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Special Report of the Walter Rodney Commission of Inquiry by Shaun Michael Samaroo : Granger was Army Liaison to GPF in Gregory Smith probe : – Says former Army Chief-of-Staff McLean 


EX-ARMY Chief, Major General Norman McLean, yesterday named Brigadier David Granger as an Army Officer in liaison with the Guyana Police Force (GPF) when the police investigated former Army Sergeant Gregory Smith as a suspect in the bomb-blast assassination of world-renowned Guyanese scholar, Dr Walter Rodney.

Denying he personally was involved in the investigation against Smith, or that he took any responsibility to look into the matter of a soldier under his command allegedly involved in murder, during his testimony, McLean named Granger as one of the Army’s pointsmen in sharing Army information about Smith to the investigators.
What dark conspiracy lurked below the surface at the Guyana Defence Force when the world-renowned Guyanese scholar was assassinated?
That’s the question now confronting the Commission as the inquiry unfolds at the High Court building in Georgetown, with the Army’s role now dominating the probe.
The ex-Army Chief, responding to a question from Counsel Andrew Pilgrim, said “Yes, it’s possible” that a conspiracy happened within the Army without his (McLean) knowing about it, despite holding the post of Chief-of-Staff. Pilgrim asked McLean if such a conspiracy could happen among officers lower in rank, unknown to him, and he said “Yes, it’s possible,” noting that “rogue elements” existed in the ranks of the GDF.
Earlier in the day, Commission Chairman Sir Richard Cheltenham had to prompt McLean several times to answer questions, as McLean seemed reluctant to answer, or to verbally engage Counsel.
Emotions flared across the floor yesterday as the ex-Army Chief took to the witness box to testify, and got into a heated verbal exchange with Counsel Pilgrim, who is representing Dr Rodney’s widow, Patricia Rodney and the three Rodney children.
McLean repeated throughout his testimony, which lasted all day and was adjourned to an undetermined date, that he lacks knowledge or awareness of much of the information Counsel was seeking answers to from him.
To several of the questions, McLean said he did not know, was not aware, or could not remember. At other times he nodded his head or shook it from side to side, a grave expression on his face, and Commission Chairman Sir Cheltenham asked him a number of times to verbally answer the questions instead of responding non-verbally.
McLean got into a more verbal mood as the day pushed on, the room packed with Guyanese steeped in the history of Guyana, including former Army officers, senior media personnel, top Members of Parliament, including Opposition MP Moses Nagamootoo, and senior members of the Working People’s Alliance (WPA).
McLean warmed to the task of testifying, and even generated some laughter among the audience, as he joked and smiled at times. But he also faced questions with pensive, tense expressions on his face, with Commission Chairman Sir Cheltenham at one point noting that when Counsel posed certain questions, McLean would appear “to be not with us.” McLean appeared not to be interested in listening.
It took Counsel Pilgrim’s sharp, incisive questioning to rattle his cool, and to get him to answer questions with lengthy sentences.
McLean became particularly loquacious when Counsel asked him if he knew former Army Pilot, Gerry Gouveia may have been the pilot of an Army plane that flew ex-Army Sergeant Gregory Smith to the hinterland.
Witnesses have testified before the Commission that Army Sergeant Smith was involved in the bomb-blast assassination of Dr Rodney on June 13, 1980 in Georgetown, when a communications device exploded in the lap of the opposition political leader.
McLean denied knowing Smith, and said he heard of him being a soldier, but “he had deserted” the Army.
McLean indicated that he had very little interest in Smith, and did not particularly pursue the desertion case, despite Smith having had special overseas Army training.
Counsel Pilgrim’s peppery questions saw McLean become animated and heated in his exchanges. At one point, both Counsel and McLean resorted to raising their voices to angry pitch, to the point where Pilgrim addressed McLean as “Major”, and McLean, face red and body taut, pointed a wagging finger at Pilgrim, seated a few feet to his left outside the witness box at a table, and informed him “It’s Major General; I earned it!” Pilgrim duly apologised for the mishap.
Pilgrim, noting that McLean was responding that he did not know or was not aware of a lot of the information Counsel asked him, put it to him that he was outside the loop of a conspiracy in the Army, and asked if this was possible. “Yes, it’s possible,” McLean said, noting that the Army could harbour “rogue elements”.
McLean said he knew Gouveia well, and “mentored” him, but never knew about that particular plane trip at the time it took place. Questions from Counsel gleaned the information to the Commission, from McLean, that Gouveia told him in a private conversation “last week that he (Gouveia) had flown the plane.” McLean said he was not interested in hearing anything more, as “If he didn’t tell me that 34 years ago, why would I want to know about it now?”
Counsel Pilgrim indicated that Gouveia may testify to the Commission.
Counsel Selwyn Pieters intervened with an aggressive objection, noting that key documents should have been secured for the Commission’s task. A Canadian lawyer representing the local trade union movement at the Commission of Inquiry, Pieters, speaking in a tone that offended the Commission Chairman, who noted that Pieters seemed to want to “lecture” the Commissioners, asked the Commission to secure relevant supporting documents from the Army and Guyana Police Force to back up the claims of Counsel in questions they pose to the witness.
After several heated exchanges, Counsel for the Commission said efforts would be made to secure the documents from the Secretary of the Defence Board.
McLean was excused from the witness stand until such time as cross-examination into his testimony could be continued.
The Commission is scheduled to conclude its second sitting today, and resume later this month.
McLean denied any knowledge of the Guyana Defence Force Account Form that was tendered into evidence during the testimony of Joseph Hamilton that showed an Army Officer had handed over a number of guns and ammunition to the House of Israel religious sect. He denied any knowledge of either the handing over of the guns, or of the signatures on the form, but said that the guns and ammunition listed were standard Army weapons.
Pilgrim is to resume his cross-examination of McLean when the ex-Army boss takes the stand again, with interest high surrounding further questions about Granger’s role in the Army during the time Rodney was assassinated.
The Government of Guyana convened the Commission of Inquiry in answer to an international outcry, going on for 38 years, for a probe into the singular major political assassination in the history of the English-speaking Caribbean. Dr Rodney, a world-renowned scholar, died when a communications device exploded in his lap in Georgetown on June 13, 1980.
The Commission resumes today for the final day of its second sitting.

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‘Pilgrim, noting that McLean was responding that he did not know or was not aware of a lot of the information Counsel asked him, put to him that he was outside the loop of a conspiracy in the Army, and asked if this was possible. ‘Yes, it’s possible,’ McLean said, noting that the Army could harbour ‘rogue elements’

*** pull quote
What dark conspiracy lurked below the surface at the Guyana Defence Force when the world-renowned Guyanese scholar was assassinated? That’s the question now confronting the Commission as the inquiry unfolds at the High Court building in Georgetown, with the Army’s role now dominating the probe.


excerpts from the Guyana Chronicle

Replies sorted oldest to newest

Ex-army chief McLean blank on Rodney probe

Posted By Oluatoyin Alleyne On June 6, 2014 @ 5:30 am In Local News | 

Although denying he “washed his hands” of the probe into Dr Walter Rodney’s death, former Chief of Staff of the Guyana Defence Force (GDF) Major General (rtd) Norman McLean yesterday testified that he knew nothing of the investigation and said that he was even unaware of reports that an army plane transported main suspect Gregory Smith into Kwakwani.

Taking the stand before members of the Commission of Inquiry (CoI) into the death of Rodney, McLean said that even though he knew questions were being asked about Smith’s involvement, he personally did no investigation on the former soldier turned deserter.

Former Guyana Defence Force Chief of Staff Norman McLean being cross-examined during yesterday’s proceedings by Barbadian lawyer Andrew Pilgrim who is representing the family of Dr Walter Rodney.

Former Guyana Defence Force Chief of Staff Norman McLean being cross-examined during yesterday’s proceedings by Barbadian lawyer Andrew Pilgrim who is representing the family of Dr Walter Rodney.

He told an almost packed room at the Supreme Court Law Library that the first time he heard of a plane transporting Smith to Kwakwani one day after the murder was last week, when Captain Gerry Gouveia told him he was subpoenaed to testify about “the plane” at the CoI. Observers point out that such reports have been in existence since 1980.

Barbadian attorney Andrew Pilgrim, who is looking after the interest of Rodney’s widow, Patricia Rodney, and her family, asked McLean whether he would have asked Gouveia about “the plane.”

“No, sir. Having not told me for 34 years, I don’t want to know,” he said. He had earlier said that Gouveia was a product of the Guyana National Service (GNS), of which he was Director General before his appointment as Chief of Staff. He said if Gouveia had flown Smith to Kwakwani, he would have expected to be informed by him.

Earlier, he had testified that he knew of no army base at Kwakwani and that at the time there were 14 planes in the army and the air corps had a commander in charge.

While he knew there was an investigation into Rodney’s death, McLean said this was led by the Guyana Police Force. He added that there were two officers in the army, including the now deceased Godwin McPherson, who liaised with the force but he noted that he did not find out about the process as it was not his responsibility.

He did not accept that he “washed his hands” of the investigation but maintained it was the police’s responsibility and even though a former member of the GDF was being named as the main suspect he did not further inquire.

Throughout the day he appeared at ease during his testimony and even had the room erupting in steady laughter with his clever responses, so much so that Commissioner Seenath Jairam at one point observed that he was very “lyrical” in his testimony. However, the ‘cool operator’ did eventually become flustered when being questioned by Pilgrim, whose line of questioning was very aggressive and prompted CoI Chairman Sir Richard Cheltenham to caution him to ‘tone’ it down.

“All of a sudden you seem to no longer be with us,” the Chairman also told McLean, after the former Chief of Staff became more and more hesitant in answering the questions posed by Pilgrim.

“You have something to hide from this commission?” asked Pilgrim

“For what!” an angered McLean shouted, repeating himself as Pilgrim continued with the question.

Pilgrim, who prior to this had observed that “all the show done, bring the show now,” persisted with questioning McLean about whether he had something to hide from the commission, even after the chairman observed that it was not a fair question.

“I take objection to the question,” McLean further answered.

“You can take objection to what you like, it is a direct question,” Pilgrim insisted.

The lawyer said he found it strange that McLean never heard of an army plane transporting Smith to Kwakwani, since even “down in Barbados we heard that.”

Chairman of the Commission Sir Richard Cheltenham [centre) in dialogue with his fellow commissioners Seenath Jairam (left) and Jacqueline Samuels-Brown during yesterday’s proceedings.

Chairman of the Commission Sir Richard Cheltenham (centre) in dialogue with his fellow commissioners Seenath Jairam (left) and Jacqueline Samuels-Brown during yesterday’s proceedings.

McLean was also asked if he did not have a responsibility to the people of Guyana to investigate whether someone who was once in the army may have been responsible for the death of a civilian but McLean said he did not share this view.

As Pilgrim continued to seek answers, McLean was very resistant and at one point the lawyer noted that the witness was “sucking his teeth and looking about this place” without answering. He also told the witness that he “don’t always get nice questions” even as McLean told him rudely that he should ask the police about the investigation.

“I am suggesting to you sir that you deliberately turned a blind eye to the investigation and its circumstances,” posited Chairman Cheltenham at that point.

“No sir,” answered McLean.

On more than one occasion Pilgrim referred to McLean as Major instead of Major-General and he was corrected on all occasions by McLean. His last reference was made when he said ‘This is all my questions for the Major,” to which McLean said “Major-General. I have earned it!”




Speaking about Smith, McLean accepted that shortly after Rodney’s death he did tell members of the press that no Gregory Smith was a member of the GDF and this was done after he would have asked the relevant officer-the now dead Major Alan John Lewis-to check the records.

However, after he was contacted again and given the service number 41/41, it was later revealed to him that indeed a William Gregory Smith was a member of the maritime division of the GDF but that he had deserted.

He could not recall if he had publicly stated that Smith was indeed a member of the force at one time and he is not aware that he told the press that he could not further speak on the issue unless directed by then Prime Minister Forbes Burnham, who was the then Minister of National Intelligence. And even with the interest shown in Smith and him being fingered in the death of Rodney, McLean said he was not inclined to take a look at his personal file or to find out more about him nor did he actively try to find him. He pointed out that there was a chain of command and he would have asked officers to look it. As he put it, the army at that time had 8,000 members and he did not even know all of his 300 officers.

Counsel to the Com-mission Glen Hanoman attempted to tender a document that supposedly showed Smith was being paid by the army but McLean said the document was “cut and paste and not an original” even though the lawyer maintained it was from a bound volume supplied by the army and that an officer would come and testify to its veracity.

Even so, the document was dated before McLean joined the army and the commission chairman pointed out that it was not appropriate to ask the witness about documents before his time.

He also did not have weekly or daily meetings with Burnham but rather it was monthly, when the Defence Board met.

“That was it,” he said emphatically, before adding that many of the officers who would have been around then are now dead and that he was a “fossil.”

He said he assumed the police would have been handed all information on Smith.

During his evidence-in-chief, McLean was also shown a document titled the ‘Account Form,’ which apparently logged arms transferred from the army to the notorious House of Israel through the People’s National Congress (PNC). It was purported to be signed by Godwin McPherson. While he said he could not confirm or deny whether such a form was used in the army, McLean emphatically said the signature was not that of McPherson, which he would have seen many times during his time in the army and which he knew well. He even suggested that expert assistance should be sought to verify the signature.

He also said he does not see the army transferring weapons to non-military organisations and that he would not have allowed such a transfer.

In answer to Commissioner Jacqueline Samuels-Brown, McLean confirmed that neither the PNC nor the House of Israel were affiliates of the army. He maintained that he did not collaborate in the sharing of weapons and that it would have been inappropriate to share weapons with the House of Israel.

Former House of Israel priest Joseph Hamilton, who is now a parliamentarian for the ruling PPP/C, had testified that the PNC armed the House of Israel with guns.


‘Not this boy’


McLean, who could be considered the most important witness so far to take the stand before the commission, was himself subpoenaed to testify. However, the decision to call him, presumably to get some insight into Rodney’s death or the mood of the country since he was the head of the army at the time, may have been an overly hopeful one. McLean made it known to the commission’s counsel Hanoman that he was not happy with being subpoenaed when no one even had a conversation with him.

He did, however, use the platform to make it clear that he had at no time pledged allegiance to the PNC, which was the then governing party, or former Prime Minister Burnham, who had appointed him to head the army.

“Not this boy, sir,” he quickly responded when asked by Commissioner Samuels-Brown if it was not true that he and another officer had pledged allegiance to the PNC.

McLean also used his time to speak about the virtues of the GNS, saying that heading that agency was one of the most satisfying experiences of his life. At one point, he indicated that hands would start popping up if he were to ask for a show of hands of those who would have meaningfully benefited from the GNS and even before he completed the statement many hands were raised.

Being led in his evidence by Hanoman, McLean confirmed that he was Director General of the GNS when he was appointed Chief of Staff of the army in 1979—a position he held for 11 years. Before the GNS. He was a member of the police force from which he was seconded.

In response to a question, he said he could “assume” that Burnham was instrumental in his appointment. He could not recall speaking to Burnham before being appointed but rather only after he was appointed.

Asked if Burnham would have been happy with his performance, McLean quipped: “I can call him back and find out,” much to the amusement of the audience.

“Could you call him?” responded Hanoman.

While he was “pleasantly surprised” at the appointment, McLean said he understands that at the time the office of the PNC General Secretary was burnt down but he did not connect his appointment to that incident.

He said he does not know the reason for his appointment but noted that the previous head of the army was two years over the retirement age. He admitted, though, that other senior officers had to be moved to facilitate his appointment, including an officer by the name of Pilgrim, who naturally stood in line at the time to become the head. He admitted that the officers were not happy when he took over the helm and his first active day of duty was greeted with a bomb scare.

Former GDF Chief of Staff, Major-General [Rtd) Norman McLean holding up a document during his testimony yesterday. (Arian Browne photo)

Former GDF Chief of Staff, Major-General (Rtd) Norman McLean holding up a document during his testimony yesterday. (Arian Browne photo)

Also at the time soldiers were very disgruntled and were deserting the army to the point that the army started actively looking for the deserters and offering them amnesty from prosecution should they return. There were many reasons for this, including the poor quality of food given, the low salary and all in all they were not being treated properly, he said. He also recalled that one of the first camps he visited was Camp Groomes, where he found that soldiers were being housed in crates that were used to import weapons. By the end of the 11 years at the helm, McLean said, he would have done an “excellent job” in making the army a better institution for its members.

McLean also said that when he took over the army he made it clear that soldiers were not going to be involved in the fetching of ballot boxes but rather they would provide protection for persons fetching those boxes. He said he would not have tolerated such an exercise and he made it clear. The GDF, he said in answer to questions, knew nothing about party paramountcy as it relates to the PNC but rather it was about the strength of its leadership and professionalism.

During his time as head of the GNS, there were 5,000 young people in the service and McLean said he makes “no apology” for training them to become disciplined, which was done in military-style. Asked what the aim of the service was, he said it was to “Develop the new Guyana man.” This was done by training the young people between the ages of 16 and 25 in loyalty and love for their country and teaching them about the hinterland.

Following questions, he spoke of his close association with then Crime Chief Cecil Alexander Roberts, better known as ‘Skip’ Roberts as the two joined the force together.

“Is this a fan club exercise?” asked attorney Basil Williams, who is watching the interest of the PNC in the inquiry, as McLean continued to speak about Roberts.

The CoI was set up to probe the death of Rodney, the co-leader of the WPA, who was killed after a walkie-talkie given to him exploded on June 13, 1980. The then ruling PNC has long been accused of his murder but has continued to reject any responsibility for the killing. Rodney had been a campaigner against the abuses of the PNC’s government but McLean noted yesterday that as he rose to prominence he could have been seen as a thorn in the sides of the PNC and PPP parties.

The commission is also tasked with specifically enquiring into the cause of the explosion in which Rodney died, including whether it was an act of terrorism and if so who were the perpetrators.





Originally Posted by Billy Ram Balgobin:

Granger has dirty hands. Wash them like Lady MacBeth.

funny. Norman McLean was much more SENIOR than was Granger and he is actually trying to pin the blame on him.  In the army one must follow orders, and the lower down the command chain one is, the less one is able to question these orders.


So it appears to me as if McLean is more to blame for any abusive behavior by the GDF in the 70s. HE IS WITH THE PPP!


"caribny" is desperately trying to divert attention away from the P.N.C, no amount of damage control could erase the dark days of P.N.C rule, it is said, those who forgets the pass are condemned to repeat it....

Originally Posted by Conscience:

"caribny" is desperately trying to divert attention away from the P.N.C, no amount of damage control could erase the dark days of P.N.C rule, it is said, those who forgets the pass are condemned to repeat it....

He was part and parcel of the operations. He still wears the PNC Card around his neck PROUDLY!!!

Originally Posted by Conscience:

"caribny" is desperately trying to divert attention away from the P.N.C, no amount of damage control could erase the dark days of P.N.C rule, it is said, those who forgets the pass are condemned to repeat it....

Councie.....No one is doubting the PNC killed Dr Walter Rodney. All that is happening here is the Counce of the PNC is being Exposed again and it is very stink.
We are Learning the House of Israel thugs received Guns, Training and Protection from the PNC, GDF, Peoples Militia, and Police to kill members of the opposition.
THIS IS SIMILAR TO ROGER KHAN RECEIVING Guns, Training and Protection from the PPP, GDF, Minister of Home Affairs and Police to kill members of the opposition......PLUS RESTRICTED SPY EQUIPMENT TO HUNT DOWN MEMBERS OF THE OPPOSITION AND KILL THEM
Councie ....... PPP = PNC......but tell us whose Counce is more stink?????..... Hamilton was a Black House of Israel Thug and Killer under the PNC...... Today Hamilton is with the PPP as a Member of Parliament and Permanent Secretary in the Ministry of Health........and the Ministry of Health purchase the Spy Computers for Roger Khan......SO HOW IS THE PPP DIFFERENT FROM THE PNC.
Councie ....... PPP = PNC......but tell us whose Counce is more stink?????..... PNC was giving guns to House of Israel Thugs to kill people ....PPP was giving guns to Roger Khan to kill people.....PLUS ROGER KHAN WAS ALLOWED TO MOVE FREELY TONS OF COCAINE IN AND OUT OF GUYANA......SO HOW IS THE PPP DIFFERENT FROM THE PNC
Councie ....... PPP = PNC......but tell us whose Counce is more stink?????..... Under PNC Jerry Gouviea was the Dirty Pilot who smuggled Gregory Smith out of EXCHANGE for SMUGGLEING GOLD, DRUGS, MONEY & AMMUNITION ........... Under PPP Jerry Gouviea was the Dirty Pilot who smuggled ROGER KHAN out of EXCHANGE for SMUGGLEING GOLD, DRUGS, MONEY & AMMUNITION ......SO HOW IS THE PPP DIFFERENT FROM THE PNC
Originally Posted by Jalil:
Originally Posted by Conscience:

"caribny" is desperately trying to divert attention away from the P.N.C, no amount of damage control could erase the dark days of P.N.C rule, it is said, those who forgets the pass are condemned to repeat it....

Councie.....No one is doubting the PNC killed Dr Walter Rodney. All that is happening here is the Counce of the PNC is being Exposed again and it is very stink.
We are Learning the House of Israel thugs received Guns, Training and Protection from the PNC, GDF, Peoples Militia, and Police to kill members of the opposition.
THIS IS SIMILAR TO ROGER KHAN RECEIVING Guns, Training and Protection from the PPP, GDF, Minister of Home Affairs and Police to kill members of the opposition......PLUS RESTRICTED SPY EQUIPMENT TO HUNT DOWN MEMBERS OF THE OPPOSITION AND KILL THEM
Councie ....... PPP = PNC......but tell us whose Counce is more stink?????..... Hamilton was a Black House of Israel Thug and Killer under the PNC...... Today Hamilton is with the PPP as a Member of Parliament and Permanent Secretary in the Ministry of Health........and the Ministry of Health purchase the Spy Computers for Roger Khan......SO HOW IS THE PPP DIFFERENT FROM THE PNC.
Councie ....... PPP = PNC......but tell us whose Counce is more stink?????..... PNC was giving guns to House of Israel Thugs to kill people ....PPP was giving guns to Roger Khan to kill people.....PLUS ROGER KHAN WAS ALLOWED TO MOVE FREELY TONS OF COCAINE IN AND OUT OF GUYANA......SO HOW IS THE PPP DIFFERENT FROM THE PNC
Councie ....... PPP = PNC......but tell us whose Counce is more stink?????..... Under PNC Jerry Gouviea was the Dirty Pilot who smuggled Gregory Smith out of EXCHANGE for SMUGGLEING GOLD, DRUGS, MONEY & AMMUNITION ........... Under PPP Jerry Gouviea was the Dirty Pilot who smuggled ROGER KHAN out of EXCHANGE for SMUGGLEING GOLD, DRUGS, MONEY & AMMUNITION ......SO HOW IS THE PPP DIFFERENT FROM THE PNC

Great observation, my friend. The Guyanese people are entitled to know the complete history of people like Gouveia and Hamilton and Lumumba and others who today are treated as VIPs by the PPP regime.

Originally Posted by Gilbakka:
Originally Posted by Jalil:
Originally Posted by Conscience:

"caribny" is desperately trying to divert attention away from the P.N.C, no amount of damage control could erase the dark days of P.N.C rule, it is said, those who forgets the pass are condemned to repeat it....

Councie.....No one is doubting the PNC killed Dr Walter Rodney. All that is happening here is the Counce of the PNC is being Exposed again and it is very stink.
We are Learning the House of Israel thugs received Guns, Training and Protection from the PNC, GDF, Peoples Militia, and Police to kill members of the opposition.
THIS IS SIMILAR TO ROGER KHAN RECEIVING Guns, Training and Protection from the PPP, GDF, Minister of Home Affairs and Police to kill members of the opposition......PLUS RESTRICTED SPY EQUIPMENT TO HUNT DOWN MEMBERS OF THE OPPOSITION AND KILL THEM
Councie ....... PPP = PNC......but tell us whose Counce is more stink?????..... Hamilton was a Black House of Israel Thug and Killer under the PNC...... Today Hamilton is with the PPP as a Member of Parliament and Permanent Secretary in the Ministry of Health........and the Ministry of Health purchase the Spy Computers for Roger Khan......SO HOW IS THE PPP DIFFERENT FROM THE PNC.
Councie ....... PPP = PNC......but tell us whose Counce is more stink?????..... PNC was giving guns to House of Israel Thugs to kill people ....PPP was giving guns to Roger Khan to kill people.....PLUS ROGER KHAN WAS ALLOWED TO MOVE FREELY TONS OF COCAINE IN AND OUT OF GUYANA......SO HOW IS THE PPP DIFFERENT FROM THE PNC
Councie ....... PPP = PNC......but tell us whose Counce is more stink?????..... Under PNC Jerry Gouviea was the Dirty Pilot who smuggled Gregory Smith out of EXCHANGE for SMUGGLEING GOLD, DRUGS, MONEY & AMMUNITION ........... Under PPP Jerry Gouviea was the Dirty Pilot who smuggled ROGER KHAN out of EXCHANGE for SMUGGLEING GOLD, DRUGS, MONEY & AMMUNITION ......SO HOW IS THE PPP DIFFERENT FROM THE PNC

Great observation, my friend. The Guyanese people are entitled to know the complete history of people like Gouveia and Hamilton and Lumumba and others who today are treated as VIPs by the PPP regime.

Put all these traitors infront the firing squad. They knew all this and yet remain quiet?

Quote SkeldonMan...."Put all these traitors infront the firing squad. They knew all this and yet remain quiet?" xxxxxxx SkeldonMan we have to put the Crooks in the PPP infront the firing squad. The crooks who Hijacked the PPP...and made these Criminals Advisor to the President and those who moved these Criminals into freedom house. They knew all this and yet remain quiet?" XXXXXXXXXXXX Jagdeo knew who Jerry Gouviea was and travel on overseas trips with this dirty pilot......and Jagdeo & Brassington reward Jerry Gouviea after he smuggled Roger Khan out of Guyana. XXXXXXX PPP GIVE JERRY GOUVIEA EXPENSIVE GOVT PROPERTY IN DUKE STREET KINGSTON.

I can see a fierce election campaign on the horizon. The PPP will go on an onslaught to expose Granger and the potential danger the nation could face if he becomes president. The APNU leader's past will haunt him and there is nothing the opposition writers and ghost writers can do to alleviate its effect on the people of Guyana. This investigation in the Rodney assassination will do severe damage to Granger's little credibility. APNU cannot get into office without the support of the AFC. Expect a massive campaign to smash the AFC

Billy Ram Balgobin
Originally Posted by Billy Ram Balgobin:

I can see a fierce election campaign on the horizon. The PPP will go on an onslaught to expose Granger and the potential danger the nation could face if he becomes president. The APNU leader's past will haunt him and there is nothing the opposition writers and ghost writers can do to alleviate its effect on the people of Guyana. This investigation in the Rodney assassination will do severe damage to Granger's little credibility. APNU cannot get into office without the support of the AFC. Expect a massive campaign to smash the AFC

Them House of Israel Thugs in the PPP will be working Overtime.
Originally Posted by Jalil:
Originally Posted by Billy Ram Balgobin:

I can see a fierce election campaign on the horizon. The PPP will go on an onslaught to expose Granger and the potential danger the nation could face if he becomes president. The APNU leader's past will haunt him and there is nothing the opposition writers and ghost writers can do to alleviate its effect on the people of Guyana. This investigation in the Rodney assassination will do severe damage to Granger's little credibility. APNU cannot get into office without the support of the AFC. Expect a massive campaign to smash the AFC

Them House of Israel Thugs in the PPP will be working Overtime.

BRB is too blind. He is unable to see that the PPP/C = PNC.

Originally Posted by skeldon_man:
Originally Posted by Gilbakka:
Originally Posted by Jalil:
Originally Posted by Conscience:

"caribny" is desperately trying to divert attention away from the P.N.C, no amount of damage control could erase the dark days of P.N.C rule, it is said, those who forgets the pass are condemned to repeat it....

Councie.....No one is doubting the PNC killed Dr Walter Rodney. All that is happening here is the Counce of the PNC is being Exposed again and it is very stink.
We are Learning the House of Israel thugs received Guns, Training and Protection from the PNC, GDF, Peoples Militia, and Police to kill members of the opposition.
THIS IS SIMILAR TO ROGER KHAN RECEIVING Guns, Training and Protection from the PPP, GDF, Minister of Home Affairs and Police to kill members of the opposition......PLUS RESTRICTED SPY EQUIPMENT TO HUNT DOWN MEMBERS OF THE OPPOSITION AND KILL THEM
Councie ....... PPP = PNC......but tell us whose Counce is more stink?????..... Hamilton was a Black House of Israel Thug and Killer under the PNC...... Today Hamilton is with the PPP as a Member of Parliament and Permanent Secretary in the Ministry of Health........and the Ministry of Health purchase the Spy Computers for Roger Khan......SO HOW IS THE PPP DIFFERENT FROM THE PNC.
Councie ....... PPP = PNC......but tell us whose Counce is more stink?????..... PNC was giving guns to House of Israel Thugs to kill people ....PPP was giving guns to Roger Khan to kill people.....PLUS ROGER KHAN WAS ALLOWED TO MOVE FREELY TONS OF COCAINE IN AND OUT OF GUYANA......SO HOW IS THE PPP DIFFERENT FROM THE PNC
Councie ....... PPP = PNC......but tell us whose Counce is more stink?????..... Under PNC Jerry Gouviea was the Dirty Pilot who smuggled Gregory Smith out of EXCHANGE for SMUGGLEING GOLD, DRUGS, MONEY & AMMUNITION ........... Under PPP Jerry Gouviea was the Dirty Pilot who smuggled ROGER KHAN out of EXCHANGE for SMUGGLEING GOLD, DRUGS, MONEY & AMMUNITION ......SO HOW IS THE PPP DIFFERENT FROM THE PNC

Great observation, my friend. The Guyanese people are entitled to know the complete history of people like Gouveia and Hamilton and Lumumba and others who today are treated as VIPs by the PPP regime.

Put all these traitors infront the firing squad. They knew all this and yet remain quiet?

Skelly, look at how the PPP/C has provided a sanctuary for them. I know you are a good hunter. Perhaps you are dying to be on the side with the firing squad.

Last edited by Mitwah
For someone who insist on being by the title he says he earned, McClean sure wants to maintain that he should not be held accountable for his actions on the job or that of his staff.

But the man did help me get police clearances once while he was at CID and years later I used his name to get police clearances for me and all of my family members. Imagine I can use his name to get by the long lines and he couldn't use his title and position to know what was going on in his department.
Originally Posted by Chief:



Shaun Michael Samaroo was Editor-in-Chief of Kaieteur News in 1994. He invited me to be one of his news editors but I had already accepted a similar offer at Broadcasting House opposite Nehru's Gaumont.

Shaun started his journalism career at the Stabroek News in the late 1980s. He lived in Canada for a period. He takes his writing seriously.

Originally Posted by Mitwah:
Originally Posted by skeldon_man:
Originally Posted by Gilbakka:
Originally Posted by Jalil:
Originally Posted by Conscience:

"caribny" is desperately trying to divert attention away from the P.N.C, no amount of damage control could erase the dark days of P.N.C rule, it is said, those who forgets the pass are condemned to repeat it....

Councie.....No one is doubting the PNC killed Dr Walter Rodney. All that is happening here is the Counce of the PNC is being Exposed again and it is very stink.
We are Learning the House of Israel thugs received Guns, Training and Protection from the PNC, GDF, Peoples Militia, and Police to kill members of the opposition.
THIS IS SIMILAR TO ROGER KHAN RECEIVING Guns, Training and Protection from the PPP, GDF, Minister of Home Affairs and Police to kill members of the opposition......PLUS RESTRICTED SPY EQUIPMENT TO HUNT DOWN MEMBERS OF THE OPPOSITION AND KILL THEM
Councie ....... PPP = PNC......but tell us whose Counce is more stink?????..... Hamilton was a Black House of Israel Thug and Killer under the PNC...... Today Hamilton is with the PPP as a Member of Parliament and Permanent Secretary in the Ministry of Health........and the Ministry of Health purchase the Spy Computers for Roger Khan......SO HOW IS THE PPP DIFFERENT FROM THE PNC.
Councie ....... PPP = PNC......but tell us whose Counce is more stink?????..... PNC was giving guns to House of Israel Thugs to kill people ....PPP was giving guns to Roger Khan to kill people.....PLUS ROGER KHAN WAS ALLOWED TO MOVE FREELY TONS OF COCAINE IN AND OUT OF GUYANA......SO HOW IS THE PPP DIFFERENT FROM THE PNC
Councie ....... PPP = PNC......but tell us whose Counce is more stink?????..... Under PNC Jerry Gouviea was the Dirty Pilot who smuggled Gregory Smith out of EXCHANGE for SMUGGLEING GOLD, DRUGS, MONEY & AMMUNITION ........... Under PPP Jerry Gouviea was the Dirty Pilot who smuggled ROGER KHAN out of EXCHANGE for SMUGGLEING GOLD, DRUGS, MONEY & AMMUNITION ......SO HOW IS THE PPP DIFFERENT FROM THE PNC

Great observation, my friend. The Guyanese people are entitled to know the complete history of people like Gouveia and Hamilton and Lumumba and others who today are treated as VIPs by the PPP regime.

Put all these traitors infront the firing squad. They knew all this and yet remain quiet?

Skelly, look at how the PPP/C has provided a sanctuary for them. I know you are a good hunter. Perhaps you are dying to be on the side with the firing squad.

I would be one of the gunners in a New York minute. First you give them a naked  public flogging at Stabroek Market on a Saturday morning.  Do fuh do nah obeah!  I only hunt birds. I go with my brothers deer hunting, but I stay at the camp as a look out for thieves.

Originally Posted by Jalil:
Quote SkeldonMan...."Put all these traitors infront the firing squad. They knew all this and yet remain quiet?" xxxxxxx SkeldonMan we have to put the Crooks in the PPP infront the firing squad. The crooks who Hijacked the PPP...and made these Criminals Advisor to the President and those who moved these Criminals into freedom house. They knew all this and yet remain quiet?" XXXXXXXXXXXX Jagdeo knew who Jerry Gouviea was and travel on overseas trips with this dirty pilot......and Jagdeo & Brassington reward Jerry Gouviea after he smuggled Roger Khan out of Guyana. XXXXXXX PPP GIVE JERRY GOUVIEA EXPENSIVE GOVT PROPERTY IN DUKE STREET KINGSTON.


I would say put them on trial. If they are convicted, let them pay the price. I don't care if it's jail, public flogging or the death penalty. But let's give them their due process. You are innocent until proven guilty; not guilty until proven innocent.


Originally Posted by skeldon_man:
Originally Posted by Jalil:
Quote SkeldonMan...."Put all these traitors infront the firing squad. They knew all this and yet remain quiet?" xxxxxxx SkeldonMan we have to put the Crooks in the PPP infront the firing squad. The crooks who Hijacked the PPP...and made these Criminals Advisor to the President and those who moved these Criminals into freedom house. They knew all this and yet remain quiet?" XXXXXXXXXXXX Jagdeo knew who Jerry Gouviea was and travel on overseas trips with this dirty pilot......and Jagdeo & Brassington reward Jerry Gouviea after he smuggled Roger Khan out of Guyana. XXXXXXX PPP GIVE JERRY GOUVIEA EXPENSIVE GOVT PROPERTY IN DUKE STREET KINGSTON.


I would say put them on trial. If they are convicted, let them pay the price. I don't care if it's jail, public flogging or the death penalty. But let's give them their due process. You are innocent until proven guilty; not guilty until proven innocent.


So when De Pluck yuh gon put them pon Trial.
And all aya Shameless Crab Louse still coming here on GNI and telling us De House of Israel Thugs and PNC Thiefmen and Election Riggers...Innocent until proven Guilty.....
Skeldon why aya making aya Support and Promotion of Buggery stopping aya from speaking de truth.....
Tell Who Innocent??? Kit Nascimento? Norman McClean? Lamumba? Jerry Gouviea? Hamilton??? Kwame? Bynoe?.......why dem Innocent....because aya $ucking dem Olo.
Skeldon stop $ucking dem Bugger-Battttty like Kwame and trying to fool abee and tell we on GNI dem innocent.
Originally Posted by Jalil:
Originally Posted by skeldon_man:
Originally Posted by Jalil:
Quote SkeldonMan...."Put all these traitors infront the firing squad. They knew all this and yet remain quiet?" xxxxxxx SkeldonMan we have to put the Crooks in the PPP infront the firing squad. The crooks who Hijacked the PPP...and made these Criminals Advisor to the President and those who moved these Criminals into freedom house. They knew all this and yet remain quiet?" XXXXXXXXXXXX Jagdeo knew who Jerry Gouviea was and travel on overseas trips with this dirty pilot......and Jagdeo & Brassington reward Jerry Gouviea after he smuggled Roger Khan out of Guyana. XXXXXXX PPP GIVE JERRY GOUVIEA EXPENSIVE GOVT PROPERTY IN DUKE STREET KINGSTON.


I would say put them on trial. If they are convicted, let them pay the price. I don't care if it's jail, public flogging or the death penalty. But let's give them their due process. You are innocent until proven guilty; not guilty until proven innocent.


So when De Pluck yuh gon put them pon Trial.
And all aya Shameless Crab Louse still coming here on GNI and telling us De House of Israel Thugs and PNC Thiefmen and Election Riggers...Innocent until proven Guilty.....
Skeldon why aya making aya Support and Promotion of Buggery stopping aya from speaking de truth.....
Tell Who Innocent??? Kit Nascimento? Norman McClean? Lamumba? Jerry Gouviea? Hamilton??? Kwame? Bynoe?.......why dem Innocent....because aya $ucking dem Olo.
Skeldon stop $ucking dem Bugger-Battttty like Kwame and trying to fool abee and tell we on GNI dem innocent.

If you nah gee dem man due pracess, you PNC bhais dem guh bun dunh GT again. Anyway, carry on wid you namaaz.

Originally Posted by Conscience:

The Rodney COI opened a can of worms in the P.N.C camp

Councie the Rodney COI Skin up the PPP and show all dem House of Israel operating safe from Freedom House and Office of the President.
Now when aya skin up all de Counce showing clear in aya stinken crouch.
Originally Posted by JB:

Wow PPP and Mr Nehru trying hard to pin some blame on Mr Granger. Shameful acts by Mr Nehru and PPP.

Mr. Nehru is a good guy. He is caught up at the cross roads. He would willingly follow you.   He is now able to see that the Jagdeo-Ramotar PPP is doing the same things it has accused the PNC of.

Originally Posted by Mitwah:
Originally Posted by Conscience:

The Rodney COI opened a can of worms in the P.N.C camp

The PPP is now host to the PNC worms.

Precisely! And the PPP is fattening those worms royally.

Let the word spread about the worms' filthy history as they make their confessions in the Rodney COI.

PPP supporters will realize they are being duped and that Freedom House is infested with dirty worms.

Those supporters must give the PPP a heavy dose of democratic castor oil when they vote next elections.

Originally Posted by Mitwah:
Originally Posted by JB:

Wow PPP and Mr Nehru trying hard to pin some blame on Mr Granger. Shameful acts by Mr Nehru and PPP.

Mr. Nehru is a good guy. He is caught up at the cross roads. He would willingly follow you.   He is now able to see that the Jagdeo-Ramotar PPP is doing the same things it has accused the PNC of.


Me don't want him follow me. 

Originally Posted by skeldon_man:

If you nah gee dem man due pracess, you PNC bhais dem guh bun dunh GT again. Anyway, carry on wid you namaaz.


Skele-ton, You have been exposed by Jalil as one who supports:

  1. Buggery
  2. Thievery
  3. Drug smuggling
  4. Extra-judicial killings.

You try to hide this by putting them (the PPP facilitators of the criminals) on trial, even as Jalil reminds you that the PPP has been in office for 22 years now.


Even if you accept this criminal corporation running the Government in Guyana, you could make the argument that the PNC may do worse and this PPP is the lessor of the two evils. But this PPP gang does not do anything for the rest of Guyana.

Originally Posted by Conscience:

"caribny" is desperately trying to divert attention away from the P.N.C, no amount of damage control could erase the dark days of P.N.C rule, it is said, those who forgets the pass are condemned to repeat it....

the CHIEF OF STAFF does not know but the liaison does! The only thing about the bast that is worth noting is how well the PPP has copied its tactics of thief and deception!

Originally Posted by Kari:
Originally Posted by skeldon_man:

If you nah gee dem man due pracess, you PNC bhais dem guh bun dunh GT again. Anyway, carry on wid you namaaz.


Skele-ton, You have been exposed by Jalil as one who supports:

  1. Buggery
  2. Thievery
  3. Drug smuggling
  4. Extra-judicial killings.

You try to hide this by putting them (the PPP facilitators of the criminals) on trial, even as Jalil reminds you that the PPP has been in office for 22 years now.


Even if you accept this criminal corporation running the Government in Guyana, you could make the argument that the PNC may do worse and this PPP is the lessor of the two evils. But this PPP gang does not do anything for the rest of Guyana.

Mullah Kakwari, I always advocate due process for everyone...PPP, PNC, AFC, doesn't matter. You supported all of the above during your time withe the PNC; what's different now?

Last edited by Former Member
Originally Posted by Conscience:

Special Report of the Walter Rodney Commission of Inquiry by Shaun Michael Samaroo : Granger was Army Liaison to GPF in Gregory Smith probe : – Says former Army Chief-of-Staff McLean 


EX-ARMY Chief, Major General Norman McLean, yesterday named Brigadier David Granger as an Army Officer in liaison with the Guyana Police Force (GPF) when the police investigated former Army Sergeant Gregory Smith as a suspect in the bomb-blast assassination of world-renowned Guyanese scholar, Dr Walter Rodney.

Denying he personally was involved in the investigation against Smith, or that he took any responsibility to look into the matter of a soldier under his command allegedly involved in murder, during his testimony, McLean named Granger as one of the Army’s pointsmen in sharing Army information about Smith to the investigators.
What dark conspiracy lurked below the surface at the Guyana Defence Force when the world-renowned Guyanese scholar was assassinated?
That’s the question now confronting the Commission as the inquiry unfolds at the High Court building in Georgetown, with the Army’s role now dominating the probe.
The ex-Army Chief, responding to a question from Counsel Andrew Pilgrim, said “Yes, it’s possible” that a conspiracy happened within the Army without his (McLean) knowing about it, despite holding the post of Chief-of-Staff. Pilgrim asked McLean if such a conspiracy could happen among officers lower in rank, unknown to him, and he said “Yes, it’s possible,” noting that “rogue elements” existed in the ranks of the GDF.
Earlier in the day, Commission Chairman Sir Richard Cheltenham had to prompt McLean several times to answer questions, as McLean seemed reluctant to answer, or to verbally engage Counsel.
Emotions flared across the floor yesterday as the ex-Army Chief took to the witness box to testify, and got into a heated verbal exchange with Counsel Pilgrim, who is representing Dr Rodney’s widow, Patricia Rodney and the three Rodney children.
McLean repeated throughout his testimony, which lasted all day and was adjourned to an undetermined date, that he lacks knowledge or awareness of much of the information Counsel was seeking answers to from him.
To several of the questions, McLean said he did not know, was not aware, or could not remember. At other times he nodded his head or shook it from side to side, a grave expression on his face, and Commission Chairman Sir Cheltenham asked him a number of times to verbally answer the questions instead of responding non-verbally.
McLean got into a more verbal mood as the day pushed on, the room packed with Guyanese steeped in the history of Guyana, including former Army officers, senior media personnel, top Members of Parliament, including Opposition MP Moses Nagamootoo, and senior members of the Working People’s Alliance (WPA).
McLean warmed to the task of testifying, and even generated some laughter among the audience, as he joked and smiled at times. But he also faced questions with pensive, tense expressions on his face, with Commission Chairman Sir Cheltenham at one point noting that when Counsel posed certain questions, McLean would appear “to be not with us.” McLean appeared not to be interested in listening.
It took Counsel Pilgrim’s sharp, incisive questioning to rattle his cool, and to get him to answer questions with lengthy sentences.
McLean became particularly loquacious when Counsel asked him if he knew former Army Pilot, Gerry Gouveia may have been the pilot of an Army plane that flew ex-Army Sergeant Gregory Smith to the hinterland.
Witnesses have testified before the Commission that Army Sergeant Smith was involved in the bomb-blast assassination of Dr Rodney on June 13, 1980 in Georgetown, when a communications device exploded in the lap of the opposition political leader.
McLean denied knowing Smith, and said he heard of him being a soldier, but “he had deserted” the Army.
McLean indicated that he had very little interest in Smith, and did not particularly pursue the desertion case, despite Smith having had special overseas Army training.
Counsel Pilgrim’s peppery questions saw McLean become animated and heated in his exchanges. At one point, both Counsel and McLean resorted to raising their voices to angry pitch, to the point where Pilgrim addressed McLean as “Major”, and McLean, face red and body taut, pointed a wagging finger at Pilgrim, seated a few feet to his left outside the witness box at a table, and informed him “It’s Major General; I earned it!” Pilgrim duly apologised for the mishap.
Pilgrim, noting that McLean was responding that he did not know or was not aware of a lot of the information Counsel asked him, put it to him that he was outside the loop of a conspiracy in the Army, and asked if this was possible. “Yes, it’s possible,” McLean said, noting that the Army could harbour “rogue elements”.
McLean said he knew Gouveia well, and “mentored” him, but never knew about that particular plane trip at the time it took place. Questions from Counsel gleaned the information to the Commission, from McLean, that Gouveia told him in a private conversation “last week that he (Gouveia) had flown the plane.” McLean said he was not interested in hearing anything more, as “If he didn’t tell me that 34 years ago, why would I want to know about it now?”
Counsel Pilgrim indicated that Gouveia may testify to the Commission.
Counsel Selwyn Pieters intervened with an aggressive objection, noting that key documents should have been secured for the Commission’s task. A Canadian lawyer representing the local trade union movement at the Commission of Inquiry, Pieters, speaking in a tone that offended the Commission Chairman, who noted that Pieters seemed to want to “lecture” the Commissioners, asked the Commission to secure relevant supporting documents from the Army and Guyana Police Force to back up the claims of Counsel in questions they pose to the witness.
After several heated exchanges, Counsel for the Commission said efforts would be made to secure the documents from the Secretary of the Defence Board.
McLean was excused from the witness stand until such time as cross-examination into his testimony could be continued.
The Commission is scheduled to conclude its second sitting today, and resume later this month.
McLean denied any knowledge of the Guyana Defence Force Account Form that was tendered into evidence during the testimony of Joseph Hamilton that showed an Army Officer had handed over a number of guns and ammunition to the House of Israel religious sect. He denied any knowledge of either the handing over of the guns, or of the signatures on the form, but said that the guns and ammunition listed were standard Army weapons.
Pilgrim is to resume his cross-examination of McLean when the ex-Army boss takes the stand again, with interest high surrounding further questions about Granger’s role in the Army during the time Rodney was assassinated.
The Government of Guyana convened the Commission of Inquiry in answer to an international outcry, going on for 38 years, for a probe into the singular major political assassination in the history of the English-speaking Caribbean. Dr Rodney, a world-renowned scholar, died when a communications device exploded in his lap in Georgetown on June 13, 1980.
The Commission resumes today for the final day of its second sitting.

**** pull quote
‘Pilgrim, noting that McLean was responding that he did not know or was not aware of a lot of the information Counsel asked him, put to him that he was outside the loop of a conspiracy in the Army, and asked if this was possible. ‘Yes, it’s possible,’ McLean said, noting that the Army could harbour ‘rogue elements’

*** pull quote
What dark conspiracy lurked below the surface at the Guyana Defence Force when the world-renowned Guyanese scholar was assassinated? That’s the question now confronting the Commission as the inquiry unfolds at the High Court building in Georgetown, with the Army’s role now dominating the probe.


excerpts from the Guyana Chronicle

Quite an inditement of Mr. granger.

Originally Posted by KishanB:
Originally Posted by Conscience:
EX-ARMY Chief, Major General Norman McLean, yesterday named Brigadier David Granger as an Army Officer in liaison with the Guyana Police Force (GPF) when the police investigated former Army Sergeant Gregory Smith as a suspect in the bomb-blast assassination of world-renowned Guyanese scholar, Dr Walter Rodney.

Denying he personally was involved in the investigation against Smith, or that he took any responsibility to look into the matter of a soldier under his command allegedly involved in murder, during his testimony, McLean named Granger as one of the Army’s pointsmen in sharing Army information about Smith to the investigators . . .

Quite an inditement of Mr. granger.

huh? . . . you must have pawned your freakin mind


u simply CANNOT be serious with a comment like that


Redux, this is where you lose people. Kishan merely surmised what McClean testimony alluded to, and instead of you showing how McLean has given false testimony, you chose to use bandwidth in a manner that makes people take you less seriously.

Originally Posted by Kari:

Redux, this is where you lose people. Kishan merely surmised what McClean testimony alluded to, and instead of you showing how McLean has given false testimony, you chose to use bandwidth in a manner that makes people take you less seriously.

(a) i doubt that McLean gave false testimony here . . . if u know, please share


(b) unless kishan is being sarcastic with his comment, your post is confused garbage


btw, the day a low rent actor like u becomes the arbiter of "serious" commentary on this BB is the day i slit my wrists . . . kapeesh?



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