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Granger is still bitter that he lost the election. His dream to bring back Burnham culture to Guyana has been shattered. His henchman Harmon doesn't consider Ali the legitimate president, yet the PNC was yelling about shared governance. Like I said in another thread, Granger can kiss good man rass is he doesn't want to attend Ali's invitation. He and all his advisors are irrelevant for not taking part in the country's affairs.


Progress starts from a very basic precept. Guyanese politicians doan have it. Granger should not waste his time. I doan think Ramotar is a smart man, Hinds will only concentrate on the food, Jagdeo, well he goan only concern that he looks inclusive. Irfaan, poor fella, he is the fool, some fools duz confuse the wise. No wise men in that lot.

@seignet posted:

Progress starts from a very basic precept. Guyanese politicians doan have it. Granger should not waste his time. I doan think Ramotar is a smart man, Hinds will only concentrate on the food, Jagdeo, well he goan only concern that he looks inclusive. Irfaan, poor fella, he is the fool, some fools duz confuse the wise. No wise men in that lot.

All these people controlled by Jagdeo have one goal, enrich themselves. While ordinary PPP voters life don't change much. After the PPP loses an election, most ministers leave Guyana fast like a run-away train, to their assets and family overseas.   

@seignet posted:

Progress starts from a very basic precept. Guyanese politicians doan have it. Granger should not waste his time. I doan think Ramotar is a smart man, Hinds will only concentrate on the food, Jagdeo, well he goan only concern that he looks inclusive. Irfaan, poor fella, he is the fool, some fools duz confuse the wise. No wise men in that lot.

That's a lot of idioms you put together.

@seignet posted:

Progress starts from a very basic precept. Guyanese politicians doan have it. Granger should not waste his time. I doan think Ramotar is a smart man, Hinds will only concentrate on the food, Jagdeo, well he goan only concern that he looks inclusive.

Irfaan, poor fella, he is the fool, some fools duz confuse the wise. No wise men in that lot.

I said in a conversation with my niece ,Irfraan can do something ,as President he have the power to change things in Guyana ,that's mending the "racial strife" ,the people will be behind him.

I was told there are problems between the the bully  Edgill and Indar .

Irfaan ,Indar and my eldest son are school mates ,along with a group of school mates ,they are in contact for years . One declined a Ministerial position that was offered.

Last edited by Django
@Django posted:

Harmon and Granger ,should step down ,the party have a group of mixed young and educated people .They can sit back and offer guidance.

Both those chaps are out of touch with the new mobility of Guyanese. Even the PPP is out of touch. Had it not been for distrust, they be all out of wuk. Don't you find that speaking to young ppl.?

@Django posted:

True !!! but that fella wouldn't give up.

This is the problem with some political parties and companies when they put all their eggs in one controlling basket and that basket is broken, the entire process falls apart. We worked with a guy like that, whose company fell apart. 

By intimidation and crookery, Jagdeo was allowed to place himself king over the CC, PPP, general secretary and VP, over the PM. Similar to Mustapha as RO in Berbice, Jagdeo uses nastiness, arrogance and vindictiveness to remain in control. 

@Tola posted:

This is the problem with some political parties and companies when they put all their eggs in one controlling basket and that basket is broken, the entire process falls apart. We worked with a guy like that, whose company fell apart.

By intimidation and crookery, Jagdeo was allowed to place himself king over the CC, PPP, general secretary and VP, over the PM. Similar to Mustapha as RO in Berbice, Jagdeo uses nastiness, arrogance and vindictiveness to remain in control.

Senior member Rama ,said he is the supreme leader. Beliefs in Democratic Centralism will do it.

@Ramakant-P posted:

The man is smarter than Burnham.

He does not have to use the army to steal ballot boxes. He does it with the power of speech.

Does it by compromising people to stuff ballot boxes.

Burnham stealing of elections was like so much for you and so much for me ,he didn't corrupt people to win elections. He and Hoyte is dead .

The supreme leader is the new thief corrupting his own people ,never trust a liar and a thief and those who condone such acts .

Last edited by Django
@Django posted:

Does it by compromising people to stuff ballot boxes.

Burnham stealing of elections was like so much for you and so much for me ,he didn't corrupt people to win elections. He and Hoyte is dead . The supreme leader is the new thief corrupting his own people .

I beg to disagree.  Burnham had his people counting ballots in the absence of the PPP agents. He gave himself 100% of the overseas vote.

Granger is still trying to overturn the 2020 election results just as Trump is doing in the USA.

You follow Granger like the republicans follow Trump.

@Ramakant-P posted:

I beg to disagree.

Burnham had his people counting ballots in the absence of the PPP agents. He gave himself 100% of the overseas vote.

Granger is still trying to overturn the 2020 election results just as Trump is doing in the USA.

You follow Granger like the republicans follow Trump.

That was just for the process . The 2020 Fraudulent elections should be thrown out.

There are no following ,I am my own man ,don't kiss up to no one to bread on the table ,always enjoy the clean pennies.

Last edited by Django

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