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The more you listen to folks in Guyana and the more the electioneering plays itself out, you're seeing the demeanor of the PPP as being on their way out. The energy at AFC rallies is noticeable and growing. You get the feel of a change election and one with major consequences, not unlike when America experienced its first Black President (okay he was mixed). The PPP for the first time in the last elections got less than 50% of the votes in a free and fair election. This might be the first time it actually does not get to govern after a free and fair election.


The coming days will tell a lot about the PPP's energy. The AFC certainly looks like a charged bull that is energizing the APNU.

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I have been getting a 50-50  message so far however it seems like it is leaning towards change.

Was in Toronto over the weekend and spoke to a few Indian Guyanese who just returned from Guyana and all they are saying is that the PPP and Jagdeo are stealing like stealing is going out of style.

People are saying that they want change.

Let's see how the next month will play out.

PPP is campaigning heavily on the race & scare card.



It's not over until it's over!!

The PPP are seasoned in sowing racist crap, do not underestimate them.

They murder thier own comrade and Minister Sat Sawh. They are dangerous and wicked.

The PPP under Jagdeo unleashed the phantom squad and murdered many , they slaughtered the innocent people of Lusignana.

The PPP has blood on thier hands since in the 60's and will do anything to remain in power. 

Originally Posted by Amral:
The way i see it is that there could be problems regardless of which party wins the election

I was thinking about that.

Look ho many thousands came out today on both side. This is unprecedented in many countries , given the registered voters and the %age that showed up.

This is sign that things can easily go wrong and the PPP is playing that book.

Originally Posted by Sunil:

The Bi-party model is crumbling the world over. UK elections next month is contested by 7 parties, there will be a coalition as no one party is projected to win a majority.

Sunil the problem in Guyana is the constitution don't allow for post election alliance. So if a party wins the highest percentage with 30% it forms the govt and the President enjoys the awesome powers of the Burnham constitution.

Originally Posted by TK:
Originally Posted by Sunil:

The Bi-party model is crumbling the world over. UK elections next month is contested by 7 parties, there will be a coalition as no one party is projected to win a majority.

Sunil the problem in Guyana is the constitution don't allow for post election alliance. So if a party wins the highest percentage with 30% it forms the govt and the President enjoys the awesome powers of the Burnham constitution.

FPTP only works in a 2 party system. The constitution needs to allow for alliances or proportional representation.

Originally Posted by Sunil:
Originally Posted by TK:
Originally Posted by Sunil:

The Bi-party model is crumbling the world over. UK elections next month is contested by 7 parties, there will be a coalition as no one party is projected to win a majority.

Sunil the problem in Guyana is the constitution don't allow for post election alliance. So if a party wins the highest percentage with 30% it forms the govt and the President enjoys the awesome powers of the Burnham constitution.

FPTP only works in a 2 party system. The constitution needs to allow for alliances or proportional representation.

Hey doan get all technical with Pavi. Where is that drunk man, BTW? Pandit Peep push that clause in when they tinkered with Forbes constitution. It was to set the stage of race-baiting to keep ROAR at bay.

Originally Posted by Vish M:

What a joker!
This is the Jamaican colors!
Stop trying to fool people
riginally Posted by Mars:

As well as Usain Bolt, the fastest man in the world.



I never thought that someone could be that stupid to think that this is anything else but a joke. Apparently there's always that idiot who will come along and prove me wrong. Why don't you just shut your piehole if you don't have anything of substance to say.

Vish, Mars only said that even Usain Bolt endorses the green and gold. He's not trying to fool anyone.


Arguments in defense of or support of the PPP in this manner betrays an insecurity of what seems to be a turning of the tide. Maybe there is some revelation in your engagement of a Usain Bolt in the Jamaican national colors that look as fresh as the AFC's?

Originally Posted by Mars:
Originally Posted by Vish M:

What a joker!
This is the Jamaican colors!
Stop trying to fool people
riginally Posted by Mars:

As well as Usain Bolt, the fastest man in the world.



I never thought that someone could be that stupid to think that this is anything else but a joke. Apparently there's always that idiot who will come along and prove me wrong. Why don't you just shut your piehole if you don't have anything of substance to say.

Why all you cussing Vish?

Originally Posted by Chief:
Originally Posted by Mars:

I never thought that someone could be that stupid to think that this is anything else but a joke. Apparently there's always that idiot who will come along and prove me wrong. Why don't you just shut your piehole if you don't have anything of substance to say.

Why all you cussing Vish?

Chief doing a whole lotta tongue-in-cheek deh bai

Originally Posted by Conscience:

Ramotar needs to tell us why, if he is so democratic, he has been ruling by virtual decree for over 6 months.


Also why no LGE since 1994.


Linking the PPP to democracy is a JOKE.  They spit in the faces of the MAJORITY of the votes who REJECTED them, yes in an election which they will claim was free and fair.

Originally Posted by Jay Bharrat:

he has been ruling by virtual decree for over 6 months.


There is not anything illegal about that; the Constitution allows it.


Their sin is refusing to hold LGE which makes them riggers just as the OLD PNC, and refusing to assent to Opposition bills.



An ILLEGAL constitution allows that.


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