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caribny posted:
kp posted:

Presently, Brazil has it's share of problems of fraud and corruption. The country is in recession, many of the sites for the summer games are incomplete and the Zika virus is spreading rapidly. Lots of Brazilians are working in Guyana illegally . So let's shoot straight, What's in it for Brazil???

And when Brazil offered to build an all weather road from Lethem, and a deep water port, this wasn't the case.

An opportunity squandered by Jagdeo, who now can find nothing better to do than scream "blackman a starve ahbe".

Oh ra$$.  Is it me or is that an original statement, never heard anywhere  before??!!

(Coolie bai - you need to change up you chune lil bit.  You record scratch!!)

Bibi Haniffa
caribny posted:
alena06 posted:

Feeding off of the PPP's ideas again - no brainers.

And yet even though Brazil offered to build the road, at no cost to Guyana, the PPP didn't build it.

So was it really a PPP idea?

Caribny, you have  me confused here. Brazil offered to build the road at no cost but the PPP did not build it. Who was to build it? 

Also, talk is cheap. I do not remember for the last seven years since my return to Guyana that the Brazilian government signed an agreement that detailed a financial committment to fund the construction of the road.

caribny posted:
Zed posted:
caribny posted:

Now Guyana has to spend its own money for this road.

Thanks to Jagdeo incompetence and greed Brazil wasn't allowed to build it as promised.

Please tell us how Jagdeo  prevented the road from being built. Please give specifics, not rhetoric and generalities. 

Brazil offered, and offered, and offered.  Guyana said nothing.

At the time Brazil saw developing improved infrastructure in Guyana as integral to Roraima state being developed.  They even suggested that Linden could be developed as a transport/packaging/manufacturing hub.

So why don't you tell me why Jagdeo refused to move forward on anything to do with Brazil?  It isn't even as if he actually had to find the money.

You realize that it will soon be five years since Jagdeo has not been President of Guyana right????!!

Bibi Haniffa
Last edited by Bibi Haniffa
kp posted:


A PPP nutcase like you cannot read.  Roraima is a landlocked state, remote even from Manaus, the largest Amazonian city.  For that state to be developed it needed access to deepwater ports, Guyana being the ideal location.

Obviously there would have been some negotiations as to what Guyana would have had to offer.  Maybe a duty free port.  Maybe import duty waivers.  Maybe the highway would have had tolls with the proceeds going to the Brazilian devlopers.

But what do we have here. A broke sugar industry.  A broke rice industry.  Gold surviving only because the Canadians are there as low prices have driven out many Guyanese.....and it goes on.

If the PPP couldn't engage in corruption in a project it didn't happen.  So the scandal of Buddy's hotel went forward, with massive gov't support. Marriott, and no developers shouldn't up, contrary to Jagdeo's screams.  Providence stadium, which struggles to get matches that would attract foreign visitors.  Of course the infamous Skeldon.  And it goes on............


Now Brazil is broke, and no longer interested in developing its frontier regions!

Zed posted:
Django posted:
Kari posted:

Wasn't some kinda road to have been built since I was in high school? Rass so much Brazil-Guyana road talk in a couple of generations.

You are correct since my teenage years that road was to be built,the construction of that road will open a lot of future economic possibilities for Guyana.

Django, please define those future economic possibilities, both negative and positive for the immediate future, the intermediate and for the distant future. 


For starters it will enhance the link from Lethem to the Coastland,open developments of the hinterland and possibilty of  deep water port.

Check attachment of a study done a while ago.


Last edited by Django
caribny posted:
kp posted:


A PPP nutcase like you cannot read.  Roraima is a landlocked state, remote even from Manaus, the largest Amazonian city.  For that state to be developed it needed access to deepwater ports, Guyana being the ideal location.

Obviously there would have been some negotiations as to what Guyana would have had to offer.  Maybe a duty free port.  Maybe import duty waivers.  Maybe the highway would have had tolls with the proceeds going to the Brazilian devlopers.

But what do we have here. A broke sugar industry.  A broke rice industry.  Gold surviving only because the Canadians are there as low prices have driven out many Guyanese.....and it goes on.

If the PPP couldn't engage in corruption in a project it didn't happen.  So the scandal of Buddy's hotel went forward, with massive gov't support. Marriott, and no developers shouldn't up, contrary to Jagdeo's screams.  Providence stadium, which struggles to get matches that would attract foreign visitors.  Of course the infamous Skeldon.  And it goes on............


Now Brazil is broke, and no longer interested in developing its frontier regions!

Forget about Brazil, the coalition government over there is about to crumble and the country will enter an economic tailspin.  Investors are already running for the hills.

Bibi Haniffa
caribny posted:
Drugb posted:

Looks like another pipe dream under the PNC. .


Druggie the PNC didn't stop any Brazilians ideas on the hydro.  They stopped Amaila, which didn't involve the Brazilians.  This because the PPP picked up a market vendor, and gave him $5 million, no doubt so that they could steal some of it.

Brazil offered to build a road FREE. In fact Jagdeo dragged their feet even with the Takutu bridge, and Brazil decided to procede nonetheless.


More examples of PPP incompetence, as we see opportunities squandered in an era when Brazil had loads of cash.

Prove that the Guyana government in any way opposed or  hindered the construction of the  Takutu bridge. Anyway, it would not have been built if the Guyana government was opposed to it. 


Regarding Amelia falls. It is interesting that the pnc position on it might change, just as it did on the Speciality hospital because they are hoping to continue to receive the Norway funds which Jagdeo was able to get during his presidency. I wonder why the review has not commenced as yet. Maybe, the coalition is too busy with its internal power struggle and dispute about who will be have control over the funds.

Mars posted:
kp posted:


They built the Takutu Bridge linking Bonfim and Lethem for free as a part of the overall project.

And even with this there were delays, until Brazil said "what the heck" and built it themselves.  It was supposed to be part of a highway network culminating in a deep water harbor. 

Linden and/or Bartica, would have benefited significantly from this.  Given Jagdeo's attitude to the people who live in those towns, no wonder he did NOTHING!

Zed posted:
caribny posted:
Drugb posted:

Looks like another pipe dream under the PNC. .


Druggie the PNC didn't stop any Brazilians ideas on the hydro.  They stopped Amaila, which didn't involve the Brazilians.  This because the PPP picked up a market vendor, and gave him $5 million, no doubt so that they could steal some of it.

Brazil offered to build a road FREE. In fact Jagdeo dragged their feet even with the Takutu bridge, and Brazil decided to procede nonetheless.


More examples of PPP incompetence, as we see opportunities squandered in an era when Brazil had loads of cash.

Prove that the Guyana government in any way opposed or  hindered the construction of the  Takutu bridge. Anyway, it would not have been built if the Guyana government was opposed to it. 


Regarding Amelia falls. It is interesting that the pnc position on it might change, just as it did on the Speciality hospital because they are hoping to continue to receive the Norway funds which Jagdeo was able to get during his presidency. I wonder why the review has not commenced as yet. Maybe, the coalition is too busy with its internal power struggle and dispute about who will be have control over the funds.

Norway is having a company revisiting the estimates,i read that maybe two weeks ago.

Last edited by Django
Zed posted:

Regarding Amelia falls.

You can scream as much as you want.  Brazil badly wanted to build better transportation, and were willing to fund it.  NOTHING happened.


I can assure you that if the PNC had a US$1 billion project, and awarded some old time GDF solja boy a multi million dollar contract to build a road in rough terrain, when he lacked the ability even to build a footbridge over his trench, you would be the loudest screaming.

The Fip Motilall fiasco set a bad precedent for the future management of this mammoth project.  What is worse is BEFORE he was selected people queried his qualification for the job.  Jagdeo arrogantly screamed that "no one can tell him what to do", even as he encumbered the Guyanese taxpayers with a mammoth debt.

Your double standards have been noted, and ONCE AGAIN you rush to defend the PPP.  If you had the smallest piece of integrity you would have noted that  awarding a contract to a man, whose only qualifications was that he was Indian, and a PPP supporter, was dangerous, and that the project had to be halted before more damage was done.

Bibi Haniffa posted:

Forget about Brazil, the coalition government over there is about to crumble and the country will enter an economic tailspin.  Investors are already running for the hills.

Yes.  The PPP blew it.  Bottom line is the PPPs idea of development was limited to projects where they get engage in Grand Theft.

I have been asking PPP frauds like you about what "revolutionary" ideas that the PPP had to transform Guyana.  SILENCE from the peanut stand!

Now imagine if we had a proper deep water port and an additional 400,000 people able to consume Guyanese made products.

Bibi Haniffa posted:
caribny posted:
Zed posted:
caribny posted:

Now Guyana has to spend its own money for this road.

Thanks to Jagdeo incompetence and greed Brazil wasn't allowed to build it as promised.

Please tell us how Jagdeo  prevented the road from being built. Please give specifics, not rhetoric and generalities. 

Brazil offered, and offered, and offered.  Guyana said nothing.

At the time Brazil saw developing improved infrastructure in Guyana as integral to Roraima state being developed.  They even suggested that Linden could be developed as a transport/packaging/manufacturing hub.

So why don't you tell me why Jagdeo refused to move forward on anything to do with Brazil?  It isn't even as if he actually had to find the money.

You realize that it will soon be five years since Jagdeo has not been President of Guyana right????!!

Funny thing this.  Burnham died 35 years ago, yet the PPP was still screaming about him, even as recently as last year.

Yet you don't like us to talk about Jagdeo and his puppet Ramotar.

Please don't embarrass yourself that Jagdeo wasn't running the PPP after 2011.  It became very apparent during the election campaign last year, and the fact that Jagdeo unilaterally re-assumed leadership just indicates the degree to which the PPP is his property, for him to do as he pleases.

Django posted:
Zed posted:
Django posted:
Kari posted:

Wasn't some kinda road to have been built since I was in high school? Rass so much Brazil-Guyana road talk in a couple of generations.

You are correct since my teenage years that road was to be built,the construction of that road will open a lot of future economic possibilities for Guyana.

Django, please define those future economic possibilities, both negative and positive for the immediate future, the intermediate and for the distant future. 


For starters it will enhance the link from Lethem to the Coastland,open developments of the hinterland and possibilty of  deep water port.

Check attachment of a study done a while ago.

Django,mthanks for the attachments that you sent. I did a quick scan of them. 

Some points to note. One, the European Union noted that the economic benefit of a passed road is marginal. Second, the port study noted that no analysis was made of the increase in use of the port  in f it was built and at best made an estimate. 

Both reports lack the sound analysis and figures needed to make the general feel-good statements they make, and lack a real cost benefit analysis. 

Billy Ram Balgobin posted:

.  Why would the BRazilians at this time allocate hundreds of millions to build a road in Guyana that is really Guyana's responsibility???

Is any one saying that Brazil would be involved in this now?

NO.  The PPP blew it and you just need to understand this and stop being a dumb hypocrite!

In 2000 Brazil was a wealthy nation. Lula was interested in cementing Brazil's role as the 2nd super power in the Americas, and developing its frontier regions was integral to this project.  Brazil spent billions in various ventures with Bolivia, and other bordering states. 

Guyana was too dumb to take advantage of this, and now its over.  Too late!

But then a mega airport for EIGHT jetways, to accommodate 3 jets, is the PPP's idea of "development".

caribny posted:
Mars posted:
kp posted:


They built the Takutu Bridge linking Bonfim and Lethem for free as a part of the overall project.

And even with this there were delays, until Brazil said "what the heck" and built it themselves.  It was supposed to be part of a highway network culminating in a deep water harbor. 

Linden and/or Bartica, would have benefited significantly from this.  Given Jagdeo's attitude to the people who live in those towns, no wonder he did NOTHING!

In the study ousted by Django, Bartica was not listed as a direct beneficiary of the project. 

caribny posted:
Billy Ram Balgobin posted:

.  Why would the BRazilians at this time allocate hundreds of millions to build a road in Guyana that is really Guyana's responsibility???

Is any one saying that Brazil would be involved in this now?

NO.  The PPP blew it and you just need to understand this and stop being a dumb hypocrite!

In 2000 Brazil was a wealthy nation. Lula was interested in cementing Brazil's role as the 2nd super power in the Americas, and developing its frontier regions was integral to this project.  Brazil spent billions in various ventures with Bolivia, and other bordering states. 

Guyana was too dumb to take advantage of this, and now its over.  Too late!

But then a mega airport for EIGHT jetways, to accommodate 3 jets, is the PPP's idea of "development".

My friend, you have to be careful with what you read and what you choose to believe.  Half of the stuff out there are propaganda meant to confused and mislead. Being from an Ivy League college does not exempt you from being a victim of misinformation. The Brazilians made promises. That much is true.  How much they truly meant is a different story.

Billy Ram Balgobin
Django posted:
Zed posted:
caribny posted:
Drugb posted:

Looks like another pipe dream under the PNC. .


Druggie the PNC didn't stop any Brazilians ideas on the hydro.  They stopped Amaila, which didn't involve the Brazilians.  This because the PPP picked up a market vendor, and gave him $5 million, no doubt so that they could steal some of it.

Brazil offered to build a road FREE. In fact Jagdeo dragged their feet even with the Takutu bridge, and Brazil decided to procede nonetheless.


More examples of PPP incompetence, as we see opportunities squandered in an era when Brazil had loads of cash.

Prove that the Guyana government in any way opposed or  hindered the construction of the  Takutu bridge. Anyway, it would not have been built if the Guyana government was opposed to it. 


Regarding Amelia falls. It is interesting that the pnc position on it might change, just as it did on the Speciality hospital because they are hoping to continue to receive the Norway funds which Jagdeo was able to get during his presidency. I wonder why the review has not commenced as yet. Maybe, the coalition is too busy with its internal power struggle and dispute about who will be have control over the funds.

Norway is having a company revisiting the estimates,i read that maybe two weeks ago.

We are still waiting for them to do an evaluation of the project. This was promised some time ago.

Zed posted:

In the study ousted by Django, Bartica was not listed as a direct beneficiary of the project. 

the road from Bartica to Mahdia would have been close enough, and so there would have also been benefits to that town.

Too bad your hero Jagdeo wasn't interested as he couldn't figure out how to extort kick backs from Lula.   He preferred the Chinese, who build in bribes into their project costs.

Zed posted:
Django posted:
Zed posted:
caribny posted:
Drugb posted:

Looks like another pipe dream under the PNC. .


Druggie the PNC didn't stop any Brazilians ideas on the hydro.  They stopped Amaila, which didn't involve the Brazilians.  This because the PPP picked up a market vendor, and gave him $5 million, no doubt so that they could steal some of it.

Brazil offered to build a road FREE. In fact Jagdeo dragged their feet even with the Takutu bridge, and Brazil decided to procede nonetheless.


More examples of PPP incompetence, as we see opportunities squandered in an era when Brazil had loads of cash.

Prove that the Guyana government in any way opposed or  hindered the construction of the  Takutu bridge. Anyway, it would not have been built if the Guyana government was opposed to it. 


Regarding Amelia falls. It is interesting that the pnc position on it might change, just as it did on the Speciality hospital because they are hoping to continue to receive the Norway funds which Jagdeo was able to get during his presidency. I wonder why the review has not commenced as yet. Maybe, the coalition is too busy with its internal power struggle and dispute about who will be have control over the funds.

Norway is having a company revisiting the estimates,i read that maybe two weeks ago.

We are still waiting for them to do an evaluation of the project. This was promised some time ago.

I have a feeling Amelia will be delayed for awhile.

Zed you may recall Jagan always touted a deep water harbor in Guyana.

Billy Ram Balgobin posted:
 The Brazilians made promises. That much is true.

That's OK.

Jagdeo preferred the Chinese as he could demand more bribes from them.

Funny thing is that every single article I can find on this shows that Brazil seemed more interested in this project, than was Guyana, even though the latter would have been the biggest beneficiary.

You as, an illiterate, can only bray about what your bosses tell you to ramble about.  Go ahead and drink the Jagdeo coolaid.

Django posted:

Zed you may recall Jagan always touted a deep water harbor in Guyana.

Every election the deepwater harbor for Berbice surfaced, to be forgotten shortly afterwards.

A deepwater harbor would have been more suitable for the Essequibo, given that its more accessible to the bulk of the hinterland resources, and also the main population centers in Guyana.

caribny posted:
Zed posted:

Regarding Amelia falls.

You can scream as much as you want.  Brazil badly wanted to build better transportation, and were willing to fund it.  NOTHING happened.


I can assure you that if the PNC had a US$1 billion project, and awarded some old time GDF solja boy a multi million dollar contract to build a road in rough terrain, when he lacked the ability even to build a footbridge over his trench, you would be the loudest screaming.

The Fip Motilall fiasco set a bad precedent for the future management of this mammoth project.  What is worse is BEFORE he was selected people queried his qualification for the job.  Jagdeo arrogantly screamed that "no one can tell him what to do", even as he encumbered the Guyanese taxpayers with a mammoth debt.

Your double standards have been noted, and ONCE AGAIN you rush to defend the PPP.  If you had the smallest piece of integrity you would have noted that  awarding a contract to a man, whose only qualifications was that he was Indian, and a PPP supporter, was dangerous, and that the project had to be halted before more damage was done.

Here you go again making things up. Please post anything that I have written to support the PPP.

Were this to happen since I have joined this board, I would have been one of those screaming. If the PPP were in government, they would have received the same criticism that the coalition is receiving  for its mis- steps. But then again, you base your arguments on such hypothetical situations. How can you disprove my statement on what I would have done or not done. I expect better for you!

You seem to think that Jagdeo is in government. What I criticize is what the present government has or is doing among other things. You incorrectly assert that anyone who criticizes the present government, its  personnel or its policies or lack of is a pPPP or  Jagdeo supporter. Additionally, you counter arguments by stating Jagdeo or the PPP did this or that. This is the kind of argument that keeps us in the morass that is Guyana.  Many were told to expect better. Well, we expected better, not the same or worse!!

caribny posted:
Billy Ram Balgobin posted:
 The Brazilians made promises. That much is true.

That's OK.

Jagdeo preferred the Chinese as he could demand more bribes from them.

Funny thing is that every single article I can find on this shows that Brazil seemed more interested in this project, than was Guyana, even though the latter would have been the biggest beneficiary.

You as, an illiterate, can only bray about what your bosses tell you to ramble about.  Go ahead and drink the Jagdeo coolaid.

The Chinese preferred Granger instead of Jagdeo since he and his party are more susceptible to the corrupt influence of the Chinese. A perfect example is the recent controversy surrounding the Minister of State, Joseph Harmon, and Brian Tiwari of BK International.  Your boss, Granger is playing dumb about the whole issue. 

If Jagdeo's coolaid consists of the projects like Amealia, Specialty Hospital, and Expansion of the Airport then we can conclude that you and your bosses just can't enough of it.


Billy Ram Balgobin
caribny posted:
Django posted:

Zed you may recall Jagan always touted a deep water harbor in Guyana.

Every election the deepwater harbor for Berbice surfaced, to be forgotten shortly afterwards.

A deepwater harbor would have been more suitable for the Essequibo,given that its more accessible to the bulk of the hinterland resources, and also the main population centers in Guyana.

Good point Guyana have to get Venezuela to drop the claim,so investors will feel more secure.

caribny posted:
Zed posted:

In the study ousted by Django, Bartica was not listed as a direct beneficiary of the project. 

the road from Bartica to Mahdia would have been close enough, and so there would have also been benefits to that town.

Too bad your hero Jagdeo wasn't interested as he couldn't figure out how to extort kick backs from Lula.   He preferred the Chinese, who build in bribes into their project costs.

Again making stiff up. Where have I Indicated that Jagdeo Is my hero? Please post anything that I wrote that indicates to you that this is so. 

Please read the report posted by Django. Yes, there are indirect benefits. The reports are week and I would have expected better from first year economics students.

It is obvious that you have not been keeping up with the news. It seems that a lot of persons in the Brazilian government under both Lula and the present president are under investigation for corruption. I think that both presidents are under investigation. So, had JAgdeo wanted a raise as you seem to indicate, it might have been possible. But then again, this is one of the many assertions you cannot prove.

Billy Ram Balgobin posted:
caribny posted:
Billy Ram Balgobin posted:
 The Brazilians made promises. That much is true.

That's OK.

Jagdeo preferred the Chinese as he could demand more bribes from them.

Funny thing is that every single article I can find on this shows that Brazil seemed more interested in this project, than was Guyana, even though the latter would have been the biggest beneficiary.

You as, an illiterate, can only bray about what your bosses tell you to ramble about.  Go ahead and drink the Jagdeo coolaid.

The Chinese preferred Granger instead of Jagdeo since he and his party are more susceptible to the corrupt influence of the Chinese. A perfect example is the recent controversy surrounding the Minister of State, Joseph Harmon, and Brian Tiwari of BK International.  Your boss, Granger is playing dumb about the whole issue. 

If Jagdeo's coolaid consists of the projects like Amealia, Specialty Hospital, and Expansion of the Airport then we can conclude that you and your bosses just can't enough of it.


The expansion of the airport [first proposed] was an overkill taking air traffic in to consideration.

Zed posted:

Here you go again making things up. Please post anything that I have written to support the PPP.


Why do you care so much about the PPP if you don't support them?  You have this consistent habit of rushing to their defense.

Brazil offered to do a number of things, which would have been hugely beneficial to Guyana.  Instead the PPP preferred huge white elephant projects, mired with waste, and none being transformative.

When the PPP wanted to do something they did it, usually with perks that converted people, who were paupers in 1992, into multi millionaires by 2010.  All on their gov't salaries, which aren't large.

caribny posted:
Django posted:

Zed you may recall Jagan always touted a deep water harbor in Guyana.

Every election the deepwater harbor for Berbice surfaced, to be forgotten shortly afterwards.

A deepwater harbor would have been more suitable for the Essequibo, given that its more accessible to the bulk of the hinterland resources, and also the main population centers in Guyana.

We are talking like Guyana is a large country. It is only just over 86,000 sq. miles. 

I thought that Georgetown, it's surrounding communities linden are major population centres in Guyana.

Additionally, I am  wondering whether you have telegraphed what you see as the major benefit of a deep sea harbour - shipping our hinterland resources to foreigners. I though that it was you who always argued for a multi sectoral, sustainable, less dependent and value added economy. 

Zed posted:

It is obvious that you have not been keeping up with the news. It seems that a lot of persons in the Brazilian government under both Lula and the present president are under investigation for corruption.

As should be Jagdeo and company if the APNU AFC cabal weren't equally interested in being corrupt.

Your point?

And I am fully up with the news in Brazil, which is why Jagdeo should be impeached for incompetence by refusing to take advantage of offers made by Brazilian gov't and private sector entities, when these were flush with cash.

Zed posted:

I thought that Georgetown, it's surrounding communities linden are major population centres in Guyana.


You do know that it is YOUR PPP, who you never criticize, who set the precedent for naked logs being exported by Chinese.  You do know that it is YOUR PPP which hasn't forced miners to rehabilitate sites, or pay fines.

You do know that Parika is virtually a suburb of G/town. And that Region 3 is the 3rd most populous, and one of the few where the population is actually growing. 

It has been mentioned that Essequibo poses the best site for a deep water harbor.  Definitely NOT Berbice!

In fact Guyana could have become involved in processing some of the same resources from its hinterland, and from Roraima. 

Guyana would have added the 400k who live in Roraima, on top of the 725k who live in Guyana.  Our biggest challenge is the small size of our domestic market.

Don't know if you know this but in Roraima many of the more educated were learning English, anticipating greater ties with Guyana.

Canada is a huge exporter of resource based projects.  The thing is they don't sell raw commodities.  They insist on some processing. 

Our manufacturing sector can and should be integrated into our mining, forestry, and agricultural sectors.

How can that be if primitive transportation makes this inordinately expensive?


caribny posted:
Zed posted:

Here you go again making things up. Please post anything that I have written to support the PPP.


Why do you care so much about the PPP if you don't support them?  You have this consistent habit of rushing to their defense.

Brazil offered to do a number of things, which would have been hugely beneficial to Guyana.  Instead the PPP preferred huge white elephant projects, mired with waste, and none being transformative.

When the PPP wanted to do something they did it, usually with perks that converted people, who were paupers in 1992, into multi millionaires by 2010.  All on their gov't salaries, which aren't large.

Caribny, I am more interested in sound logic, good arguments, evidence based discussions, Guyana, among other things. I have pointed to the poor logic of your arguments and to the illogical and racists ranks of others and if you seem to think that my arguments support the PPP, then that was not my intention, but I have no apologies to make. 

Throwing  into the discussion what Jagdeo and/or the PpP did when they were in power to justify or digress from, or seek understanding for the missteps of the present coalition is at best amusing. Equating criticism of the coalition with support for Jagdeo andor the PPP is poor logic.


Zed posted:

Caribny, I am more interested in sound logic, good arguments, evidence based discussions, Guyana, among other things. I have pointed to the poor logic of your arguments and to the illogical and racists ranks of others and if you seem to think that my arguments support the PPP, then that was not my intention, but I have no apologies to make. 

Throwing  into the discussion what Jagdeo and/or the PpP did when they were in power to justify or digress from, or seek understanding for the missteps of the present coalition is at best amusing. Equating criticism of the coalition with support for Jagdeo andor the PPP is poor logic.


What is reasonable and rational is that YOUR PPP had a very flawed idea of what economic development was.

What poor logic have you pointed out?  NONE.  Your angst is merely because I remind you of the mess that the PPP left, and the fact that they failed to transform the Guyanese economy.

It was YOU who had a hissy fit when I said that the PPP squandered an opportunity that Guyana will never get again, and that was having a full all weather road to Lethem being built. 

Not only did the Brazilians have the money at the time, and a desire to spend it, but they clearly have expertise in building highways in the Amazonian environment.

So continue to demand proof that the PPP was incompetent and corrupt!

caribny posted:

What is reasonable and rational is that YOUR PPP had a very flawed idea of what economic development was.

What poor logic have you pointed out?  NONE.  Your angst is merely because I remind you of the mess that the PPP left, and the fact that they failed to transform the Guyanese economy.

It was YOU who had a hissy fit when I said that the PPP squandered an opportunity that Guyana will never get again, and that was having a full all weather road to Lethem being built. 

Not only did the Brazilians have the money at the time, and a desire to spend it, but they clearly have expertise in building highways in the Amazonian environment.

So continue to demand proof that the PPP was incompetent and corrupt!

You are fabricating this story, Brazil never made any plans to build roads that Jagdeo blocked. In fact every year or 2 they reassert their commitment to building this invisible road.  

caribny posted:
Drugb posted:

You are fabricating this story, Brazil never made any plans to build roads that Jagdeo blocked. In fact every year or 2 they reassert their commitment to building this invisible road.  

Still stuck in your stupor I see.

Show the evidence.  Leaders of countries talk big but then it comes time to deliver they are accountable to the tax payers. 

Drugb posted:

Show the evidence.  Leaders of countries talk big but then it comes time to deliver they are accountable to the tax payers. 

Why will Lula want to talk big to Guyana.

In fact the vast majority of Brazilians will struggle to find Guyana on the map, so who would he be trying to impress. 

If asked most would point to French Guyane, and would have to coached by telling them that its that other weird country where they insist in speaking English, rather than Spanish or Portuguese.

They know way more about Jamaica, or even Trinidad, so come back again.

So tell me why Lula would chat big.  You may be impressed by Jagdeo. The president of the 2nd LARGEST economy in the Americas, and the 9th largest globally, will not be. 

Yes even in their current depression Brazil still has the NINTH LARGEST economy.

This would have been like Jagdeo trying to impress Statia.  I bet you don't know where that is.


caribny posted:
Drugb posted:

Show the evidence.  Leaders of countries talk big but then it comes time to deliver they are accountable to the tax payers. 

Why will Lula want to talk big to Guyana.

In fact the vast majority of Brazilians will struggle to find Guyana on the map, so who would he be trying to impress. 

If asked most would point to French Guyane, and would have to coached by telling them that its that other weird country where they insist in speaking English, rather than Spanish or Portuguese.

They know way more about Jamaica, or even Trinidad, so come back again.

So tell me why Lula would chat big.  You may be impressed by Jagdeo. The president of the 2nd LARGEST economy in the Americas, and the 9th largest globally, will not be. 

Yes even in their current depression Brazil still has the NINTH LARGEST economy.

This would have been like Jagdeo trying to impress Statia.  I bet you don't know where that is.


So show the evidence where Jagdeo blocked the road and Brazil had the money ready to invest, not just talk.


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