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Three men suspected to be bandits were shot dead Wednesday morning after an attempted robbery in Prashad Nagar, police said.

Persons in Premnaranjan Street where the shootings occurred around 11AM initially told Demerara Waves Online News that three bodies were removed from the scene.

However, hospital sources said one of the men, identified as 39-year old Tony "Skin Teeth" Ogle of Callender Street, Albouystown, was admitted in criticial condition and subsequently died while receiving medical attention. One of the suspects killed at the scene has been identified as 24-year old Leon "Cow" Gittens of Albouystown while the other remains unidentified. DemWaves understands that Gittens was freed of a break and enter charge on Monday.

Crime Chief Deputy Commissioner Seelall Persaud one .357 Magnum pistol and one .32 pistol along with matching rounds were recovered from the scene.

Other police sources said they received a tip off that a robbery was in progress and responded to the scene where they confronted the men resulting in the shootings. "We received information that there was a plan to committ a robbery. They (police) went down there and staked them out," said Persaud. Two of the bandits had their weapons already drawn, said Persaud. There were no reports of casualties among the lawmen.

The property allegedly targetted by the men is owned by businessman Wayne Heber, proprietor of the Double Platinum hotel and Double Platinum gas station in Bartica.

Replies sorted oldest to newest

I know that you are most likely a PPP idiot but understand this.


Granger did NOT say that all crime is committed by Indians.


He is just refuting the argument spread by the PPP that all crime is committed by blacks and all victims are Indians.  This in their attempt to terrify the Indian vote.


The irony is if the PPP's rant is true they are merely making the case that they cannot protect their support base, so why then would they deserve the right to govern?

Originally Posted by randolph:

Who is a bigger idiot than you, who cannot understand the basics of GUyanese life. Anytime a ***** see a gold chain on an Indian, he/she is drooling.

OK you are now added to the list of Indo Nazi bigots who have deep hatred fore blacks.  Because dear sir many of those who drool are also Indians and this is what Granger is telling you, but you are too racist to accept this fact.


What you need to ask yourself is why is it that black criminals steal from all types of Guyanese, Indian, African, mixed, Amerindian, etc. While Indian criminals seem only to target other Indians.

Originally Posted by ABIDHA:

Granger did said Indos are rapists an murderers and every time a crime is committed fingers are pointed at Indians before any investigation takes place. 

Can you direct us to evidence that he said this.


He was reported to have asked why does the PPP blame blacks (by implication) for crime when indeed Indians are increasingly victimized by their own.  In any case rape of Indian females was alwys more likely to be at the hands of an Indian male than a black one.  Rapes are usually done by some one who the victims knows......more often than you would like to believe at the hands of a male relative or family "friend".

Even under Burnham...but then you probably think that its only a rape when a black man attempts sex with a NON CONSENTING Indian female.  If the male is Indian then you dont think its rape.

Originally Posted by randolph:

 Look in the mirror and you will see the racist pig you and your ilk

I tried to look in the mirror but you p8ushed me down to get to it, so I saw YOUR face in the mirror.


Yes YOUR face which attempts to blame all crime on blacks when Indo on Indo crime is an increasing problem, as many a Berbice fisherman will tell you.

Originally Posted by randolph:

Who is a bigger idiot than you, who cannot understand the basics of GUyanese life. Anytime a ***** see a gold chain on an Indian, he/she is drooling.

the basis of Guyanese life is not a racist fool like you projecting you impressions on everyone. I wonder if the PPP ever saw any of our national assets it did not think it was theirs. Look to that to first. Jagdeo stole his ass to wealth beyond any of the poor dead fools they shot today. If theft of assets was the necessity for a shooting, who among the present crooks in the PPP did not deserve to swallow a cap?

Originally Posted by caribny:
Originally Posted by ABIDHA:

I think the black criminalism are rubbing on Indians after 28 years of Burnham brutality.

You cant help yourself.  Then you wonder why the PPP gets stomped every election in black strongholds.  All this PPP hatred of blacks!!!

What are you talking about? The PPP took power since 1992 and still holds power. In 2016 they will win the presidency and the parliament. All them Anti-Indians will be on the bread line.

Originally Posted by ABIDHA:

I think the black criminalism are rubbing on Indians after 28 years of Burnham brutality.

 Another dunce regurgitating his own private hate. Everyone has a responsibility to themselves. Whether you are a Hindu, Muslim or Christian you are accountable before your god for your own sins. You cannot say someone made me do it. That is no excuse. These idiots got killed because they had evil in their hearts and it is their own damn fault.

Originally Posted by ABIDHA:
Originally Posted by caribny:
Originally Posted by ABIDHA:

I think the black criminalism are rubbing on Indians after 28 years of Burnham brutality.

You cant help yourself.  Then you wonder why the PPP gets stomped every election in black strongholds.  All this PPP hatred of blacks!!!

What are you talking about? The PPP took power since 1992 and still holds power. In 2016 they will win the presidency and the parliament. All them Anti-Indians will be on the bread line.

I guess you do not think that the PPP only wins becasue of the Indian vote is a problem.  That in a multi racial Guyana the second and third largest groups feel excluded while the fourth largest prefers to let coastlanders fight it out.


If non Indians refuse to support the PPP  because they feel excluded then there will come a time when they realize that elections are meaningless and other methods will be needed to ensure inclusion.


So the PPP might win, but win WHAT!!!  They might end up like the President of Egypt, spending all day fighting off people who feel excluded by his party.  Is that a happy life?  I think not.


Think of this.  How is the PPP different from Burnham if they remain in power by exploiting racial panic, and harrassing others because they are of a different race?

Originally Posted by ABIDHA:
Originally Posted by caribny:
Originally Posted by ABIDHA:

I think the black criminalism are rubbing on Indians after 28 years of Burnham brutality.

You cant help yourself.  Then you wonder why the PPP gets stomped every election in black strongholds.  All this PPP hatred of blacks!!!

What are you talking about? The PPP took power since 1992 and still holds power. In 2016 they will win the presidency and the parliament. All them Anti-Indians will be on the bread line.

 It is Indians that will put the PPP out of office. $0% or them are in deep poverty because of the PPP and their craven thievery. The illusion of wealth is shallow. We still cannot balance our budget without begging. Now the PPP are using the Chinese as leverage to fatten their pockets look at how many more of the poor Guyanese of every race are going to be at the boot of the new sovereign.


Note yesterday a Chinese official stated that Chinese are taking over because Guyanese in general do not possess the desire for work, or aptitude for business. Get real fool.


It it the PPP that will do themselves in no less than Marcos, Suharto or the Birds ( not to mention every greedy bastard in the ME who fell in the arab spring)

Originally Posted by Stormborn:
 the Birds ( not to mention every greedy bastard in the ME who fell in the arab spring)

Speaking of theBirds, thanks to them Antiguans had one of the highest standards of living in the Caribbean to the point where 1/3 of their labor force come from other parts of the Caribbean and until 2008 that island had full employment.  The Birds stole but ensured that the average Antiguan shared in some of the spoils.

Originally Posted by Stormborn:
Originally Posted by ABIDHA:

I think the black criminalism are rubbing on Indians after 28 years of Burnham brutality.

 Another dunce regurgitating his own private hate. Everyone has a responsibility to themselves. Whether you are a Hindu, Muslim or Christian you are accountable before your god for your own sins. You cannot say someone made me do it. That is no excuse. These idiots got killed because they had evil in their hearts and it is their own damn fault.

"Everyone has a responsibility to themselves"

Oh Learned Master,

As a free lance journalist, I ask that you please check the above statement.


Thank you massa.

Originally Posted by skeldon_man:
Originally Posted by Stormborn:
Originally Posted by ABIDHA:

I think the black criminalism are rubbing on Indians after 28 years of Burnham brutality.

 Another dunce regurgitating his own private hate. Everyone has a responsibility to themselves. Whether you are a Hindu, Muslim or Christian you are accountable before your god for your own sins. You cannot say someone made me do it. That is no excuse. These idiots got killed because they had evil in their hearts and it is their own damn fault.

"Everyone has a responsibility to themselves"

Oh Learned Master,

As a free lance journalist, I ask that you please check the above statement.


Thank you massa.

have fun editing me. I am not here to present a case to a PhD committee. I am here among knuckle heads including racist you. Were you that concerned with proper rules for logical living you would seek to remedy that insidious racism that percolates in your soul

Originally Posted by Stormborn:
Originally Posted by skeldon_man:
Originally Posted by Stormborn:
Originally Posted by ABIDHA:

I think the black criminalism are rubbing on Indians after 28 years of Burnham brutality.

 Another dunce regurgitating his own private hate. Everyone has a responsibility to themselves. Whether you are a Hindu, Muslim or Christian you are accountable before your god for your own sins. You cannot say someone made me do it. That is no excuse. These idiots got killed because they had evil in their hearts and it is their own damn fault.

"Everyone has a responsibility to themselves"

Oh Learned Master,

As a free lance journalist, I ask that you please check the above statement.


Thank you massa.

have fun editing me. I am not here to present a case to a PhD committee. I am here among knuckle heads including racist you. Were you that concerned with proper rules for logical living you would seek to remedy that insidious racism that percolates in your soul

Are you a real journalist for sure? Doesn't freelance means sometimes being unemployed? At the age of 53, are you a professional student? You call me a racist without taking an in analysis depth analysis of your deep hatred towards Guyanese of East Indian ancestry. You call yourself an indigenous native of the land. I doubt that you are pure native of any tribe. I see you as a PNC thug  who hates Guyanese East Indians. If you are so concerned that your people are being cheated out of their lands, why don't you leave the good life in America and go back to fight for them? I think you have negro genes in you.

Most of the Guyanese East Indians on this board who hate the PPP and claim that they have no prejudices against Negroes would frown if their daughters would bring home a negro boy friend. 


Originally Posted by skeldon_man:
Originally Posted by Stormborn:
Originally Posted by skeldon_man:
Originally Posted by Stormborn:
Originally Posted by ABIDHA:

I think the black criminalism are rubbing on Indians after 28 years of Burnham brutality.

 Another dunce regurgitating his own private hate. Everyone has a responsibility to themselves. Whether you are a Hindu, Muslim or Christian you are accountable before your god for your own sins. You cannot say someone made me do it. That is no excuse. These idiots got killed because they had evil in their hearts and it is their own damn fault.

"Everyone has a responsibility to themselves"

Oh Learned Master,

As a free lance journalist, I ask that you please check the above statement.


Thank you massa.

have fun editing me. I am not here to present a case to a PhD committee. I am here among knuckle heads including racist you. Were you that concerned with proper rules for logical living you would seek to remedy that insidious racism that percolates in your soul

Are you a real journalist for sure? Doesn't freelance means sometimes being unemployed? At the age of 53, are you a professional student? You call me a racist without taking an in analysis depth analysis of your deep hatred towards Guyanese of East Indian ancestry. You call yourself an indigenous native of the land. I doubt that you are pure native of any tribe. I see you as a PNC thug  who hates Guyanese East Indians. If you are so concerned that your people are being cheated out of their lands, why don't you leave the good life in America and go back to fight for them? I think you have negro genes in you.

Most of the Guyanese East Indians on this board who hate the PPP and claim that they have no prejudices against Negroes would frown if their daughters would bring home a negro boy friend. 


You are off on a tangent all by yourself. I was never a journalist or anything close to the scrivening trade.


I am sure there is not African gene in me unless my madras great grand father had some associations with the sidis in his environs. Come to think of it, we are all africans after a kind.


Why should you be afforded the liberty to rant and hide in some distant land and the same be denied me? Further, the strategy of dispensing information from distant corners of the globe away from one's homeland has been instrumental to changes all across the globe.


One can recall in recent times the Google exec who used his skills to seed and facilitate the blooming of the Arab spring. Voltaire did not write Candide in the salons of pairs and a king lost his head on account of the ideas there.


The portion in red simply mirrors your distorted view of the world. Most people want their daughters and sons to marry people close to those they identify with but that is no excuse for your horrid racist gripes.  Further, betwix and between or race based phalanxes are our blended siblings who now account for close to a 5th of our population. As much as you may not want it there is a lot of cross pollination going on.

Originally Posted by cain:
Originally Posted by skeldon_man:

Most of the Guyanese East Indians on this board who hate the PPP and claim that they have no prejudices against Negroes would frown if their daughters would bring home a negro boy friend. 


Now that is some racist statement banna.

I want the East Indians on this board to deny this fact. It's true!

Originally Posted by skeldon_man:
an in analysis depth analysis of your deep hatred towards Guyanese of East Indian ancestry.


Whats funny about this rant is that Stormfront and I used to have heated debates about varying interpretations of the various identities and orientation towards India, and towards other ethnic groups in Guyana, that different segments of the IndoGuyanese population have.


Saying that he hates Indians is a joke.


What has become obvious is that the racist Indo Nazi PPP supporters (whose mouths spew of the foul stench of bigotry towards blacks that will make the KKK look tame) think that anyone who hates the PPP is anti Indian...even if their ancestry is 100% Indian.


The PPP is a racist, and corrupt and incompetent group.  Just as how mnay AfroGuyanese collectively joined with other Guyanese to accuse the PNC of this very type of behavior, now we see a FEW Indians beginning to do the same.  And for that they face abuse, death threats and accusations of self hatred from Indo Nazis.


Listen Guyana will be a very boring country if you lot do not understand thgat, as a mere 45% of the population, you have to learn to live with other Guyanese, treat them as you wish that they should treat you, and ensure their inclusion in all the opportunities that are available.


Understand something else. 5% of the 45% Indian population can not run Guyana by itself.  Not only will the remaining 55% of non Indian Guyanesew refuse to accept it, but increasing numbers of the 95% NON ELITE Indians are also tiring of being used.

Originally Posted by skeldon_man:
Originally Posted by cain:
Originally Posted by skeldon_man:

Most of the Guyanese East Indians on this board who hate the PPP and claim that they have no prejudices against Negroes would frown if their daughters would bring home a negro boy friend. 


Now that is some racist statement banna.

I want the East Indians on this board to deny this fact. It's true!

What is evident is that Indians who are NOT PPP supporters do not spend all day spewing hatred of AfroGuyanese, nor do they dceny that the PPP has been as dreadful towards blacks as Burnham was towards Indians.


Now whether they approve of a black son in law is a PRIVATE matter.  The only injured party will be their bdaughter who will have to decide who she will maintain ties witgh, her black husband and half blacks kids, or here Indian parents.  NO ONE ELSE IS HURT.

Originally Posted by TK:

I see the scare Indo strategy at work here. How come no one is brave enough to provide the link to what Granger said. Propaganda anyone? 



They do not because they know full well that he was condemning THEIR hatred of blacks, by telling them that Indians are increasingly being victimized by Indian bandits.  Something that many in the Corentyne are very familiar with.


This LIE is being peddled as part of the PPP strategy to terrify Indians.  Whaty they fail to understand is that Indians are not being controlled by the PPP to the extent that they used to be, and that unless the PPP begins to attract more Africans and mixed supporters, its future as a party with the majority of seats becomes dimmer.  Even as the opposition parties remain run by morons, so ought to be easy to defeat.

Originally Posted by skeldon_man:
Originally Posted by cain:
Originally Posted by skeldon_man:

Most of the Guyanese East Indians on this board who hate the PPP and claim that they have no prejudices against Negroes would frown if their daughters would bring home a negro boy friend. 


Now that is some racist statement banna.

I want the East Indians on this board to deny this fact. It's true!

Drink your own poison fool. Do not ask of other to partake of your poison pill. At least half of me is East Indian and I do not have African ancestry as far as I can tell and the thought never crosses my mind. I  have twin daughters and my worry more is they live healthy lives with good husbands rather than the ethnicity of their husbands. You worry to much about nonsense.

Originally Posted by albert:
Originally Posted by TK:

I see the scare Indo strategy at work here. How come no one is brave enough to provide the link to what Granger said. Propaganda anyone? 

 The man said something that is clearly and pervasively true. Indians are heads of the criminal drug cartels   that are hatching junkies left and right ( no decision to date to address that as a plague), a corrupt Indian identified Party in office circumscribing the national sociopolitical ethos, so deductively, it is Indians doing the damage to Indians and the rest of us.


I also do not see what is so different with this and the PPP cartel daily deluge of retrospectives about PNC criminality ( a euphemism of the black boogieman) to scare Indians to remain under the party umbrella.  Why is it you can say these things and others cannot? Do you remember Ms Edwards tirade against black people with all the official approval as the state party newspaper editorial?


Originally Posted by Stormborn:
Originally Posted by albert:
Originally Posted by TK:

I see the scare Indo strategy at work here. How come no one is brave enough to provide the link to what Granger said. Propaganda anyone? 

 The man said something that is clearly and pervasively true. Indians are heads of the criminal drug cartels   that are hatching junkies left and right ( no decision to date to address that as a plague), a corrupt Indian identified Party in office circumscribing the national sociopolitical ethos, so deductively, it is Indians doing the damage to Indians and the rest of us.


I also do not see what is so different with this and the PPP cartel daily deluge of retrospectives about PNC criminality ( a euphemism of the black boogieman) to scare Indians to remain under the party umbrella.  Why is it you can say these things and others cannot? Do you remember Ms Edwards tirade against black people with all the official approval as the state party newspaper editorial?


All dis coming from a dumb buck who left Guyana many moons ago. You ever conducted a survey Geronimo? How you know which race doing what?


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