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@BGMAN posted:

This is not about two thieves. The real thief is the coalition and they are trying to put blame on the PPP/C.

The numbers are changing because Lowenfield is trying to cover one fraud with another fraud. Very soon he will run out of options and will be dismissed.

Democracy means government of, for and by the people.

The PPP/C lost in 2015 , they conceded and filed an elections petition. To date, this petition is outstanding.

We will find out and the coalition will find out.

You have never proven to me that the PPP/C committed fraud.

The fraud proven to date was Mingo’s fraudulent numbers for District Four.

Long Live Democracy.


It's disingenuous to sweep the Fraud committed by the PPP under the rug . Liars,academic fraudsters aren't to be trusted. These are the people at the head of the party.

Any way , to each his own

@Django posted:

It's disingenuous to sweep the Fraud committed by the PPP under the rug . Liars,academic fraudsters aren't to be trusted. These are the people at the head of the party.

Any way , to each his own

The PPP is crooked.  Irfaan Ali is facing criminal charges and is an academic cheat.  Fred Sukhdeo gave him a degree from a non-existent school on the West Coast and his so called doctorate from UWI is a con job.  Jagdeo's stolen wealth is on display at Pradoville 2.  He goes around calling himself Dr. but he has an earned first degree from Lumumba and honorary doctorate from some obscure university.  In practice,  people with honorary doctorates should not use the title.  There are several others in the party who have questionable degrees from online schools.  Why do people want these crooks as their representatives?

Last edited by Totaram
@Django posted:

The rigging machine is at Freedom House.There are many ways to stuff ballot boxes.

That's pig in the bag black votes propel the PPP to win ,it's a ploy to cover up the stealing of elections ,hence all the photo ops used for propaganda.

The Coalition was a sleep ,when the realized what happened ,they tried to out do the riggers.

What makes you think ,the people don't see the plans of the PPP ,who wants to rule for ever by fraud.

So, where were these ballots stuff? Be specific.  

@BGMAN posted:

Can you please highlight these irregularities you are speaking about? By the way I don’t want to hear about dead and migrant voters and missing documents. Even the coalition is not talking about these. They want the courts to accept Mingo’s fraud. The voting is over, there is no need for new elections. Simply putting it, they lost the election and they need to concede and demit office. No kind of spinning can change the facts. Know the TRUTH and the TRUTH will set you and the coalition free. This struggle is about democracy and democracy will win at the end.

Long Live Democracy.

He is just talk but no supporting information for any of his arguments. It started off with some ballot boxes in south/north Georgetown not counted but no evidence to support as such. When asked to show the APNU SOPs, couldn’t produced them and only keeps commenting PPC numbers posted in their website. I won’t waste time asking for information because its all made up!

@Former Member posted:

That was not my question. Where are their SOPs bearing the signatures of their polling agents?

Guyana became a corrupted country  over 1.5 decades and a reflection of some of the people ,nuff things can happen. Signatures don't mean sqat. If a person life can be taken out for a few dollars ,what's there people would not do.

Last edited by Django
@Ace posted:

He is just talk but no supporting information for any of his arguments. It started off with some ballot boxes in south/north Georgetown not counted but no evidence to support as such. When asked to show the APNU SOPs, couldn’t produced them and only keeps commenting PPC numbers posted in their website. I won’t waste time asking for information because its all made up!

Do you have any answers of the missing documents from the Ballot boxes . Do you know of the coordination between the PPP and PO in their strongholds ?

@Totaram posted:

The PPP is crooked.  Irfaan Ali is facing criminal charges and is an academic cheat.  Fred Sukhdeo gave him a degree from a non-existent school on the West Coast and his so called doctorate from UWI is a con job.  Jagdeo's stolen wealth is on display at Pradoville 2.  He goes around calling himself Dr. but he has an earned first degree from Lumumba and honorary doctorate from some obscure university.  In practice,  people with honorary doctorates should not use the title.  There are several others in the party who have questionable degrees from online schools.  Why do people want these crooks as their representatives?

Jagdeo has a Master's degree in Economics from Lumumba University from Russia.

Last edited by Ramakant-P

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