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Guyana loses US$575M in one year through capital flight

December 16, 2015 | By | Filed Under News 

Special Task Force set up to smash smuggling ring —SARU Head
A special task force has been established to dismantle all money laundering rings in Guyana. The team will

SARU Head, Dr. Clive Thomas

SARU Head,
Dr. Clive Thomas

also seek to build irrefutable cases to ensure the prosecution of those found to be involved in such activities.
According to Head of the State Asset Recovery Unit (SARU), Dr. Clive Thomas, the team consists of members from the Guyana Police Force, Bank of Guyana, the Special Organized Crime Unit and several international specialists on anti-money laundering.
“We are getting strong support on this front and I am happy with the progress being made in this regard. The special task force will be looking at a number of cases with a view to breaking down the money laundering rings in Guyana, one corrupt gang at a time.
“We will also be focusing on those networks that have links to the previous regime. We have to rid this nation of the underground economy, because it is draining us of billions of dollars on an annual basis,” Dr. Thomas said.
The SARU head said that the United States of America and the United Kingdom are also on board for this “very important mission.”
The UK and the US have pledged their support to ensure that the fight against corruption under the Granger led-administration goes beyond mere talk.
Dr. Thomas said that investigations are still ongoing into various forms of corruption that were spiraling out of control under the previous regime. He recalled that both the US and the UK have told him on various occasions that they are indeed concerned about the level of corruption in Guyana hence “their readiness to assist wherever and whenever they can.”
“There are intense investigations going on right now and believe me, we here at SARU intend to see that justice is served. I wish to repeat President David Granger’s statement that those who did the crime will definitely do the time. We are building some irrefutable cases.
“We have some evidence on certain officials within the PPP who have been involved in serious money laundering activities, and these will be revealed in due time. We are receiving the help of the USA and the UK on these matters and their support to us has been tremendously helpful.”
“They see the importance of Guyana having an anti-corruption unit and they are also working along with us to provide legal support as well. They are worried about the level of corruption that has occurred over the years.
“Both countries have presented us with damning evidence that showed that the resources of this country were leaving left, right and centre under the PPP.  (The perpetrators) couldn’t care less because they were simply drunk, drunk with greed.”
“When I look at some of the evidence it is astonishing. I just can’t understand how people who call themselves leaders could act so callously. It’s inhumane what they did. We were being ruled by a set of people who had no conscience.”
The economist added, “But while the US and the UK are readily assisting us, they have also insisted on the importance of getting our legislation in order. We are hoping for this to be done by year end.”
He had said, too, that SARU will place special attention on two other areas of significant illegality and corruption in Guyana, which generate massive economic haemorrhaging; illicit capital flight and the criminal underground economy.
Dr. Thomas explained that in Guyana, illicit capital flight refers to assets whether legally obtained or otherwise, that are intentionally transferred, smuggled, or sent abroad, without the knowledge of the Guyana Revenue Authority and other oversight authorities.
These, he said, are not generally intended to yield proceeds that will be returned to the country. Because these transactions are illegal, they are kept secret.
“Therefore, when capital flight occurs, the capital disappears from Guyana’s financial/asset records, even though it might turn up in records elsewhere.”
Dr. Thomas said that he now has evidence to prove that this occurred “by the billions of dollars” under the PPP/C.
“During the 1980s and 1990s, capital flight was widely acknowledged as a major problem confronting Guyana. During the 2000s, however, it has been barely referenced by the authorities. During that time, capital flight resumed with a vengeance.
“This took place because the previous ruling political elites promoted collusion, through mutually-supporting networks, with criminal endeavours seeking to evade the regulatory and oversight functions of the state,” Dr. Thomas related.
“As I have argued elsewhere, this constitutes the starkest reminder of the ongoing criminalization of the state…”
He then referred to data accumulated from two international sources responsible for annual tracking and reporting on aspects of global capital flight, including Guyana. One is the United Nations and the other is the Global Financial Integrity (GFI) founded in 2006.
Dr. Thomas noted that for the years, 2010-2012, Guyana’s illicit financial flows had averaged US$443 million or approximately $90 billion in local currency. Although these flows do not fully account for total capital flight, he said that they provide an order of magnitude for that sum.
He had said that by any standard, this is a huge amount and that it has risen rapidly during the 2000s.
“Retrospectively, the 2010-2012 average compares to US$83 million back in 2003.This had doubled to US$173 million by 2006, and more than doubled yet again by 2010 to US$575 million. The recorded growth in capital flight, therefore, has been explosive during the 2000s,” he said.

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the team consists of members from the Guyana Police Force, Bank of Guyana, the Special Organized Crime Unit and several international specialists on anti-money laundering.

Thiefman investigating thiefman. Lookout, some of these dudes might make the notorious list.



"The SARU head said that the United States of America and the United Kingdom are also on board for this “very important mission.”
The UK and the US have pledged their support to ensure that the fight against corruption under the Granger led-administration goes beyond mere talk."

"Dr. Thomas said that he now has evidence to prove that this occurred “by the billions of dollars” under the PPP/C.
“During the 1980s and 1990s, capital flight was widely acknowledged as a major problem confronting Guyana. During the 2000s, however, it has been barely referenced by the authorities. During that time, capital flight resumed with a vengeance.

"The economist added, “But while the US and the UK are readily assisting us, they have also insisted on the importance of getting our legislation in order. We are hoping for this to be done by year end.”

skeldon_man posted:

the team consists of members from the Guyana Police Force, Bank of Guyana, the Special Organized Crime Unit and several international specialists on anti-money laundering.

Thiefman investigating thiefman. Lookout, some of these dudes might make the notorious list.


i wonder if they will extend their investigation to break and enter then we can put some of your famlee behind bars 


The PNC is trying hard to embarrass the PPP the way they were embarrassed 1992 after running the country into the ground. Today is  different. The PPP did not run Guyana into ground. The left office with a strong economy. However, the enemies of the PPP have gone overboard trying to make us believe that 1992 -2015 was the darkest period of our history. This is rubbish!!!!.

Billy Ram Balgobin
Last edited by Billy Ram Balgobin
warrior posted:

the pnc from 1966 to 1992 and the ppp from 1992 to 2015 both keep guyana in a backward third world country 

YOu are BLIND and DUMB.  So how the 2 House Slaves are abkle ti live like King and take money all over the World?????????????

Nehru posted:
warrior posted:

the pnc from 1966 to 1992 and the ppp from 1992 to 2015 both keep guyana in a backward third world country 

YOu are BLIND and DUMB.  So how the 2 House Slaves are abkle ti live like King and take money all over the World?????????????

i am sorry but there is no cure for stupid 

warrior posted:
Nehru posted:
warrior posted:

the pnc from 1966 to 1992 and the ppp from 1992 to 2015 both keep guyana in a backward third world country 

YOu are BLIND and DUMB.  So how the 2 House Slaves are abkle ti live like King and take money all over the World?????????????

i am sorry but there is no cure for stupid 

Glad you know that. Good boy..speaking from experience.

skeldon_man posted:
warrior posted:
Nehru posted:
warrior posted:

the pnc from 1966 to 1992 and the ppp from 1992 to 2015 both keep guyana in a backward third world country 

YOu are BLIND and DUMB.  So how the 2 House Slaves are abkle ti live like King and take money all over the World?????????????

i am sorry but there is no cure for stupid 

Glad you know that. Good boy..speaking from experience.

professor u really need to give these ppp fools some lesson i am tired with stupid 

warrior posted:
Nehru posted:
warrior posted:

the pnc from 1966 to 1992 and the ppp from 1992 to 2015 both keep guyana in a backward third world country 

YOu are BLIND and DUMB.  So how the 2 House Slaves are abkle ti live like King and take money all over the World?????????????

i am sorry but there is no cure for stupid 

Dont give up, try DR Lee, he may be able to help you.  Which DR told you to give up??  Da DR really bad, there is hope even for someone as STUPID as you. Also, prayer MAY help but remember you are STUPID as STUPID gets, so be patient.

skeldon_man posted:

the team consists of members from the Guyana Police Force, Bank of Guyana, the Special Organized Crime Unit and several international specialists on anti-money laundering.

Thiefman investigating thiefman. Lookout, some of these dudes might make the notorious list.


The investigations are based on info provided by US and UK governmental authorities.   Apparently they want Guyana to squash money laundering activities by nefarious types.

If Guyana was so good under the PPP why did PPP characters engage in capital flight?

Billy Ram Balgobin posted:

The PNC is trying hard to embarrass the PPP the way they were embarrassed 1992 after running the country into the ground. Today is  different. The PPP did not run Guyana into ground. The left office with a strong economy. However, the enemies of the PPP have gone overboard trying to make us believe that 1992 -2015 was the darkest period of our history. This is rubbish!!!!.

Funny that in 1992 when the USA and the UK cooperated with the PPP to get rid of the PNC, you characters didn't think that they were enemies then.

caribny posted:
skeldon_man posted:

the team consists of members from the Guyana Police Force, Bank of Guyana, the Special Organized Crime Unit and several international specialists on anti-money laundering.

Thiefman investigating thiefman. Lookout, some of these dudes might make the notorious list.


The investigations are based on info provided by US and UK governmental authorities.   Apparently they want Guyana to squash money laundering activities by nefarious types.

If Guyana was so good under the PPP why did PPP characters engage in capital flight?

Billy Ram Balgobin posted:

The PNC is trying hard to embarrass the PPP the way they were embarrassed 1992 after running the country into the ground. Today is  different. The PPP did not run Guyana into ground. The left office with a strong economy. However, the enemies of the PPP have gone overboard trying to make us believe that 1992 -2015 was the darkest period of our history. This is rubbish!!!!.

Funny that in 1992 when the USA and the UK cooperated with the PPP to get rid of the PNC, you characters didn't think that they were enemies then.

Duh is wha yuh call neemakharam.

Drugb posted:

If the persons doing the investigation were independent then these accusations would be credible. However as we see it is all political appointees and hence biased. 

I see.  Granger is so powerful that he can even command the US and UK authorities what to do.  The mere fact of their involvement just shows how out of order Guyana is, as ordinarily they would not be interested in monitoring capital flight from some small, backward, and impoverished third world nation.

caribny posted:
Drugb posted:

If the persons doing the investigation were independent then these accusations would be credible. However as we see it is all political appointees and hence biased. 

I see.  Granger is so powerful that he can even command the US and UK authorities what to do.  The mere fact of their involvement just shows how out of order Guyana is, as ordinarily they would not be interested in monitoring capital flight from some small, backward, and impoverished third world nation.

Don't play stupid, Dr. Clive Thomas is an apnu operative.  

Drugb posted:
caribny posted:
Drugb posted:

If the persons doing the investigation were independent then these accusations would be credible. However as we see it is all political appointees and hence biased. 

I see.  Granger is so powerful that he can even command the US and UK authorities what to do.  The mere fact of their involvement just shows how out of order Guyana is, as ordinarily they would not be interested in monitoring capital flight from some small, backward, and impoverished third world nation.

Don't play stupid, Dr. Clive Thomas is an apnu operative.  

I guess APNU is so powerful and impressive that they got the US and UK authorities to cooperate with him.


Tell you what, it is info provided by the US and the UK which will ensure that some of your PPP buddies share a room with some Freedom Fighters and keep them entertained.  That will be the true PPP nightmare!  Full douglarization except that the PPP frauds wouldn't be able to get pregnant!

Django posted:
caribny posted:

Funny that in 1992 when the USA and the UK cooperated with the PPP to get rid of the PNC, you characters didn't think that they were enemies then.

Duh is wha yuh call neemakharam.

caribny posted:
skeldon_man posted:

the team consists of members from the Guyana Police Force, Bank of Guyana, the Special Organized Crime Unit and several international specialists on anti-money laundering.

Thiefman investigating thiefman. Lookout, some of these dudes might make the notorious list.


The investigations are based on info provided by US and UK governmental authorities.   Apparently they want Guyana to squash money laundering activities by nefarious types.

If Guyana was so good under the PPP why did PPP characters engage in capital flight?

Billy Ram Balgobin posted:

The PNC is trying hard to embarrass the PPP the way they were embarrassed 1992 after running the country into the ground. Today is  different. The PPP did not run Guyana into ground. The left office with a strong economy. However, the enemies of the PPP have gone overboard trying to make us believe that 1992 -2015 was the darkest period of our history. This is rubbish!!!!.

Funny that in 1992 when the USA and the UK cooperated with the PPP to get rid of the PNC, you characters didn't think that they were enemies then.

The US/UK pushed for free and fair elections in 1992 and the PPP came out on top.  They only prevented your GDF from stealing the elections for the PNC.  They came again in 2015 but if not for the katahar AFC pulling 5%, the PNC would not have won by 1%.

baseman posted:
caribny posted:
skeldon_man posted:

the team consists of members from the Guyana Police Force, Bank of Guyana, the Special Organized Crime Unit and several international specialists on anti-money laundering.

Thiefman investigating thiefman. Lookout, some of these dudes might make the notorious list.


The investigations are based on info provided by US and UK governmental authorities.   Apparently they want Guyana to squash money laundering activities by nefarious types.

If Guyana was so good under the PPP why did PPP characters engage in capital flight?

Billy Ram Balgobin posted:

The PNC is trying hard to embarrass the PPP the way they were embarrassed 1992 after running the country into the ground. Today is  different. The PPP did not run Guyana into ground. The left office with a strong economy. However, the enemies of the PPP have gone overboard trying to make us believe that 1992 -2015 was the darkest period of our history. This is rubbish!!!!.

Funny that in 1992 when the USA and the UK cooperated with the PPP to get rid of the PNC, you characters didn't think that they were enemies then.

The US/UK pushed for free and fair elections in 1992 and the PPP came out on top.  They only prevented your GDF from stealing the elections for the PNC.  They came again in 2015 but if not for the katahar AFC pulling 5%, the PNC would not have won by 1%.

And the UK/USA certified that the 2015 elections were free and fair and that the PPP should stop behaving like little brats and accept the fact that they LOST!

You all screamed that the AFC wouldn't get votes, and that all the PNC would get would be 40%.

You really must admit that when you all screamed that blacks will never be allowed to rule Guyana again, and "ahbe pan tap", you look quite silly.

Billy Ram Balgobin posted:

Somebody needs to remind the Ivy League graduate that the PNC has never won an election on its own. 

The PPP LOST. Now stop crying and accept the fact that your racist Indo KKK tactics BACKFIRED.

If the PPP remains a "coolie people party" they will NEVER win another election.  Tell them to dump the Grand Wizard of the Indo KKK, and maybe they might stand a chance in 2020.

caribny posted:
Drugb posted:
caribny posted:
Drugb posted:

If the persons doing the investigation were independent then these accusations would be credible. However as we see it is all political appointees and hence biased. 

I see.  Granger is so powerful that he can even command the US and UK authorities what to do.  The mere fact of their involvement just shows how out of order Guyana is, as ordinarily they would not be interested in monitoring capital flight from some small, backward, and impoverished third world nation.

Don't play stupid, Dr. Clive Thomas is an apnu operative.  

I guess APNU is so powerful and impressive that they got the US and UK authorities to cooperate with him.


Tell you what, it is info provided by the US and the UK which will ensure that some of your PPP buddies share a room with some Freedom Fighters and keep them entertained.  That will be the true PPP nightmare!  Full douglarization except that the PPP frauds wouldn't be able to get pregnant!

This is according to Clive, and we weren't told what exactly this cooperation is yielding nor its significance. A lot of smoke an mirrors here. This position that Clive Thomas is squatting in is merely a reward for his loyalty to the afc/apnu and so far a tremendous waste of tax payers dollars. This is why when you critics scream of wasting tax payers dollars on Amelia, Marriott and Providence stadium, I respond that at least there is something tangible to show. In the wasteful funding of SARU, nothing lasting is there to show. Only individuals like Clive pockets will be filled. 


The per year number seems high to me...but I don't doubt there is capital flight which has been happening since the days of slavery and after 1838. It took on a new form  in the 70s after Jagan-Burnham nationalization when the Portuguese and Chinese business elites left dem black and brown people foh fight foh de lil left overs.

The more important question will be what's motivation for capital flight. Why would a rich person want to park some money in Miami? As Prof Thomas said, capital flight is not always illegal. It includes hard earned money. China lost about US$200 bill in capital flight in the past two years. I believe KN is misquoting Prof Thomas again. It's a kind of blame the business people article. Oh they are all pushers and money launderers. Oh, look at those evil bad coolie business people.  

My thesis is capital flight is due to:

1. Lack of coherent development plan under PPP and now under this new govt.

2. Mutual strategy of sabotage of economic plans by PPP and PNC going back to the late 1950s. AFC was supposed to be the light here. But they have done very well on the personal side than the national goals.

CF is really about lack of confidence in the political institutions and politicians. It says the moneyed class has no confidence in the political leaders. If Jagdeo was the greatest since slice bread, why was there such high CF under PPP? I expect CF to continue because this new govt is openly anti-business. They see all business people as bad people. They don't have any coherent framework to bring business interests in line with national goals. It takes a keen leader to pull that off.



TK posted:
. . . this new govt is openly anti-business. They see all business people as bad people.



are you serious?! . . . what is your evidence for this?

Last edited by Former Member
caribny posted:
baseman posted:
caribny posted:
skeldon_man posted:

the team consists of members from the Guyana Police Force, Bank of Guyana, the Special Organized Crime Unit and several international specialists on anti-money laundering.

Thiefman investigating thiefman. Lookout, some of these dudes might make the notorious list.


The investigations are based on info provided by US and UK governmental authorities.   Apparently they want Guyana to squash money laundering activities by nefarious types.

If Guyana was so good under the PPP why did PPP characters engage in capital flight?

Billy Ram Balgobin posted:

The PNC is trying hard to embarrass the PPP the way they were embarrassed 1992 after running the country into the ground. Today is  different. The PPP did not run Guyana into ground. The left office with a strong economy. However, the enemies of the PPP have gone overboard trying to make us believe that 1992 -2015 was the darkest period of our history. This is rubbish!!!!.

Funny that in 1992 when the USA and the UK cooperated with the PPP to get rid of the PNC, you characters didn't think that they were enemies then.

The US/UK pushed for free and fair elections in 1992 and the PPP came out on top.  They only prevented your GDF from stealing the elections for the PNC.  They came again in 2015 but if not for the katahar AFC pulling 5%, the PNC would not have won by 1%.

And the UK/USA certified that the 2015 elections were free and fair and that the PPP should stop behaving like little brats and accept the fact that they LOST!

You all screamed that the AFC wouldn't get votes, and that all the PNC would get would be 40%.

You really must admit that when you all screamed that blacks will never be allowed to rule Guyana again, and "ahbe pan tap", you look quite silly.

Billy Ram Balgobin posted:

Somebody needs to remind the Ivy League graduate that the PNC has never won an election on its own. 

The PPP LOST. Now stop crying and accept the fact that your racist Indo KKK tactics BACKFIRED.

If the PPP remains a "coolie people party" they will NEVER win another election.  Tell them to dump the Grand Wizard of the Indo KKK, and maybe they might stand a chance in 2020.

u better look out for them bias in them white bed sheet them is the real KKK and the word is out that they looking to hang a Guyanese black man 

redux posted:
TK posted:
. . . this new govt is openly anti-business. They see all business people as bad people.



are you serious?! . . . what is your evidence for this?

I think that is quite evident. They will not do much for private enterprise because many of the old timers (WPA and PNC in particular) see the Guyanese business class as bad. It will be evident in about 2 years.

TK posted:
redux posted:
TK posted:
. . . this new govt is openly anti-business. They see all business people as bad people.



are you serious?! . . . what is your evidence for this?

I think that is quite evident. They will not do much for private enterprise because many of the old timers (WPA and PNC in particular) see the Guyanese business class as bad. It will be evident in about 2 years.

this bai can see far

TK posted:
redux posted:
TK posted:
. . . this new govt is openly anti-business. They see all business people as bad people.



are you serious?! . . . what is your evidence for this?

I think that is quite evident. They will not do much for private enterprise because many of the old timers (WPA and PNC in particular) see the Guyanese business class as bad. It will be evident in about 2 years.

banna, i asked for the "evidence" and this is what u produce . . . huh?

redux posted:
TK posted:
redux posted:
TK posted:
. . . this new govt is openly anti-business. They see all business people as bad people.



are you serious?! . . . what is your evidence for this?

I think that is quite evident. They will not do much for private enterprise because many of the old timers (WPA and PNC in particular) see the Guyanese business class as bad. It will be evident in about 2 years.

banna, i asked for the "evidence" and this is what u produce . . . huh?

You have to look at the broad trends and statements, including the passions of the President. No single event. In any case, the AFC is doing very well at he personal level...

TK posted:
redux posted:
TK posted:
redux posted:
TK posted:
. . . this new govt is openly anti-business. They see all business people as bad people.



are you serious?! . . . what is your evidence for this?

I think that is quite evident. They will not do much for private enterprise because many of the old timers (WPA and PNC in particular) see the Guyanese business class as bad. It will be evident in about 2 years.

banna, i asked for the "evidence" and this is what u produce . . . huh?

You have to look at the broad trends and statements, including the passions of the President. No single event. In any case, the AFC is doing very well at he personal level...

dude, i don't understand this code u speaking

you are running away from my direct question challenging a most irresponsible and inflammatory statement by u

Last edited by Former Member
warrior posted:
TK posted:
redux posted:
TK posted:
. . . this new govt is openly anti-business. They see all business people as bad people.



are you serious?! . . . what is your evidence for this?

I think that is quite evident. They will not do much for private enterprise because many of the old timers (WPA and PNC in particular) see the Guyanese business class as bad. It will be evident in about 2 years.

this bai can see far

Unlike you, he has a crystal's called a brain.

skeldon_man posted:
warrior posted:
TK posted:
redux posted:
TK posted:
. . . this new govt is openly anti-business. They see all business people as bad people.



are you serious?! . . . what is your evidence for this?

I think that is quite evident. They will not do much for private enterprise because many of the old timers (WPA and PNC in particular) see the Guyanese business class as bad. It will be evident in about 2 years.

this bai can see far

Unlike you, he has a crystal's called a brain.

a crystal ball call a brain,so what they call a shit head

TK posted:

banna, i asked for the "evidence" and this is what u produce . . . huh?

You have to look at the broad trends and statements, including the passions of the President. No single event. In any case, the AFC is doing very well at he personal level...

That true, the couple ministers living large and getting fat salaries while the masses eat cake!  At last here you are correct.  Now, when is your turn?

baseman posted:
TK posted:

banna, i asked for the "evidence" and this is what u produce . . . huh?

You have to look at the broad trends and statements, including the passions of the President. No single event. In any case, the AFC is doing very well at he personal level...

That true, the couple ministers living large and getting fat salaries while the masses eat cake!  At last here you are correct.  Now, when is your turn?

you fools ever think before u post 



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