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Politically...and Socially

The mentality of the current political establishment, PNC/AFC and PPP does not bode well for Guyana's future. It starts with the winner take all political system which oozes down to the general population, making one major segment of the population feel that they don't have a voice in the way the country is governed.

The Red House bruhaha recently is a stark example of the disfunction of Govt. While the Govt does have a valid point, the way this was done showed a lack of respect and regard for a past leader as well as a segment of the population. It was a heavy handed approach, and showed a lack of leadership from Granger. It seemed more of a tit for tat approach to a simple issue which could have been handled in a more professional manner. What happened to sitting down and hashing things out? It would have been a great example to the people if both parties could have cooperated in good faith. On top of this, the Hoyte museum was opened right afterwards. The optics just don't look good!! You have one past leader tossed out, while another past leader is being celebrated!

This continued approach of trying to score points against each other only serves to alienate a major segment of the population. The Govt & opposition need to think about all Guyanese before they undertake certain actions, understand the effects of those actions. They need to move away from the past way of thinking, show real leadership, lead by example that all Guyanese can follow. There will always be disagreements, let those disagreements be about what's best for all Guyanese, not be about trying to get one side to dislike the other side.

Replies sorted oldest to newest

RiffRaff posted:

Politically...and Socially

The mentality of the current political establishment, PNC/AFC and PPP does not bode well for Guyana's future. It starts with the winner take all political system which oozes down to the general population, making one major segment of the population feel that they don't have a voice in the way the country is governed.

The Red House bruhaha recently is a stark example of the disfunction of Govt. While the Govt does have a valid point, the way this was done showed a lack of respect and regard for a past leader as well as a segment of the population. It was a heavy handed approach, and showed a lack of leadership from Granger. It seemed more of a tit for tat approach to a simple issue which could have been handled in a more professional manner. What happened to sitting down and hashing things out? It would have been a great example to the people if both parties could have cooperated in good faith. On top of this, the Hoyte museum was opened right afterwards. The optics just don't look good!! You have one past leader tossed out, while another past leader is being celebrated!

This continued approach of trying to score points against each other only serves to alienate a major segment of the population. The Govt & opposition need to think about all Guyanese before they undertake certain actions, understand the effects of those actions. They need to move away from the past way of thinking, show real leadership, lead by example that all Guyanese can follow. There will always be disagreements, let those disagreements be about what's best for all Guyanese, not be about trying to get one side to dislike the other side.

I fully agree.

Nehru posted:

I can PROVE beyond a reasonable doubt that the PPP is much better than the PNC anytime, anywhere!!!


Not that the PPP is perfect, but the PNC is the worst there is!

We have all seen that the PPP was better. The PNC supporters would beg to differ. They will not admit that the PNC left the treasury empty on their first regime and the second time around they are squeezing the poor with VAT to enrich themselves.

Django posted:
skeldon_man posted:

We need to throw all these bums out and start with some fresh young, aggressive, and educated thinkers, regardless of their race. 

Have been saying that for a while,

the young ones back home following the dinosaurs,they need to show some resistance by moving away from the clue less old farts.

The world has changed and the dinosaurs still rule. Where are Charles Ramson Jr. and the rest of the young stalwarts..PNC, PPP, UF, WPA..all of them?

skeldon_man posted:
Django posted:
skeldon_man posted:

We need to throw all these bums out and start with some fresh young, aggressive, and educated thinkers, regardless of their race. 

Have been saying that for a while,

the young ones back home following the dinosaurs,they need to show some resistance by moving away from the clue less old farts.

The world has changed and the dinosaurs still rule. Where are Charles Ramson Jr. and the rest of the young stalwarts..PNC, PPP, UF, WPA..all of them?

Ramson Jr,

gone to further his studies,if he can bring about the change there will be a waiting time.

Django posted:
skeldon_man posted:
Django posted:
skeldon_man posted:

We need to throw all these bums out and start with some fresh young, aggressive, and educated thinkers, regardless of their race. 

Have been saying that for a while,

the young ones back home following the dinosaurs,they need to show some resistance by moving away from the clue less old farts.

The world has changed and the dinosaurs still rule. Where are Charles Ramson Jr. and the rest of the young stalwarts..PNC, PPP, UF, WPA..all of them?

Ramson Jr,

gone to further his studies,if he can bring about the change there will be a waiting time.

bai, de man only gone for a year or so. He'll be back before 2020.


Guyana must be Rule by whoever/whatever is ELECTED Fairly and squarely. In any part of the World, people experience the consequences of their actions(Votes). That is how Democracy works!!

I am not like you who will tell people who/how to Vote for. Each individual has a God given right to cast his/her Ballot.

I do not have any solution for Guyana but I tell you this: Until there are Leaders who are competent and who are interested in the welfare of the People of Guyana, nothing will change.

THe disgraceful KFC and the two Namakarams FOOLED the people about being the Guardian of their rights, welfare, health, future. Well, it was all CRAP, BLOODY CRAP!! In the history of the World there has never been more SHAMELESS PARASITES than the two House Slaves. And yes, there will be consequences, wait and see!!!

skeldon_man posted:
Django posted:
skeldon_man posted:

We need to throw all these bums out and start with some fresh young, aggressive, and educated thinkers, regardless of their race. 

Have been saying that for a while,

the young ones back home following the dinosaurs,they need to show some resistance by moving away from the clue less old farts.

The world has changed and the dinosaurs still rule. Where are Charles Ramson Jr. and the rest of the young stalwarts..PNC, PPP, UF, WPA..all of them?

The dinosaurs are infecting the young people with their disgraceful public behaviour...

Some on GNI think like those dinosaurs

Nehru posted:

Guyana must be Rule by whoever/whatever is ELECTED Fairly and squarely. In any part of the World, people experience the consequences of their actions(Votes). That is how Democracy works!!

I am not like you who will tell people who/how to Vote for. Each individual has a God given right to cast his/her Ballot.

I do not have any solution for Guyana but I tell you this: Until there are Leaders who are competent and who are interested in the welfare of the People of Guyana, nothing will change.

THe disgraceful KFC and the two Namakarams FOOLED the people about being the Guardian of their rights, welfare, health, future. Well, it was all CRAP, BLOODY CRAP!! In the history of the World there has never been more SHAMELESS PARASITES than the two House Slaves. And yes, there will be consequences, wait and see!!!

that's the problem with Guyanese...consequences live on forever in their minds...lots still harbor grief from the 60s...even from distant shores

I say it's time to move on, stop reliving the past


I dont know which Namakarams yuh talkin biut BUT the Namakarams I talkin bout is CURRENT. All Politicans face consequences and Voters too.


Right Yasuh the Rednecks in Trailers my lose their health Benefits and may even have reduced Food Stamps, so they will also experience the consequences.  It has nothing to do with Lang time gat am Jug Jug Lamp,samje???

Django posted:
Nehru posted:

I can PROVE beyond a reasonable doubt that the PPP is much better than the PNC anytime, anywhere!!!


Not that the PPP is perfect, but the PNC is the worst there is!

So what is the solution bhai ??

do you think Guyana should be ruled forever by the PPP,taking in to consideration they are much better ??

Nehru posted:

Guyana must be Rule by whoever/whatever is ELECTED Fairly and squarely. In any part of the World, people experience the consequences of their actions(Votes). That is how Democracy works!!

I am not like you who will tell people who/how to Vote for. Each individual has a God given right to cast his/her Ballot.

I do not have any solution for Guyana but I tell you this: Until there are Leaders who are competent and who are interested in the welfare of the People of Guyana, nothing will change.

THe disgraceful KFC and the two Namakarams FOOLED the people about being the Guardian of their rights, welfare, health, future. Well, it was all CRAP, BLOODY CRAP!! In the history of the World there has never been more SHAMELESS PARASITES than the two House Slaves. And yes, there will be consequences, wait and see!!!

I guess you are addressing the two questions,

how do you conclude i instruct individuals who to vote for ? that isn't my forte,check on the fellas who holds bottom house meetings,feeding fear to one section of the people.

Until Guyanese start trusting each other it will remain in the predicament in the future,they need to confront the divisionist.

Last edited by Django

Guyana is like a river. On one bank is the PPP and the other is  the PNC. No one knows the destination; some are moving along with the tide and some are trying to swim against the current. The people have become strangers to each other. In light of relations each man is just like a shadow. 

We have just started a new year. This means we are 1 year closer to the end. Your palaces will remain right here.




Nehru your screams remind me of my visits to India and the Ganges, Indian Ocean and the Bay of Bengal. It also reminds me of visit to South America, the Amazon and the many tributaries flowing into the Atlantic; the tip of South America and the Antarctica where the Atlantic meets the Pacific.

You also remind me of this verse:

Ek Nadiayaa Ek Naar  Kahaavai, Mailo Hee Neer Bharo

Jab Do-U Milkar Ek Baran Bhayee, Sursaree Naam Paro

One is a river, the other is  a rivulet; both are filled with murky, polluted muddy water. When they merge they become one color and become GANGA.

When someone uses labels to further their arguments, it demonstrate a weakness in the user.  Labels are for  food. It is said that:Mark Twain had a way of telling stories that shifts your consciousness away from labels.

Last edited by Mitwah
Nehru posted:

Mits, as you on this religious Journey, please think about/offer prayers for those POOr Guyanese who are suffering because of those two namakaram LIARS!!!!

Om Saha Nau-Avatu |
Saha Nau Bhunaktu |
Saha Viiryam Karavaavahai |
Tejasvi Nau-Adhiitam-Astu Maa Vidvissaavahai |
Om Shaantih Shaantih Shaantih ||

Aum! May He protect us both together; may He nourish us both together;
May we work conjointly with great energy,
May our study be vigorous and effective;
May we not mutually dispute (or may we not hate any).
Aum! Let there be peace in me!
Let there be peace in my environment!
Let there be peace in the forces that act on me!

Nehru posted:

Mits, as you on this religious Journey, please think about/offer prayers for those POOr Guyanese who are suffering because of those two namakaram LIARS!!!!

What religious journey?  Can't you see that the PNC crew are celebrating the suffering of the Guyanese people?  One of them showed remorse. Some have gone into hiding. The rest are still beating their tabla and celebrating.

Bibi Haniffa

I notice that Riffraff and others can't help bringing the PPP in platy of every nasty thing that the coalition has done. Why this couldn't be a stand alone subject on the PNC/AFC? Who it the government of the day? I agree totally with ASJ. These riggers showed us their true color in a matter of months.

We saw the coalition social cohesion displaced on Republic day and independence day. This ministry was created to divide the nation and remind people to hate each other. 

These racial displays never happened under the PPP. Even the American cable leak said Granger was a racial bastard against Indians. What more you want to hear? 



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