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PPP & Police cover up

Dangerous Crimes for 5 Days


LAMAHA PARK UNDER SIEGE! –armed bandits open fire on pursuing residents after a failed robbery

LAMAHA PARK UNDER SIEGE! β€“armed bandits open fire on pursuing residents after a failed robbery


HAD it not been for the grace of God, a mother would have been mourning the loss of her two innocent public-spirited sons; and the operator of an Internet cafΓ©, sleeping in her bed, might have also been killed by the indiscriminate gunfire employed by armed robbers during a foiled robbery attack at Lamaha Park early Tuesday morning.


Shortly after 02:00hrs on Tuesday morning, two bandits allegedly forced their way through a window into the lower flat of a two-storey home in Lamaha Park, Georgetown, while about four others kept watch at strategic points around the building.


They had swooped down on the home after hearing that a crate may have come from overseas with items for a wedding. But the two who had entered the building were discovered and intercepted by occupants of the home, who raised an alarm.

Frantic shouts of β€œThief! Thief!!” rent the solitude of the neighbourhood during that early Tuesday morning, and public- spirited neighbours ran out of their homes to render assistance to the beleaguered.

The valiant young men of the neighbourhood who pursued the robbers had no idea their quarry was armed. They hurled sticks at the robbers to keep them at bay; but, incensed at the audacity of the youths, the armed men turned back and recklessly opened fire on the residents, discharging approximately five shots at their pursuers.

Two brothers narrowly escaped being struck by the bullets, even as a third bullet traversed to the other side of the road to hit the glass door of an Internet cafΓ© and remain trapped in the curtain behind the glass door.

Amidst the panic occasioned by the gunfire, the occupants of the home housing the Internet CafΓ© were completely unaware that a bullet had made its way into their yard and had hit the cafΓ©, until the following day when it was discovered by little boys playing in front of the business place.

A report was made at the East La Penitence Police Station, from where ranks visited the scene and removed the warhead from its trappings.

Residents are amazed at what had happened, and claim it is a miracle that the bullet, travelling with that speed and force, could have gone through the glass door, made such a hole, and be suddenly stopped in its tracks by a mere curtain fabric.

The young woman who owns the cafΓ© is still giving God thanks and praise for His mercies.

Residents, meanwhile, are proverbially holding their breaths even as they experience sleepless nights as they continue to live in fear of what could happen on any night of the bandits’ strike.

Over the last six weeks or so, at least fifteen attacks have been made on homes in that community, and it is alleged that, on three occasions, the men raped women in the homes broken into because they felt that they did not find enough booty. It has been noted that the majority of these attacks are carried out between the hours of 02:00 and 03:00, when the community is soundly at rest.

Most attacks, it is felt, have been carried out randomly, with no real knowledge of the material assets in the homes broken into.

About six weeks ago, a man carrying β€˜a shine gun’ walked up the back stairs of an unemployed septuagenarian amputee, (in his seventies), came face to face with his victim, and ordered him to hand over his cash. Shocked out of his wits, the septuagenarian told him that he had no money, and that he was just out there puffing a cigarette as he wondered what he’d cook the following day. The resident said he turned away for a brief moment, and when he looked again, the man with the shine gun had disappeared.

The prevailing circumstances are making it incumbent upon Lamaha Park residents to implore the police to recommence their routine patrols around the area, which hopefully will serve as a deterrent to criminal elements wishing to carry out nefarious activities in the neighbourhood.

With the Christmas holidays being here and the likelihood of people firing squibs, residents find themselves facing a dilemma to determine when the cracking sounds are those made by lighted squibs as against those made from revolvers. They are perplexed to determine how to react to the sounds.


Maybe Yuji & Kwame would tell us why this Robbery was being covered up by the Govt & Police.

Originally Posted by Jalil:


Jealous husband knifes

Guyanese wife & lover to death

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Brooklyn man kills Guyanese wife, lover caught having sex in car

December 20, 2014 | By | Filed Under News 
dead lover: Jerome Barrett

Dead lover: Jerome Barrett

Dead wife: Jonelle Barker

Dead wife: Jonelle Barker

Brooklyn ( – The stabbing death of a man whose naked body was found outside a Brooklyn apartment building was the result of a sordid love triangle that ended in two killings, not one β€” and the arrest of a suspect on Thursday. Jerome Barrett, 35, of East New York, is believed to have been having sex with a co-worker in a parked car when the woman’s cuckolded husband interrupted them early Wednesday, police sources said. The husband, Steve Whittingham, 48, stabbed Barrett several times in the chest and did the same to his wife, Jonelle Barker, 36, killing them both, police said as they announced Whittingham’s arrest Thursday night. Barrett, who was married, was mortally wounded but managed to flee, clutching his clothing and wallet, the sources said. He made his way to the entrance of an apartment building on Louisiana Ave. near Seaview Ave. in Spring Creek Towers shortly after 1 a.m. Wednesday, the sources said. He was ringing the buzzer at the main entrance, trying to summon help, when he was overcome, the sources said. His clothes and wallet were found a few feet from his body, just outside the building’s entrance. A day later, about 3:30 a.m. Thursday, Barrett’s car, a Kia, was found parked on New Lots Ave. in Brownsville, the sources said. Inside the trunk was Jonelle Barker’s body. She, too, was naked, the sources said. Investigators believe Barrett and Barker, who were baggage handlers at JFK Airport, were having an affair and that Whittingham, who also worked there, killed them in a rage after learning about the infidelity and catching them, the sources said. Jerome Barrett’s brother, Benjamin Barrett Jr., who lives in Virginia, was stunned when he heard his sibling had been slain. β€œNo! … You’re kidding, man!” he said, adding that their father had died of cancer just last week. β€œHe was just coming back down here this weekend for the funeral.” Whittingham surrendered to authorities hours before Barker’s body was discovered, the sources said. He was charged with one count of second-degree murder and one count of first-degree murder, which could get him life without parole if convicted.

Accused of double murder: Husband, Steven Whittingham

Accused of double murder: Husband, Steven Whittingham

Whittingham and Barker shared a home in Flatlands, police said. Outside their Avenue K home on Thursday night an elderly woman wept as neighbors tried to console her. Neighbours said the woman was Whittingham’s mother. She declined comment A cousin said the entire family was stunned. β€œThis is a shock to all of us,” the cousin said. β€œHe loved her so much.” Neighbours had only good things to say about the dreadlocked Whittingham. They said that he works in a garage, is a family man and was just seen buying doughnuts for his kids. Barker on Tuesday twice updated her Facebook cover photo, first with a picture lauding God as the best listener who hears our prayers, then with a picture of Betty Boop. Barrett lived four miles from the Spring Creek Towers building where his body was found. Whittingham drove Barrett’s Kia from the scene after Barrett fled, the cop sources said. They did not reveal where the car had initially been parked, but they said investigators have recovered a surveillance video of the killings. Barrett’s sister-in-law said neither she nor her husband knew Barrett was having an affair. β€œHe always seemed to be family-oriented,” Michelle Wilson-Barrett said. β€œHe had a heart made of gold. β€œIt’s shocking to me,” she added. β€œI didn’t know that side of him.” She also raged at Whittingham. β€œHe could have hit him in the head with a bat or just beat him up,” she said. β€œI’m a firm believer of you reap what you sow. I think he should pay for this.”

Originally Posted by Jalil:

APNU laments

failures of gov’t in 2014

Pres. Ramotar’s tenure has been a complete failure – Granger

December 20, 2014 | By | Filed Under News 

By Kiana Wilburg

After assessing the performance of President Donald Ramotar’s administration for the past three years, Opposition

Opposition Leader, David Granger

Opposition Leader, David Granger

Leader, David Granger unequivocally concluded that the government has been nothing but a complete failure. The Leader of A Partnership for National Unity (APNU), made this statement to members of the media yesterday at his end-of-the-year press conference, which was held at the Herdmanston Lodge, 65 Anira Street, Queenstown, Georgetown. Granger asserted that Ramotar, in a friendly review of his tenure conducted by the Government Information Agency (GINA) on December 12, described his three year tenure of office as β€˜mixed’. The politician reminded that Ramotar was sworn in on December 5, 2011, but opined that the reality is that his Presidency is worse than β€˜mixed’ for it has simply failed in its most vital aspects. He cited some of these as democratic governance, public security, youth strategy, control of public finance, public health strategy and infrastructural plans. Granger said that President Ramotar will be forever remembered as the one who inflicted the greatest damage on parliamentary democracy by his November 10th, prorogation of the Parliament. He reminded that Guyana’s National Assembly has not met to discuss the people’s business for five months. Granger remarked that the outrageous prorogation of Parliament was Ramotar’s way of avoiding debate on his own performance and that of his cabinet. He has failed, moreover, to conduct the prescribed periodic Local Government Elections provided for and protected by the Constitution, the Opposition Leader said. Granger then pointed to what he described as a failed public security strategy in which  he pointed out that Ramotar and his Minister of Home Affairs, Clement Rohee have neglected to make Guyana safe for citizens and investors. He said that the combination of corruption, cronyism and other crimes has taken a toll on the quality of life.

President Donald Ramotar

President Donald Ramotar

The APNU Leader said that the number of armed robberies is increasing. Banditry in the hinterland, maritime piracy along the coastland, fuel smuggling, gun-running, contraband and suicides, Granger said, continue to propel a high rate of emigration to safer countries. With regard to youth strategy, he said that Ramotar has no plan for providing jobs for thousands of young people who leave school each year, and that unemployment is the central issue affecting young people. The Opposition Leader also said that Ramotar’s Minister of Culture, Youth and Sport Frank Anthony, has been unable to produce a comprehensive National Youth Strategy in the eight years that he has occupied that post. The politician also commented on the failed control of public finance by Minister of Finance, Dr. Ashni Singh who he reminded had to be referred to the Committee of Privileges twice this year, because he refused to comply with rules of the National Assembly. He mentioned that Resolution 15 was passed in the House which required Dr. Singh to lay a report on all extra-budgetary agencies, including the Guyana Development (Lotto) Fund and that of the Guyana Geology and Mines Commission. He highlighted too, that it also directed that the Finance Minister pay all monies being held by those agencies into the Consolidated Fund but this is yet to be done. Granger then commented on what he deemed to be a failed public health strategy. On this front, he said that the Minister of Health, Dr. Bheri Ramsaran has failed to implement a comprehensive pubic primary health care plan. He noted that the country is still frightened by recurrent reports of outbreaks of the Chikungunya disease, and that the persistence of other vector-borne diseases such as dengue, filaria and malaria remain a threat to public health. As for the public infrastructure plan, he said this leaves much to be desired and the public works sector performance has earned an β€œF” grade. Granger informed the media that President Ramotar inherited a bundle of flawed public infrastructure projects from his predecessor, Bharrat Jagdeo. β€œHe had no strategy of his own and failed to record a single success. The contract to construct the road to the Amaila Falls Hydro project had to be withdrawn from Synergy Holdings. The Atlantic Hotels Inc project, popularly referred to as the Marriott Hotel project is still mired in controversy. The Cheddi Jagan International Airport extension project faces challenges as a result of poor planning on the part of the Government. The 560km Fibre Optic Cable Project managed by the President’s son, Alexei Ramotar is in jeopardy. The contract for the Specialty Surgical Hospital awarded to Surendra Engineering Corporation Limited has to be terminated on grounds of fraud and non-compliance,” Granger lamented. On that note, the Opposition Leader reminded of another report by GINA which quoted Cabinet Secretary, Dr. Roger Luncheon as saying that the government has not been able to achieve the objectives of the prorogation.  But that is an understatement, Granger opined. He said that Ramotar has not been able to achieve any meaningful objectives on anything, be it in democratic governance, economic development, human safety and social cohesion. The politician concluded that the Donald Ramotar Presidency has failed. Granger’s comments were strongly supported and reiterated by APNU General Secretary, Joseph Harmon. Even as he criticized the Government, the Opposition Leader was asked to describe his coalition’s performance in the National Assembly. β€œExcellent, pass, splendid, magnificent…” Granger remarked promptly. Asked also if he could back up his grades with evidence that his coalition tried to stop those things for which the government β€˜got an F grade,’ Granger said that his coalition has worked tirelessly to halt many of the abuses of the state resources, has increased the level of scrutiny and continues to struggle to ensure Guyanese have a better life.


Sectoral performances… Failing to give youth hope is Ramotar’s major failure – Granger

December 20, 2014 | By | Filed Under News 

Opposition Leader, David Granger, has said that the biggest failure of the Donald Ramotar presidency is Ramotar’s

Opposition Leader, David Granger

Opposition Leader, David Granger

inability to give young Guyanese hope. Ranking as the second most worrying failure of the current administration in Granger’s estimation is the continuous degeneration of public security systems. Granger was at the time, responding to a question, at the coalition’s end of year press conference. He was asked to say which sector performed the worst based on his observations and which ministerial division, at least, made some commendable efforts to clean up its act. β€œWell that is a hard choice. There are so many failures but which is the worst? My view is that it would be the failure to give the youth hope. They are our future; Ramotar’s failure to give youth hope through the education system and job creation is probably the most serious of all of his failures. The young people who should be taking over this country have been migrating in droves, he said, and they have had little to look forward to from the People’s Progressive Party in terms of educational opportunities and jobs,” the Opposition leader explained. He added that ranking second would be β€œthe question of human safety.” β€œPeople feel unsafe in this country. Children on streets are being hit down by motorcars; there is domestic violence, and banditry in the hinterland…Sometimes even going to a wedding reception or wake could end in death. People just feel unsafe. β€œI met some persons in the Diaspora who are afraid to come home because of this.” While Granger did not directly comment on any particular sector which showed at least, some modicum of improvement, he did note that as far as the good points go, Ramotar’s decision to exit office prematurely is perhaps something he would be applauded for. The APNU leader said that the Head of State has saved the nation having to wait five years to see his exit. β€œBy this time next year we will have a happy Christmas because he (Ramotar) will be gone,” the Parliamentarian added. The 2014 half year report on the performance of the economy had also projected that Guyana will continue to see sustained growth. Asked to give his take on the economy in light of this report, Granger opined that  the current financial arrangements only allows for a selected few to get richer while the income gaps continue to widen. The Opposition Leader asserted, β€œMy estimation is that when we look at economic growth we have to look carefully at who gets what and what we are seeing is jobless growth. We are seeing that the pie is getting bigger and the rich getting richer meanwhile the income gap continues to increase. There are extremely poor people in this country …we are concerned about that. β€œAs far as I can see there is less happiness or a lower level at that for a large number of persons and as far as we are concerned the growth is not providing wealth for the mass of people in this country.” Granger said that the APNU has observed that some sectors are under performing, particularly the manufacturing sector. He said that what the nation continues to see are foreign companies which are extracting the country’s primary products, timber and minerals but the value added aspect remains an unfulfilled promise. General Secretary of APNU, Joseph Harmon, supported Granger’s comments. Ramotar and his Cabinet have facilitated an environment which allows for industrial scale corruption. He said, however, that the Minister of Finance, Dr. Ashni Singh, is not to be blamed entirely for his brazen financial improprieties. The politician argued that most of the blame falls squarely at the President’s feet. Harmon said that the President is directly responsible in this regard for Dr. Singh continuing to go unpunished for his financial lawlessness.


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