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This has got to be the mind of a deranged person.


Granger maintains claims of fraud, says matter now has to go back to GECOM

David Granger
David Granger

Despite today’s ruling by the Caribbean Court of Justice (CCJ), caretaker President David Granger is still insisting that there was widespread fraud in the March 2nd general elections and that the matter will now have to be finally decided by GECOM.


Granger’s stance puts the pressure on GECOM Chair Claudette Singh who has already said that the recount result is what shall be declared. The recount result shows a win for the PPP/C.

A statement issued by David Granger today follows:

“Our party, our partnership and our Coalition are committed to the rule of law. The CCJ has not allowed the position that our Court of Appeal has taken but it means that the matter will now have to go back to the Election Commission. So the matter is not closed, it now has to go back to the Election Commission. We all have to be patient. We all went out on the 2nd of March, March passed, April passed, May passed, June passed and now we’re in July. It is the first time this has happened in the history of our country and it has happened because there are some bad elements out there who tried to manipulate the vote by having votes recorded for dead people (and) people who had migrated, more votes in a polling station than they had electors. We know all of the faults, our party, our partnership and our coalition has been bringing these complaints of abuses and irregularities to the attention of the public and also to the attention of the court. (The CCJ) has made no coercive orders, that means they have not given any instructions to what GECOM is empowered under the laws of Guyana to do. We will have to assess the situation in which we are in now. The matter will go back to the Election Commission but as far as we are concerned we have evidence that there has been massive fraud and irregularities and we will continue the fight to make sure that your votes are counted.”

@Former Member posted:

There is really no sense in meeting with Granger to negotiate anything. Every one of his actions since the NCV has shown that he does not honor his oaths. Likewise he will not honor any negotiated terms. Granger is now like a wounded animal waiting for the carrion to put him out of his misery.

Don't be so sure.   He genuinely believes, as I do, that the PPP engaged in fraudulent activities in the elections and it is justifiable not to yield power to them.  


Who in his right mind will negotiate with Granger? He is absolutely untrustworthy, having no respect for his own utterances. He has to demit office the honorable or dishonorable way. He has demonstrated no respect for parliament, the local courts and the highest Caribbean court. Final decision up to GECOM now. But not before more theatrics and tantrums by Lowenfield and his collaborators.

@Totaram posted:

Those are fighting words from the President, a soldier by training.  This election is far from over.  The only sensible action now is for the two sides to meet and negotiate a way forward.  The solution may very well be new elections with a clean voters list and other safeguards against fraud.

The election is over. Get hold of yourself. The ruling has been made and granger did promise to abide by the decision of the CCJ. Now it's up to the GECOM chair to declare the results which show that the PPP won. You know very well that the world is watching and you also knoiw what will happen if Granger refused to resign.

@Former Member posted:

Who in his right mind will negotiate with Granger? He is absolutely untrustworthy, having no respect for his own utterances. He has to demit office the honorable or dishonorable way. He has demonstrated no respect for parliament, the local courts and the highest Caribbean court. Final decision up to GECOM now. But not before more theatrics and tantrums by Lowenfield and his collaborators.

Davids Hinds was correct when he said metaphorically to burn the ballots.   The 2020 elections are far from over.  


He also genuinely believed that 33 persons were not the majority of 65 persons but that was proven wrong. He also genuinely believed that he could unilaterally appoint the GECOM Chairperson but that too was proven wrong. That said, he is entitled to genuinely believe that the PPP engaged in fraudulent activities so he is free to take it up in an elections court via an elections petition. It is not his call on yielding power. That was the voters' and they called out very strongly on March 2, 2020. So if he also genuinely believes that it is his call regarding yielding of power then he is indeed genuinely deranged.

@Former Member posted:

He also genuinely believed that 33 persons were not the majority of 65 persons but that was proven wrong. He also genuinely believed that he could unilaterally appoint the GECOM Chairperson but that too was proven wrong. That said, he is entitled to genuinely believe that the PPP engaged in fraudulent activities so he is free to take it up in an elections court via an elections petition. It is not his call on yielding power. That was the voters' and they called out very strongly on March 2, 2020. So if he also genuinely believes that it is his call regarding yielding of power then he is indeed genuinely deranged.

And that is genuinely your opinion, which I genuinely don't share.

@Ramakant-P posted:

He didn't say it metaphorically.  He really meant it.

No, I have listened to him talk about that statement and what he meant is those boxes were more jhanjat (sp.?).  There is only one way forward and it absolutely includes dialogue.  Neither race ( and that's what it comes down to) can govern effectively without the other.  

@Totaram posted:

No, I have listened to him talk about that statement and what he meant is those boxes were more jhanjat (sp.?).  There is only one way forward and it absolutely includes dialogue.  Neither race ( and that's what it comes down to) can govern effectively without the other.  

No need for negotiations.

Multinational coalition forces need to drag that illegal SOB who has been squatting illegally since 2018 in the streets. He is worse than a stray dog.


The Coalition came into government in 2015 with a lot of goodwill but they squandered it very quickly. In less than one year, the 2016 LGE demonstrated that the Coalition supporters were not happy with them enough to give them a resounding victory or any victory for that matter. Yet for some strange reason this did not wake them up. They continued to accrue ill will from their supporters as again demonstrated in the 2018 LGE. Then came the NCM which was easily seen by their supporters as an attempt by the PPP to remove them. That reversed their supporters dissatisfaction and their support began to grow again. Had they been smart they would have stuck to the March 2019 deadline. Instead they went on one fishing expedition after another and by the time March 2020 came around their supporters were too tired to care anymore. There has been one misstep after another and everyone of them ended up having adverse effects. They have been summarily embarrassed by the entire world. 

@Totaram posted:

Don't be so sure.   He genuinely believes, as I do, that the PPP engaged in fraudulent activities in the elections and it is justifiable not to yield power to them.  

PPP engaged in electoral fraud under PNC nose and Harmon hawk eyes. PPP raised the dead and PPP brought thousands of overseas Guyanese to vote. All this while in opposition and with GECOM controlled by the PNC.

You PNC clowns full of shyte. BTW, what ever happened to your SOPs?  Did PPP steal them?

Last edited by Former Member

Granger is a dictator and a shameless politician like his idol, Forbes Burnham.  He betrayed the AFC and made the WPA looked like feces when he scrapped the Walter Rodney murder inquiry the very first week he spent in office.  This is not a man to trust.  At today's briefings he did not tell his supporters that the CCJ ruled that Lowenfield's reports which disenfranchised 115,000 votes were fraudulent.

Billy Ram Balgobin
@Former Member posted:

PPP engaged in electoral fraud under PNC nose and Harmon hawk eyes. PPP raised the dead and PPP brought thousands of overseas Guyanese to vote. All this while in opposition and with GECOM controlled by the PNC.

You PNC clowns full of shyte. BTW, what ever happened to your SOPs?  Did PPP steal them?

PPP full of scamps...big time crooks 

Why are you guys killing yourselves for them?


@Totaram posted:

Davids Hinds was correct when he said metaphorically to burn the ballots.   The 2020 elections are far from over.  

David Hinds was incorrect. Burning the ballot boxes metaphorically, symbolically, demonstrably or even physically matters nothing at this point in time.

Grangerites want the 2020 elections to be far from over. They will not have their way. The odds are overwhelmingly against APNU+AFC now. And, thanks to his own making, Granger will become a pariah in all the international circles that matter.

@Totaram posted:

PPP full of scamps...big time crooks 

Why are you guys killing yourselves for them?


Them bais suh scamplish, them raise thousands of dead and brought in thousands of overseas voters and PNC never noticed the Airport traffic?  Weh all dem planes landed, Pradoville?

Last edited by Former Member

Now Granger says that the matter is back with GECOM. Incidentally it was right with GECOM several weeks ago when his co-conspirator Eslyn David snatched it thinking that she can keep it permanently away from GECOM. It is strange that he is now lamenting the length of time to complete the elections when it is mostly his people who have for the past four months, nay the past nineteen months employed one delay tactic after another to deny the rights of Guyanese to chose their government.


It is sadly disappointing that David Hinds did not campaign this strongly for inclusive government from 2015 to 2020. Given his close proximity to the decision makers in the Coalition he could have played a pivotal role in moving Guyana forward since then. His cries now are falling on deaf ears as they are being seen as hypocritical and self serving.

@Former Member posted:

PPP engaged in electoral fraud under PNC nose and Harmon hawk eyes. PPP raised the dead and PPP brought thousands of overseas Guyanese to vote. All this while in opposition and with GECOM controlled by the PNC.

You PNC clowns full of shyte. BTW, what ever happened to your SOPs?  Did PPP steal them?

These clowns have to be more than stupid to believe a conman, dictator, fraudster, devil in disguise, heathen, disrespectful to the constitution, liar...etc.

@Former Member posted:

GECOM Commission meeting postponed. Government Commissioners need time to 'study' the CCJ ruling. Anyone here also had trouble understanding what the CCJ ruled yesterday or is this only a Coalition defect?

Like the NCM ruling the latest CCJ ruling does not include coercive orders.  Lawyers can poke holes in any ruling and that's what is probably happening right now.  

@Former Member posted:

GECOM Commission meeting postponed. Government Commissioners need time to 'study' the CCJ ruling.  

Perhaps those three APNU+AFC commissioners will "study" the CCJ ruling with their tutor Basil Williams at Congress Place. They will parse every sentence and look for any "technicality" or cherry-pick any clause or phrase to cling to. Just like how their maestro Granger cherry-picked parts of the CARICOM team's recount report. Don't be surprised if Lowenfield is taking notes in that study circle.


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