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Granger-led coalition “likely” to win next “close” election -US Congress report


The United States Congressional Research Service (CRS), a think-tank for the United States (U.S.) Congress, says some analysts believe that the David Granger-led coalition is likely to win next year’s general elections.

“Past general elections in Guyana suggest the 2020 race will be close, but some analysts contend the APNU/AFC’s multiparty and cross-ethnic coalition is likely to sustain the Granger government in power,” the CRS said in its December 6, 2019 edition.

Granger’s People’s National Congress Reform (PNCR) is the largest party in A Partnership for National Unity (APNU) umbrella which includes the often vocal Working People’s Alliance (WPA). The Alliance For Change (AFC) is the second largest party in the entire coalition.

The CRS says information in its report should not be relied upon for purposes other than public understanding of information that has been provided by CRS to Members of the U.S. Congress.

The CRS report says congressional interest in the South American country is that “as Guyana approaches its March 2020 elections, some Members of Congress have stressed the need for the plebiscite to be free, fair, and fully transparent, particularly as the next government is poised to gain considerable proceeds from oil. In addition, legislation has been introduced in both houses (the House of Representatives and the Senate) to extend the Caribbean Basin Trade Partnership Act (CBTPA) until September 2030”.

In 2000, Guyana became a beneficiary of the CBTPA, a program that provides enhanced tariff treatment for certain imports from the region, including goods made with U.S. yarns, fabrics, and threads.

The report’s analysts did not give any reason for their forecast that the incumbent administration is likely to win the next polls. Their prediction is in sharp contrast to that of Professor Evan Ellis, who in his private capacity, has said the opposition People’s Progressive Party (PPP) is likely to win.

Professor Ellis has said that given concerns regarding corruption in prior PPP administrations, the United States should embrace and work in good faith with a future PPP government.

At the same time, Professor Ellis advises that the U.S. must do so with its eyes open, holding the PPP to account with respect to its commitments to transparency, democracy, and commitment to free market and the rule of law.

The APNU+AFC coalition has since lashed out at Ellis, saying that he “is a ‘known asset’ of a certain lobbying firm in Washington DC, USA. This firm has a known connections [sic] to the PPP.”

The American Embassy in Guyana has since stated that Ellis’ comments “in no way reflect an official position” of the U.S. government and he had written those “last April before his employment with the U.S. State Department”.

The CRS report notes that U.S. relations with Guyana have improved since the early 1990s, when the government moved away from its socialist orientation and one-party domination of the political system and embraced a market economy and free and fair democratic elections. According to the State Department, U.S. policy towards Guyana centers on democracy promotion and civil society development, economic growth, and the promotion of security and stability.

Under U.S. law, the Congressional Research Service works exclusively for that country’s Congress, providing research and analysis to committees and Members of both the House and Senate, regardless of political party affiliation.

Replies sorted oldest to newest

Looks like a Democrat controlled congress will do it to the PPP three times ! Democrats are not good For Guyanese and Guyana. I have been saying this for ages. Look how they attempted to overthrow an elected president and void some 65,000,000 million votes. This is very bad news for Guyana’s democracy. 

Last edited by Former Member
Nehru posted:

So what happen to the 68 MILLION that voted for Hillary. Like Rep do Gadaha Math. 65>68

Bai like you rass forget dat the founding fathers of the constitution set up an electoral college voting system. Look how dem Democrats overthrowing the PPP three times ! They declared the winner even before the election. PNC will use this to stay in power by hook or crook.

Its got nothing to do with senate as indicated by KP.





Last edited by Former Member

The United States Congress is the bicameral legislature of the federal government of the United States, and consists of two chambers: the House of Representatives and the Senate. ... Congress has 535 voting members: 435 representatives and 100 senators.

(for Canadians who don't know about US)


Bai, I am saying that the outcome of the Presidency has noting with the most votes. It’s the electoral college which decides who wins the presidency as learnt the hard way by Crooked Hillary and her supporters who are still reeling from that defeat. Congres and The Senate are different legislative bodies that pass and approve bills which are finally signed into law by the big boss president and in this case Trump. 
We talking apples and oranges here bai. 

Last edited by Former Member

KP not smart like me frenno. Django posts reports favourable to HIS political position. KP has posted something unfavorable to his own  political position. 😁

Seriously, only the voters in Guyana will decide the outcome of free, fair and transparent elections.

Gilbakka posted:

KP not smart like me frenno. Django posts reports favourable to HIS political position. KP has posted something unfavorable to his own  political position. 😁

Seriously, only the voters in Guyana will decide the outcome of free, fair and transparent elections.

Today I was called a racist. I post and the readers decide. I also posted the article where another American stated that the PPP will win. Only the voters can decide the winner barring no Rigging. 

kp posted:
Nehru posted:

So what happen to the 68 MILLION that voted for Hillary. Like Rep do Gadaha Math. 65>68

Teach Lake boy some maths. Senate is controlled by the REPs.

Ayuh play Chinese Checkers, Trump playing Russian Chess!!😁

Sean posted:

Bai KP is chrismuss. Let we enjoy and celebrate the birth of the King of Peace and love Jesus Christ (god’s best son) and live to fight another day. 

Merry Christmas Padna, Cheers!!


Could you guys keep that Merry Krismuss tingy pun the Merry Krismuss thread?

These other thread is to cuss up PNC, cuss up PPP and cuss up mattie!  Ayuh leave Santa out of the mix!

Baseman posted:
kp posted:
Nehru posted:

So what happen to the 68 MILLION that voted for Hillary. Like Rep do Gadaha Math. 65>68

Teach Lake boy some maths. Senate is controlled by the REPs.

Ayuh play Chinese Checkers, Trump playing Russian Chess!!😁

Actually, Trump playing the ass. 😀


Is it not interesting the US embassy quickly disavowed the US govt position from Ellis’s position claiming they are neutral and it’s for the Guyanese people to decide!  Then they come with this!

America hoodwinked the PNC a while now!


There's no ' maybe or ' close', this is a hands down win by the PNC. Easy as pie. A walk in the park. Notice Carib and cousin Redux absent? Dem bais are working on a grandmaster plan to hoodwink the guyanese population and the PPP yet again.


ksazma posted:

Interestingly, the PPP never had to or ever were hoodwinked.

They won their elections the right way. Through the popular vote

Yep.. true... from 2011 they start loosing the popular vote.

Last edited by Django
ksazma posted:
Baseman posted:
kp posted:
Nehru posted:

So what happen to the 68 MILLION that voted for Hillary. Like Rep do Gadaha Math. 65>68


Teach Lake boy some maths. Senate is controlled by the REPs.

Ayuh play Chinese Checkers, Trump playing Russian Chess!!😁

Actually, Trump playing the ass. 😀

Strumpski playing or perhaps he is an ass ...

Django posted:
ksazma posted:

Interestingly, the PPP never had to or ever were hoodwinked.

They won their elections the right way. Through the popular vote

Yep.. true... from 2011 they start loosing the popular vote.

The gains made by APNU was a combination of 6 parties plus AFC together against one single party (PPP) . GECOM declare APNU/ AFC win by a mere 4500. 

the electorate prefer PPP, and PPP have proven to be a better government than PNC 28 years and APNU/ AFC almost 5 years. PPP rebuilt a bankrupt country within 23 years and left money in the treasury. Within 3 years of APNU/ AFC Government the treasury was empty and went into the negatives again. 

Thanks to AFC fantastic figure out the rest.

Common-sense should prevail to the realist,  PPP votes did NOT only came from Indos. 

Dave posted:
Django posted:
ksazma posted:

Interestingly, the PPP never had to or ever were hoodwinked.

They won their elections the right way. Through the popular vote

Yep.. true... from 2011 they start loosing the popular vote.

The gains made by APNU was a combination of 6 parties plus AFC together against one single party (PPP) .

GECOM declare APNU/ AFC win by a mere 4500.

It is the firm practice in all democracies that when there is such a small difference -- less than 2% -- there is always a recount of votes.

GECOM refused to conduct the recount and declared victory to APNU.

Dave posted:
Django posted:
ksazma posted:

Interestingly, the PPP never had to or ever were hoodwinked.

They won their elections the right way. Through the popular vote

Yep.. true... from 2011 they start loosing the popular vote.

The gains made by APNU was a combination of 6 parties plus AFC together against one single party (PPP) . GECOM declare APNU/ AFC win by a mere 4500. 

the electorate prefer PPP, and PPP have proven to be a better government than PNC 28 years and APNU/ AFC almost 5 years. PPP rebuilt a bankrupt country within 23 years and left money in the treasury. Within 3 years of APNU/ AFC Government the treasury was empty and went into the negatives again. 

Thanks to AFC fantastic figure out the rest.

Common-sense should prevail to the realist,  PPP votes did NOT only came from Indos. 

Same..old ..same...old, much of what you are repeating have been refuted. Bigger margin of victory for APNU/AFC in the coming elections . Stay tuned.

Django posted:

Bigger margin of victory for APNU/AFC in the coming elections .

Indeed, indeed, I-N-D-E-E-D

Ballot boxes in numerous places are already filled and will be counted in favour of APNU/AFC on election day.    

Django posted:
ksazma posted:

Interestingly, the PPP never had to or ever were hoodwinked.

They won their elections the right way. Through the popular vote

Yep.. true... from 2011 they start loosing the popular vote.

True. But even then there were no concern that they will rig the elections. As soon as the PNC got back in office, concerns of elections rigging raise its ugly head again. The PNC can never brag about winning the popular vote the legal way. They will still not be able to make that statement next year either or whenever they are brought to their knees to hold the next elections like every other decent party.

Django posted:
Dave posted:
Django posted:
ksazma posted:

Interestingly, the PPP never had to or ever were hoodwinked.

They won their elections the right way. Through the popular vote

Yep.. true... from 2011 they start loosing the popular vote.

The gains made by APNU was a combination of 6 parties plus AFC together against one single party (PPP) . GECOM declare APNU/ AFC win by a mere 4500. 

the electorate prefer PPP, and PPP have proven to be a better government than PNC 28 years and APNU/ AFC almost 5 years. PPP rebuilt a bankrupt country within 23 years and left money in the treasury. Within 3 years of APNU/ AFC Government the treasury was empty and went into the negatives again. 

Thanks to AFC fantastic figure out the rest.

Common-sense should prevail to the realist,  PPP votes did NOT only came from Indos. 

Same..old ..same...old, much of what you are repeating have been refuted. Bigger margin of victory for APNU/AFC in the coming elections . Stay tuned.

Like yuh expecting thousands of votes from dem empty lots bai. 

Django posted:
Dave posted:
Django posted:
ksazma posted:

Interestingly, the PPP never had to or ever were hoodwinked.

They won their elections the right way. Through the popular vote

Yep.. true... from 2011 they start loosing the popular vote.

The gains made by APNU was a combination of 6 parties plus AFC together against one single party (PPP) . GECOM declare APNU/ AFC win by a mere 4500. 

the electorate prefer PPP, and PPP have proven to be a better government than PNC 28 years and APNU/ AFC almost 5 years. PPP rebuilt a bankrupt country within 23 years and left money in the treasury. Within 3 years of APNU/ AFC Government the treasury was empty and went into the negatives again. 

Thanks to AFC fantastic figure out the rest.

Common-sense should prevail to the realist,  PPP votes did NOT only came from Indos. 

Same..old ..same...old, much of what you are repeating have been refuted. Bigger margin of victory for APNU/AFC in the coming elections . Stay tuned.

Show where it was refuted and by whom. And please provide supporting facts to dispute what I said, that’s the only way to have a healthy conversation. 

Regarding bigger margins by APNU / AFC , it can only be done by rigging ( Dem and Kaz said the same) and the rigging started by registering “invisible voters  “ to empty house lots. Is this what you are proud of 😆. Terrible indeed. 


Electoral recount in Guyana necessary


Sun Jul 05 2015

Guyana's May 11 elec­tion end­ed in con­tro­ver­sy on which po­lit­i­cal force ac­tu­al­ly won re­sult­ing in a pe­ti­tion over the re­quest to the elec­tion com­mis­sion (Gecom) for a re­count. Gecom's re­fusal of a vote re­count has led to sus­pi­cion of some­thing amiss about the re­sult.

In vir­tu­al­ly every es­tab­lished democ­ra­cy, in­clud­ing T&T, a close elec­toral out­come re­sult­ed (some­times au­to­mat­i­cal­ly) in a re­count. Where a re­count was not au­to­mat­i­cal­ly trig­gered, can­di­dates or par­ties asked for one. And when a re­count was re­fused by of­fi­cials, the court in­ter­vened man­dat­ing re­counts.


In vir­tu­al­ly no court case in the US, UK and Cana­da did a judge not or­der a re­count. It could not be un­der­stood why Guyana based rep­re­sen­ta­tives of the US, UK and Cana­da ob­ject­ed to re­counts when the laws al­lowed for them in Guyana as well as in their own coun­tries.

Many an­a­lysts felt the rep­re­sen­ta­tives want­ed a cer­tain re­sult and did not care much for democ­ra­cy or the rule of law–a cer­tain out­come (ejec­tion of the PPP from of­fice) trumped every­thing else.

Re­counts were/are held in vir­tu­al­ly every close elec­tion in Amer­i­ca–the most fa­mous be­ing the 2000 Flori­da pres­i­den­tial re­count (that was not car­ried to com­ple­tion and that hand­ed George Bush a vic­to­ry, some six weeks lat­er, per­haps un­just­ly). There was a re­count in the New York De­mo­c­ra­t­ic May­oral pri­ma­ry in Sep­tem­ber 2013 in which Bill De­Bla­sio (cur­rent may­or) nar­row­ly edged out African Amer­i­can Bill Thomp­son. A re­count was held in the Min­neso­ta Sen­ate race in 2008 and the win­ner not known some three months af­ter the elec­tion. The elec­tion for gov­er­nor of Wash­ing­ton State on No­vem­ber 2, 2004, end­ed in court and took weeks to be de­clared.

In the No­vem­ber 2014 Con­gres­sion­al elec­tion, one Cal­i­for­nia dis­trict was not de­clared un­til a month lat­er be­cause the Re­pub­li­can chal­lenger filed a pe­ti­tion against the in­cum­bent In­di­an Amer­i­can De­mo­c­rat (Ami Be­ra) who won by a few hun­dred votes. In Cana­da's 41st gen­er­al elec­tion held on May 2, 2011, there were bit­ter dis­putes over the re­sults in some dis­tricts af­ter sev­er­al can­di­dates won their seats with ra­zor thin mar­gins. Ju­di­cial re­counts were or­dered in nu­mer­ous seats in Cana­da's elec­tion af­ter

Baseman posted:

I hanging with some Guyanese family! People seem resigned to a PNC govt.  

That is because dem alreddy know the PNC will burn the city down before they surrender power.


This is not the kind of news for folks who believe "we deh pon tap''. The sad thing is the PPPites couldn't wait for any prediction that the PPP may win the election before the actual election from a Whitemen. Now that another Whiteman said that APNU may win, meh mattie coolie getting cold feet. Them say don't get your expectation too high in politics. Winning is not as easy as A, B, C. But Whitemen can make all you wiggle tarass. 

ksazma posted:
Baseman posted:

I hanging with some Guyanese family! People seem resigned to a PNC govt.  

That is because dem alreddy know the PNC will burn the city down before they surrender power.

U smaat bad.


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