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@Former Member posted:

Granger ducked Kaieteur News questions

President refuses to elaborate on response to sanctions threat

Ever since the US Secretary of State, Mike Pompeo on Wednesday announced that top officials in the incumbent Coalition regime would face visa sanctions, de facto President David Granger is yet to offer a direct response to the threat.

President David Granger

On Wednesday, America’s chief diplomat had announced that the upper eulachon of the Coalition part along with financiers and family members will be subject to visa restrictions, for their involvement in the rigging of the March 2020 Elections.
Pompeo also called on President Granger to step aside and allow the rightful winners of the March 2 Election to take office. Shortly after, an unsigned statement emerged from “the Government of Guyana” expressing “regret” that such a move was taken by the US.
The statement said that “The Government of the Cooperative Republic of Guyana [Executive Branch] regret the decision announced by the Department of State of the United States of America.”
It added that “The conduct of Guyana’s General and Regional Elections is the responsibility of the Elections Commission, which is an independent authority under the Constitution of Guyana. The Executive Branch does not conduct elections. The Commission has made no declaration of results.”
“A challenge to matters arising out of those elections is still before Supreme Court and is entirely the responsibility of the judicial branch. The Executive Branch of Government has not participated in undermining the electoral process and urges all countries interested in Guyana’s development to await the logical and legal conclusion of the process which is being managed by the Elections Commission, in accordance with the Constitution of Guyana. The Executive arm has not interfered in the functioning of the Elections Commission,” the statement from the Government said.
On Thursday, Kaieteur News contacted the President through his Director of Public Information and Press Service, Arianna Gordon, with direct questions relating to the pronouncements made by Mike Pompeo and other issues.
On the issue of the threat of sanctions, Kaieteur News asked President Granger to give a direct response as the incumbent Head of State. The answer given was that “The Government of Guyana [Executive Branch] has issued a response to the decision taken by the United States Department of State on the matter of visa restrictions. President David Granger sits at the helm of the Executive Branch.”
A copy of the very statement sent out on Wednesday was also attached with no other answer given.
Next, the President was also asked to share his sentiments on Canada and the UK signaling sanctions on the Coalition as well. The response was that, “President David Granger has maintained that he will abide by the Constitution, decisions of the Court and any declaration made by the Elections Commission. The President cannot comment on sanctions that may be implemented by other countries.”
Among the other pressing electoral matters President Granger was asked to comment on were the blatant attacks by coalition supporters and executives on international and regional government officials and others who sought to weigh in on Guyana’s political situation or who are involved in the elections process.
Over the past few weeks, citizen have borne witness to attacks on the Former CARICOM Chair, Mia Mottley, the current CARICOM Chair, Ralph Gonsalves, Former Barbadian Prime Minister Owen Arthur, the GECOM Chair, Justice Claudette Singh, her attorney; Kim Kyte Thomas among others.
These attacks have been carried out by executive members of the Coalition. Against that backdrop, the President was asked whether such attacks were approved by him and if not, what reprimand would be had for the offenders.
The answer given to this was “President David Granger has not attacked any international, regional or local official nor has he sanctioned any attacks.”
Kaieteur News asked directly whether the President was going to directly condemn the attacks, in particular the mock funeral of the GECOM chair in effigy which took place near State House by APNU+AFC supporters.
“It is not the policy of the APNU+AFC administration to indulge in such conduct,” the President replied.

@sachin_05 posted:

President refuses to elaborate on response to sanctions threat

Ever since the US Secretary of State, Mike Pompeo on Wednesday announced that top officials in the incumbent Coalition regime would face visa sanctions, de facto President David Granger is yet to offer a direct response to the threat.

President David Granger

On Wednesday, America’s chief diplomat had announced that the upper eulachon of the Coalition part along with financiers and family members will be subject to visa restrictions, for their involvement in the rigging of the March 2020 Elections.
Pompeo also called on President Granger to step aside and allow the rightful winners of the March 2 Election to take office. Shortly after, an unsigned statement emerged from “the Government of Guyana” expressing “regret” that such a move was taken by the US.
The statement said that “The Government of the Cooperative Republic of Guyana [Executive Branch] regret the decision announced by the Department of State of the United States of America.”
It added that “The conduct of Guyana’s General and Regional Elections is the responsibility of the Elections Commission, which is an independent authority under the Constitution of Guyana. The Executive Branch does not conduct elections. The Commission has made no declaration of results.”
“A challenge to matters arising out of those elections is still before Supreme Court and is entirely the responsibility of the judicial branch. The Executive Branch of Government has not participated in undermining the electoral process and urges all countries interested in Guyana’s development to await the logical and legal conclusion of the process which is being managed by the Elections Commission, in accordance with the Constitution of Guyana. The Executive arm has not interfered in the functioning of the Elections Commission,” the statement from the Government said.
On Thursday, Kaieteur News contacted the President through his Director of Public Information and Press Service, Arianna Gordon, with direct questions relating to the pronouncements made by Mike Pompeo and other issues.
On the issue of the threat of sanctions, Kaieteur News asked President Granger to give a direct response as the incumbent Head of State. The answer given was that “The Government of Guyana [Executive Branch] has issued a response to the decision taken by the United States Department of State on the matter of visa restrictions. President David Granger sits at the helm of the Executive Branch.”
A copy of the very statement sent out on Wednesday was also attached with no other answer given.
Next, the President was also asked to share his sentiments on Canada and the UK signaling sanctions on the Coalition as well. The response was that, “President David Granger has maintained that he will abide by the Constitution, decisions of the Court and any declaration made by the Elections Commission. The President cannot comment on sanctions that may be implemented by other countries.”
Among the other pressing electoral matters President Granger was asked to comment on were the blatant attacks by coalition supporters and executives on international and regional government officials and others who sought to weigh in on Guyana’s political situation or who are involved in the elections process.
Over the past few weeks, citizen have borne witness to attacks on the Former CARICOM Chair, Mia Mottley, the current CARICOM Chair, Ralph Gonsalves, Former Barbadian Prime Minister Owen Arthur, the GECOM Chair, Justice Claudette Singh, her attorney; Kim Kyte Thomas among others.
These attacks have been carried out by executive members of the Coalition. Against that backdrop, the President was asked whether such attacks were approved by him and if not, what reprimand would be had for the offenders.
The answer given to this was “President David Granger has not attacked any international, regional or local official nor has he sanctioned any attacks.”
Kaieteur News asked directly whether the President was going to directly condemn the attacks, in particular the mock funeral of the GECOM chair in effigy which took place near State House by APNU+AFC supporters.
“It is not the policy of the APNU+AFC administration to indulge in such conduct,” the President replied.

Granger is not a principled man. No one cares to hear his views. And he knows that. He has a trump card waiting to slam it pan the table. Cunning chap. 


You guys need to excuse Granger, he does not know better.  He is a third world racist dunce who only knows about opening up a sugar cake stand in these modern times. He has no clue how to run a country,  it’s a shame to know this is the kind of talent we have in Guyana.  They will soon drag his arse out of there. 

He cannot carry on a conversation with Pompeo, that’s why he did not answer the phone.  He can only relate to low life darkies like himself!

@alena06 posted:

You guys need to excuse Granger, he does not know better.  He is a third world racist dunce who only knows about opening up a sugar cake stand in these modern times. He has no clue how to run a country,  it’s a shame to know this is the kind of talent we have in Guyana.  They will soon drag his arse out of there. 

He cannot carry on a conversation with Pompeo, that’s why he did not answer the phone.  He can only relate to low life darkies like himself!

I agree. Let cancer just wipe this wicked SOB out.

@alena06 posted:

You guys need to excuse Granger, he does not know better.  He is a third world racist dunce who only knows about opening up a sugar cake stand in these modern times. He has no clue how to run a country,  it’s a shame to know this is the kind of talent we have in Guyana.  They will soon drag his arse out of there. 

He cannot carry on a conversation with Pompeo, that’s why he did not answer the phone.  He can only relate to low life darkies like himself!

This is the second time I'm reading about Pompeo calling Granger. Any truth to this? Did I miss something?


The PNC needs to come to terms with the loss. They are NOT forming the next government. The PNC will splinter with moderate forces forming a new front and the racist dead-Enders left with a 5/10% party pushing their handout agenda.

It’s a tough fight but the law of the jungle will be relegated to the dustbins.


In 1990 Sadaam left Kofi Anan and a US rep sitting in a hotel lobby for four hours. He finally agreed to meet but to lecture them for 30 mins. 

Gadaffi refused to meet with a Swiss/EU team.  They were left in their plane at Tripoli for hours which returned to Zurich. 

We know where they ended up!

PNC must be deranged to think they will bluff and bully the US. 

Last edited by Former Member
@Former Member posted:

In 1990 Sadaam left Kofi Anan and a US rep sitting in a hotel lobby for four hours. He finally agreed to meet but to lecture them for 30 mins. 

Gadaffi refused to meet with a Swiss/EU team.  They were left in their plane at Tripoli for hours which returned to Zurich. 

We know where they ended up!

PNC must be deranged to think they will bluff and bully the US. 

And both of those countries are far more advanced than Guyana. But the point is well taken about what happens when people miscalculate.

@Former Member posted:

Granger reminds me of Saddam. Looks like he will go down like him too. Uncle Sam doesn't want another Venezuela int her backyard. America will buss his balls with a masala brick.

U give way to your emotional impulses to much. Often  times getting confused in your ramblings. Uncle Sam doesn't like to be refered to as a " she".

And what's up with u an dis massala brick thing??

@cain posted:

Threats by the US is quite funny when we read reports stating that Trump will be a force to reckon with "when" he loses the Presidency. He will do the same, he would pout (as usual) kick up a stink, bawl and complain he was cheated.

But Trump won't prevent declaration of election results until 5 months after November. And Joe Biden won't rescind sanctions against APNU+AFC people. The US is a member of the OAS which will shortly impose sanctions if Granger is sworn-in.

@VishMahabir posted:

Granger and the PNC is not going to give up power. This is clear for all and sundry to see, sanctions or not. The PPP has no wherewithals to do anything about it.

This government, as Freddi Kissoon said "must be forced out".

And dont expect the legal challenges to end Monday. 

I don't expect the legal challenges to end tomorrow. Either way, it will proceed to the COA and thence to the CCJ which will not change its recent ruling. And this time the CCJ will issue the corresponding ORDER which Granger said was not in its recent ruling. Eventually Granger will have to step aside. He is neither Hercules nor Houdini. 

@VishMahabir posted:

Granger and the PNC is not going to give up power. This is clear for all and sundry to see, sanctions or not. The PPP has no wherewithals to do anything about it.

This government, as Freddi Kissoon said "must be forced out".

And dont expect the legal challenges to end Monday. 

Freddie is singing for his supper .Guyana need new Elections ,with new voters list ,who win ,win .

The March 2,2020 elections is tainted with irregularities , lots is at stake for Guyana ,the political tussle for power should be settled in 2020.

@Django posted:

Freddie is singing for his supper .Guyana need new Elections ,with new voters list ,who win ,win .

The March 2,2020 elections is tainted with irregularities , lots is at stake for Guyana ,the political tussle for power should be settled in 2020.

Can you please highlight these irregularities you are speaking about? By the way I don’t want to hear about dead and migrant voters and missing documents. Even the coalition is not talking about these. They want the courts to accept Mingo’s fraud. The voting is over, there is no need for new elections. Simply putting it, they lost the election and they need to concede and demit office. No kind of spinning can change the facts. Know the TRUTH and the TRUTH will set you and the coalition free. This struggle is about democracy and democracy will win at the end.

Long Live Democracy.

@VishMahabir posted:

Granger and the PNC is not going to give up power. This is clear for all and sundry to see, sanctions or not. The PPP has no wherewithals to do anything about it.

This government, as Freddi Kissoon said "must be forced out".

And dont expect the legal challenges to end Monday. 

@Django posted:

Freddie is singing for his supper .Guyana need new Elections ,with new voters list ,who win ,win .

The March 2,2020 elections is tainted with irregularities , lots is at stake for Guyana ,the political tussle for power should be settled in 2020.

@BGMAN posted:

Can you please highlight these irregularities you are speaking about?

By the way I don’t want to hear about dead and migrant voters and missing documents.

Even the coalition is not talking about these.

They want the courts to accept Mingo’s fraud.

The voting is over, there is no need for new elections.

Simply putting it, they lost the election and they need to concede and demit office. No kind of spinning can change the facts. Know the TRUTH and the TRUTH will set you and the coalition free.

This struggle is about democracy and democracy will win at the end.

Long Live Democracy.

So what you want to hear about ? who says the Coalition aren't talking about the irregularities ?

It appears you are supporting Fraudulent Elections ,when the shoe fits. Further there is need to revisit Democracy .


The PNC was in charge of the complete Rigging Machine, I don't see how any opposition party can rig, maybe they are smarter in campaigning to steal "take for granted votes" which the PNC never expected. 

Let's don't forget, the BLACK votes made the PPP won the election, it's a suffering fact, the PPP worked from bottom house to street corner and every village. Even Harmon agreed that Dr Jagdeo is a good Campaign Machine, this time hard work paid off. 

Deal with it, they lost big time and it hurts, because it will take another 20 years at least to be in government. If they don't want to leave peacefully, then something will happen, let's see.

@Django posted:

So what you want to hear about ? who says the Coalition aren't talking about the irregularities ?

It appears you are supporting Fraudulent Elections ,when the shoe fits. Further there is need to revisit Democracy .

They are banking on Mingo’s fraudulent numbers, thereby implying that the elections were free, fair and credible. Basil Williams supported Mingo’s numbers in the court. The recount proved that Mingo’s fraudulent votes were not in the secured ballot boxes. Can you explain to the forum why Lowenfield keeps changing his totals. This is purely the coalition and Gecom Secretariat attempted fraud. I am a democrat and thereby support only Democracy. I am opposed to thieves who are attempting to instal a dictatorship. In March of this year you told me to keep hoping. It is now July and I still believe the coalition will be moved out of government one way or another. It is their choice, the will of the Guyanese people will triumph.

Long Live Democracy.

@BGMAN posted:

They are banking on Mingo’s fraudulent numbers, thereby implying that the elections were free, fair and credible. Basil Williams supported Mingo’s numbers in the court. The recount proved that Mingo’s fraudulent votes were not in the secured ballot boxes.

Two thieves makes god laughs ,that's what is playing out.

Can you explain to the forum why Lowenfield keeps changing his totals. This is purely the coalition and Gecom Secretariat attempted fraud.

The numbers are changing to find valid votes ,with all the irregularities found in the recount. Hence my call for new elections with a new voters list.

I am a democrat and thereby support only Democracy.

There is a saying, Democracy means different things to different people . There are never ending theories on the meaning.

I am opposed to thieves who are attempting to instal a dictatorship.

Both sides are trying to steal the elections .Perhaps Jagdoe may want to continue the dictatorship ,with his plans for the PPP to rule for 40 yrs and beyond . Can he be trusted with such statements ?

In March of this year you told me to keep hoping. It is now July and I still believe the coalition will be moved out of government one way or another.

We shall find out.

It is their choice, the will of the Guyanese people will triumph.

How can one say the will of the people  will triumph ,with Fraudulent Elections ?

Long Live Democracy.

My response above.

Last edited by Django
@kp posted:

The PNC was in charge of the complete Rigging Machine,

I don't see how any opposition party can rig, maybe they are smarter in campaigning to steal "take for granted votes" which the PNC never expected. 

Let's don't forget, the BLACK votes made the PPP won the election, it's a suffering fact, the PPP worked from bottom house to street corner and every village.

Even Harmon agreed that Dr Jagdeo is a good Campaign Machine, this time hard work paid off. 

Deal with it, they lost big time and it hurts, because it will take another 20 years at least to be in government. If they don't want to leave peacefully, then something will happen, let's see.

The rigging machine is at Freedom House.There are many ways to stuff ballot boxes.

That's pig in the bag black votes propel the PPP to win ,it's a ploy to cover up the stealing of elections ,hence all the photo ops used for propaganda.

The Coalition was a sleep ,when the realized what happened ,they tried to out do the riggers.

What makes you think ,the people don't see the plans of the PPP ,who wants to rule forever by fraud.

Last edited by Django
@Django posted:

My response above.

This is not about two thieves. The real thief is the coalition and they are trying to put blame on the PPP/C.

The numbers are changing because Lowenfield is trying to cover one fraud with another fraud. Very soon he will run out of options and will be dismissed.

Democracy means government of, for and by the people.

The PPP/C lost in 2015 , they conceded and filed an elections petition. To date, this petition is outstanding.

We will find out and the coalition will find out.

You have never proven to me that the PPP/C committed fraud. The fraud proven to date was Mingo’s fraudulent numbers for District Four.

Long Live Democracy.



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