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Got this article from a friend....interesting read.

Time to go open an Timmys and give Starbucks competition!!

Excellent opportunities for all the budding entrepreneurs!

Guyana: An Emerging Global Retail Hub (

Note: This is part one of an ongoing series on emerging retail economies.

Just off the North Coast of South America, tucked in between Venezuela, Brazil, and Surinam, lies Guyana, a former English colony. Although its capital, Georgetown, has a decidedly laid-back Caribbean vibe – it won’t take a first-time visitor more than a few minutes in the country to realize that this is a nation of contrast and symbiosis. Its people are a melting pot of East Indian, Afro-Guyanese, Amerindian and European, and its music, cuisine, and culture reflect these vectors of global influence. But what’s also readily apparent to a first-time visitor is growth. Construction sites are everywhere. Shiny, new buildings are going up on almost every corner. Expats from Europe, Brazil, and Latin America, as well as East Asia, fill the local cafés, restaurants, and lobbies of the new hotels that have been built to serve them. Something is up in Guyana, and it’s something retail executives from around the world should have their eyes on. This small country that few Americans could find on a world map is about to emerge as one of the most important places on the global business landscape.

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