edited by Django

Granger couldn't present its SOP's, why do you think he has proof to present at the court. All in all, he has the right to a fair hearing of his claims. 

Last edited by Former Member
@Former Member posted:

Granger couldn't present its SOP's,

why do you think he has proof to present at the court. All in all, he had the right to a fair hearing of his claims. 

It's way past SOPS. The Observation Reports of the Recount are the evidence.

@Former Member posted:

Granger couldn't present its SOP's, why do you think he has proof to present at the court. All in all, he has the right to a fair hearing of his claims. 

Correct, the PNC will have to furnish their SOPs as part of any challenge.  So they are already in a deficit position.  I don't see the petition have a chance in hell.  It will prove the PNC full of shit!


Statements of Recount - SORs - is the focused results on the election.

The Recount process was available to all of the approved foreign and local representatives and groups; who/which received the statement for each polling station signed by the respective representatives for each party.

Will be of interest to see what PNCR/APNU/AFC will present to the court.


It would be difficult to lose an elections petition if the Chief Elections Officer is your star witness.  The Coalition should quickly file the necessary papers and then mobilize protests for an early hearing.  As Django said, it is more than likely that there will elections before 2025.


I predict the PNC petition will quickly fizzle.  That show they put on during the recount and spurious claims don't hold water in a court of law.  You have to substantiate each claim.

Mark my words, the PNC will not complete this process.  The PPP should dare them by requesting the court expedite their Petition.


I am afraid this is the ultimate demise of the PNC.  Each passing day of those 5 long months made it worse for them.  The next elections will see some young bright faces as opposition.  

@alena06 posted:

I am afraid this is the ultimate demise of the PNC.

 Each passing day of those 5 long months made it worse for them.  The next elections will see some young bright faces as opposition.  

Don't count on it.

@Former Member posted:

The PNC is a dinosaur party. They will reload, reform, and come back stronger. I wish them good luck in the future.

They need to exorcise themselves of those Burnham relics and bring forward people with progressive and 21st Century ideals.  They will be back, but I predict no earlier than 2030. 

@Former Member posted:

They need to exorcise themselves of those Burnham relics and bring forward people with progressive and 21st Century ideals.  They will be back, but I predict no earlier than 2030. 

Would the PPP term be 5years less the 5 months?  ie: 2nd March to 2nd August     -5mths.


Given the record of the PPP, 2035 looks more plausible for a PNC victory. I predict that younger blacks will join smaller parties and further split the PNC votes. This might very well be the end of the PNC.

PPP will have a great deal of blacks in high profile positions. This does not bode well for the PNC.

It's an easy solution, Afro Guyanese represent 29 percent of the population, any government should have that amount of representation. 70 percent of the population are non Afros so its a very simple solution.

@Former Member posted:

Given the record of the PPP, 2035 looks more plausible for a PNC victory. I predict that younger blacks will join smaller parties and further split the PNC votes. This might very well be the end of the PNC.

PPP will have a great deal of blacks in high profile positions. This does not bode well for the PNC.

It's an easy solution, Afro Guyanese represent 29 percent of the population, any government should have that amount of representation. 70 percent of the population are non Afros so its a very simple solution.

Oblige me to weigh in, Seanji. PNC is not a democratic party. Not before, not now. But they have time to redeem themselves. If they lose the opportunity to come clean for the sake of Guyana and the wealth we are sitting on, then they will doom. People are people with needs. They will go against the tide for their own livelihood. Acha, Bhaya?

Last edited by Former Member
@Totaram posted:

It would be difficult to lose an elections petition if the Chief Elections Officer is your star witness.  The Coalition should quickly file the necessary papers and then mobilize protests for an early hearing.  As Django said, it is more than likely that there will elections before 2025.

Holding unto rotten rope, you want to bet PPP will serve TWO terms.

@kp posted:

Holding unto rotten rope, you want to bet PPP will serve TWO terms.

In the preface to his report Lowenfield stated that the results do not reflect the will of the people.   I have never heard of the Chief Elections Officer of a country making such a statement.  That's a dream witness in an elections petition.  

@Totaram posted:

In the preface to his report Lowenfield stated that the results do not reflect the will of the people.   I have never heard of the Chief Elections Officer of a country making such a statement.  That's a dream witness in an elections petition.  

Added three GECOM , pro gov't Commisioners walked out after the report was submitted.

@Totaram posted:

In the preface to his report Lowenfield stated that the results do not reflect the will of the people.   I have never heard of the Chief Elections Officer of a country making such a statement.  That's a dream witness in an elections petition.  

Is this the same CEO who unilaterally disenfranchise 115k voters, then when that failed, added votes to exceed total votes cast?

Is this the same honcho we talking ‘bout?

@Former Member posted:

Is this the same CEO who unilaterally disenfranchise 115k voters, then when that failed, added votes to exceed total votes cast?

Is this the same honcho we talking ‘bout?

He will be a tainted witness.


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