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Former Member

David Granger has blood on his hands...

-If a junior officer, Harripaul knew about it, it is inconceivable to think that Granger may not have been one of the planners, and possibly the architect of this operation

David Granger & Malcom Harripaul served in the GDF together

Harry Gill: By former GDF officer Malcolm Harripaul’s own admission, the 1973 National Election was rigged to prevent the PPP and their communist leader, Dr. Jagan from forming the government. This he said was done with the approval of the US Government.
Burnham depended heavily on the GDF to facilitate this rigging. David Granger was Burnham’s Political Liaison Officer at the GDF during the rigging. If a junior officer, Harripaul knew about it, it is inconceivable to think that Granger may not have been one of the planners, and possibly the architect of this operation. After all, he was “fighting on the side of irreligion and untruth because he was fulfilling his duty to the Crown.”
And if he played no part in it, perhaps David Granger may wish to explain to the voters why Forbes Burnham would have left out his Political Liaison Officer in the planning of this operation that deliberately and illegally stole the 1973 election from the PPP, and disenfranchise the will of the Guyanese people.

Replies sorted oldest to newest

Mr McLean and Mr Nacimento were the riggers. They're working for President Ramotar at OP. House of Israel murderers are working for Jagdeo/Ramotar/Luncheon/Ashni Singh/Brassington. The murderers are working for the thieves. 


Pure nonsense. Mr Granger was not the head of the army in 1973. This lie was exposed in the media in Guyana. Even the PPP don't bring this up. Only the racists like Harry Gill, Rev and Yuji do that.

Originally Posted by JB:

Mr McLean and Mr Nacimento were the riggers. They're working for President Ramotar at OP. House of Israel murderers are working for Jagdeo/Ramotar/Luncheon/Ashni Singh/Brassington. The murderers are working for the thieves. 

David Granger was Burnham’s Political Liaison Officer at the GDF during the rigging. If a junior officer, Harripaul knew about it, it is inconceivable to think that Granger may not have been one of the planners, and possibly the architect of this operation

Originally Posted by JB:

Pure nonsense. Mr Granger was not the head of the army in 1973. This lie was exposed in the media in Guyana. Even the PPP don't bring this up. Only the racists like Harry Gill, Rev and Yuji do that.


David Granger was Burnham’s Political Liaison Officer at the GDF during the rigging. If a junior officer, Harripaul knew about it, it is inconceivable to think that Granger may not have been one of the planners, and possibly the architect of this operation

Originally Posted by yuji22:
Originally Posted by JB:

Pure nonsense. Mr Granger was not the head of the army in 1973. This lie was exposed in the media in Guyana. Even the PPP don't bring this up. Only the racists like Harry Gill, Rev and Yuji do that.


David Granger was Burnham’s Political Liaison Officer at the GDF during the rigging. If a junior officer, Harripaul knew about it, it is inconceivable to think that Granger may not have been one of the planners, and possibly the architect of this operation

Yea just like how Ramotar know where Brassington bank the thieving money.


yuji22, I am not going to defend Granger.

Don't think the PPP had only angels in its membership.

Who set fire to the Abraham family's home on Hadfield Street in 1964 at night and roasted the family to death? Who shot PPP defector Sydney Sukhu in the early 1970s?

Who used to pelt the homes of sugar workers who didn't join GAWU strikes?

Yes, yuji22, the PPP had its fair share of thugs and hit men too.

Some people allege that Roger Khan and the Phantom Gang were the PPP/C brainchild.

Granger may have blood on his hands, but he is not alone. No party is innocent and without blemish.

Originally Posted by Gilbakka:

yuji22, I am not going to defend Granger.

Don't think the PPP had only angels in its membership.

Who set fire to the Abraham family's home on Hadfield Street in 1964 at night and roasted the family to death? Who shot PPP defector Sydney Sukhu in the early 1970s?

Who used to pelt the homes of sugar workers who didn't join GAWU strikes?

Yes, yuji22, the PPP had its fair share of thugs and hit men too.

Some people allege that Roger Khan and the Phantom Gang were the PPP/C brainchild.

Granger may have blood on his hands, but he is not alone. No party is innocent and without blemish.




Are you then saying that the PNC did not rig elections and murdered the ballot box heroes of Berbice ?

Originally Posted by yuji22:
Originally Posted by Gilbakka:

yuji22, I am not going to defend Granger.

Don't think the PPP had only angels in its membership.

Who set fire to the Abraham family's home on Hadfield Street in 1964 at night and roasted the family to death? Who shot PPP defector Sydney Sukhu in the early 1970s?

Who used to pelt the homes of sugar workers who didn't join GAWU strikes?

Yes, yuji22, the PPP had its fair share of thugs and hit men too.

Some people allege that Roger Khan and the Phantom Gang were the PPP/C brainchild.

Granger may have blood on his hands, but he is not alone. No party is innocent and without blemish.




Are you then saying that the PNC did not rig elections and murdered the ballot box heroes of Berbice ?

yuji22, I'm not saying that at all. I know firsthand the PNC rigged elections. I nearly didn't get to vote in 1973. I know the joint forces under PNC regime command shot and killed the 2 men in Berbice. And, in 1985, I was a PPP polling clerk in South Georgetown. I witnessed multiple voting.

What I'm saying is: we have to be fair.

Just as how you object that Granger and the PNC have blood on their hands, thousands of voters can object that the PPP also has blood on its hands.

I gave three examples and I can give a fourth.

Peter Taylor was publisher of the Argosy/Evening News newspaper which opposed the PPP government in the early 1960s. He was shot but survived. Who shot him?

I ask the question rhetorically but some people know the truth.

I stick to my point that both the PNC and PPP have blood on their hands.

yuji22, I've mentioned before that I was a card-carrying PPP activist for over two decades. When I joined the PPP as a young man in 1969, some older comrades told me privately what they did during the racial disturbances in 1962-64. I say no more.


As Gilbakka rightly said... 

during the height of the

PPP/ PNC struggle for control of Guyana...

both sides did things to survive and stay alive.......

and they did so.... by any and all means necessary.


Those who know....Know....

And this is on both sides....

they do not talk about it.....


But now, today.... 

there are Parasites, Cocka-roaches, Crab Louse, Vultures,

Funny Fellas and Supporters of Buggery 

who do not know PPP/PNC record sponge off the struggle of the past......

and they now come here and

want to Re-paint history all over for us.


These "Johonny-come-lately Crab Louse"

will turn their attack on Past Great PPP fighters like

Moses, Ralph, Ramjattan, Boyo Ramsaroop,  O'Lall, .......


while they will sing Praises for

Current PPP Corrupt Crooks

who support and practice Buggery....

Like Jagabat, Manny, Kwame, Lamumba,

Kit Nascimento, McClean, Gouviea,

Bobby, Bynoe, Hamilton, Edghill.....


It seems....their Love and acceptance of Buggery

make them Blind ........

and they cannot see

the Corruption, Dishonesty, Thiefing, 

Narco Trafficing, Gun Smuggleing, Money Laundering,

Stealing of State Property, Govt Buildings,

Special Permits and License, 

The Awarding of Contracts 

and  other Forms of Dishonesty in Govt.....

practiced openly today in Guyana. 

Last edited by Former Member
Originally Posted by Gilbakka:
Originally Posted by yuji22:
Originally Posted by Gilbakka:

yuji22, I am not going to defend Granger.

Don't think the PPP had only angels in its membership.

Who set fire to the Abraham family's home on Hadfield Street in 1964 at night and roasted the family to death? Who shot PPP defector Sydney Sukhu in the early 1970s?

Who used to pelt the homes of sugar workers who didn't join GAWU strikes?

Yes, yuji22, the PPP had its fair share of thugs and hit men too.

Some people allege that Roger Khan and the Phantom Gang were the PPP/C brainchild.

Granger may have blood on his hands, but he is not alone. No party is innocent and without blemish.




Are you then saying that the PNC did not rig elections and murdered the ballot box heroes of Berbice ?

yuji22, I'm not saying that at all. I know firsthand the PNC rigged elections. I nearly didn't get to vote in 1973. I know the joint forces under PNC regime command shot and killed the 2 men in Berbice. And, in 1985, I was a PPP polling clerk in South Georgetown. I witnessed multiple voting.

What I'm saying is: we have to be fair.

Just as how you object that Granger and the PNC have blood on their hands, thousands of voters can object that the PPP also has blood on its hands.

I gave three examples and I can give a fourth.

Peter Taylor was publisher of the Argosy/Evening News newspaper which opposed the PPP government in the early 1960s. He was shot but survived. Who shot him?

I ask the question rhetorically but some people know the truth.

I stick to my point that both the PNC and PPP have blood on their hands.

yuji22, I've mentioned before that I was a card-carrying PPP activist for over two decades. When I joined the PPP as a young man in 1969, some older comrades told me privately what they did during the racial disturbances in 1962-64. I say no more.


Are you comfortable with the fact that Granger who rigged elections and Carl Greendige who bankrupt Guyana are the top dogs for the current PNC ? Will you vote for them ?


Bai Yugi, the blood on the hands of Granger turned out to be that of a victim of PPP brutality. Granger stepped in and tried to comfort the poor soul as he lay dying in the arms of a concerned citizen. That citizen was Granger.

The PPP on the other hand saw the blood and has been accusing Granger of the murder ever since.

Originally Posted by yuji22:

David Granger has blood on his hands...

   That's where Granger belong



Isn't it amazing how guys like jalil and Mr. T are rooting for that murderous thug Granger to lead Guyana ?



Last edited by Former Member

Rev, stop  making up stories. Is where you see me rooting for Granger? As it stands, I am personally considering running for president. I am not backing anyone else except Gerhard. We Germans have to stick together.


Originally Posted by yuji22:

Are you comfortable with the fact that Granger who rigged elections and Carl Greendige who bankrupt Guyana are the top dogs for the current PNC ? Will you vote for them ?

yuji22, it matters nothing whether or not I'm comfortable with Granger and Greenidge being top PNC leaders.

The general PNC membership exercised their sovereign right and elected Granger as their leader. Neither you nor I nor the entire PPP membership can elect the leader of the PNC. This is clear as rain water.

Whether we like Granger or not, we have to live with the reality that he is the PNC's elected leader.



you ppp fools is using Granger past to make excuse for the ppp failure this do not make sense if you is a true guyanese so GRANGER is a murder and the ppp is also a murder and a thief then guyana is in deep shit no wonder you fools is posting from all around the world and not guyana or we can start thinking how we can clean up guyana 

Originally Posted by Rev:
Originally Posted by yuji22:

David Granger has blood on his hands...

   That's where Granger belong



Isn't it amazing how guys like jalil and Mr. T are rooting for that murderous thug Granger to lead Guyana ?



Both Rev & Who-gee

 read what I said

and tell me where

I am rooting for Granger or PNC.


How can either Rev or Who-gee

 prove to us here on GNI

that they are not De Dutty Crab Louse  

and only sing Praises for

De Current PPP Corrupt Crooks

who support and practice Buggery....

Like Jagabat, Manny, Kwame, Lamumba,

Kit Nascimento, McClean, Gouviea,

Bobby, Bynoe, Hamilton, Edghill.....


If Rev or Who-Gee can prove to us

that they do not support Buggery.....

Like Jagabat, Manny, Kwame, Lamumba,

Kit Nascimento, McClean, Gouviea,

Bobby, Bynoe, Hamilton, Edghill.....


I will stop exposing the Corruption & Thiefing

going on in the Guyana Govt today....

Lets see Rev and who-gee make this simple case.

Originally Posted by Rev:
Originally Posted by yuji22:

David Granger has blood on his hands...

   That's where Granger belong



Isn't it amazing how guys like jalil and Mr. T are rooting for that murderous thug Granger to lead Guyana ?



You have blood on your hands you thieving Rev of OP/NICIL/MOF.

Originally Posted by Mr.T:

Bai Yugi, the blood on the hands of Granger turned out to be that of a victim of PPP brutality. Granger stepped in and tried to comfort the poor soul as he lay dying in the arms of a concerned citizen. That citizen was Granger.

The PPP on the other hand saw the blood and has been accusing Granger of the murder ever since.

Put your  hookah away and come back when your dope head is clear.

Originally Posted by JB:
Originally Posted by Rev:
Originally Posted by yuji22:

David Granger has blood on his hands...

   That's where Granger belong



Isn't it amazing how guys like jalil and Mr. T are rooting for that murderous thug Granger to lead Guyana ?



You have blood on your hands you thieving Rev of OP/NICIL/MOF.

This semi educated UG moron still believes he rules the glorified primary school gang.


De Gloried Primary School Gang 

are all Crab Louse who support & Practice

 Buggery, Crime, Corruption, Nepotism,

Squander-mania, Narco & Gun Smuggleing,

Money Laundering, Illegal Govt Contracts,


De Gloried Primary School Gang 

See nothing wrong with all the Scams

and Scandals Jagdeo & His Friends Involved in now.


they see nothing wrong with State`

Property and Assets given away to Funny Fellas....


They see nothing wrong with Black Thugs

Sitting in Office of the President & Freedom House...


The see nothing wrong when GDF Soldiers

invade the streets of Indian Villages in Berbice

to intimidate them & Stop them from Supporting Moses...


The see nothing wrong when Jagdeo & Friends

Destroy the Sugar Industry in Guyana.


They see nothing wrong when

Jagdeo misuse and steal Guysuco money

 Now..... nearly US $300. million Dollars

and it performs below the level it was doing

with the old Factory was in place.


They see nothing wrong when Jagdeo,

give his Best friend Illegal & Overpriced

Contracts to supply Drugs for the Hospitals

which allows Bobby to make Billions...

but the refuse to pay the Nurses a decent salary.


De Gloried Primary School Gang 

are all Dutty Crab Louse

who support & Practice Buggery.

Originally Posted by Rev:
Originally Posted by yuji22:

David Granger has blood on his hands...

   That's where Granger belong



Isn't it amazing how guys like jalil and Mr. T are rooting for that murderous thug Granger to lead Guyana ?





Not once have these poor and torment souls condemned the actions of the Rigger Granger and Greenidge who made Guyana a basket case. The can run but they cannot hide.

Originally Posted by Gilbakka:
Originally Posted by yuji22:

Are you comfortable with the fact that Granger who rigged elections and Carl Greendige who bankrupt Guyana are the top dogs for the current PNC ? Will you vote for them ?

yuji22, it matters nothing whether or not I'm comfortable with Granger and Greenidge being top PNC leaders.

The general PNC membership exercised their sovereign right and elected Granger as their leader. Neither you nor I nor the entire PPP membership can elect the leader of the PNC. This is clear as rain water.

Whether we like Granger or not, we have to live with the reality that he is the PNC's elected leader.




You still have not answerd the question. It is either yes or no. 


He is the elected leader but his bloody hands and his involvement in massive rigging must be condemned. We must not be silent because History has a bad habit of repeating itself.

Originally Posted by yuji22:
Originally Posted by Gilbakka:
Originally Posted by yuji22:

Are you comfortable with the fact that Granger who rigged elections and Carl Greendige who bankrupt Guyana are the top dogs for the current PNC ? Will you vote for them ?

yuji22, it matters nothing whether or not I'm comfortable with Granger and Greenidge being top PNC leaders.

The general PNC membership exercised their sovereign right and elected Granger as their leader. Neither you nor I nor the entire PPP membership can elect the leader of the PNC. This is clear as rain water.

Whether we like Granger or not, we have to live with the reality that he is the PNC's elected leader.




You still have not answerd the question. It is either yes or no. 


He is the elected leader but his bloody hands and his involvement in massive rigging must be condemned. We must not be silent because History has a bad habit of repeating itself.

yuji22, in case you don't know, I condemned the rigged 1973 elections in an article I wrote for the Mirror newspaper way back in 1974.

I will not vote for the PNC.

yuji22, isn't it strange that while you persist in singling out David Granger as having blood in his hands, you're silent on the fact that the PPP/C has accepted in its fold former PNC and House of Israel thugs who also have blood on their hands?

Jalil has named those opportunists umpteen times so I won't repeat those dirty names.

Originally Posted by Gilbakka:
Originally Posted by yuji22:
Originally Posted by Gilbakka:
Originally Posted by yuji22:

Are you comfortable with the fact that Granger who rigged elections and Carl Greendige who bankrupt Guyana are the top dogs for the current PNC ? Will you vote for them ?

yuji22, it matters nothing whether or not I'm comfortable with Granger and Greenidge being top PNC leaders.

The general PNC membership exercised their sovereign right and elected Granger as their leader. Neither you nor I nor the entire PPP membership can elect the leader of the PNC. This is clear as rain water.

Whether we like Granger or not, we have to live with the reality that he is the PNC's elected leader.




You still have not answerd the question. It is either yes or no. 


He is the elected leader but his bloody hands and his involvement in massive rigging must be condemned. We must not be silent because History has a bad habit of repeating itself.

yuji22, in case you don't know, I condemned the rigged 1973 elections in an article I wrote for the Mirror newspaper way back in 1974.

I will not vote for the PNC.

yuji22, isn't it strange that while you persist in singling out David Granger as having blood in his hands, you're silent on the fact that the PPP/C has accepted in its fold former PNC and House of Israel thugs who also have blood on their hands?

Jalil has named those opportunists umpteen times so I won't repeat those dirty names.




The PPP is using the oldest trick in the book. It is better to keep your enemies close so that you can throw them off the cliff when the time is ripe. Seen the movie the Godfather ?


I respect and admire your contribution to the PPP. Too bad that the PPP forgot and left behind some of their bravest political warriors. Your contribution will never go unnoticed.

Last edited by Former Member
Originally Posted by yuji22:
Originally Posted by Gilbakka:
Originally Posted by yuji22:
Originally Posted by Gilbakka:

yuji22, I am not going to defend Granger.

Don't think the PPP had only angels in its membership.

Who set fire to the Abraham family's home on Hadfield Street in 1964 at night and roasted the family to death? Who shot PPP defector Sydney Sukhu in the early 1970s?

Who used to pelt the homes of sugar workers who didn't join GAWU strikes?

Yes, yuji22, the PPP had its fair share of thugs and hit men too.

Some people allege that Roger Khan and the Phantom Gang were the PPP/C brainchild.

Granger may have blood on his hands, but he is not alone. No party is innocent and without blemish.


Are you then saying that the PNC did not rig elections and murdered the ballot box heroes of Berbice ?

yuji22, I'm not saying that at all. I know firsthand the PNC rigged elections. I nearly didn't get to vote in 1973. I know the joint forces under PNC regime command shot and killed the 2 men in Berbice. And, in 1985, I was a PPP polling clerk in South Georgetown. I witnessed multiple voting.

What I'm saying is: we have to be fair.

Just as how you object that Granger and the PNC have blood on their hands, thousands of voters can object that the PPP also has blood on its hands.

I gave three examples and I can give a fourth.

Peter Taylor was publisher of the Argosy/Evening News newspaper which opposed the PPP government in the early 1960s. He was shot but survived. Who shot him?

I ask the question rhetorically but some people know the truth.

I stick to my point that both the PNC and PPP have blood on their hands.

yuji22, I've mentioned before that I was a card-carrying PPP activist for over two decades. When I joined the PPP as a young man in 1969, some older comrades told me privately what they did during the racial disturbances in 1962-64. I say no more.

Are you comfortable with the fact that Granger who rigged elections and Carl Greendige who bankrupt Guyana are the top dogs for the current PNC ? Will you vote for them ?

yugeee gaan into full out antiman mode when gilbakka brackkle am with UNCOMFORTABLE FACTS


hee caaan look Gilbakka in de eye, suh he doing a lil pool boy tap dance, buckta at his knees, with ever more extravagant pncee misdirection . . . like he brain seize up


har de har har har harr

Last edited by Former Member

Quote from Gil:


"yuji22, I'm not saying that at all. I know firsthand the PNC rigged elections. I nearly didn't get to vote in 1973. I know the joint forces under PNC regime command shot and killed the 2 men in Berbice. And, in 1985, I was a PPP polling clerk in South Georgetown. I witnessed multiple voting."


Originally Posted by Demerara_Guy:

An adage to remember ...


"Keep your friends close and a vigilant sight on challenged individuals."

when u get bored co-signing bigotry and high-fiving antiman racists on GNI, tell us what Kwame McCoy being "elected" (no shit!) to the PPP Central Committee means in light of your predictable nonsense ejaculated? above u stupid ole man

Originally Posted by yuji22:

Quote from Gil:


"yuji22, I'm not saying that at all. I know firsthand the PNC rigged elections. I nearly didn't get to vote in 1973. I know the joint forces under PNC regime command shot and killed the 2 men in Berbice. And, in 1985, I was a PPP polling clerk in South Georgetown. I witnessed multiple voting."


yugee, u hapless antiman, i agree with Gilbakka's FACTS . . . all of them!


now, pull up yuh buckta and address de lil history (ALL of it . . . de PPP part too) that de man trying to hammer into yuh haad head, arite?


on your knees with buckta around your ankles and mouth open is not the proper posture for a twice-born Brahmin

Last edited by Former Member
Originally Posted by yuji22:
Originally Posted by Gilbakka:
Originally Posted by yuji22:
Originally Posted by Gilbakka:
Originally Posted by yuji22:

Are you comfortable with the fact that Granger who rigged elections and Carl Greendige who bankrupt Guyana are the top dogs for the current PNC ? Will you vote for them ?

yuji22, it matters nothing whether or not I'm comfortable with Granger and Greenidge being top PNC leaders.

The general PNC membership exercised their sovereign right and elected Granger as their leader. Neither you nor I nor the entire PPP membership can elect the leader of the PNC. This is clear as rain water.

Whether we like Granger or not, we have to live with the reality that he is the PNC's elected leader.




You still have not answerd the question. It is either yes or no. 


He is the elected leader but his bloody hands and his involvement in massive rigging must be condemned. We must not be silent because History has a bad habit of repeating itself.

yuji22, in case you don't know, I condemned the rigged 1973 elections in an article I wrote for the Mirror newspaper way back in 1974.

I will not vote for the PNC.

yuji22, isn't it strange that while you persist in singling out David Granger as having blood in his hands, you're silent on the fact that the PPP/C has accepted in its fold former PNC and House of Israel thugs who also have blood on their hands?

Jalil has named those opportunists umpteen times so I won't repeat those dirty names.




The PPP is using the oldest trick in the book. It is better to keep your enemies close so that you can throw them off the cliff when the time is ripe. Seen the movie the Godfather ?


I respect and admire your contribution to the PPP. Too bad that the PPP forgot and left behind some of their bravest political warriors. Your contribution will never go unnoticed.


You cannot be Honest and Decent like Mandela, Ghandi, Jagan or our Gilbaka......and condone the Thiefing and Corruption going on in the PPP today.....If you do only fooling yourself.


Yuji22, You cannot Respect & Admire the contribution made by Gilbaka and his Honesty..on one hand....then on another hand yuh easy to cave in to Buggery, Crime and Corruption.....If you do you ....only fooling yourself. cannot be using the oldest trick in de book (Dishonesty & Lies) and expect honest and decent people like Ghandi or our own Gilbaka to agree with you....because .....If you do.... you only fooling yourself. cannot be using the oldest trade and profession in history(Prostitution or Buggery) and expect honest and decent people like Jagan or our own Gilbaka to agree with you....because .....If you do.... you only fooling yourself.


Yuji22 if yuh practice them things like Kwame....yuh is a Crab Louse like Kwame.....Don't fool yuhself....

Originally Posted by Mitwah:
Originally Posted by yuji22:

Jalil is the most illiterate poster. He is like a broken record. Same thing everyday, nothing to contribute but nonsense.

So why do you read his posts?




I will now put him on my ignore list.

Originally Posted by yuji22:
Originally Posted by Mitwah:
Originally Posted by yuji22:

Jalil is the most illiterate poster. He is like a broken record. Same thing everyday, nothing to contribute but nonsense.

So why do you read his posts?




I will now put him on my ignore list.

Yugi, like you vex that Jalil mentioned, Rohee's visa to the USA was taken away because of alleged link to the underworld and now he is leader of the PPP.

Originally Posted by Mitwah:
Originally Posted by yuji22:
Originally Posted by Mitwah:
Originally Posted by yuji22:

Jalil is the most illiterate poster. He is like a broken record. Same thing everyday, nothing to contribute but nonsense.

So why do you read his posts?




I will now put him on my ignore list.

Yugi, like you vex that Jalil mentioned, Rohee's visa to the USA was taken away because of alleged link to the underworld and now he is leader of the PPP.



Rohee recently visited the USA. Visa is not an issue for Rohee. 

Originally Posted by yuji22:
Originally Posted by Gilbakka:
Originally Posted by yuji22:
Originally Posted by Gilbakka:

yuji22, I am not going to defend Granger.

Don't think the PPP had only angels in its membership.

Who set fire to the Abraham family's home on Hadfield Street in 1964 at night and roasted the family to death? Who shot PPP defector Sydney Sukhu in the early 1970s?

Who used to pelt the homes of sugar workers who didn't join GAWU strikes?

Yes, yuji22, the PPP had its fair share of thugs and hit men too.

Some people allege that Roger Khan and the Phantom Gang were the PPP/C brainchild.

Granger may have blood on his hands, but he is not alone. No party is innocent and without blemish.


Are you then saying that the PNC did not rig elections and murdered the ballot box heroes of Berbice ?

yuji22, I'm not saying that at all. I know firsthand the PNC rigged elections. I nearly didn't get to vote in 1973. I know the joint forces under PNC regime command shot and killed the 2 men in Berbice. And, in 1985, I was a PPP polling clerk in South Georgetown. I witnessed multiple voting.

What I'm saying is: we have to be fair.

Just as how you object that Granger and the PNC have blood on their hands, thousands of voters can object that the PPP also has blood on its hands.

I gave three examples and I can give a fourth.

Peter Taylor was publisher of the Argosy/Evening News newspaper which opposed the PPP government in the early 1960s. He was shot but survived. Who shot him?

I ask the question rhetorically but some people know the truth.

I stick to my point that both the PNC and PPP have blood on their hands.

yuji22, I've mentioned before that I was a card-carrying PPP activist for over two decades. When I joined the PPP as a young man in 1969, some older comrades told me privately what they did during the racial disturbances in 1962-64. I say no more.

Are you comfortable with the fact that Granger who rigged elections and Carl Greendige who bankrupt Guyana are the top dogs for the current PNC ? Will you vote for them ?

yugeee gaan into full out antiman mode when gilbakka brackkle am with UNCOMFORTABLE FACTS


he caaan look Gilbakka in de eye, suh he doing a lil pool boy tap dance, buckta at his knees, with ever more extravagant pncee misdirection . . . like he brain seize up


hmmmmm . . .?


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