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Former Member

Excerpt from Granger's Independence message to the nation.


The majority of the Guyanese people are poor. They are aware of the damage that has been wrought on the nation under the People’s Progressive Party/Civic (PPP/C) Administration for nearly 22 years. They must now contemplate the celebration of our 50th anniversary of Independence two years from now in May 2016. They must be able to  look forward to a ‘good life’ under a new Government.

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telling everu body what they already know will not lead to victory.  Meeting them, listening to them, sharing ideas with them and JOINTLY attempting to implement these ideas might lead to his victory.


So much that cobra seems to be putting himself in line for PNC soup in case that PPP bowl becomes empty!


I ate enough cow heel soup in my days bro, but don't get the wrong idea. Granger look like a real politician on his recent visit, but I still don't have confidence in his leadership.

Originally Posted by Cobra:

I ate enough cow heel soup in my days bro, but don't get the wrong idea. Granger look like a real politician on his recent visit, but I still don't have confidence in his leadership.

SSSSHHHH, I am not going to tell the PPP that you are protecting your access to soup if their bowl runs dry.


The actions of the opposition in parliament is a wake-up call for people who did not forgot the difficult days of the PNC years in office. Dictatorship is gone but it can come again. Don't let anyone kid you that it can never happen again. It can happen if you sit and be complacent. Granger's visit to Richmond Hill is no assurance to the people of Guyana that his party won't resort to the dictatorial rule. The AFC is now in big trouble. They have lost most of their supporters. The PPP will come back strong and Moses will become irrelevant.


Billy Ram Balgobin
Originally Posted by Billy Ram Balgobin:

The actions of the opposition in parliament is a wake-up call for people who did not forgot the difficult days of the PNC years in office. Dictatorship is gone but it can come again. Don't let anyone kid you that it can never happen again. It can happen if you sit and be complacent. Granger's visit to Richmond Hill is no assurance to the people of Guyana that his party won't resort to the dictatorial rule. The AFC is now in big trouble. They have lost most of their supporters. The PPP will come back strong and Moses will become irrelevant.


another Robb street ho cockroach crawling around after midnite . . . where are my shoes?

Last edited by Former Member

The PPP is not perfect but they are still the best choice. They have done a fantastic job in helping the poor with education, improved medical care, housing, and jobs. Personal incomes have grown and businesses have prospered. We need this trend to continue. Guyana is a better country today.

Billy Ram Balgobin
Originally Posted by Billy Ram Balgobin:

The PPP is not perfect but they are still the best choice. They have done a fantastic job in helping the poor with education, improved medical care, housing, and jobs. Personal incomes have grown and businesses have prospered. We need this trend to continue. Guyana is a better country today.

where are my cacaroach-stomping shoes damn it


wada hell . . . anybady got Raid?

Originally Posted by Billy Ram Balgobin:

The PPP is not perfect but they are still the best choice. They have done a fantastic job in helping the poor with education, improved medical care, housing, and jobs. Personal incomes have grown and businesses have prospered. We need this trend to continue. Guyana is a better country today.

1.  Unemployment estimated at 20% and with Guyanese paid wages that most Caribbean people will be shocked at how unbelievable low, and developing a new understanding why Guyanese flee to their little islands.


2.  Guyana LAST in the % of kids completing high school and the average passes in English and Math.


3.  Health care so abominable that Jagdeo gets diarrhea and flees to Florida AT TAX PAYERS' expense.


4.  Guyana having the HIGHEST incidence of child labor in the English speaking Caribbean.


If this is what the PPP is proud of Lord help us!

Originally Posted by Cobra:

Excerpt from Granger's Independence message to the nation.


The majority of the Guyanese people are poor. They are aware of the damage that has been wrought on the nation under the People’s Progressive Party/Civic (PPP/C) Administration for nearly 22 years. They must now contemplate the celebration of our 50th anniversary of Independence two years from now in May 2016. Theymust be able to  look forward to a ‘good life’ under a new Government.

Correct ... a new PPPC government in 2016 with many younger individuals.

Originally Posted by Demerara_Guy:
Originally Posted by Cobra:

Excerpt from Granger's Independence message to the nation.


The majority of the Guyanese people are poor. They are aware of the damage that has been wrought on the nation under the People’s Progressive Party/Civic (PPP/C) Administration for nearly 22 years. They must now contemplate the celebration of our 50th anniversary of Independence two years from now in May 2016. Theymust be able to  look forward to a ‘good life’ under a new Government.

Correct ... a new PPPC government in 2016 with many younger individuals.


DG is correct as usual.


PPP's majority in 2016 must be a diverse Cabinet with young and fresh blood representing the face of current Guyana. Guyana will enjoy economic prosperity under a PPP majority.


It's time that Indo-Guyanese in RH stand above the mud slinging politics and show Granger a good time. We were never the kind to hold grudges. Even though Granger look like a states man on his visit to NY, that is not enough to make him president. The face that he showed us here is different from the face he's taking back home. Let's not forget that remittance to our love ones is shrink to half, and the non-passage of the anti-money laundering bill will affect the re-migrants and their investments in Guyana. It will affect you and I to sent money to fund our investment. It will affect all of us. Granger is giving Guyanese a basket to fetch water. If you people can't smell the return of dictatorship, then you're stupid. Not once Granger put Guyana before politics since he became the opposition. He is swimming against the tide to send Guyanese further into the abyss.


Last edited by Former Member
Originally Posted by Nehru:

I admire a man with confidence. Granger seems to be confident.


Dont's be fooled by that "show" of confidence. This is the man who was part of the Burnham Rigging Machinery. He was an integral part of the most feared GDF during the PNC days.


Let us not forget Berbicians who were shot and killed during the 1973 Elections. To this day, the PNC refuses to apologize to Indo Guyanese for their wrongdoings. They are staunchly defended by the likes of carib and now joined by the AFC.

Originally Posted by Demerara_Guy:
Originally Posted by Cobra:

Excerpt from Granger's Independence message to the nation.


The majority of the Guyanese people are poor. They are aware of the damage that has been wrought on the nation under the People’s Progressive Party/Civic (PPP/C) Administration for nearly 22 years. They must now contemplate the celebration of our 50th anniversary of Independence two years from now in May 2016. Theymust be able to  look forward to a ‘good life’ under a new Government.

Correct ... a new PPPC government in 2016 with many younger individuals.

Is that the sum total of your intelligence?

Originally Posted by Demerara_Guy:
Originally Posted by Kari:
Is that the sum total of your intelligence?

Continue with your struggles to gain just an iota.

And these are the people who Kari thinks will vote APNU of Granger apologizes.


Yeah right!

Last edited by Former Member
Originally Posted by caribny:
Originally Posted by Demerara_Guy:
Originally Posted by Kari:
Is that the sum total of your intelligence?

Continue with your struggles to gain just an iota.

And these are the people who Kari thinks will vote APNU of Granger apologizes.


Yeah right!

D_G is one of those fringe people I refer to. So don't go thinking he's representative of most Guyanese. He thinks like one of the 5% PPP Oligarchy.

Originally Posted by Demerara_Guy:
Originally Posted by Cobra:

Excerpt from Granger's Independence message to the nation.


The majority of the Guyanese people are poor. They are aware of the damage that has been wrought on the nation under the People’s Progressive Party/Civic (PPP/C) Administration for nearly 22 years. They must now contemplate the celebration of our 50th anniversary of Independence two years from now in May 2016. Theymust be able to  look forward to a ‘good life’ under a new Government.

Correct ... a new PPPC government in 2016 with many younger individuals.

kwame for president 

Originally Posted by Cobra:

Excerpt from Granger's Independence message to the nation.


The majority of the Guyanese people are poor. They are aware of the damage that has been wrought on the nation under the People’s Progressive Party/Civic (PPP/C) Administration for nearly 22 years. They must now contemplate the celebration of our 50th anniversary of Independence two years from now in May 2016. They must be able to  look forward to a ‘good life’ under a new Government.

Me nah know about this.


Is nah suh you does win elections, you have to get down with the people in the villages.


Anything else is PASS WIND!

Originally Posted by Kari:

D_G is one of those fringe people I refer to. So don't go thinking he's representative of most Guyanese. He thinks like one of the 5% PPP Oligarchy.

yeah right.  The PPP only won 5% of the Indian vote and all the others followed Nagamootoo.


When it comes to politics in Guyana there is nothing called "Guyanese".  There are two tribes, with the remaining 15% watching on in fear.

Originally Posted by KishanB:
Originally Posted by Cobra:

Excerpt from Granger's Independence message to the nation.


The majority of the Guyanese people are poor. They are aware of the damage that has been wrought on the nation under the People’s Progressive Party/Civic (PPP/C) Administration for nearly 22 years. They must now contemplate the celebration of our 50th anniversary of Independence two years from now in May 2016. They must be able to  look forward to a ‘good life’ under a new Government.

Me nah know about this.


Is nah suh you does win elections, you have to get down with the people in the villages.


Anything else is PASS WIND!

Full agreement with you.  Telling people that all is bad because he is in the opposition, and that it will magically change if he wins is seriously baby politics.  EVERY politician says so, and then forgets the next day of he wins.


Guyana has always had a TOP DOWN type of politics because we have only had dictators.  Janet Jagan, Forbes Burnham and Bharat Jagdeo.


Granger will pleasantly surprise if he LISTENS, SHARES, and doesn't TELL After all the people know their problems and maybe even the solutions more than some bureaucrat sitting in parliament in Georgetown.




I believe you were the host of weekend tv show called "spotlight on Guyana". I believe you were very much in support of the ruling PPP. Why suddenly have you turned around and started to attack this party?

Billy Ram Balgobin
Last edited by Billy Ram Balgobin
Originally Posted by Billy Ram Balgobin:



I believe you were the host of weekend tv show called "spotlight on Guyana". I believe you were very much in support of the ruling PPP. Why suddenly have you turned around and started to attack this party?

Because the PPP is ROTTEN.

Originally Posted by KishanB:
Originally Posted by Cobra:

Excerpt from Granger's Independence message to the nation.


The majority of the Guyanese people are poor. They are aware of the damage that has been wrought on the nation under the People’s Progressive Party/Civic (PPP/C) Administration for nearly 22 years. They must now contemplate the celebration of our 50th anniversary of Independence two years from now in May 2016. They must be able to  look forward to a ‘good life’ under a new Government.

Me nah know about this.


Is nah suh you does win elections, you have to get down with the people in the villages.


Anything else is PASS WIND!


Duh is abvious. Is nat racket science yuh sayin. Hey hey

Originally Posted by Cobra:

Excerpt from Granger's Independence message to the nation.


The majority of the Guyanese people are poor. They are aware of the damage that has been wrought on the nation under the People’s Progressive Party/Civic (PPP/C) Administration for nearly 22 years. They must now contemplate the celebration of our 50th anniversary of Independence two years from now in May 2016. They must be able to  look forward to a ‘good life’ under a new Government.

Smoking some dry fowl sh!t and then he mek this statement.

Originally Posted by KishanB:
Originally Posted by Cobra:

Excerpt from Granger's Independence message to the nation.


The majority of the Guyanese people are poor. They are aware of the damage that has been wrought on the nation under the People’s Progressive Party/Civic (PPP/C) Administration for nearly 22 years. They must now contemplate the celebration of our 50th anniversary of Independence two years from now in May 2016. They must be able to  look forward to a ‘good life’ under a new Government.

Smoking some dry fowl sh!t and then he mek this statement.

Come 2016, PPP 56%, PNC 41% AFC 3%.  All wash and tun donk.

Originally Posted by Billy Ram Balgobin:

The AFC does not realize that their alliance with the PNC is alienating those who voted for them. They are busy doing the PPP a favor.  Dumb guys111



So why yuh worrying, Billy?

It's for the AFC to worry whom it's alienating.

Originally Posted by Billy Ram Balgobin:

The AFC does not realize that their alliance with the PNC is alienating those who voted for them. They are busy doing the PPP a favor.  Dumb guys111



You are the dumb ass.


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