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Former Member

Opposition parties APNU and the AFC clearly realize by now that they cannot win a majority at the elections and they are using every trick in the book to replace technocrats with their sympathizers. The government should use every means possible to resist this bully-ism. We know that PNC elections commissioner Vincent Alexander oversaw "so-called" stunning PNC electoral victories (ha ha) during the dictatorship years and now he is crying crocodile tears about an alleged mistake that was rectified before the election results declared.

And we must remember that in the chaos of those 2011 election days, PNC supporters had taken to the streets with their trademark terrifying intimidation of GECOM officials, their wives and children at their homes. What the government should demand from Vincent Alexander is an apology and a promise that PNC marchers will not take to the streets at election time 2016. I think we know which way Dr Surujbally bends in this matter.

It cannot have missed many readers that the afcPNCAWAN are avoiding Surujbally and attacking his subordinate. Mr Gocool Boodhoo is only a technocrat and is no political animal. If an error was made, it was acknowledged and rectified promptly so these constant guerrilla tactics are nothing but constant attempts to get professionals removed and afcPNCAWAN sympathisers to replace them.

Should Mr Boodhoo be replaced, for example, by diehard PNC supporter Calvin Benn as Chief Elections Officer, then GECOM would become an all PNC body and we all know fully well what happens thereafter.

This policy of trying to pick off one official after another was exposed recently by none other than the hapless, Khemraj Ramjattan himself and should be rejected for the wickedness it is.



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