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Raphael Trotman wields a forked tongue

September 28, 2011 | By KNews | Filed Under Letters

Mark Archer

Dear Editor,

Writing in the AFC page, the leader of that party Mr. Raphael Trotman said, “Dismantling the establishment founded on race, reward and revenge will not be easy. It has to start with an acknowledgement that race politics has caused Guyana to go backwards for the last forty years, followed by a healing and a closure of the past.”
When I read that I thought Mr. Trotman got it, but I was disappointed when I subsequently read Mr. Trotman’s reported remarks in Demerara Waves on September 25, 2011.
The leader of Alliance for Change (“AFC”), and former PNC executive member, is quoted as saying that he would prefer to see the TUF join the AFC, rather than A Partnership For National Unity (“APNU”), because the PNC is yet to apologize for years of rigged elections.
How do we get to healing and closure Raphael? How do we dismantle the current dispensation when leaders like you talk through both sides of your mouth?
Mr. Trotman let us set the record straight, the PNC was the party that ended rigged elections in Guyana under your mentor and friend, party leader and President Hugh Desmond Hoyte.
While ruling out coalescing with the APNU, Mr. Trotman states that he will gladly welcome and receive leading members of the APNU, PNC and the PPP. Question Mr. Trotman: will there be a litmus test for incoming members? Will PNC members have to denounce the party publicly and apologize for past rigging?
PPP members, for what will they be asked to atone? And you Mr. Trotman, where is your apology?
Your Co-Leader and members of your party have been spreading lies and rumours about the APNU, and inciting race-based electioneering in south Georgetown and West Berbice (Region 5). Are you proud to be associated with this type of electioneering? You have said that it would be a travesty to exclude those who have a contribution to make and are qualified so to do.
I ask you, in denying the APNU are you saying that David Granger, Dr. Rupert Roopnaraine and Dr, David Hinds are not eminently qualified and have no contribution to make?
Will you ask the PPP leaders that you embrace, including your Presidential candidate, to apologize for “apan jaat” and the economic sabotage the PPP engaged in while a party in opposition? What of the TUF with which you are so quick to jump into bed?
Are you going to ask them to apologize for the sins of that party’s forerunner the United Force (“UF”) whose members and leaders were linked to the treasonous acts during the Rupunini uprising?
You got it right the first time Mr. Trotman. It is time to heal; it is time for closure. You don’t want to go down this slippery slope; no one benefits; this is a lose-lose situation.
When you left the PNC it was ostensibly to create a partnership for national unity, because you and your colleagues felt that the PPP and the PNC had failed Guyanese voters.
So, you gathered up the disaffected, the opportunistic, and the idealistic of all political stripes and formed AFC. Now, are you not a little disingenuous when you criticize APNU, and ask one of their partners to apologize for rigging, when a member of your own party has indulged in questionable remarks, conduct, and associations?
Would you like researchers to search the PNC archives and extract every speech you made, expose every association with the “riggers”, and ask you to atone for them? Is this the kind of Prime Minister you will be?
“Alliances are imperative, and what parties in opposition have to decide is whether they want to remain in opposition in perpetuity or whether they can get together to challenge the PPP.” That was you; you got it right there.
“AFC is not perfect, the AFC has refrained from demonizing anyone.…” Yet again, that was the right approach, and I ask what made you change from being a conciliatory leader into just another divider.
So why revisit the language of division and hate, for Raphael, you know that is what you get when you start talking about rigging? Many have sinned and fallen short, so why single out one party?
At the AFC launch you said, “It is time to put old quarrels aside and to ask neighbours and friends for help.” You used the old adage “the enemy of my enemy is my friend,” and said it was time for forgiving, time for healing, and a time to cast away stones, and a time to gather stones together, a time to embrace.
Will the real Raphael Trotman please stand up?

Mark Archer

Replies sorted oldest to newest

Originally posted by SJ4321:

Would you like researchers to search the PNC archives and extract every speech you made, expose every association with the “riggers”, and ask you to atone for them? Is this the kind of Prime Minister you will be?

I did already..........

THE main Opposition People's National Congress Reform (PNC/R) is frowning at allegations that its "announced intention to work for the removal" of the present Government, is seditious. At the party's weekly news conference yesterday, PNC/R Central Executive member, Mr. Raphael Trotman said that as an opposition party, the PNC/R is "in the business of trying to get the government of the day out of office" and to have itself "as the alternate government". "(There is nothing wrong with) any statement which says that as an opposition party, we are attempting to remove the Government", he declared.

Normal opposition parties are in the business of winning elections-singly or as a coalition. They do not talk about "deposing" or "removing" an elected government - such language is reserved for the use of methods other than elections, like the USA "deposing" Saddam Hussein. But the PNC has never been a normal political party; it never (singly) won an election, and always relied on violence and force of arms, in and out of office, against both Indians and Blacks.
Originally posted by SJ4321:
Your Co-Leader and members of your party have been spreading lies and rumours about the APNU, and inciting race-based electioneering in south Georgetown and West Berbice (Region 5). Are you proud to be associated with this type of electioneering?

Mark ya mad! Dem Saints in the Alliance for Christianity party don't do dem things boi......
Originally posted by Gerhard Ramsaroop:
lol Jason, your taking sides with APNU proves PPP = PNC/APNU

When you left the PNC it was ostensibly to create a partnership for national unity, because you and your colleagues felt that the PPP and the PNC had failed Guyanese voters. So, you gathered up the disaffected, the opportunistic , and the idealistic of all political stripes and formed AFC.

Gerhard, Mark eyes pass you, Tarron, Sase and the lost of the lot.......lets protest Big Grin
Originally posted by SJ4321:
Originally posted by Gerhard Ramsaroop:
lol Jason, your taking sides with APNU proves PPP = PNC/APNU

When you left the PNC it was ostensibly to create a partnership for national unity, because you and your colleagues felt that the PPP and the PNC had failed Guyanese voters. So, you gathered up the disaffected, the opportunistic , and the idealistic of all political stripes and formed AFC.

Gerhard, Mark eyes pass you, Tarron, Sase and the lost of the lot.......lets protest Big Grin
Originally posted by Gerhard Ramsaroop:

Gerhard, Mark eyes pass you, Tarron, Sase and the lost of the lot.......lets protest Big Grin

lost rest

Gerhard you should respond to this fella ya kno....He eyes pass people. Mark even crediting the PNC for ending rigged elections....that had to be the biggest joke
Originally posted by SJ4321:
Originally posted by Gerhard Ramsaroop:

Gerhard, Mark eyes pass you, Tarron, Sase and the lost of the lot.......lets protest Big Grin

lost rest

Gerhard you should respond to this fella ya kno....He eyes pass people. Mark even crediting the PNC for ending rigged elections....that had to be the biggest joke[/QUOTE]

Young taps the PNC is a non entity in these elections they will get their die hards like we in the PPP will get our die hards. The fight is on between us and the AFC and the fight is on for the hearts and minds of the people between these 2 entities. Regardless of what the PPP would like us to believe and has been saying for a very long time that this is a fight only between dem and the PNC and that the so called baby party is irrelevant.

Dem words will come back to haunt us.
Originally posted by SJ4321:
Raphael Trotman wields a forked tongue

September 28, 2011 | By KNews | Filed Under Letters

Mark Archer

Dear Editor,

Writing in the AFC page, the leader of that party Mr. Raphael Trotman said, “Dismantling the establishment founded on race, reward and revenge will not be easy. It has to start with an acknowledgement that race politics has caused Guyana to go backwards for the last forty years, followed by a healing and a closure of the past.”
When I read that I thought Mr. Trotman got it, but I was disappointed when I subsequently read Mr. Trotman’s reported remarks in Demerara Waves on September 25, 2011.
The leader of Alliance for Change (“AFC”), and former PNC executive member, is quoted as saying that he would prefer to see the TUF join the AFC, rather than A Partnership For National Unity (“APNU”), because the PNC is yet to apologize for years of rigged elections.
How do we get to healing and closure Raphael? How do we dismantle the current dispensation when leaders like you talk through both sides of your mouth?
Mr. Trotman let us set the record straight, the PNC was the party that ended rigged elections in Guyana under your mentor and friend, party leader and President Hugh Desmond Hoyte.
While ruling out coalescing with the APNU, Mr. Trotman states that he will gladly welcome and receive leading members of the APNU, PNC and the PPP. Question Mr. Trotman: will there be a litmus test for incoming members? Will PNC members have to denounce the party publicly and apologize for past rigging?
PPP members, for what will they be asked to atone? And you Mr. Trotman, where is your apology?
Your Co-Leader and members of your party have been spreading lies and rumours about the APNU, and inciting race-based electioneering in south Georgetown and West Berbice (Region 5). Are you proud to be associated with this type of electioneering? You have said that it would be a travesty to exclude those who have a contribution to make and are qualified so to do.
I ask you, in denying the APNU are you saying that David Granger, Dr. Rupert Roopnaraine and Dr, David Hinds are not eminently qualified and have no contribution to make?
Will you ask the PPP leaders that you embrace, including your Presidential candidate, to apologize for “apan jaat” and the economic sabotage the PPP engaged in while a party in opposition? What of the TUF with which you are so quick to jump into bed?
Are you going to ask them to apologize for the sins of that party’s forerunner the United Force (“UF”) whose members and leaders were linked to the treasonous acts during the Rupunini uprising?
You got it right the first time Mr. Trotman. It is time to heal; it is time for closure. You don’t want to go down this slippery slope; no one benefits; this is a lose-lose situation.
When you left the PNC it was ostensibly to create a partnership for national unity, because you and your colleagues felt that the PPP and the PNC had failed Guyanese voters.
So, you gathered up the disaffected, the opportunistic, and the idealistic of all political stripes and formed AFC. Now, are you not a little disingenuous when you criticize APNU, and ask one of their partners to apologize for rigging, when a member of your own party has indulged in questionable remarks, conduct, and associations?
Would you like researchers to search the PNC archives and extract every speech you made, expose every association with the “riggers”, and ask you to atone for them? Is this the kind of Prime Minister you will be?
“Alliances are imperative, and what parties in opposition have to decide is whether they want to remain in opposition in perpetuity or whether they can get together to challenge the PPP.” That was you; you got it right there.
“AFC is not perfect, the AFC has refrained from demonizing anyone.…” Yet again, that was the right approach, and I ask what made you change from being a conciliatory leader into just another divider.
So why revisit the language of division and hate, for Raphael, you know that is what you get when you start talking about rigging? Many have sinned and fallen short, so why single out one party?
At the AFC launch you said, “It is time to put old quarrels aside and to ask neighbours and friends for help.” You used the old adage “the enemy of my enemy is my friend,” and said it was time for forgiving, time for healing, and a time to cast away stones, and a time to gather stones together, a time to embrace.
Will the real Raphael Trotman please stand up?

Mark Archer

This guy is trying rewrite Guyana's history. He somehow conveniently forgets that the PNC was bitterly divided over the 92 elections with one faction wanting to continue the rigging and the other who were caught between a rock and a hard place , i.e. either allowing free and fair elections or face the brute force of the citizenry.
Originally posted by Gerhard Ramsaroop:
Jason, thanks, but no thanks. I will focus my energies where it counts.

Big Grin on GNI?

You rather blog here than respond to this nonsense which was published in the Kaieteur News?

smh# PPP flag #WINNING
Originally posted by albert:

This guy is trying rewrite Guyana's history. He somehow conveniently forgets that the PNC was bitterly divided over the 92 elections with one faction wanting to continue the rigging and the other who were caught between a rock and a hard place , i.e. either allowing free and fair elections or face the brute force of the citizenry.

Exactly Albert! He acting as though the PNC woke up one morning and decided off its own to have free and fair elections
Originally posted by SJ4321:
Originally posted by Gerhard Ramsaroop:
Jason, thanks, but no thanks. I will focus my energies where it counts.

Big Grin on GNI?

You rather blog here than respond to this nonsense which was published in the Kaieteur News?

smh# PPP flag #WINNING

what are we know charlie sheen?
Originally posted by SJ4321:
Originally posted by Gerhard Ramsaroop:
Delusion in the PPP camp is good flag Big Grin

Address Mark

Put neil Kumar and Anil nandalal to respond to Mark Archer, let them sue him and take him to court so we can get another mockery in the courts going on.
Originally posted by SJ4321:
Originally posted by albert:

This guy is trying rewrite Guyana's history. He somehow conveniently forgets that the PNC was bitterly divided over the 92 elections with one faction wanting to continue the rigging and the other who were caught between a rock and a hard place , i.e. either allowing free and fair elections or face the brute force of the citizenry.

Exactly Albert! He acting as though the PNC woke up one morning and decided off its own to have free and fair elections

Mark Archer in his letter actually tries to undermine the negative effects that Rigged Elections had on this country by sweeping it under the carpet.

The period of rigging which had the support of foreign powers catapulted Guyana into an abyss of poverty, underdevelopment and discrimination.

So though I disagree with Raphael's politics, the PNC must apologise for the atrocities that they have committed in order to be taken seriously.
Originally posted by Gerhard Ramsaroop:
Originally posted by SJ4321: PPP flag #WINNING
Delusion in the PPP camp is good flag Big Grin

You win the elections on GNI and think it translates to an electoral victory in Guyana. Who then is more delusional?
Originally posted by albert:
Originally posted by Gerhard Ramsaroop:
Originally posted by SJ4321: PPP flag #WINNING
Delusion in the PPP camp is good flag Big Grin

You win the elections on GNI and think it translates to an electoral victory in Guyana. Who then is more delusional?

Albert stop yapping on GNI and get to work on the ground.
Archer spoke a lot of truth about the AFC cuz all the AFC boys here could've have done was to try to stray the discussion away from the subject. Or they're waiting on the AFC's official line?
Originally posted by The Judge:
Archer spoke a lot of truth about the AFC cuz all the AFC boys here could've have done was to try to stray the discussion away from the subject. Or they're waiting on the AFC's official line?

Why are we in the PPP so interested in the AFC, shouldn't we be challenging archer and asking him where the heck did he introduce democracy?
Funny, I read the same piece in Demerara Waves, and the 'controversial' statement attributed to Raphael Trotman was actually made by Mr Abraham of the TUF.

This does not require the services of a fact checker, Mr Archer, just a careful reading of the text.

Come in Gerhard . . .
Originally posted by albert:
This guy is trying rewrite Guyana's history. He somehow conveniently forgets that the PNC was bitterly divided over the 92 elections with one faction wanting to continue the rigging and the other who were caught between a rock and a hard place ,.

The issue albert is that the ones who wanted to continue rigging are now all working for the PPP.

I can see this now. Early counts indicate the PPP winning with a 45% vote. Then sudden silence and suddenly the PPP "finds" more votes to end with 55%.

I hope that you all are paying Lumumba, Nascimento, Norman McLean and others handsomely for their "technical" assistance.
Originally posted by Gerhard Ramsaroop:
Originally posted by SJ4321: PPP flag #WINNING
Delusion in the PPP camp is good flag Big Grin

GR prove him wrong and have a massive rally in Gtwn just before the election.
Originally posted by Alexander:
Mark Archer is saying that the PNC ended rigged elections in Guyana. Which Political party started it at the national level and did for a generation? That's the question.

Alexander according to a lot of berbicians there is not a lot of difference between the PPP and PNC these days. They are almost indistinguishable. A lot of Berbicians point to young taps, odinga lumumba, Mr. McCoy, Jennifer westford, Jennifer Westmaas, Neaz Subhan, Kit Nascimento, Norman McClean and company and they basically say this is the second coming of the PNC.

They look at all the land given to the land baron lumumba and they basically say this is PNC all over again at second crop.

What are your thoughts?
Originally posted by Alexander:
What are your thoughts of Mike Archer? That was what the response was about?

I think mark archer tek e eyes and pass the PPP. We should send him a strong message and open NCN to the opposition and show him that we in the PPP believe in democracy.

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