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Guyana-born New York lawyer, sister accused of US$3 million mortgage fraudPDF | Print |
Written by Demerara Waves   
Monday, 08 April 2013 17:25

fraudA New York-based Guyana-born lawyer and his sister have been accused of US$3.3 million mortgage fraud and larceny from a well-known American bank.

Queens District Attorney Richard A. Brown, joined by New York State Department of Financial Services Superintendent Benjamin M. Lawsky,  on Friday last announced that three individuals – including a Richmond Hill attorney and his sister – have been charged with conspiring to commit mortgage fraud and larceny from Wells Fargo Bank by fraudulently obtaining mortgage funds in excess of $3.3 million pertaining to the purchase of six properties – including four in Queens – during a six-month period in 2008.

A spokesman for the District Attorney Brown identified the three defendants as attorney Michael Gangadeen, 47, of 332 North Village Avenue in Rockville Center,New York, his sister Savitri (a.k.a. Savi) Gangadeen, 49, of 48 Willis Avenue inFloral ParkNew York, and former Wells Fargo loan officer/mortgage consultant Paul Constante, 38, of 41 Ellison Avenue in Westbury, New York.

A spokesman for the District Attorney’s office, Kevin Ryan told  Demerara Waves Online News that up to Monday Michael had not been arrested. Ryan confirmed that Savitri was born in Guyana. An official at Michael's law office, who confirmed to DemWaves that he is Guyanese, said he was out for several hours transacting business.

Ryan further stated that Savitri Gangadeen and Paul Constante were arraigned Friday and granted $30,000 and $15,000 bail respectively. Up to late Monday they remained in a jail because they have not paid the bail. They are scheduled to return to court on April 23.

"It should be noted that complaint is merely an accusation and that a defendant is presumed innocent until proven guilty," stated the District Attorney Queen's County office in a statement.

District Attorney Brown said, “This complicated and devious scheme allegedly involved defendants who were so greedy that they pushed through more than $3.3 million in fraudulent mortgage loan transactions in just over six months by falsely inflating the income and assets of the borrowers. Their alleged actions resulted in all six properties going into default and forcing the bank to initiate foreclosure proceedings against the borrowers. Some of the properties were sold in short sales for up to one-third less than the sales prices that were paid to acquire the properties in the transactions involved in this case.”

Superintendent Lawsky said, “As alleged, the defendants not only stole money out of these mortgages, but even worse they left their victims out in the cold and facing foreclosure. We will continue to vigorously pursue mortgage fraud so that perpetrators are punished and homeowners are better protected.”

The Gangadeens and Constante have each been charged with first-degree grand larceny, first-degree criminal possession of stolen property, first-degree falsifying business records, fourth-degree criminal facilitation, first degree scheme to defraud and fourth-degree conspiracy. If convicted, they each face up to 25 years in prison.

District Attorney Brown said that, according to the charges, the defendant Constante, who at the time was a loan officer/mortgage consultant for Wells Fargo Home Loans, prepared and submitted the loan applications of the applicants purchasing the six properties – and which contained information, such as the borrowers’ employment, income, assets and liabilities – and stated that he had obtained the information from interviewing the applicants.

Wells Fargo business records allegedly included supporting loan documentation that consisted of the applicants’ pay stubs and bank statements. It is alleged that in reviewing the supporting loan documentation several of the bank statements submitting for the different borrowerscontained the same transaction details for deposits and withdrawals but had been changed to reflect the respective borrower’s name, a different account number and a different opening and ending balance. It is additionally alleged that the same account numbers were used for different borrowers in at least two instances and that there were instances where a borrower’s name was reflected on one page of a bank statement but a different name was reflected on a second page of the same bank statement.

It is further alleged that at least four of the borrowers stated that they had never provided the defendant Constante with the information contained on the loan applications about their employment, income and assets and, in fact, had never communicated or had any dealings with him and that the information on the applications was false and inflated and that they were unaware that the bogus information was submitted in order for their loans to be approved.

The four borrowers allegedly stated that the person they met with about their loan and to whom they provided information regarding their actual employment status, income, pay stubs and bank statements was defendant Savitri Gangadeen, an employee of MTS Funding, a mortgage brokerage company located at 85-52 114th Street in Richmond HillQueens. MTS Funding was owned and operated by defendant Michael Gangadeen, who also maintained a law office at the same location between January 1, 2008, and June 26, 2008, and it was there that the closings for all six properties took place and in which Michael Gangadeen acted as the settlement attorney for the bank and as the individual preparing the settlement statements.

In one instance, it is alleged that the Wells Fargo business records pertaining to a property that defendant Michael Gangadeen was selling to one of the buyers contained a HUD settlement statement – prepared and signed by Michael Gangadeen as the bank’s settlement attorney and also as the seller – indicating that he had received a $5,000 deposit from the borrower for the purchase of the property and further that the borrower had paid $96,134.75 that was due at the closing.

In fact, it is alleged, the borrower had neither made a down payment nor did she make any payments at the closing. Based on a review of Wells Fargo business records, Michael Gangadeen received more than $60,000 from this transaction.

Similarly, in each of the other five transactions, the buyers were required to bring a total of more than $315,000 to the closings in order for the closings to proceed and mortgage funds to be released – otherwise Michael Gangadeen was required by Wells Fargo to stop the closings and not proceed. It is alleged that in three instances, the buyers did not pay a total of $187,650 that was due at the closings and that the closings proceeded – with Michael Gangadeen allegedly signing certifications as the bank’s attorney attesting that the money due from the buyers was paid.

Finally, it is alleged that a review of Capital One Bank business records pertaining to Michael Gangadeen’s escrow account showed that Gangadeen made disbursements of the mortgage proceeds to himself and others and did not comport fully with the representations made in the HUD settlement statements for the six purchased properties. For instance, it is alleged that there were hidden and unauthorized disbursements made to Savitri Gangadeen in amounts that often exceeded $5,000 per closing. Similarly, a review of Wells Fargo Bank’s business records allegedly revealed that defendant Constante received commissions in excess of $3,000 for originating the six loans.

The six transactions were: a $474,050 mortgage loan on January 24, 2008, for the purchase of 2 Cypress Court in Brooklyn; a $522,500 mortgage loan on April 8, 2008, for  the purchase of 133-03 Linden Boulevard in South Ozone Park, Queens; a $600,300 mortgage loan on April 14, 2008, for the purchase of 216-32 136th Road in Laurelton, Queens; a $612,000 mortgage loan on April 25, 2008, for the purchase of 134-25 226th Street in Jamaica, Queens; a $576,000 mortgage loan on May 9, 2008, for the purchase of 690 East 37th Street in Brooklyn; and a $533,000 mortgage loan on June 25, 2008, for the purchase of 128-04 116th Avenue in Richmond Hill, Queens.

The investigation was conducted by the Criminal Investigation Bureau of the New York State Department of Financial Services.

District Attorney Brown expressed his thanks to Wells Fargo Bank for their cooperation and assistance in the investigation.

Assistant District Attorney Allison P. Wright, of the District Attorney’s Economic Crimes Bureau, is prosecuting the case under the supervision of Gregory Pavlides, Bureau Chief, and Christina Hanophy, Deputy Bureau Chief, and the overall supervision of Executive Assistant District Attorney Peter Crusco and Deputy Executive Assistant District Attorney Linda Cantoni of the Investigations Division.

Replies sorted oldest to newest

Originally Posted by God:

These PPP people prappuh like tief. They do it in Guyana and then the same shyte when they come to America.

You will have to explain to me what the PPP in Guyana has to do with this news story. Will you do me this favor? Thanks.


For the record the assault on Vishnu Mahadeo at the Hut on that fateful day (that turned a few lives upside down) was as follows:


  • Removing his cap and slapping his face with it with the beak causing some damage to his eye.
  • Cutting his pony-tail only (one accused held his hands down and the hair cutter went over to the adjacent Walgreen to purchase the scissors.)
  • A shove and some slaps.

That's all. There were no fingering, so please refrain from insinuating shyte. There was general goading by others present, and the whole incident was triggered by an invitation on a ruse by yet another principal in the incident.

Originally Posted by Kari:
Originally Posted by God:

These PPP people prappuh like tief. They do it in Guyana and then the same shyte when they come to America.

You will have to explain to me what the PPP in Guyana has to do with this news story. Will you do me this favor? Thanks.

They apprentice with the PPP in Guyana and then hit the big time in Richmond Hill. Do I really need to explain that? It's quite obvious.

Originally Posted by Stinger:
Btw Kari, can you tell us why Spotlight TV refrained from publicizing this humiliating incident?

Spotlight TV did not refrain from taking on this story. We could not get some principals on the other side to give their story - and believe you me, I chased some of them around. I even went after the police officer who took the complaint.


No, I was not at the Hut that night; I was in London, England. I returned the next day. I know all the Principals involved, and in fact my name was pounded (dem QC boyz......) and I had close friends there that night -this would not have taken place were I there. BTW I was interviewed by the Queens DA and the 102 Precinct detective on the subsequent trumped-up matter arising out of the Hut incident, involving Vishnu and another attorney friend of mine.


Have I answered your questions about being there the Sunday night and about Spotlight TV?

Originally Posted by Mr.T:

Kari mentioned to me not so long ago that Vishnu is an honest thief. So I await the honesty amongst yet another PPP thieving streak.

T.....give me details of where I supposedly refer to Vishnu as a thief, honest or otherwise.


When you can't respond to this shut your lying ass. You can email me offline so I know who you are. You need 2 slap you piece a shit. Show me your face and I'll oblige. What purpose you have of this outright lie?

Originally Posted by Kari:
Originally Posted by Mr.T:

Kari mentioned to me not so long ago that Vishnu is an honest thief. So I await the honesty amongst yet another PPP thieving streak.

T.....give me details of where I supposedly refer to Vishnu as a thief, honest or otherwise.


When you can't respond to this shut your lying ass. You can email me offline so I know who you are. You need 2 slap you piece a shit. Show me your face and I'll oblige. What purpose you have of this outright lie?

You do worry me with your short memory span. Even a fly can do better.

Originally Posted by Kari:
Originally Posted by Mr.T:

Kari mentioned to me not so long ago that Vishnu is an honest thief. So I await the honesty amongst yet another PPP thieving streak.

T.....give me details of where I supposedly refer to Vishnu as a thief, honest or otherwise.


When you can't respond to this shut your lying ass. You can email me offline so I know who you are. You need 2 slap you piece a shit. Show me your face and I'll oblige. What purpose you have of this outright lie?

cut he hair

Originally Posted by BGurd_See:

The  Gangadeen are known AFC/PNC supporters, they were seen in Ramjattan's company last year before elections when he visited NY. The Afc/PNC strikes again. ahahhah

Who are you trying to tell that lie to? The dude is  a highly decorated PPP foot soldier. He was one with Ed who facilitated the beat down on lil Birdie.

Originally Posted by Mr.T:

Kari mentioned to me not so long ago that Vishnu is an honest thief. So I await the honesty amongst yet another PPP thieving streak.

Vishnu is a good and decent man. I may not agree with him but his integrity is impeccable ( the caveat being he is not my friend and I only know him from his reputation that precedes him)

Originally Posted by Stormborn:
Originally Posted by BGurd_See:

The  Gangadeen are known AFC/PNC supporters, they were seen in Ramjattan's company last year before elections when he visited NY. The Afc/PNC strikes again. ahahhah

Who are you trying to tell that lie to? The dude is  a highly decorated PPP foot soldier. He was one with Ed who facilitated the beat down on lil Birdie.

Like many of the AFC supporters who were once PPP foot soldiers(ramjattan, moses, gerhard and even you).  Gangadeen switched over to the afc/pnc camp as he saw them as more corrupt.

Originally Posted by Vish M:

It is Karma



Do you know Ramesh Kallicharran ?


Years ago I had dinner with him in Queens, NY---we talked about what was going on in the Guyanese community----I recall the incident with you came up.


Kali said you are a good person---you do good work in the community---and he was very critical of the folks who targeted you--Ed Ahmed's name came up---and a few others.


Anyway Vish---you are 100% correct---Karma has returned to bitch slap those who physically and mentally abused.









Originally Posted by BGurd_See:

Its a wonder that d2 did not deny that he wrote the piece. Possibly he was a big PPP supporter back in 2000. hahahaha

that D2 had to have been a cool dude! Wish I knew him!

Originally Posted by Stormborn:

that D2 had to have been a cool dude! Wish I knew him!

Just like Tarron(TK) denies owning the homophobic and boorish redux handle, I see you are denying owning the D2 handle.



Originally Posted by Rev Al:
Originally Posted by Vish M:

It is Karma



Do you know Ramesh Kallicharran ?


Years ago I had dinner with him in Queens, NY---we talked about what was going on in the Guyanese community----I recall the incident with you came up.


Kali said you are a good person---you do good work in the community---and he was very critical of the folks who targeted you--Ed Ahmed's name came up---and a few others.


Anyway Vish---you are 100% correct---Karma has returned to bitch slap those who physically and mentally abused.









But Rev you are a Muslim. No?

Originally Posted by Mitwah:

But Rev you are a Muslim. No?

The Rev believes in God, but is not a member of any religion---nothing in this life makes people hate more than religion.



Originally Posted by Rev Al:
Originally Posted by Mitwah:

But Rev you are a Muslim. No?

The Rev believes in God, but is not a member of any religion---nothing in this life makes people hate more than religion.



You were born in Muslim home. No?

Originally Posted by Mitwah:

You were born in Muslim home. No?

Father was born to hindu parents; mother was born to Christian parents----my parents raised their children to believe in God but gave us the option to choose a religion---the Rev chose no religion.


But I have read all the great books(Bible, Gita, Koran. Torah, etc, etc)---and respect the teachings in those book.



Originally Posted by Rev Al:
Originally Posted by Mitwah:

You were born in Muslim home. No?

Father was born to hindu parents; mother was born to Christian parents----my parents raised their children to believe in God but gave us the option to choose a religion---the Rev chose no religion.


But I have read all the great books(Bible, Gita, Koran. Torah, etc, etc)---and respect the teachings in those book.



So you are a chammar! Which one of those books taught you to hang a N1GGER and from the tallest tree you can find?

Originally Posted by Mitwah:
Originally Posted by Rev Al:
Originally Posted by Mitwah:

You were born in Muslim home. No?

Father was born to hindu parents; mother was born to Christian parents----my parents raised their children to believe in God but gave us the option to choose a religion---the Rev chose no religion.


But I have read all the great books(Bible, Gita, Koran. Torah, etc, etc)---and respect the teachings in those book.



So you are a chammar! Which one of those books taught you to hang a N1GGER and from the tallest tree you can find?

Religion is the source of most of the world's problems.

Originally Posted by skeldon_man:
Originally Posted by Mitwah:
Originally Posted by Rev Al:
Originally Posted by Mitwah:

You were born in Muslim home. No?

Father was born to hindu parents; mother was born to Christian parents----my parents raised their children to believe in God but gave us the option to choose a religion---the Rev chose no religion.


But I have read all the great books(Bible, Gita, Koran. Torah, etc, etc)---and respect the teachings in those book.



So you are a chammar! Which one of those books taught you to hang a N1GGER and from the tallest tree you can find?

Religion is the source of most of the world's problems.

Welcome back! I nearly gotten beaten up by some Hindu fanatics for making that statement in reference to the Ramayan and the Mahabharat wars.

Originally Posted by Rev Al:
Originally Posted by Vish M:

It is Karma



Do you know Ramesh Kallicharran ?


Years ago I had dinner with him in Queens, NY---we talked about what was going on in the Guyanese community----I recall the incident with you came up.


Kali said you are a good person---you do good work in the community---and he was very critical of the folks who targeted you--Ed Ahmed's name came up---and a few others.


Anyway Vish---you are 100% correct---Karma has returned to bitch slap those who physically and mentally abused.









Rev Al you will know really good karma when I catch up with you


Whether these people are supporters of the PPP, PNC, or AFC, they ought to be punished severely for their crimes. They are responsible for their actions and no political party should be indicted. If there were reasons for indictment then the QUeens DA would have done that. Some of us try to score political points against parties we hate by trying to find a connection between the accused and such party.

Billy Ram Balgobin
Originally Posted by Chief:

Vishnu and Kari,

Every story has three sides. Can Vishnu honestly tell us his side and what cause that incident.

Chief, this post of yours has consequences. You see how T is lying about me telling him Vishnu is a thief? All because you mentioned every story has three sides. I suspect that this was motivated by your angst against Vishnu. If there is one praise only about Vishnu I wouldn't expect it to be an opportunity for anyone to detract from that fundamental truth. So let it go about Vishnu and whatever you may have heard about the Hut incident. When we catch up I will give you a chronology of the story. I even have court transcripts.


Vishnu's only fault in that whole event was to accede to a cell-phone call request to come to the Hut so that the boys may congratulate him on some community achievement. He was visiting his mother in the hospital at the same time (don't know how they allowed him to have his cell phone on). This story had its genesis on a Spotlight TV interview following a softball cricket meeting hosted at Chateau Royale.


So let it go.....about Vishnu Mahadeo. He may  rub some people the wrong way (he may complain to admin - which I didn't like, he may embellish simple things to get good feed back, etc, but he is no Thief. If anyone believes one thing I say, believe this.

Originally Posted by Kari:
Originally Posted by Chief:

Vishnu and Kari,

Every story has three sides. Can Vishnu honestly tell us his side and what cause that incident.

Chief, this post of yours has consequences. You see how T is lying about me telling him Vishnu is a thief? All because you mentioned every story has three sides. I suspect that this was motivated by your angst against Vishnu. If there is one praise only about Vishnu I wouldn't expect it to be an opportunity for anyone to detract from that fundamental truth. So let it go about Vishnu and whatever you may have heard about the Hut incident. When we catch up I will give you a chronology of the story. I even have court transcripts.


Vishnu's only fault in that whole event was to accede to a cell-phone call request to come to the Hut so that the boys may congratulate him on some community achievement. He was visiting his mother in the hospital at the same time (don't know how they allowed him to have his cell phone on). This story had its genesis on a Spotlight TV interview following a softball cricket meeting hosted at Chateau Royale.


So let it go.....about Vishnu Mahadeo. He may  rub some people the wrong way (he may complain to admin - which I didn't like, he may embellish simple things to get good feed back, etc, but he is no Thief. If anyone believes one thing I say, believe this.

I agree. You may not lik ALL of his ways BUT Visnhu is an ASSET to our Community and he IS CERTAINLY NOT a Thief!!!!


Holy shit...not Gangadeen and his sister Savi. WoW! Guys, take it from me, never offer your service that is needed to complete a transaction with any lawyers in NYC. Make sure the job is legitimate. Next thing you know the FBI is knocking at your door.

Originally Posted by ABIDHA:

Holy shit...not Gangadeen and his sister Savi. WoW! Guys, take it from me, never offer your service that is needed to complete a transaction with any lawyers in NYC. Make sure the job is legitimate. Next thing you know the FBI is knocking at your door.

Are they RH Gangsters???


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