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September 6,2017

Dear Editor,

Firstly, I would like to say thank you to the people who had opportunities to leave but remained, and those who returned to live in Guyana. I am truly grateful for their service to our country.

Guyana is not for the faint-hearted. It is not that I dislike Guyana; I love my country. But it is challenging to live here. It is a great sacrifice to live here, and it comes at a heavy cost.  It costs you a lot of anxiety travelling on our roads due to the careless drivers speeding. It can cost you to be hurt if you ask the reckless driver to slow down.

You may be verbally or physically abused by the driver or passengers. It costs you financially to buy a new refrigerator because of the damage from the frequent blackouts.

It costs you many sleepless nights because of the fear of thieves breaking into the home. It costs you to be on constant alert (as though you were living in a war zone) to make sure no one robs you.

It forces you to go home early at night after social functions to avoid being robbed. It costs you your integrity because you have to pay unethical bribes (though some of the locals don’t see it as a bribe but as a ‘lunch money’). You can’t avoid paying this lunch money if you want any documents done quickly. It costs you to be demoralized by uneducated clerks, waitresses and cashiers lacking compassion because you are asking them to do their jobs.

It costs you to be exposed to vulgar conversations and the most explicit lyrics blazing from the music boxes and cars, which are ubiquitous in the streets. If you are not used to hearing such explicit language and lyrics, it’ll make you feel extremely  uncomfortable, troubled, unhappy and depressed. It’ll make you ask if you are living in a civilized or uncivilized society. And the worst part about all of this, Editor, is that you’ll notice that it doesn’t even bother anyone else.

So you’ll be left feeling alone. And that feeling of aloneness and no one to talk to about how you feel will leave you feeling as though you’re not in your home country. Because the country and people have changed. It is not the same country you left decades ago, and it is not the country that you dream of retiring in. You’ll begin to feel homesick, regret that you returned and want to return to your adopted land.

Editor, if you are like me, compassionate and your heart breaks when you see children suffering, and no one seems to care, then it costs to live in Guyana. It costs to live in a developing country. In developing countries like ours, there are diseases like malaria and dengue, that run out of control, there is a lack of resources for garbage collection and clean water that runs in pipes into houses, and there is poor quality education about the spread of disease and an inadequate response by corrupt officials more interested in lining their pockets than in helping malnourished children.

In 2017, there are still many parts of Guyana where there is no running water; only a river or a community pump, while in many parts there is no electricity.

It costs to live here because you’ll hear stories about children that will be heartbreaking. You’ll hear about children who can’t get to school because the bridge collapsed, and women in labour who have to be carried in a sheet to the nearest health centre, because the roads are impassable.

Editor, despite all this, and even though it is a developing country with some backward thinking people, we have to love and try to help them make the country and people better.

Living in Guyana has never been, and may never be easy. However, Editor, I am looking for a “good Guyanese” who is willing to pay the price to make our country great again. Is anyone willing to return home and help me help our country? I would be most grateful.

Yours faithfully,

Anthony Pantlitz

Replies sorted oldest to newest

The PNC has done very little to change the country in 2 years. It is business as usual under their watch. Its all about the money lining Granger's pockets, and the morality of the country can go to hell as far as the PNC/AFC are concerned. 

Drugb posted:

The PNC has done very little to change the country in 2 years. It is business as usual under their watch. Its all about the money lining Granger's pockets, and the morality of the country can go to hell as far as the PNC/AFC are concerned. 

Do you think it's an easy task to reverse the damage done by the previous gov't ???

Last edited by Django
Django posted:
Drugb posted:

The PNC has done very little to change the country in 2 years. It is business as usual under their watch. Its all about the money lining Granger's pockets, and the morality of the country can go to hell as far as the PNC/AFC are concerned. 

Do you think it's an easy task to reverse the damage done by the previous gov't ???

Ha ha, now you singing the same song that PPP sung for years against PNC. The more we change the more we stay the same. 

Django posted:
Drugb posted:

The PNC has done very little to change the country in 2 years. It is business as usual under their watch. Its all about the money lining Granger's pockets, and the morality of the country can go to hell as far as the PNC/AFC are concerned. 

Do you think it's an easy task to reverse the damage done by the previous gov't ???

Django, is this you on your profile?

Django posted:
Drugb posted:

The PNC has done very little to change the country in 2 years. It is business as usual under their watch. Its all about the money lining Granger's pockets, and the morality of the country can go to hell as far as the PNC/AFC are concerned. 

Do you think it's an easy task to reverse the damage done by the previous gov't ???

Did you think it was easy to reverse 28 years of damage done by your PNC? Do you think it was easy to refill the coffers emptied by your PNC?  When you start to talk about the evils of the PPP, consider the evils of the PNC first and then compare the severity of each.


The PPP left these jackasses with flush coffers and a humming economy, now 2 years later businesses are fleeing, stores are closing, no development is happening, Granger and Djangy preaching plantain chip, fry fish and snow cone economy,  application for US visas gone through the roof and they waiting for oil. 

Gilbakka posted:
skeldon_man posted: Django, is this you on your profile?

Stop stalking the man. Why don't you ask your comrade Drugb if this is he on his profile:




Aw bhaiya, me only ask bcuz me tink de man look lil handsum.

skeldon_man posted:
Gilbakka posted:
skeldon_man posted: Django, is this you on your profile?

Stop stalking the man. Why don't you ask your comrade Drugb if this is he on his profile:




Aw bhaiya, me only ask bcuz me tink de man look lil handsum.

So you are saying that Drugb is not handsum. 

skeldon_man posted:
Django posted:
Drugb posted:

The PNC has done very little to change the country in 2 years. It is business as usual under their watch. Its all about the money lining Granger's pockets, and the morality of the country can go to hell as far as the PNC/AFC are concerned. 

Do you think it's an easy task to reverse the damage done by the previous gov't ???

Django, is this you on your profile?


Wha you think is a borrowed photo??

skeldon_man posted:
Gilbakka posted:
skeldon_man posted: Django, is this you on your profile?

Stop stalking the man. Why don't you ask your comrade Drugb if this is he on his profile:




Aw bhaiya, me only ask bcuz me tink de man look lil handsum.

Well, Skelly, tek it from Gilly: me fren Django ugly like rass.

Gilbakka posted:
skeldon_man posted:
Gilbakka posted:
skeldon_man posted: Django, is this you on your profile?

Stop stalking the man. Why don't you ask your comrade Drugb if this is he on his profile:




Aw bhaiya, me only ask bcuz me tink de man look lil handsum.

Well, Skelly, tek it from Gilly: me fren Django ugly like rass.

Nah bhai. Me tink me still moe hugly dan Djangy. Remember, when god was handing out ugliness, I pushed everyone to the back of the line.  One good day I might be brave enough to put my picture on my profile.

Django posted:
skeldon_man posted:
Django posted:
Drugb posted:

The PNC has done very little to change the country in 2 years. It is business as usual under their watch. Its all about the money lining Granger's pockets, and the morality of the country can go to hell as far as the PNC/AFC are concerned. 

Do you think it's an easy task to reverse the damage done by the previous gov't ???

Django, is this you on your profile?


Wha you think is a borrowed photo??

I was thinking you got this photo shopped picture from Sophia University.

skeldon_man posted:
Django posted:
skeldon_man posted:
Django posted:
Drugb posted:

The PNC has done very little to change the country in 2 years. It is business as usual under their watch. Its all about the money lining Granger's pockets, and the morality of the country can go to hell as far as the PNC/AFC are concerned. 

Do you think it's an easy task to reverse the damage done by the previous gov't ???

Django, is this you on your profile?


Wha you think is a borrowed photo??

I was thinking you got this photo shopped picture from Sophia University.



i was always a PPP,until the party got derailed,that's it i ain't gonna be a blind follower.

Last edited by Django
Gilbakka posted:
skeldon_man posted: Django, is this you on your profile?

Stop stalking the man. Why don't you ask your comrade Drugb if this is he on his profile:




Yes sir, that is me channeling Granger.

Django posted:
skeldon_man posted:
Django posted:
skeldon_man posted:
Django posted:
Drugb posted:

The PNC has done very little to change the country in 2 years. It is business as usual under their watch. Its all about the money lining Granger's pockets, and the morality of the country can go to hell as far as the PNC/AFC are concerned. 

Do you think it's an easy task to reverse the damage done by the previous gov't ???

Django, is this you on your profile?


Wha you think is a borrowed photo??

I was thinking you got this photo shopped picture from Sophia University.



i was always a PPP,until the party got derailed,that's it i ain't gonna be a blind follower.


Drugb posted:
Gilbakka posted:
skeldon_man posted: Django, is this you on your profile?

Stop stalking the man. Why don't you ask your comrade Drugb if this is he on his profile:




Yes sir, that is me channeling Granger.

There are many ways to interpret this answer, Drugb. I'll spare you the most embarrassing ones. The Holy Spirit is guiding Gilly today. 

Django posted:
skeldon_man posted:
Django posted:
skeldon_man posted:
Django posted:
Drugb posted:

The PNC has done very little to change the country in 2 years. It is business as usual under their watch. Its all about the money lining Granger's pockets, and the morality of the country can go to hell as far as the PNC/AFC are concerned. 

Do you think it's an easy task to reverse the damage done by the previous gov't ???

Django, is this you on your profile?


Wha you think is a borrowed photo??

I was thinking you got this photo shopped picture from Sophia University.



i was always a PPP,until the party got derailed,that's it i ain't gonna be a blind follower.

You are with a good party now.  Congrats.

Bibi Haniffa
Django posted:
Drugb posted:

The PNC has done very little to change the country in 2 years. It is business as usual under their watch. Its all about the money lining Granger's pockets, and the morality of the country can go to hell as far as the PNC/AFC are concerned. 

Do you think it's an easy task to reverse the damage done by the previous gov't ???

Is anyone willing to return home and help me help our country? I would be most grateful.

Yours faithfully,

Anthony Pantlitz

(Django, I cannot think of a better person than you to join Anthony Pantlitz!  Here is your chance of a lifetime.  All the intelligence you have spilled on GNI can now be implemented for the good of Guyana.  Do it!!!!!!  Pleeeeze!)

Bibi Haniffa
Bibi Haniffa posted:


i was always a PPP,until the party got derailed,that's it i ain't gonna be a blind follower.

You are with a good party now.  Congrats.

Well maam,please be informed i am not affiliated with any Party after withdrawing my support for the new PPP.With that said Congrats is not accepted.

Bibi Haniffa posted:
Django posted:
Drugb posted:

The PNC has done very little to change the country in 2 years. It is business as usual under their watch. Its all about the money lining Granger's pockets, and the morality of the country can go to hell as far as the PNC/AFC are concerned. 

Do you think it's an easy task to reverse the damage done by the previous gov't ???

Is anyone willing to return home and help me help our country? I would be most grateful.

Yours faithfully,

Anthony Pantlitz

(Django, I cannot think of a better person than you to join Anthony Pantlitz!  Here is your chance of a lifetime.  All the intelligence you have spilled on GNI can now be implemented for the good of Guyana.  Do it!!!!!!  Pleeeeze!)

Bibi,no thank you!

Guyana have some talent in the homeland,the problem is they are are stymied by the old farts.

Django posted:
Bibi Haniffa posted:
Django posted:
Drugb posted:

The PNC has done very little to change the country in 2 years. It is business as usual under their watch. Its all about the money lining Granger's pockets, and the morality of the country can go to hell as far as the PNC/AFC are concerned. 

Do you think it's an easy task to reverse the damage done by the previous gov't ???

Is anyone willing to return home and help me help our country? I would be most grateful.

Yours faithfully,

Anthony Pantlitz

(Django, I cannot think of a better person than you to join Anthony Pantlitz!  Here is your chance of a lifetime.  All the intelligence you have spilled on GNI can now be implemented for the good of Guyana.  Do it!!!!!!  Pleeeeze!)

Bibi,no thank you!

Guyana have some talent in the homeland,the problem is they are are stymied by the old farts.

Oh, come on!  You and Anthony can stymie those old farts in a split second.   I am putting my money on you.  Do it!!!! Pleeeeeeze!!!  For the sake of the people of Guyana.

Bibi Haniffa
Drugb posted:

The PNC has done very little to change the country in 2 years. It is business as usual under their watch. Its all about the money lining Granger's pockets, and the morality of the country can go to hell as far as the PNC/AFC are concerned. 

you sound like a real ass shut up guyana was always the same under the ppp nothing change the people vote the ppp out hoping for a change at least we get a chance to see all the corruption under the ppp 

Django posted:
Bibi Haniffa posted:

Oh well.  You had me fooled then.  I would have never guessed you are not a PNC.  Does yourbossman know that?

Who !!!

I am independent individual.

Bai nah mek joke, lilmohan gun pull you in a karna and put two bax pun yuh rass. 

Drugb posted:

The PNC has done very little to change the country in 2 years... 

And yet after 23 years of PPP rule the writer makes these complaints. This while a few score PPP officials, people who struggled to afford a bicycle in 1992, but who are now billionaires.

Django posted:
Bibi Haniffa posted:

Oh well.  You had me fooled then.  I would have never guessed you are not a PNC.  Does yourbossman know that?

Who !!!

I am independent individual.

This is hilarious. Every single night you get orders from Jagdeo that you parrot out every day.  Just because you cannot think for yourself means that all have your ailment.

caribny posted:
Django posted:
Bibi Haniffa posted:

Oh well.  You had me fooled then.  I would have never guessed you are not a PNC.  Does yourbossman know that?

Who !!!

I am independent individual.

This is hilarious. Every single night you get orders from Jagdeo that you parrot out every day.  Just because you cannot think for yourself means that all have your ailment.

Every single night???  Hmmmm.  You crossing boundaries now!  Don't get personal with me.

Bibi Haniffa
Bibi Haniffa posted:
caribny posted:
Django posted:
Bibi Haniffa posted:

Oh well.  You had me fooled then.  I would have never guessed you are not a PNC.  Does yourbossman know that?

Who !!!

I am independent individual.

This is hilarious. Every single night you get orders from Jagdeo that you parrot out every day.  Just because you cannot think for yourself means that all have your ailment.

Every single night???  Hmmmm.  You crossing boundaries now!  Don't get personal with me.

He could be treating you to dinner or sending you emails every night.

What did you think that it was?


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